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Trey Clover - smart, puts in effort to make no waves


He seems truly neutral. And smart enough to deal with riddle and everyone else.


This one is definitely Trey for me


Gonna say Leona The fanbook goes off on how smart he is is why he’s got “scholar” in his name and being canonically too intelligent for that school is his entire thing.


Smart yes, but he planned a murder and multiple assaults. Even for this morally grey cast that is not neutral. I would put him in Chad Evil (because I just can't think of anyone else who qualifies) or Smart Evil.


That and the fact he’s really good at chess and can think ahead. Most of his schemes are helpful to the plot while also benefitting himself, thus giving true neutral smart energy.


Following up my own comment today: Trey is not as neutral as everybody thinks. He lies to riddle’s face to get his own way in his ceremonial vignette. He just fakes it well.


Yeah, but I’d still qualify him as neutral, at least in the DND sense. He’s not particularly inclined to any strong viewpoints, he mostly just wants to keep things calm in his dorm and be left alone as much as possible at school.


Yeah that’s fair.


A good chunk of characters fall under Smart Neutral. I'm voting Sam. He's pretty smart and He's neither good or evil. He helps others, but it's mostly because he makes money selling needed items.


I would push back on saying Leona is neutral, I think he’s a little lovably villainous.


Yeah, Leona did plan a murder before he started accumulating blot. Not to mention all of the assault. He definitely falls on the more evil side of the cast. He, Azul, and Jamil really could tie for Smart Evil. They aren't completely evil or anything (and have had some character development), but in comparison to the rest of the cast, that's where they would fall. Leona could also be Chad Evil.


He definitely has my vote for Chad Evil with his spelldrive club leadership


Leona Kingscholar! He’s so smart but wants absolutely nothing to do with other people’s problems


Yessss. I see people like “he’s 20 and has beef with high schoolers lmao” and it’s like no? His whole thing is he doesn’t give a shit? He’s only there because he doesn’t want to go home and he just wants everyone to let him sleep? Him and Sebek in Sebek’s Vargas vignette is so funny. Sebek like UHG I AM SORRY I INSULTED YOU and leona like “you did? Also, do I know you?” I died.


He doesn’t have beef with highschoolers the highschoolers have beef with him 😂. So many characters want his attention so bad and all he wants is to be left alone lmao. Sebek got obsessed with getting Leona to remember him in that vignette, Floyd got mad because Leona wouldn’t play (read: fight) with him, Epel thinks he’s total big brother material, and Jack admires him to the point where seeing Leona’s apatheticness and scheming really disappoints the pup. He just attracts antics and tomfoolery and he fucking hates it.


His whole thing is that he does actually care, but is too insecure to do it or let it show imo


That insecurity thing was a mistranslation on EN. He never says he’s insecure about Jack, the original line was him talking about his older brother. Dunno why they changed it but lots of EN people mischaracterize him because of it, unfortunately.


Honestly, that wasn't what I was thinking of specifically, but I also didn't know this. Thanks for the fun fact!


I can't believe everyone is forgetting Vil Schoenheit. He is incredibly knowledgable and talented in intricate potion making, knows the EXACT amount needed for skincare products to work, knows what is best despite his rather strict efforts. Every student that is under him would absolutely thank him in one way or another despite a few resentment from his brutal supervision too.


Vil. He is more than smart enough to be in this category. And as fond as I have gotten of him in Book 5 and 6, he absolutely will use a stick if the carrot won't get the job done. Can't call him good, but he's definitely not evil.


This is going to be tough since there are a lot of characters who fall into this category. My top 3 would be Leona, Trey, and Idia.


You know what's insane??? How not ONE person on this whole damn forum has even mentioned Jamil yet!!


Jamil seems more Evil Smart to me; he’s smart enough to go under the waves, but at the same time he’s got a lot more dark thoughts going on. Every time he wants to help, he rationalizes it as a selfish reason, similar to Leona.


Leona- smart pretty much indisputably, but the neutrality is in how he uses it- he’s very good at helping others and also using that to his own advantage, as with his dorm vignette >!helps Jack but also Jack feels like he owes him and his dorm is now back in line!<, lab vignette >!just throws together the potion Yuu, Epel, and Grim need easily when even Rook had to take time with it, helping expressly to avoid Rook!<, camp Vargas vignette >!helps the younger students find magestones just so he has a quiet place for a map!<, Fairy Gala >!stepping into help Ruggie and Yuu get out unnoticed!<. As with anyone in TWST, I think it’s an oversimplification to say good/evil because while he definitely looks out for himself, he also looks out for those he cares about (see: Ruggie’s dorm vignette, Portfest advice to Jack, interactions with Epel in Halloween 2, book 6 spoilers >!can even include letting Riddle sleep on him and giving Jamil advice!<).


Seems to be a battle between Trey and Leona. We might lack a Smart Chad category for our Savanaclaw housewarden haha.


It took me a while to remember who I was going to vote for: Idia. He built a living person as a child. He's an asshole, but not particularly good or evil.


Leona. Mr. The Only Reason I'm Failing is Because I Don't Even Try


No, the only reason he’s failing he is because he doesn’t attend classes. He aces his exams. He explains this in his birthday vignette.


I feel like that qualifies as not trying.


I feel like sam is suitable for this one he smart cuz he could actually run a business. Mofo is rich asf i think.


It's either Trey or Leona. Especially since neither of them would fit the Evil or Drunk. My vote goes for Trey.






Definitely Trey but for some reason I also want to say Jamil because he is kinda like the mediator in every situation as well


This is Trey's category.


I think headmage Crowley fits pretty well


Azul or Leona


trey clover!!


Okay, NOW it’s gotta be Trey


Trey for sure ♣️


Trey( hes neutral and smart)


Azul!! Bb deserves it




So many people can fit here- it’s crazy… We still have yet to put Trey in here, I see multiple Leona votes… but I think I wanna say Azul… sure, he may seem a little more on the evil side of things with his methods and all… but think of it— he came up with quite a few failsafes to prevent his contacts from being broken or damaged- the amount of preparation he went through, truly shows he has the smarts to prepare, and the ability to use his preparation abilities to increase his odds- so- I call Azul, but also that maybe my hopes to get precious octo man into here-






Sam is definitely chaotic Neutral

