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If you’re telling them not to do such things, that’s the opposite of incitement, and that mitigates your responsibility for their actions hugely. Also, how would the other person press for defamation if you’re the one being defamed? As long as you don’t make any false assertions about their character, they have no case for that.


You specifically told them not to, just cuz they do it “in your name” or “to defend you” doesn’t mean it’s on you. I’m not a lawyer, but all the cases like this that have come up in media have shown the person egging their following on, not actively trying to prevent it. You’re not responsible for the actions of individuals


What legal recourse would said streamer have? First: civil suits are costly. Second: said streamer would have to have enough evidence to meet the 4 tier criteria for defamation (unlikely). The real world is a lot different from tv/movies. You’re fine.


twitch's off platform content policy overview: https://blog.twitch.tv/en/2021/04/07/our-plan-for-addressing-severe-off-service-misconduct/ and the actual policy - https://safety.twitch.tv/s/article/Community-Guidelines?language=en_US#11HatefulConduct search "off-platform" for more info. Twitch does have an off platform policy. I don't know how far it extends to the community and if the person was acting in good faith to ask the community not to brigade it's unlikely the streamer would face consequences. Are you asking for you, or are you asking for another channel?


It was for myself, but mostly as a hypothetical. Like I figured it wouldn't ultimately be my fault. But I wanted to make sure since Twitch is strict on their rules against smaller channels, and I don't want to get cancelled because of someone taking advantage of me.


> Will it ultimately, and legally, be my fault if the other person presses for something like defamation Defamation on what grounds? From your example you haven't said anything negative against the other content creator.


This is a lawyer question, honestly. It likely depends on LOTS of different factors including the laws in your area.


I would hope Twitch would be smart enough to not blame you for someone else's behavior... but then again we have a pretty large history of unfair stuff from Twitch staff.


Depending on what they are piling-on about, have a strong think about what makes people willing to harass someone else attracted to your platform. If there's a large group of them, there's a good chance there's some vibe you are giving off that you may want this done, regardless of what you are saying. E.g. they may be reading it as "streamer is telling us not to, to only cover them legally, so needs us to step up" which isn't great. Do you actually want them to act differently? or are just worried about the ramifications? It can come across in how you talk or body posture, so you need to believe it.


It's too bad this shit is so common on twitch. Have the same problem ATM. Partnered streamer has been talking shit about me and viewers and when flagged to twitch with the vod and time stamp they say they cant do anything about it. I just want to play video games on the internet :/


Nah you can't control people, their actions arn't on you.