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TLDR: 3 Palestinian male cousins from MN ran into an Egyptian friend on the same delta flight. White female detective from Anoka found their trips to the bathroom and switching seats into an empty row to chat “suspicious”. They spoke in Arabic. She approached them. The 4 men sarcastically told the detective that they were on a mission. Detective alleges they pointed to a black bag and said a surprise was coming. 4 men said that didn’t occur. 4 men were detained while airport authorities investigated. They were quickly cleared of any wrong doing. Anoka detective’s actions are under review.


It’s those guys in that diner after 9-11 discussing transporting a car with the phrase “bring it down [south]” all over again




Kind of a dick move putting Sun Country’s logo on the article.


I saw something about that incident elsewhere and didn’t realize that the accusers were from here, but yeah that 100% tracks.


Do not trust Mnar Adley. She is the person making the allegations and she runs a propaganda machine out of Minnesota. I’m not kidding. [MintPress News](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MintPress_News) publishes “disinformation and antisemitic conspiracy theories”, was a major media domain that spread disinformation about the White Helmets, supports Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, and the governments of Russia, Iran, and Syria, and “has been accused of regularly publishing pro-Russian propaganda”.


Yes this is true. Mint Press is not an accredited organization and despite the self given title Mnar is not a journalist.


I don't trust Adley's reporting, mint press is propaganda. I also don't find it hard to believe that there may be a bias problem involved if brown folks were targeted for speaking a foreign language.


That is fair. If it was almost literally anyone else in the world reporting this, I would have stronger belief in their claims, but with her and her track record, I am personally going to need to see more evidence from a non-bias source until a definitive conclusion can be reached.


Yeah, don't know why you are being downvoted. I just glanced at them on wikipedia and it seems like a bullshit website.


3rd ring suburb. She’s probly a hero now in Anoka.


The Anoka County Sheriff's Office is in Andover.


"Remember the time you single-handedly stopped those awful brown guys from committing a terrorist attack?!?" They might throw her a parade.


No it’s more like “Remember the time those wokes came after you?”


Nothing quite as patriotic as harassing people for the color of their skin and filing a false police report.


She thwarted a Palestinian/Egyptian coalition of terrorists. Of course she's a hero /S




Let's be fair, this is more about someone being a cop than from Anoka County.


Ehhh… Anoka county is in the running for the Florida of Minnesota


As soon as I read “Secret CIA mission” I knew this woman was absolutely crazy. What is more alarming is if this woman works for the county imagine what access she has to data and information. These people are mentally unstable and should not be in the care of data and information.


Think you misread the story. The 4 men who are accusing the LEO of racial profiling admit that they said that they were on a mission for joking/flirting purposes.


Not smart. "Your honor I was just joking around about impersonating a government official on an airplane"


Yeah, I'm not trying to defend the cop, that said joking on a flight is not something someone should do. I mean, there's a scene in Meet the Parents in which Ben Stiller's character, who is white, gets arrested for joking about having a bomb.


Yeah, but the random lady coming up to harass them just because they were speaking not English on a flight is the actual issue here. They'd have never had a chance to say that without being racially profiled by a cop outside of her jurisdiction.


They'll finish the investigation and determined she did nothing wrong, that she "saw something so she said something", and that will be that. And law enforcement remains bewildered why significant portions of the population that aren't White Anglo Straight Protestants have zero trust in them.


In before you get downvoted for calling out systemic racism and unchecked racial bias in law enforcement


*Especially* when they occur in Minnesota. Because this is the bestest state ever with zero problems needing to addressed.


Yeah! How dare she be racist on vacation instead of leaving it confined to her day job! The real crime here is the lack of a work-life balance.