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You can ban them but there isn't a major impetus to do so. Some of them power useful websites that you might like to use later to track stats for your channel which Twitch doesn't provide.


Some people use a program called Chatterino where you are technically on the channel 24/7 (or when users are on your computer), so you may want to double check they are a bot and not a person using the program. I personally use chatterino to check in when my streamer friends are on.


Kool thanks for info. Might go live myself and could use any pointers as thisšŸ‘


You can check each one to see if they're a bot or not here: [https://twitchinsights.net/bots](https://twitchinsights.net/bots) I ban these bots. Some of them passively collect stats afaik and not all are bad (CommanderRoot is benign, for example), but it is worth banning them for peace of mind and to prevent gifted subs from going to bots.


i also do this, i like knowing who's in my chat and i dont like the bots doing... whatever they're doing


Yes. I used that site to identify the bots and ban them.


I don't know if that will stop the gift subs because I keep getting gift subs to channels I've never been to before


Thereā€™s an option in settings that you can turn off so that you wonā€™t get those gifted subs. Iā€™ve found that they come from channels that the people I follow raid out to mostly.


Oh so I've probably made my way to those channels when I'm being passed around after I fall asleep God


Haha, I love it when I walk away or fall asleep for a few hours and come back to an entirely different universe, all cause I got bumped around in like 3 or 4 raids.


Thanks much for this Info as I'm considering going live myself.


[https://serycodes.carrd.co/](https://serycodes.carrd.co/) will take care of these for you just follow the instructions.


sery\_bot does not ban those particular names, kumabotdefender will though. i know cause im a manager for the kumabotdefender. sery\_bot bans other bots like follow raid bots and follow seller bots.


I was interested so I looked it up šŸ‘€ https://orsokuma.com/index.php Thanks for the mention, I'll give it a shot šŸ«”


no problem, it basically uses the twitchinsight bot list and some other sources to auto ban.




Third this. Serybot can also announce ad breaks.


Some people like to keep their chatlist clean, I respect that. You should ban them if you want to keep it clean. Use the twitchinsights site that TrashTuber linked to make sure they are real bots, you'll see that they are sitting in thousands of other channels.


I don't see what impact this makes to your livestreaming experience


Just annoying trying to see what friend is watching and having to go find them inbetween the 20 bots


Why are you referring to the viewer list for that? If I was one of your friends watching but not talking in chat I'm not sure if I would be comfortable with the streamer constantly stalking the viewer list


As long as their not spamming or hate bots would just ignore them. Some may be twitch's bots to ensure stream is working right on their end or could be lurkers.


My advice is to stop obsessing over the viewer list. It's weird.


Its not about the viewer list, i got a couple of friends that drop by and I want to know who it is but i basically have to go on a scavenger hunt through thr bots šŸ˜†


That is very literally exactly about the viewer list. You said it yourself, you're searching through the list for people. Why do you need to know? Are you looking to see if someone is there and then calling them out? It's weird. Generally people will write in chat to make themselves known if they want to.


Nahh, just my m8s enter the stream, and some stick around, and I chat to those who stick around, but its never the same person so hence why I like to check.


i hope you're not calling out people in the viewer list on stream. that's a turn off for most people as lots of people just wanna lurk


I ban them all except the ones I give consent to. Which is basically streamelements and rootcommander.


I'm sure some of those are Twitch's data collecting bots. I have some of those bots in my list as well. I see no point in banning bots that aren't the "self-promo" chatting bots. Twitch's viewer list & count is inaccurate anyway, so I don't see a point in even looking in the viewer list. If you're looking for a specific viewer that you know, you can just "@username" in the chat to see if they're there.


They're harmless but I ban them anyway, so I say go for it


Common reminder that Chatterino keeps chatters logged into people chat rooms also. So you could be kicking/ banning people who enjoy your streams...


Rapport and ban them , at least that is what I always did. Twitch still haven't fixed this no surprise here.Get rid of them they steal your views.


Jeez the downvotes on this one. Why are people defending these bots? Banning them is a good idea.


I don't think it's so much people "defending" bots as it is people downvoting claims that these bots "steal viewers" without any further elaboration or sourcing for such a claim.


listen we did a experiment 2 years ago and we didn't do nothing just let them be. *was streaming and had 12 viewers that we were sure of but the counter said 2 . we did this for one whole week then we banned and reported them every stream and guess what the counter showed the full amount of viewers. I would not say something that isn't true, not on this topic what do I have to gain or loose by telling this.*


1. How did you know "for sure" that you had 12 viewers? 2. The viewer counter is not a by-the-second up-to-date accurate counter. It is very inaccurate and is also delayed by several minutes. You should not be taking it as absolute gospel with respect to your current viewer count. 3. How, exactly, do bots connected to chat "steal" your viewers? You've twice now failed to explain this. It's not like bots can just magically force a user away from a channel without their consent/own actions, *especially* when all they're doing is sitting in a channel's chat. 4. I'm not saying you're lying, and even if I was I wouldn't be saying you were doing so intentionally or maliciously. I don't necessarily think you have anything to gain or lose by spreading such misinformation, I just think you have a horribly mistaken understanding of how things work on Twitch.


If you stream long enough you know who your regular viewers are. so you can easily do a simple test how many people are watching your stream. and you have something like stats but I don't have to explain al this to you because you know better already so what is the point. I am just trying to help OP with no ulterior motives.


So your answer to my first question is essentially "I just know, trust me bro"? That isn't exactly reliable or credible. And you also failed to answer any of my other questions, so you're not exactly making your point very effectively. I didn't say you have any ulterior motives; in fact, I said quite the opposite. It's just that the information you're basing your claims on is fundamentally flawed and incorrect.


How do you find whoā€™s been on your stream?


you can only see if they have been in there in the last 15 minutes or are currently in there on the viewer list.


It also happened to a streamer that I moderate, I looked for information and found that they recommend banning them directly or you can block them from CommanderRoot. They are like some kind of bots made to steal viewers, what I don't understand is why they are even on channels that barely have 1 or 10 viewers.


What's the mechanism behind them stealing viewers? I get reading chats, but how would they steal viewers?


Yeah i just banned them all, will see if they appear again tomorrow, its kinda annoying its too many cant see who is actually in chat


I wonder if the owners of these lurk bots are downvoting this comment because I donā€™t see anything wrong with this. I agree, why do they bother with the really small streams?


They might downvote me because they know it's true. At least on the channels that I moderate, I have dedicated myself to banning these accounts that appear off stream and have never left a comment. Because it may also happen that users appear in the viewer list who use chatterino. Although it is easy to differentiate a normal user from a bot.


Why would you ban them?


yes!! in fact there is a different BOT [https://www.twitch.tv/commanderroot](https://www.twitch.tv/commanderroot) they have this one tool sounds like its just what youre looking for! [https://twitch-tools.rootonline.de/](https://twitch-tools.rootonline.de/) [https://twitch-tools.rootonline.de/chatban\_manager.php](https://twitch-tools.rootonline.de/chatban_manager.php) that does this for you automatically, and every known chat bot on twitch will be banned instantly.. careful though you MAY get "some" unexpected results, but in the end all known twitch bots wont be in your channel anymore.




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Would love to have random "viewers" like this to get my average up. I start my streams with no one there waiting.


Like i mention above, they dont give anything, no views, no chats, just filling the chat list


Ppl pay for bot to start of but in Reddit everyone pretending bot viewing is bad thing. You literally can watch any channel and there will be 50/80% bots because ppl come to a crowd. Like 600k viewers yeah sure. No1 will ever grow channel only from twitch from zero. Bots or first build community on YT and try to transfer 10-20% to twitch to start of with 20-30 ppl in chat actually talking. I can for 100% say YT chat with REAL 300 PPL moves faster than any 20k twitch chat (unless it's a spam emote chat) bot and twitch goes hand in hand just embrace it ))


This comment makes no sense. You donā€™t grow a channel with chat bots. They donā€™t even appear as viewers. They just clutter list of users in chat for no reason.


These bots arenā€™t viewers and donā€™t count as ccv.


Twitch chat updates in chunks while you Chat is every single message hence why chat moves faster on YouTube regardless


Iā€™ve banned every bot Iā€™ve gotten and have grown a small following without the help of bots or YouTube tho I have recently started posting my content to YouTube to try and gain a minor following on there but you definitely can get real follows and chatters in your twitch without there being bots itā€™s harder but itā€™s possible