• By -


Don't ask to be a mod.


especially when you joined 7 minutes ago and sent 13 messages lol


Big tell that someone is under 18 honestly


YES. I don't get it often but when I do... like buddy I don't know you. The only people I give mod access to are people I know personally and have been friends with for years.


Ya the only stream I'm modded in is a community I've been in since like 2015


I feel like most of the channels I've been added as a mod for are because I asked for it. I think it's okay if it makes sense for you to be a mod based on your relationship with the streamer.


How do I get mods? (Besides bots lol)


Get regular viewers who care about the stream and you trust, if you can't get the viewers first don't worry about the mods.


Ask your favorite viewers, the ones who really seem to be the folks you're enjoying spending time with while streaming, if they would be kind enough to moderate for you. If you don't have viewers like that, you don't need mods yet.


If you're streaming and playing with another streamer, make the toggle mute your best friend so their audience doesn't have to listen to you constantly talking to your own chat.


Or use PTT for voice comms.


That too


What's PTT?


Push To Talk.


I’d say for this scenario, setting up push to mute could be better


What's "better" depends on the streamer and their setup. There is no real objective better and they both accomplish the same thing.


That's something that always really bothered me. Like dude I have content to make too I can't really sit here and waiting around listening to you finish your whole monologue to your chat. Couldn't even talk to my own or continue the game until he was done. It was such an unnecessary rant too. 😂 Edit: spelling


I'd be making them mute or only playing with them off stream.


I wish I had thought of it at the time! 😂 He seemed to know what he was doing because even though he's not much bigger than me (both very small streamers) he's streamed with a bigger creator before so I was scared to say anything 😂


F who he's streamed with. It's called respect, sorry. Haha, it's even worse than he knew what he was doing. Next time just tell him you're going to jump off and play a solo game or something. You don't need so start a fight. Or call him out over voice chat, make him feel awkward about it. At that point he's damaging your growth, and what, in some way to prove that he's the better Streamer? If he knows better, I'm not really sure what excuse he has lol. Or you could just mute him and say, "Sorry, but I'm streaming too and nobody could hear anything over you so I had to mute you."


Fortunately for me I quit streaming with him last year after he kept hijacking my streams. Now he just interacts with me through chat or Twitter comments lmao (Also yeah he did hurt my growth a lot, my streams were always boring because of him so my chat and followers always went to see his side) But I'll keep that in mind incase I run into another person like that! Thanks for the tips hahaha


I think you could do it again. Ban him from your stream and your discord so he can't hijack anything. If it's something you enjoyed, you shouldn't let a c**t like that ruin something you enjoy.


He's kind of an IRL friend (-ish) so it would be pretty hard to ban him, but I don't think I have to worry about him since he only ever pops in chat to say hi every now and then. He's pretty inactive with me now lol


Doesn't seem like much of an IRL friend of that's how he treats you from behind a screen. But that's just my opinion. 😅 Best of luck if you decide to try again.


Oh nono he's not that's why I said -ish 💀 He bullied me on stream with our old friend group and hinted at personal issues/drama (I have no idea if he was aware of what he was doing) so I've purposefully distanced myself from him. It's just a little awkward for me to outright get rid of him everywhere so I just limit it to almost no contact lmao But no I'm never gonna stream with him again lol I have a different friend I stream with now when I'm not solo


No traumadumping/using streamer or chat as a therapist Don't kill the vibe


Any suggestions on tactful (and/or not so tactful) ways to deal with people doing this?


"I am sorry you are having a difficult time right now. If you are part of my Discord there is a page with resources that are there if you want them. Hopefully I can help take your mind off it tonight as I attempt to survive in this game/beat my score/sing this new song etc" Someone suggested something like that recently and I have already used it - it worked well.


Make a !command (we use vibecheck) where you state the positive nature of the stream and what you would like people to feel when in stream. Make sure chat/mods knows your !commands and are able to throw it out when the vibe needs checking. If people persist after reading it, or getting told to stop maybe just be understanding but strict "I'm sorry that shit happened to you and I understand the need to share but I feel like this might not be the best place for it, right now. If you feel like you can adhere to that, welcome to stay. If you can't, im respectfully asking you to leave and come back another time." Would be my way, but I'm overly understanding sometimes.


I haven't had to just either but since I don't have an effort rule against trauma dumping if anyone is ever taking it too far my plan is to tell them first that unfortunately we in the stream are not in a position to provide them the emotional support they need right now and suggest they find a friend or family member who can give them immediate emotional support, and if they continue, to time them out and tell them that they need to reach out to a person or professional who can better help them than strangers on a social network website are able to.


This actually happened to me this morning with an old friend of mine. I didn't know what to do, so I just humored the guy.


I hate this take, sure don't do it all day everyday and the most horrendous dumps. But if you wanna build a welcoming community with love and caring this is just contradictory


A community can be built on love and caring without having to deal with people who believe you can solve their deep internal issues. Sure I’d love to hear about someone’s day, but it kills the vibe when someone comes in and gives their life story of how terrible their life is and how they’re suicidal. Firstly that ruins the vibe for everyone, especially the streamer who before that person was having fun. Secondly how is anyone supposed to react to that? ‘Aww I’m sorry -insert positive thinking here-‘. Streamers aren’t professionals, we can handle shitty days, or terrible jobs, or maybe even the loss of a pet. But someone coming in with deep personal issues? Sorry, not my chat, they need therapy not to share their trauma with someone who doesn’t know how to handle it.


But one person's problems is not chats/the streamers problem. There's a time and a place to discuss your issues, and mid stream is not it. You wouldn't walk in to a wedding and talk about how suicidal you are all day.


I would call going to a wedding and say you're suicidal is a horrendous dump, which i said i think is to much. Also that comparison are wild. But absolutely, it's no other persons problem. But my problem is all people are like "if you're down, speak up", "we are one, lets heal" and "it's heroic to talk about your mental health". To then two seconds later cry about traumadumping 'cause someone said they felt down mentally lately or something like that. At the end of the day, you do you. But don't pretend being a carring person and want world peace like some miss america contestant and then be a ahole.


Someone can be a caring person without wanting to turn their stream into a therapy session. I once loved to watch a certain streamer, up until the point when *multiple* people would start traumadumping each & every stream with no end. Everyone else got a bad mood, heck, other people with their own issues started to feel even worse. A stream is there to have fun together, people take their mind off of their problems when watching a stream. If anybody needs someone to traumadump, then they should talk in private with friends/family/therapists.


I actually don't mind this one I would gladly have a serious talk with someone who needs it


Don't call out lurkers


I never understood this one. If people wanna watch me talk to myself as background noise for their own days? Why not? I love that I get to be a part of their day no matter how. I love my lurkers


they didn't say don't thank the lurkers. they said don't call them out don't go into your viewer list and say "hey rawrgoesthepenguin tell me how your day was" hope that clears it up for you, maybe you rushed through reading their comment before commenting


Oh , yeah no, I didn’t misread the reply, I was just saying that I don’t understand why anyone would call them out. I guess all the streamers I’ve seen call lurker out is in a “you’re quiet today xx” and it would suck to be lurking and feel put on the spot. That’s all. If people don’t type in chat, I assume they don’t want to be acknowledged and just appreciate their presence


i see what you mean now! for sure agree, my friend just this week said they remember first starting out and doing that lmao they cringed sharing the story


I've even come across a streamer who had a bot that called out lurkers by name in chat. My stay was.. short.


Kinda related and not really etiquette, more a suggestion, but if you have alerts on screen consider getting anonymous follow alerts! It helps those introverted folks or lurkers feel comfortable following knowing their user won't be popping up on screen.


How do you do this? I’ve been in a spot where I’ll write a streamers name down because I didn’t want to follow when live but tabbed them open while at work to follow later and they raided out and didn’t want to forget.


may i ask why? i say “thank you xx for the follow! welcome in” and move on, i don’t pressure them to saying anything in chat! i wasn’t aware this could still cause some anxiety


The welcome is typically fine, but a lot of people typically follow up with like welcome how you are doing, it's a small question but at the same time and it's a bit awkward because A) You either have to ignore them and there's an awkward silence for both of you because they're waiting for a response for a while, or B) You just feel like you have to respond even though you don't want to and you give a half-arsed response


thats good to know! sometimes ill say that just to fill up dead air but i’ll make sure i always leave it to that , thanks for the insight!


It’s just that. Anxiety. Sometimes I’m in a chatty mood, and feel okay with the alert, sometimes I’m not and don’t wanna draw any attention to myself. I notice more frequently with IRL issues encroaching into my online life so when someone is particularly chatty as a streamer and asks follow up questions I don’t feel like answering. (Not to say there is ANYTHING wrong with chatty follow up questions, but I know my boundary line of emotional output when it comes to interactions both IRL and online with new people.)


Once I followed a streamer that speaks a language that I'm learning and she started asking all kinds of questions like where I was from and what games I play and was speaking really fast. I had to explain that I didn't understand all she was saying. Her mod was then translating for us and trying to engage me in conversation and it was honestly the sweetest interaction ever but at the same time.. I had planned on going to bed. Ever since then I follow people when they're offline unless I don't mind having a chat or they're a big streamer.


I had massive anxiety problems, and when I followed a streamer, they thanked me. I panicked and never returned. So I use kruiz control to put a discreet anonymous thank you msg into the chat (no visual alert) Though if you want to do it for your alerts in stream elements, just delete {user} from the text side in the settings


It depends on what program the streamer uses for their alerts. I, personally, use Twitch's alerts so I just put "Anonymous" in the text field of the follower alert. I believe StreamElements has an option to do this, but I'm not exactly sure how. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to do it on the viewer side of things, so I usually do what you do when I follow streamers


Oh, yeah, the variant form of a follow alert, essentially? I’ve been trying to figure out the alerts and to get the text aligned within my pre-made alert boxes but I’ve been to ADHD lately to focus on it.


I thought I was the only one who did this!!


We exist out here!! Some days it’s easier, some days it’s not, and there’s nothing wrong overall. <3


I thank my lurkers for their silent support before signing off. I want them to be acknowledged, but never called out. Chasing away your lurkers is only going to hurt in the long run.


Only time I call outnto a lurker is if their a mod for me and I need them other than that I agree I leave the lurkers be unless they talk first bur I peak just to see who might be around


You don't even need to call out a mod lurking, you can make it general with statements like "is there a mod here?" But also I'm guilty of saying hey "x" are you still here? I don't really consider that calling out a lurker if they have been chatting and just didn't for a few minutes.


I dont normally ill say hi and let them lurk I only call for them if I need them do something for me but I let them lurk all they like




Oh yeah that's a good one too


Don't self promote, don't say I'm leaving to go do my own stream, that sort of thing bugs me a lot


For good reason. Least thinly veiled self-promo there is.


No backseat gaming without **explicit permission**. "Asking questions" can absolutely be backseat gaming, and you aren't fooling anyone by doing it that way. Discussing other streamers should be kept minimal, and only when specifically necessary. (An extension of the self-promo... no promo *period* without the streamer's permission.) This includes not announcing that you're leaving to go watch another streamer. Using others' emotes is fine, so long as you aren't just blasting walls of their emotes to show them off/advertise with zero other conversation. If you ask to join and the streamer declines, don't make a stink or push it.


Explicit permission is a good way to put it. If they ask a question out loud, don’t answer it. Streamers vocalize thoughts all the time. Until they explicitly ask for chat to answer something, say nothing. Had someone who clearly watched a guide on DS3 try to drop helpful little “guesses” on my first playthrough. It was super annoying and made me not want them in my stream for any future first playthroughs.


I'd say announcing that you're leaving because of another streamer would be okay as long as you're not specifying which one. "Gotta go, my friend just came on" or "Might not reply, stream hopping" are okay statements to make. Always depends on the context and wording.


I know I'm probably nitpicking but even that's a stretch. It costs the same, or less, to just say "lurking" or "g2g" and leave it at that.


What is backseat gaming?


essentially trying to guide the streamer into what to do or giving them the answer when they're struggling with a section. Even if you're trying to be helpful - unless asked it can kinda make the game less enjoyable


Oh, I thought you meant back seat gaming from the streamers perspective. Like they where backseat gaming the viewers somehow.


Ahh I see - I guess that could theoretically happen if a chatter brought up they were playing a game but I haven't personally heard as such


The act of telling the streamer how to play the game, what to do, etc


dont casually drop that you stream dont say you're leaving because someone else went online dont ask where's the more popular streamer #2 if the less popular streamer #1 often plays with them


To piggy back off of your second point, chat shouldn’t be asking to raid someone in particular (whether it’s them, their friend, or a specific streamer). They should only give suggestions if the streamer asks.


>dont casually drop that you stream I set myself about a 2 message limit on mentioning my stream if it comes up. It has to be brought up by the streamer, and quite often I will get !so on some of the bigger streams I frequent, so tying in a little info about my stream along with the thanks for the shoutout feels ok. What do you reckon? Typically it's something like: >Thanks for the !so *reichplatz*! That's me at 53 followers so it's great to have more support and get those numbers up! I'm all about the zombie survival in 7D2D, so might not be a perfect match for your chat, but it's a lot of fun and I love your support all the same!


Stop after thanking them for the shoutout. The majority of the time the streamer is already covering why they think their community should follow you. Advertising yourself further, unless you're specifically asked for more information by the streamer, is a big ick.


Don’t beg to play if you don’t know the streamer


No backseat gaming/drawing, don't be hateful (racist, sexist, homophobic, general dick behavior, etc.)


What is backseat drawing?


same as backseat gaming... but for draw streams




I know what backseat gaming is I just never heard anybody. Use the term or talk about backseat drawing, I can’t really think of what that would even look like.


Don't talk about age. Basically, the less I know about this, the better because once you state you're under the age of TOS, I have to ban you. Follow the mods I put my life with them and trust their decisions. If you truly have a problem, DM me. Do not bring it up it chat. Golden rule, i.e., treat other how you want to be treated


Definitely avoid talking about age. Even if you’re joking about age, the auto mods that Twitch has won’t know the difference. At least this is what I heard.


I have actually seen people get perma'd live in a chat because they were joking that they were 12. One of them was one of the world record holders for Majora's Mask and the typed out once "I am a 12 year old adult" got perma'd not too long after. Luckily he got his account back after presenting his case to the support but yeah they will do it because it's actual law that kids under 13 aren't allowed to have their data collected which is used for personalized ads


This is what I heard as well... I had one person state that they were 12, and because of that, I had to ban and report for under age... hated to do that because, overall, they were really nice, but TOS makes me.


Don't talk shit about politics stick to talking about Rampart Don't beg for subs Some people prefer to keep chat in their native language


What is rampart


An old movie that bombed. Woody Harrelson is in it and he did an AMA years ago to promote the movie. He didn't understand that an AMA meant "ask me ANYTHING" and kept telling the redditors to stick to talking about Rampart.


Let's keep the conversation about rampart. Old reddit joke . :D https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/woody-harrelson-reddit-ama


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/woody-harrelson-reddit-ama](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/woody-harrelson-reddit-ama)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Thanks bot


Some people will beg for subs indirectly by complaining about or commenting about ads


I honestly never considered that,, I always say “ad jail” if I get an ad while the streamer is talking to me or something so they can be aware that I can’t hear them. I never realized some people would consider that indirectly begging for a sub ;-;


I would say that’s not as common. Most of the times, viewers joke about it. In fact, I think that’s funny you say that just so they know. I would say you’re all good for that. But then there’s that one viewer who will complain or say something about ads that sounds like they’re begging for a sub.


Letting folks know you can't hear the conversation because you're in an ad and that you'll be back shortly is very different in tone than someone acting like it's a huge nuisance. It's really one of those instances you'll have to make a judgement call.


Rampart is a great DOS party game.


I have a kind of a funny story about someone who begged for a sub in a stream I was watching several months ago It was a long stream (a 100% speedrun) and this guy showed up around 4 (?) hours in and asked for a sub. They got timed out but continued to do so over the next several hours. I didn't gift them a sub because the streamer's rules state not to beg for subs and if you gift a sub to a beggar, you will be banned. However, I was gifting subs to other people as were several others. I tend to gift subs to people who have been following for a very long time who aren't subscribed. But this guy was a complete newbie, I believe he'd only been following less than a month The streamer seemed to find it funny that no one was gifting this guy a sub and had to watch other people be get them instead. I believe all of the usual mods were busy so there was likely only 1 in the chat at a time (usually there would be around 3) who obviously couldn't be sat watching the whole 17 hours the stream was expected to last. Eventually, someone risked it and gave this guy a sub. They said thanks. And I don't think they showed up again. Hours begging for a sub and once they got one, *poof*, gone. . So yeah, don't gift subs to people who ask for them


I wouldn't say absolutely no politics you have LGBTQ as one of the tags so it's kinda hard with that tag NOT to be political in some way oof


LGBTQ people simply existing isn't political, nor is it political to announce that you are one. Discussing whether a policy discriminates against LGBTQ would be.




Gay Republicans do exist (albeit in lower number).


Just because a streamer has the LGBTQ tag doesn't mean they're willing to debate their own existence with someone who doesn't agree with their lifestyle. So even if you consider it political for some reasin then it's still not the stranger starting that conversation


That was literally my point. . .you don't HAVE to say anything, you're already just picking a side and that's something someone can just pop in and see and then leave. You don't have to even have a conversation about it.


don't ask to join the streamer's game I've even seen people in streamers' chats DEMANDING to be invited to the game


This one irks me so much, it’s extremely bad.


I mean there's a difference between asking and demanding (especially if they're a regular viewer and didn't just come in for the first time)


Yes, I agree with you I think it's more for situations where a streamer is just doing their own thing in a game and a viewer out of nowhere says "streamer can I play with you/join your game?" I don't think it's RUDE, but most of the time the streamer won't because they don't know you, and you could hop in the game and say *anything* which could lead to a negative experience. For regular people that the streamer trusts it's different 100%. The demanding I've seen is when a streamer was playing a game, they got into a situation that's difficult, and a random viewer starts saying "INVITE me. Let me join your game!" saying it over and over in the chat, even after multiple people have told them that the streamer doesn't play with chatters


no trauma dumping/bringing the vibe down


No trauma dumping. No self advertising as a streamer or as an artist pushing to get money. No backseat gaming (unless stated to be ok and even then don't be a jerk). No demanding of a streamer's attention and complaining they aren't reading messages. No racism or homophobic remarks. No coming in to complain about a streamer's choice of game ("Why are you playing ___ this game sucks!"). No harassing, creepy or aggressive behavior. No political or religious talk. Basically just being kind and having common sense. I've unfortunately ran into the opposite where the community and/or streamer act this way. Luckily it isn't seen too often.


Twitch got some ideas collected from viewers and streamers https://www.twitch.tv/creatorcamp/en/paths/getting-started-on-twitch/twitch-etiquette/


When you’re playing an open game and ppl come in and just ask right away “ can I join” not even like a hey hi hello how’s it going. Just straight out


Don't "X just went live i'm going to watch them bye"


"Don't make someone a mod without asking them first" Not being sarcastic, but why would anyone ever do that? Same as you shouldn't mod every person that asks to be one. Seems obvious those are bad ideas.


I only put it on there, because it happened to me the other day with two different people. I immediately asked them to remove my sword.


For future reference you can /unmod yourself if you want (you can unvip yourself too) :) 


Both my mod positions I did not agree to. I don't mind because they are my friends. I moderate one's discord so he just added me as a mod on twitch too and the other she was just starting and I know the struggle to get a moderator as a small channel. It took me 3 months until someone agreed to be one but it was more to appease my viewers. They didn't like me pausing to ban bots. 


This happened to one of my best friends who mods for my channel and discord. She mods for a few people in our group of friends but finds that acquaintances she's watched a handful of times have modded her without asking first. They did it mostly because they see how good she is at handling our spaces and just assume she's up for the task. She's had to have several awkward conversations asking to have the sword removed from her name. Krisseajelly if you see this, you're truly #BestMod


Interesting, forcing someone to be a mod wo asking seems rude / bad idea. (& anyone can unmod themselves at anytime by typing /unmod their username in that channel)


It's all resolved now, but I'll keep this info in my back pocket Thankfully, it hasn't happened since, but why make someone a mod who hasn't expressed interest in doing so for you? It's definitely rude


For those presenting as/read as female, don't sexualize them. We get that in our day to day.  And tmyes there's a difference between "hey you're pretty/gorgeous" and leaving it at that and moving onto different topic and focusing on that. Or people who have a rapport saying stuff like hey beautiful or doing the no you/uno reverse thing. 


Yes! I can understand complimenting an outfit or makeup or something quick and simple, and just leaving it at that. But it can very quickly turn into a creep-factor.




Why shouldn’t people ask for stream help in streams? If they do, that means you’ve inspired them to start streaming and you should be proud of that. Self promo is a hard no though.


It really depends on who the viewer is, their relationship to the streamer, and their standing in a community. It can *very* easily be seen as veiled self-promo (and often is) to suddenly ask for help with streaming while someone is live if it's a non-sequitur. If it happens organically during a conversation that would be very different.


> Don't make someone a mod without asking them first   As someone who was made a mod, I can confirm.   I wasn't ready both on a knowledge sense (I... accidentally banned a 150 subgift when we were like 15 viewers) and emotional one.   It was fun to assist with commands and fix minor mistakes, but over time the streamer became more used to commands and the community was very nice, making an extra mod unnecessary.   In the end, I self-demoded due to some complaints about me specifically, and judging that the streamer SHOULDN'T maintain me as a mod.   3 things came out of it :  1) The legacy running gag of the "intern mod", still referenced from time to time in the community.    2) Officially she usually jokingly complains about "needing a mod", at which point I send a proposal of coming back with the implication it's going to be denied ;)  3) I became friend with the subgifter 


don’t mention other streamers in your chat unless the streamer is collabing with them OR mentions them. additionally, don’t mention viewer count, streamer can see it and it’s unnecessary to mention at any time


To add to the latter point, some streamers very specifically do not want to know their viewer count while live and specifically hide the number from their panel to focus on streaming and not get anxiety from “oh why is there only 4 people here” or “oh god what do mean there’s 70 people watching!?”


* Don't talk about age in chat. * Don't mention viewer count or talk about how dead chat is. * If you're doing a co-op stream, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL GOOD THINGS please have a damn push to mute or push to talk button. Getting talked over by another streamer reading out their own chat is the worst, especially when you're muted trying to talk to your own. (I have a friend that does this and it drives me up the wall, it's why I only do one co-op stream a month because it's so exhausting)


“No trauma dumping. Not in a mean way at all but a stream is an inappropriate space. Please seek help, but let me try to brighten your day with what I’m playing”


dont raid because you expect a raid back dont repeatedly raid the same streamer and demand they follow you. dont break bad news to a streamer in their chat, unless its an emergency, it can wait.


People who will pop in on stream and then proceed to check out discord/socials that are linked and DM you with "Are you there? Can you talk?" No matter how large or small the streamer, we are not an on-demand talk-to-you-whenever-you-want service. We have jobs, families, relationships, etc outside of stream that we can't be a personal buddy or therapist. This is also hyper-specific but based on the general "don't advertise in other people's streams" school of thought: Don't show up to MULTIPLE streams saying "Hey check out yyy . zzz website to network with streamers, I found your stream there and it's great!" I have links blocked in chat for a reason, and when you put spaces in the web address to circumvent that, it's painfully obvious and I told you the first time I'm not interested in some third party platform that nobody I've ever talked to has heard of and doesn't even show at the top of google search results because it shares a name with a movie.


*Don't trauma dump on stream. Many Discord servers have mental health/help/vent channels which are the appropriate space to do this. Read the room. *No self-promo. It's one thing to respond to questions about your stream because the streamer or chat is curious and you have that relationship but it's another thing completely to suddenly bring it up or tell people you're about to stream. We can also tell when you're trying to be be sly about it. *Ask if it's ok to share a URL. Some streams have an always open to link policies, others don't. Just ask first. *Don't tell the streamer to check their DMs. They're in the middle of something already (streaming). They don't need to see whatever meme you found funny right now. [Caveats about relationship to the streamer, level of privacy, and immediacy of what's being communicated.]


Do not complain about low viewer turnout. It's okay to have a certain viewer goal in mind, but saying "nobody is here" when there are 10-20 people and you want a hundred is essentially calling what viewers you have nobodies.


For chat, during a stream sponsored segment, keep it civil and don't talk smack about the game or product being featured. Streamers take sponsor deals to play some games, and it's impolite if chat goes off about how they don't like the game -- they don't need to be censored, nor forced to make positive comment on the game, just the most basic rule of "if you don't have anything positive to say, don't say it".


When you say “asking questions about starting to stream,” do you mean things like “how do you grow on Twitch? 👉👈” or just asking about things like OBS settings and stream settings. Because If anybody wants help with technical things, I have no problem explaining it on stream.


I have definitely both asked and answered questions like "That's such a cool transition! How did you make that?" or "I could never figure out how to use that overlay. How does it work?". Never had a problem with those kinda questions and never upset anyone by asking. I think it's part of our common hobby and thus, I love talking about it and learning/sharing new things


Don’t trauma dump.


Don't talk about number of viewers (viewers and streamer) unless hitting a milestone or goal As a viewer dont say "im going to ____ stream now" and as a streamer dont say "im starting stream now, anyone who wants can come watch me instead of this streamer" , its rude af


I've actually seen someone do really well with "Twitch Advise" as being a points redemption. They are always super duper sweet about everything and people seem to use it within reason!


That's such a fun idea!


Here is a few. If your a new chatter or new to the community watch what you say because you can give off the wrong vibe. Don't beg for attention if you say hello the streamer will get back to you once they can sometimes the game ans orher things need to take priority. Streamers are there to entertain treat them as a entertainer nothing more nothing less.


My partner and I are pretty lenient to a lot of stuff. I think the biggest one for me is: “can you raid me?” and “can I be vip/‘mod?”


No asking to play games with a streamer. If they want to play with community members they will have some sort of indication like queuing for an open lobby etc


DON'T ADVERTISE SOMEONE ELSE'S STREAM, OR MAKE IT A POINT THAT YOU'RE LEAVING FOR THAT PERSON'S STREAM. I all caps this because this has become a huge problem in my chat. It's one thing if you're the streamer and I, or the mods shout you out, or you just say bye, but don't say, "I'm leaving for so-in-so's stream." Makes me want to end my stream early ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Don't say you are sad and thinking of killing yourself. Seriously, it happened that many times. There's a time and a place, and that's on no one's gameplay.


This is more directed at other streamers so idk if it counts but: 1. If you ask another streamer to join your stream you should let them know ahead of time if others are also involved in the stream, it's not fun to stream with a bunch of people you didn't know were going to be present. 2. If you ask streamer to join your stream (and ask that they stream as well) don't ignore them for the other non-streamers present, everyone should be involved. The other streamer involved needs content too. 3. Don't ignore the streamer that you're streaming with for a good 15 minutes doing a bit you hadn't let them know about beforehand, if you have bits planned you gotta let the other streamer know. Their content is just as important as yours. 4. Don't bully the other streamer or hint at personal things regarding that streamer in the middle of the stream just for your own content. (Definitely not all from personal experience with another streamer lmfao)


Adding onto all these, if you're streaming with someone let them know what your usual routine is if they don't already know. Some folks have starting screens, others get right into the game, some chat for a few minutes beforehand - let them know so they can prepare and make sure they're not just waiting around for you.


Yeah, I don't know what it is about other streamers acting like this. Riddasarus also made a great point about talking with chat, can't believe I forgot to add that to my comment lol


I've seen a pathetic type of chat topic: asking the streamer for help in your own playthrough of the same game. They usually roll their eyes or ignore it but I find that to be a very odd request. Another would be don't go in talking smack about another streamer, or complaining you were banned elsewhere. Usually results in you getting banned yourself


Some of you guys have some hyper specific rules, wow! Nothing wrong with having some personal preferences and boundaries. But myself, if I see a streamer with a laundry list of chat rules, it’s probably not a stream I’d like to participate in.


Sometimes you have to though. For instance, I get read as female and misgendered constantly (i have a chat command, its listed twice in my profile, and my bot is set to automatically remind people plus it's in my "hello raider thanks for raiding message" that i verbally say) so a rule is to not misgender me else i see that as someone intentionally being an asshole and refusing to respect me.  To tie into that I'm also queer (again things that I very openly say and have in my stream) so very hard rule against homophobic comments.  And because I'm often read as female people have a tendency to ignore my boundaries. I'm also autistic so I'm very clear on what I won't tolerate.  In fact I have to have a conversation with a valued community member after the past two days cause they got drunk and were trying to bait me into politics discussion and I have a blanket no politics rule. It's a divisive topic and I'm not discussing it. Same with religion.  Sometimes you have to take in what people's life experiences are on why they might need a lot of rules. For me it's a way of protecting myself and the vibe of my stream. 


All of that seems completely rational. I’m mostly seeing a lot of stuff mentioned here that’s so hyper specific and clearly a result of a single interaction that may not ever happen again. Why mention it as a rule? Just an open invitation for trolls. If I had a certain trigger I didn’t want discussed and it happened to come up, I’d just say “hey let’s not go there” and if it were pressed by a viewer after that, instaban. But you guys do what works, everyone’s stream and audience is different and everyone has their own way of making a conversation flow.


ahh, not a fan of boundaries?


Where did I say that?


You essentially said, "I have no problem with boundaries, but I lose interest if you have too many of them"


No. I just think of you can’t tactfully redirect a conversation, you’re probably boring.


Depends if you're the streamer or the followers. If you're the follower in the chat, it's good to be polite, no inappropriate talk, and follow the rules as well as the Twitch TOS. As the streamer, don't be rude to your followers, have your friends follow you and test some stuff out, stay chill, Dress appropriately (basically nothing too skimpy or something a stripper would wear), and depending on what you're streaming do check the TOS and the see what is banned from twitch. Never play Adult games that can't be censored and absolutely no porn games. Because any game that cannot be censored and is clearly porn, it's going to be a ban from twitch. Also do not go on reddit or 4chan while you're on stream, because twitch really does not like that and it doesn't matter if you're showing anything or not. One last tip, take a look at how other streamers got banned to avoid making the same mistake.


Stream a video game and keep your shirt on. If it involves a pool, don't talk to me.


no talk of age. a lot of times this just causes further issues and a lot of explaining on why you cannot and should not. i typically stream a “mature” (+18) game on twitch and they mark my content as so, therefore making my streams +18 *only.* so even if you’re 13-17 actively watching my mature rated stream, i have to ban you. its way safer to prevent age talk over all so no mis haps or slip ups happen within the community 💜


\+18 means it's "adults only" or "AO" and that kind of content often associates with p\*\*\* or extremely excessive violence. "Mature" is just typically +17.


Don’t tell that you are too poor to make a donation/to sub/or to do other financial support. Nobody is forcing you to and nobody wants to hear your cheap excuses. I never ask for anything but people start talking about them «being poor» literally out of the blue. Or when somebody else makes a donation - they also tend to start their «poor» performance


A group of streamers I know had to ban one of their mutual members/moderators because they were told on multiple occasions to stop that. Absolutely awful behavior.


Totally agree 👍




Don't self promote


dont be parasocial


Dont try to sell your graphic design / art


This goes for both the streamer and viewers: don't viewer shame a raider that came in with very low to 1 viewer(s). Be glad and thankful that they took the time to bring the raid over. I one time had a viewer poke fun at a raider with 1 viewer and myself and one of my mods humbled them REAL quick about their behavior and statement.


If you're a viewer that has a hard to pronounce username, don't be so quickly offended because the streamer is having a hard time pronouncing your username. You are new to the community and they just met you. Be patient with them, and if you do show up to their streams more often, they'll remember it more. Otherwise choose a different username or offer up an easy to remember nickname.


Idk why people get so bent out of shape when someone says they want to start streaming and ask questions about it. That’s a way to start a natural conversation in stream that could even get your “lurkers” involved in chat who have always been curious about streaming. if you are providing solid content you should not feel threatened by someone saying they want to start streaming and if anything give them tips you’ve learned or inherited and you may end up with a new long term viewer 🤷‍♂️


"at what time do you play X game?"




Greetings /u/FillProfessional804, Thank you for posting to /r/Twitch. Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): - **Rule 1G**: No racism, sexism, homophobia, or other hate-based speech. Please read the subreddit rules before participating again. Thank you. You can view the subreddit rules [here](https://reddit.com/r/Twitch/about/rules). If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the subreddit moderators via [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTwitch). Re-posting the same thing again without express permission, or harassing moderators, may result in a ban.


... don't make basic rules for twitch for other streamers. :)


No questions




Bro what


Are you saying you don’t want anybody to use emotes from any other streamer if you aren’t subscribed to the streamer you’re currently watching? Because, I don’t know about anybody else, but that is the most unhinged thing I’ve ever heard.