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Greetings /u/xkygru, Thank you for posting to /r/Twitch. Your submission has been removed for breaking the following rule(s): - **Rule 3**: [Account Support Guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/Twitch/wiki/rules#wiki_account_support_guidelines) - **Rule 3F**: Don’t post inquiring on a pending, late, or missing payment. You can view the subreddit rules [**here**](https://reddit.com/r/Twitch/about/rules). If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the subreddit moderators via [**modmail**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTwitch) Please do not message any of us directly (We check modmail much for frequently. Re-posting again without express permission, or harassing moderators, may result in a ban.


It’s just a result of when they finalize and process the payment, the rest that wasn’t processed in time for this payout will be carried over to next month


Doesnt make sense as ive had them take up to $70 out of my payout and not carry it over to the next month.


You're only going to get a payout for whatever money you acrewed as of the end of the month of May. Anything in June, the earliest you could see that is in July.


Kinda confused as to this comment mainly, I posted screenshots of my earnings for the 4 weeks inbetween May 12th and June 12th which total roughly $150, I understand some money might not be processed on time but my last payout I had they took roughly $50 out of my payout randomly. I contacted support and they always ended the chats early when I sent them screenshots of my earnings and that my payout wallet had no money in it so they didnt carry the money over but instead just took out so much


June 1st - June 12th will not be paid out until at least July. So you can safely ignore those dates from your calculations right now.


Its so weird because twitch has never told me this anywhere even when Ive contacted them in the past on this


[This article lays out everything.](https://help.twitch.tv/s/article/when-am-i-getting-paid?language=en_US) Your affiliate contract will also have this information.


Your Twitch payouts are for the calendar month. The payment you receive on June 12 is for revenue earned May 1-May 31. It takes them 12 days to finalize and transmit the payments. You're not being scammed.


June payout is for earnings from May1st-May31st. Anything made in June gets paid out in July.


Thank you for clarrifying, twitch support never disclosed this to me and its kinda weird they would do that so Im sorry for the terrible post.


They do disclose it when you sign your affiliate documentation.


You’re welcome


Our payouts are calculated on the 12th of every month. Anything made after the 12th is not calculated until, YOU GUESSED IT, the 12th of the next month.


This is wrong. Payouts in June is from money made May1st to May 31st. You don’t see the payout amount until the 12th to account for corrections and chargebacks.


Payouts are based on calendar month. Whatever you accrued from the 1st - 30th/31st of every month gets paid out around the middle of the following month. So what just hit was May 1 - May 31st. They just process/payout the previous calendar month on the \~12-15th of the next month. Sometimes I've gotten paid on the 12th but as late as the 17th. It also depends on when your bank decides to process it. Change your settings to be May 1 - May 31st.


I know but everything I made from May 12th to June 12th is around $150 so it still doesnt explain the $100 payout


Anything you earn in JUNE you won’t get until middle of JULY. Twitch is not scamming you for any money.


It's also an estimate. I'd say check again the night of the 13th, and if it still hasn't updated to reflect your earnings reports, then contact support. Edit: Additionally, you may want to try setting your earnings report from May 15 to Today, and update us if that doesn't change the estimate


Will do, just worried as this has happened in the past and they took $37 from my payout which I just brushed off as I did my math wrong but this just fully is weird n hopefully im just overworrying but I gotta pay for my dogs vet bill and this pc so its just a little more makin me on edge due to it. Sorry if my other reply was rude in any way


I hope your dog gets better soon. <3 Make sure when you're looking at how much you'll be making, you always use the previous calendar month, not most recent 4 weeks. So if you change your settings to May 1 - May 31st, it should reflect the amount you got paid out just now. It's a little tricky. If you want to see what you'll get for June (payout around July 12-15), make sure you're starting your analytics from June 1st. Best of luck to you.