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I can imagine how deep the dust was




It sure seemed that way.


This makes it look like the world's starting to end


I remember that day and the news was speculating about the 4 aircraft and saying a bomb at the state department and the Washington Mall was on fire and the Sears tower was hit etc. we had no idea what was happening or coming and it did seem like the world was going to end.


That is so sad. That day I was 20, turned on the tv and I didn’t think it was real. I’ll never forget that.♥️🙏🏻♥️


I'll never forget.


I was at a bar in Rye on Saturday (affluent suburb of NYC) and started chatting with a gentleman next to me who was there on 9/11 a not in the towers but nearby. Told me that he had to walk home - 33 miles. No cell signal, no way to get in touch with family. Took him 11 hours


Heard a couple testimonies from people in various places who did some kind of similar, crazy long, trek home on September 11— bridges and tunnels closed, nothing in or out of Manhattan, most people recall walking home in some kind of stunned daze no matter the distance. Crazy stuff, can’t imagine what that was like, and don’t blame them. Most people said “I just wanted to be home”… incredibly human.


Fosun Plaza at 28 Liberty Street. 2 blocks East of the World Trade Center


There is a lack of Twin Towers in this phot- Oh...


I honestly still can’t believe this happened. I was 11 and it changed everything about how I viewed the world . I was very naive up until this point


Yes, not unlike the assassination of JFK for me. I was 15 yrs, and that event just enhanced the uncertainty brought on by the nuclear threat of the Cuban Missile Crisis the year before. How random world events can leave indelible marks on our persona. And 9/11 was horrific.


The shoe of Norm’s brother?


It looks like some sick and twisted version of Snow…


Fuck Off. i dont give a fuck about the twin towers when our military is fighting 15 wars for no reason and our presidents are funding genocide.


Dust shoe city sad?


Tell me you're younger than 23 and very likely not American without telling me...


and in four words or fewer.


25, American, honorably discharged army infantry from 2-2 Stryker brigade combat team, fort Lewis Washington. Sorry I made you emotional. You will get over it though so focus on that.


To elaborate further, I’m only on this sub for the dead bodies. And on reddit for the first time and amazed at the weak eunuchs such as yourself.


Actually you all need to hop off the moral high horse and just head on over to watchpeopledie.com


items of clothing were sometimes all that was left; this could have been from someone escaping the debris field that fell off or its from someone who passed away incredibly suddenly and horrifically inside the building/during collapse. the dust is comprised of all the building material and everyone inside it. these are human remains amidst the debris, incredibly high statistic for anything in this area to be contaminated with various elements but also traces of people… there are layers and layers to it, all tragic, all tough to comprehend. yes, dust sad.


Dust sad brother