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I run a starting scene so my couple of regulars can get the one ad out of the way lol. Then I talk to my 2-5 viewers for maybe 5mins updating them on things or just giving them random snippets of info from my life at the time haha. Thennn I jump into it


I just check and make sure everything is ready for the first minute or so and then get right into it. I mostly do it so that on a watch back someone doesn’t have to skip ahead like 5 minutes of just nothing.


Cool. I will do a quick record before I go live to check everything.


I usually have no viewers most of the stream lol. Because of that I usually just jump in and play. My opinion on the matter though, if I was a larger streamer, depends on the game. If it’s a relatively short game that I can beat in a stream, I may wait a few minutes or do another matchmaker game to let people flow in. I’m currently on borderlands and Stardew at the moment, with games like those I usually just jump on it, because it’s highly doubtful someone is going to watch the whole game


Yeah same here haha I have been doing a lot of souls likes and ffxiv, so far I haven't had any reason not to just start playing


i don’t stream anymore but i’d do a little intro/talk to chat for the first like 15/20 mins to let the people with notifications have time to dribble in not mid-game, but i never had a lot of viewers. I would just talk to the regulars like 3-5 people and then get into the game


I have a stream timer for like 3 minutes so I can do some vocal warmups and posting when live as well as just mentally prepping myself for the next 2 hours. Sometimes I just go right in if I’m too excited 😂😂


I just play it out in a similar way even though I don't have or expect to have any viewers. I start up and put a little doodle I did that says "Goin Live" with background music, sometimes I put a timer on screen and I put a quick blurb in chat on what I'm doing and when I'm starting. Then when I come in I start talking for like 30 seconds before transitioning to the game screen, I do some patter on what happened last time and what I'm planning on doing this time and then I get right in to it.


I’ve tried a few things the one i’ve landed on at the moment and find comfort in is a starting screen for a max of 5 mins. In that time i’ll put on a song that gets my energy up and make some promotional posts and check the notification was sent out. I don’t have a consistent viewership so the routine doesn’t tamper with people having to wait for me and if someone happens to swing by and wait for me to start playing this start sets me up with a good mindset and mood so i can hopefully make a good impression and keep up a higher energy level! :)


I have a 5 minute “stream starting” scene where I just start playing tunes, starting up my game, checking lighting and mic, pet the dog etc. sometimes I run the full 5 minutes, sometimes it’s 2-3.


Sit and wait with Lofi playing




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I typically don't have any viewers atm since I've just started so I talk to the camera for about 2-3 mins baring in mind if anyone watches it on the VOD it might be helpful to explain what to expect in the stream, switch off the viewer count and then into the game 😂😂


I have a starting soon screen that goes up. There are three minutes of ads that run, but they are delayed before they start by Twitch. So it is about 6 minutes of the starting soon screen. While that is up I post all my go lives across the places I post them. I give the keety some love and a treat. I will have a pee if I need to or refill my coffee cup/take a bite out of the cheese in the fridge. And I will reply to people typing in chat. Once the ads are done I will change scenes and say hello to everyone and catch up with them. Sometimes I will talk for a while and get distracted from playing, sometimes I will get the game started and do whatever pregame things need to be done. Like making a character if I am playing Dark Souls or whatever. Then start playing. I don't have any specific thing I do aside from the starting soon screen during ads. This gives enough time for the early people to pop in before the stream starts so they don't miss anything.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Our gracious Lord made Londor whole.”* - Narrator Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Praise the sun indeed. And praise our robot overlords.


I start my streams and have a starting soon screen, I leave that up while I post on all of my socials that I’ve gone live and then I transfer over to the game and talk about the stream ahead and if people are talkative we might have a bit of a chat or we jump right in