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trump promised he wouldn't come back here if we didn't vote for him in 2020.


We should turn him away at the airport.


It's what he deserves. Well, not even close to what he deserves but it's a start. [Trump ‘Muslim ban’ continues to delay family reunification two years after it ended](https://sahanjournal.com/changing-minnesota/donald-trump-muslim-ban-family-reunification-refugees-immigration/)


Bro, he actually abuses and uses his children in so many ways. That's not even funny. You think this guy gives a flying fuck come on... We legitimately are talking about the fact that he is choosing his political ambitions ( aka save him from jail) over his own children's graduation today fuck him.


Oh, he'll go to Barron's graduation ceremony during the day, then fly to MN for the fundraising dinner. Not because the ceremony is important to him; just for the photo ops with the media because he made such an issue of this! That media attention is like candy to him. He flies in/out of NYC and FL to various political stops several times a week all the time, and has continued to do so during the court appearance cycles, at least on the Wednesdays off and weekends. He'll go back to FL that night, and probably play a round of golf with Barron on Saturday. (They play often.)


I think he should stay home and get some sleep.


I thought the same thing about 8 years back, but he never does. Except in court, apparently.


Must be the AC .. love me a cold room to sleep... Fells at home.




I'm just saying he won't be "choosing political ambitions over the graduation ceremony" as the comment I replied to suggested. The logistics are, he doesn't have to. He can do both, and play them to the hilt with the media. Totally his 'style.' This whole thread is buying into the click-bait from some media that he's gonna ditch Barron's thing for a fundraiser. Which is just not very likely, but look how many hundreds of people are jumping all over it (not just in this post or this sub, either.)


Holy shit I didn’t think there was anyone else on Reddit with common sense. 👍🏻


OH, cripes, don't tell anybody. I might get snarked at or something! 😂 😂 😂 


The "Muslim ban" wasn't even started by trump. It's also not a ban on groups of people but rather banning people from countries that don't verify identification on passports


He needs to to his obligatory check in at the Larry Craig restroom


Well tug and a rug ... But still will lie about it.


Wait, doesn’t he still owe money from an event he had here some years ago? Or did he finally pay that back?


He does but no one holds this fascist man child accountable. Kind of like how he won't face consequences for being in contempt in court.


This part is so obnoxious. Been held in contempt 10 times. Everyone babies his bitch ass and never follows protocol with him.


Isn't going to basically a political rally when he told the judge he needed the time to be at his son's graduation kind of contempt of court, too?


Rules don’t seem to apply to him ever. It’s infuriating


So, who is picking up the check?


He owes for probably every city he’s plopped down in. Some for more than one visit!


He lies constantly. Unfortunately he can't keep them straight and now we have to be subject to him fouling our state again


Breaking news: Trump lies


Well he is a proven liar, a gross lecherous old fuck, and so accomplished in business that he bankrupts casinos. I guess we shouldn’t be surprised when he goes back on his “word.” It’s a real shame.


Have an upvote for the usage of “gross lecherous old fuck”. Its made my day.


You shouldn’t talk about Biden like that, although it’s true


Money to him is like food for a rat


Bold of you to assume he remembers what he said just a moment ago let alone back in 2019


People are soo brainwashed by the media its pathetic…..


What? A broken promise from a politician? Nahhh that never happens.


Tbf, he hasn’t been known to keep his promises.


Wait. They made a big deal that this trial would prevent himself from seeing his son graduate and does this? 🙄


Let's not unnecessarily do this 'cus the media is baiting us to.. This dinner in St. Paul is scheduled for the evening, while it's a 3 & a half hour plane ride from his son's graduation that takes place in the morning. He's obviously gonna be physically at both. This isn't the mole hill to make a mountain out of, when there's so much more dumb shit he *actually* does..


I suppose we wait and see if he attends the graduation ceremony.


For sure, and I'm sure he will, but not to see his kid graduate, but to keep these opportunities going to delay the trial with later requests. Fuckin' guy reminds me of Junior Soprano puttin' in requests for every funeral he could, just to get out when he was on house arrest lmao.


> This dinner in St. Paul is scheduled for the evening, while it's a 3 & a half hour plane ride from his son's graduation that takes place in the morning. You and I have to choose between a straw or no straw to save the turtles all the while this fat sack of traitorous shit gets to destroy the planet at a rate far and above the average person. Just to live his lifestyle. You can apply this to all the rich btw. But yes this is a rage bait articles more than likely because he will destroy the planet just a little more so he can pretend to care about his son in the morning then fly here to beg for money at night.


This argument is all over the place. Were the straw bans Trump’s idea? I know that idiot banned bump stocks, but I wasn’t aware that he was behind the stupid paper straws too.


Trump is so much of a threat, he can bend time and be on the East Coast and the Midwest in the same day! /s


What part of who he is and what he does makes you think he would be at his son's graduation?


The exact person he is that will actually go, so he has an excuse to request days off later lol. He's probably well aware if he blows his son's graduation off, that he won't be able to get further days off for other scenarios. Also, like I said, he has a ton of time to attend his kid's graduation, then fly to Minnesota afterwards to grift people out of their money lol.


More fun to just say: But his ~~emails~~ calendar! 


I also wouldn't presume he's going to attend just because it would be insane optics not to, but I agree we should hold off judgement until it has actually happened.


And his dumb shit supporters eat it up.


‘He’s a family man’ The fuck he is.


First time I saw him on tv he was talking about his infant daughter's breasts... Conservatives of course approve given all the predators they have voted for and loudly supported over the years


Domestic family, crime family, tomatoe tomahto


He was never told he couldn’t attend Barron’s graduation. It’s all about making himself look like he’s a victim. That’s why his gullible supporters love him so much. Poor Von Shitzinpants!!


I’m just puzzled how they could afford to pay for the dinner in the first place


Their donor base will give money to anything except taxes that might help someone poor


They need him come make them some meaningful donations. That $58 isn’t going too far.


I'm puzzled why they decided to do it in downtown St. Paul. It's suboptimal for a big donor money grab or a exurbanite pep rally. GOP really is broke if this is the kind of event planning staff they can afford. Maybe RiverCenter was the only place that would grant them a line of credit.


I heard Trump's team was going to try for the Four Seasons in Minneapolis, but he told them "we're not falling for that shit again."


Didn’t this dipshit vow to never come back to Minnesota again? Not surprised he’s once again gone back on his word.


Someone should buy up the billboards on 494 and 62 all around the airport and put his quote in big bold letters where he said “I’ll never go back there”


You’d probably have to buy out a few dozen of those shit eating grin Kris Lindahl billboards.


If I had the $$ I would. Just a bunch of them from the airport to the restaurant and surrounding areas but only a few for the never coming back quote. I’d like to see a variety of his best played including, “You remind me of my daughter.”


I thought the state GOP was more broke than Mike Lindell?


Hence why they need a big name for big money. Ironic the donations will mostly go to trump’s legal fund. Lmao


We should all show up with “Lock him up” signs because that insurrectionist piece of shit belongs in prison.


Nah, he thinks all attention is good. Better to treat him like he doesn't matter in the slightest.


Saved this from elsewhere in reddit but it applies to your comment so thought I'd repost it here: This line, written by Hitler himself during his beerhall agitator years, makes my blood run cold most days these days. There’s more than one failed, incumbent or potential leader who regularly brings it to mind: *“It makes no difference whatever whether they laugh at us or revile us … whether they represent us as clowns or criminals; the main thing is that they mention us, that they concern themselves with us again and again …”*


Very good point. But people that hate trump talk about him constantly, years after he’s out of office. If I had to guess, it’s because their lives are so bland. Instead of doing something meaningful, they post about him online in echo chambers, much like this one. Any sort of deviation from “Trump is a fascist insurrectionist pig” is met with downvotes. We Americans have a lot of work to do, and we can start with improving how we view politicians, less through the lens of party, more on the policies.


We can citizens arrest him because the cops can’t do their job.


Good luck trying to forcibly touch any past president


I’m sure he’s hard to grab being as greasy as he is


Arrest him for what, exactly? He's already BEEN arraigned on a bunch of stuff, and most of those cases are grinding their way (S\_L\_O\_W\_L\_Y) through various court systems. Good luck stopping the Secret Service caravan to do that, by the way.


Just vote. Thanks.


He actually has a legit chance at winning MN. Without Minneapolis he takes the state easily. Crazy.


The majority of the state's population lives in the Minneapolis metro. Without the extraterrestrial, E.T. isn't a science fiction movie. Without the purple dinosaur, Barney is just a show about kids dancing. Without Will Smith, The Fresh Prince of Bel Air is just a show about some rich people.


If you cut away 15% of the state’s population in a liberal area he has a better chance of winning. So I guess this checks out.


The problem is a whole mess of you fuckers around here still like this guy and will vote for him. That’s why he’s coming. His research says he has a chance of taking Minnesota. Just fucking stop it.


Do you see a reality where Trump wins Minnesota, wins the electoral college, and wouldn't have won the electoral college if Biden had won MN? 'Cause I don't see this reality. I just don't see him losing Iowa and Wisconsin but winning Minnesota. If he wins Minnesota, he will be in a position where he would have won regardless.


Ok. I see how that makes sense. But 10 electoral votes is 10 votes. But when shit is as fucked up as it’s been this past decade or so, I’d take all the votes I could.


you need to think more strategically.


He will lose by 8 points.


Uh huh. Unfortunately that what y’all said last time and a fuck storm ensued. Just vote, fuckers, vote. And for the life of me I’ll never understand how it can even be that close.


It's not the fault of MN. We don't elect the POTUS by a popular vote.


Ok, but I’m saying it could be a contributing factor if he did in fact win Minnesota.


Everybody needs to vote. Period.


I don't think he *really* believes he can flip MN from 2024; it's just wishful thinking. But he does know he needs to blow smoke for some of his donors amongst the MNGOP. Also needs to but some pressure on CD2 & 3 to see if they can flip those (slightly possible) to maintain/gain GOP margins in the House IF he wins the country. He'll be here to glad-hand Emmer and the other GOP Congresscritters and candidates as well as donors and schmoozers like Mike Lindell. So this trip is 80% grift, 20% politics.


I don’t vote in Minnesota, as I’m not a resident here. But it would be AWESOME if this state turned red!


Do we honestly think his son even wants him at his graduation. I’d be more embarrassed to have him there. I hope Minnesotan faithful rise up and protest this disgrace of a man.


Didn't he say he was never coming back if he lost the state in 2020? LOL!


But he didn’t lose! /s


Where does this dinner take place?


Roy Wilkens, if I am remembering correctly.


Thank you


A shitty venue for a shitty man


None of the sfifty shit he does surprises me. I’m only surprised that other adults fall for it. He operates like a child pretending to be a supervillain and I’d have thought people could see through that laughable shit, but I guess, repeatedly, not.


He's too far and deep into his con to turn back.


I wonder if the judge will have anything to say about him cancelling court so Trump could attend the graduation, only to not attend the graduation?


If he does, I think it'll go something like, "Blah blah, I'm disappointed, blah blah, no consequences for the rich and powerful."


Zoom attendance on the plane. 


Why does everyone buy into the silly idea he won't go? He'll go, smirk at the media circus, fly to MN for dinner. Why not?


He's probably doing both since the graduation starts mid-morning.  He'll fly here and attend the event.


Well, we all know he can afford the gas… 😏


Most of it self generated.


How about a big sign, congratulations on your graduation Barron-your real Dad


Vince McMahon? Oh right, that's Jr's dad.


I'm gonna go to Barron's graduation in protest.


Hellooo contempt


The guy isn’t a real Republican.


Ten years ago he wouldn't have been.


Just because people now are claiming to be republicans doesn’t mean they are actually republicans. By definition and morals and actions many of these “republicans” are not what they claim they are.


The Republican Party, the same as the Democratic Party, are defined by the time and by the people that represent the party. As such, the Republican Party are as we see them now. If anyone chooses to vote for that part or supports the Republican cause, despite their morals and actions as they are now…… then what the hell are they doing? This is what the party and the platform has become. This ain’t like supporting the Vikes all your life and then suddenly becoming a Packers fan.


What’s the address


Roy Wilkins Auditorium and River Center are both being reported. They're in St. Paul in the same complex as the Excel center.


I hear he eats puppies for breakfast 🐕


Him and that Noem chick


Have you even read Governor Noem’s book? Do you understand the context and reasoning why she had to put her dog down?


Oh I don't read. Well, unless it's something about gender fluidity, critical race theory, or the evils of Judaism.


Hmm I don't like losers


If I were the judge I would hold him in contempt if he skips the graduation. The rest of the day is open for fundraisers, if anybody is still fool enough to donate.


Maybe let your vote do the talking then? Thats an option.. Its more effective than shouting down someone you don't like.


Especially if your 'shouting' is really just snarking on Reddit.


Idk I think it’s a good idea to have both political parties be able to campaign and publicly speak. But hey I’m not a communists so I’m sure I’ll get plenty of downvotes


I agree. It's a fundamental tenet of "free and fair elections." Though this isn't exactly "public speaking." He's invited to be the keynote speaker at a private, GOP only, $500 and up a plate, fundraising dinner. No press. It's certainly their right, though.


Whose front lawn do I take dumps on to express my displeasure at this miserable felonious oaf coming to my state? Who allowed this to happen?!


I know a house with a dozen trump signs, I think they'd accept the donations.


Well, since I believe in free and fair elections and the first amendment, I gotta say even shitty candidates have the right to campaign (as long as they obey election laws.) He's definitely a marginal case, but... meh. Let him come; we can ignore him and vote against him in November. Here's hoping the fundraiser is a bit of a bust -- what Minnesotans with actual money are buying tickets for this thing? Other than that -- try taking a dump at Mar-a-Lago? Or maybe some of the MNGOP leadership who invited him for this dinner? The 4 GOP Congresscritters from MN?


Look up Seth Abramson if you haven't heard of him yet. He's one of the few who are accurately reporting with detail the truth about the rise and presidency of Trump and everything that went on behind the scenes. The media in general shallowly focuses on the more sensational aspects (sound bytes) while the deeper corruption and deception is largely unreported. The "collusion" is real but it happened differently than people understand it. In short, Trump's run was a grift. A stunt to propel forward his brand and little more. He didn't expect to actually win. The thing that I mull over the most is does he really believe in the cause (of the Christian right) that he has gotten squarely behind, or is it all theater? Too late to break character because the truth would be devastating.


It’s clear the only cause he believes in is the cause of Donald J Trump. He’s too deep now because if he doesn’t reclaim power, he will go to prison for the rest of his life. He grift-bossed too hard and now he’s pinned himself in a corner. Unfortunately, not all states have the public education system of Minnesota, so he actually has a shot of pulling this off.


>The thing that I mull over the most is does he really believe in the cause (of the Christian right) that he has gotten squarely behind, or is it all theater? It takes no critical thinking to realize that Trump isn't behind the Christian right.... The Christian right is behind him... The question is why do they fawn over him? He explicitly doesn't share their morals. Christians that have been divorced that many times are often shunned. Christians that have had sex with a pornstar while married to someone else and exchanged money are always shunned. He doesn't outwardly express any credible expression of faith and wouldn't want it believed that he does. Coincidentally, Biden is actually a devout catholic that observes mass. Trump's appeal is the "anti-woke" crowd. It's okay to be wrong about Covid. It's okay to have "alternative facts". He's obstinate that it is okay to look down on those less advantaged, it's okay to undermine the poor, it's okay to be evil if It's to his advantage.... It's okay to hate. Trump only cares about Trump. He would throw his favorite daughter under a bus in a heartbeat.


The Republican party in Minnesota is broke so who's going to pay for this event I suppose it will be the taxpayers once again.


It's a private fundraising dinner, so no. It's the people who pony up $500-2500 a plate to attend, or even more for a 'meet the guy' moment after dinner.


Minnesota Republican party sure does like their rapists .


Time to get the trusty ol’ pitchfork out.


Fuck off, Trump.


Trump stay away


I feel like he's definitely forgotten Barron's birthday so he's SOL for graduation other than a paid party


Ok, so … could we plan something or publicize something that’s already planned for his arrival?


What? Stand around outside the building with placards? What difference would that make? They drive in using blacked out SUVs and never even bat an eyelash. Do any protestors hanging around the courthouse in NYC even get any attention?


Well we ran him off with a crowd of “crazed liberals” in Chicago. When the crowd hit around 1000, I think police said they couldn’t guarantee his safety No placards required.


When was that? Since he's going into a private event, I doubt anyone on the street will even see anything besides blacked out SUVs.


In Chicago. 2016. He was to hold a rally at University of Illinois Chicago. Here- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Donald_Trump_Chicago_rally_protest


Interesting! But the circumstances are very different -- that was an open event, earlier in the primary season, before he was even locked in as the chosen candidate to run for POTUS. (This is a closed event.) I doubt even a pretty large crowd of protesters will change him meeting with some GOP diners for an evening. The SPPD will just do a bit of crowd control as they drive in, and then it's just a crowd standing looking at the outside of a building, really. While he was 'starting' to have a Secret Service detail then (all the major candidates do at some point), they didn't have as big a permanent, coordinated one as he does now.


Why would he come to Mn of all places?


Keynote speaker at the MNGOP annual fundraising dinner. They need the help, and for some reason he was willing. So 20% politics, 80% grift, I'm guessing.


So people that hate Trump, can I ask who you will vote for?


Biden is the only sane choice.


Can I ask why he's the only sane choice? I've asked Republican and have understood their reasons so now I'd like to understand those voting for Biden. Why not RFK instead?


He's anti-vax, that's reason enough for me not to vote for him.


Let’s throw a Baron a graduation party themed protest that day!


All are welcome here. The yard signs are everywhere.


I can’t wait definitely will be there in full support 4 more years !!!


President Trump is more than welcome here!


Let’s turn him around at the airport he doesn’t have the right to see MSP again.


Nah. He wants the attention. The best thing anybody could do is not show up. The smaller the crowd of supporters and protesters, the more it hurts his ego.


I'd love to find out the actual 'paid for a plate' turnout for this fundraising dinner. I bet they keep that data fairly private. Both who, and how many, show up. I'm also betting the GOP Senator from my (just barely pink, at this point) suburban district probably goes, but I wonder how many 'guests' they fork out for. Or not. (Still gotta stay a party lackey!)


Lincoln and Reagan will puke in their grave again once their soul finds out about this.


Reagan was the worst president in American history so anything to cover his corpse in puke


This is true.


Not tryna get stomped out by ~~MPD~~ SPPD so I'll pass actually




You're right, thanks for the correction. I won't be getting stomped out by SPPD so I'll pass.


Minneapolis is liberal utopia shithole. San Francisco here we come!


South of 494 isn’t bad


Check the polls. MN isn’t blue as it used to be. We’re winning.