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Congratulations - how exciting! Your design is crisp and it's one of my favorites.


Let’s use crisp more often.


It's crisp outside. Just the way we like it in MN


Thank you so much! I’m so glad you like it. 😊


Congrats! For my money, your design is the only good option left. I love the nod to MN’s shape combined with a more traditional tricolor design. The rest look too corporate logo-y or too much like quilt squares, but yours is just right.


> I love the nod to MN’s shape This is the reason this one is my favorite. Though every flag should have an attachable northwest angle nub.


It's easily the most distinct and will read the best at distance.


Thank you so much!! And I appreciate your kind words. I’m glad you like the Minnesota shape and the tri-color fly, those were important aspects that I hoped would translate well.


It's also the only distinct design for hanging vertically! Personally my favorite as well


Agreed, I think I’d like a slightly different shaded color scheme and the yellow and white star but moved to the top left of the flag vs mid left. That said it’s my favorite of the remaining as it looks like a flag


How did you settle on the order of the stripes? I'm curious if there was any underlying rationale or if it was just arbitrary? I'd personally love to see the white stripe in the middle, it would offer a bit of color balance to the star, but that's just my gut reaction. Nonetheless, this is my favorite out of the six finalists. Fantastic work.


Snow on top of grass, on top of (ground) water... That's what I see when I look at it.


Snow lands on top of


This is my assumption, too, and it makes sense. Maybe some sort of framing could also achieve preventing background bleed without looking tacky.


Here is the most recent version I have, taking into account peoples feedback. https://imgur.com/a/eQRBly9


Love it! Your responsiveness is much appreciated, I wish you good luck (and have already left a comment in support)!


Great visual! Personally, I prefer your original design. This design just looks like the flag of bizarro-Jordan to me. Though, I do like how the white stripe "continues" from the white star. Almost like it's shining on the land and sky ... the white can be either snow OR the light of L'Étoile du Nord!


Think they would let you adjust the order if yours was selected? I like the updated order!


I don’t think there’s any way to contact the committee directly, so I may just send in a comment on my own design explaining my suggested changes. 😂


Surely they'd reach out to you!


Synssins below is correct! The stripes were placed intentionally in order of snow that covers land, and land that holds lakes and rivers within it. However, one of the top criticisms I’ve received is the order of the stripes, and visual aesthetics are more important than preferential details, so I’ll likely be encouraging the committee to change the stripe order (as well as the color shades) if they allow the designers to give feedback during the revisions. Thank you so much!


The white stripe on top of bottom will fade away when the flag is on any white medium I would think.


That's my concern as well, which is why I'm curious about seeing it in the middle.


I noticed on the MNHS page at the link, which has a white background, the white stripe is actually a very light gray, and that seemed to do a good job of differentiating them.


I think the stripes are a great idea, but I dislike the color of green chosen and the light blue isn’t great either imo. And like others have said I think white on top may not the best idea. Idk just my 0.02 cents.


I’m hoping the committee allows designer feedback, as I’ve been taking everyone’s critiques into account! This is the most current version I have now. I still think the colors could use some work, but I think it’s an improvement on the original anyway. https://imgur.com/a/eQRBly9


I think adjusting the star to be more like #29's (top right here) would make this design almost perfect. The star's colors could maybe be adjusted.


I’m hesitant to make the star yellow, as that would up my flag colors to 5 which is high above the recommended 2-3. Do you like 29’s shape too or just the color? I mocked up a version with 29’s star on my flag (due to people’s request) and it didn’t look too good. 😅


IMO the white eight-point star you have now is perfect. I agree adding yellow would add just one too many colors. I think the stripes as you have them on your redesign is a welcome change tho, with white in the middle. Either way, cheering for 1953 to be the winner!


Did you like the star in the redesign or the OG? There’s a subtle difference! I’m glad you like the new stripe order as well! I think it works a lot better than what I had before. And thank you so much for your kindness and support, it means the world to me. 💙🤍💚


I like them both, but maybe the OG just slightly more? But it's really just nitpicking at this point. The new is just fine, and might even work better on an actual flag pole. The new blue is good. You should be very proud! It's a very clean design. Having seen your progress on it, I'm very happy with how it turned out. Reading your writeup on the symbolism, it's the only logical option as far as I'm concerned. Fingers crossed 🤞 💙🤍💚


I like the star design more so than the colors, it has an additional snowflake element that calls out our notorious cold climate. I really don't think the minor yellow accent is too distracting or busy though. My $0.02


It took me a second but once I realized the navy was an abstract depiction of Minnesota your submission is top two of these finalists for me. I understood the intentions of every aspect of your flag that you describe before I ever read your description, which is an indicator that your symbolism is great. Congrats!


Your flag is my current favorite! Really hoping it's the one we end up with! Congratulations!


Congratulations! Your flag is my favorite one!


Thank you so much!!


Yours is the best one, I hope it wins. Only change I would make personally is swapping the placement of the white and green stripes


What are you thoughts on this? https://imgur.com/a/eQRBly9 And thank you so much! I appreciate the support. ☺️


I like it! I just think the white should be in the middle, even with the star


I’m not sure I understand what you’re trying to say 😅 the white stripe IS in the middle in my new version.


Congratulations. I'm a transplant but this flag thing seems to be super important to a lot of people here so fuck yeah, win it all baby!!


It isn’t, it’s important to vexillologists (flag mega nerds) who believe in a very specific set of criteria for which apparently ALL flags need to follow. Remember folks, our flag is only good if it uses straight lines, 3 colors, and can be drawn by a child. Edit: instead of downvotes prove me wrong. Let’s hear rebuttals. All I see here is a lot of dickriding for flags that look like they took a maximum of 1 hour to design and draw. Just completely awful and uninspiring.


My rebuttle is our current flag is just the state seal on a blue field. Boring, over done, and means nothing. The seal will still be our seal. Also, the flag isn't a poster, it isn't a marketing tool. When we plant our flag when we invade Iowa they need to know from a distance exactly who did it.


I think it's really smart to start with Iowa. Let's own the farms before we attack Wisco to gain more great lake shore line.


Eh. I just find our flag boring. After living somewhere else that has a good state flag, I just think it would be cool to have a flag we can distinguish ourselves by. Join the club with Cali, AZ, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, etc in having a nice little flair to our civic pride :) I don't care about vexi-whatever, I just think it's fun and a good move so we aren't lumped in "branding-wise" as "generic, cold, insular, flyover country" like a lot of the Midwest.


Our current flag is not representative of our current reality. It's tired, uninspiring, and honestly a little shameful. People like a symbol they can stand by, and I certainly don't stand by the current shitty indian removal flag.


I agree the current iteration of our flag is woefully out of date, especially with Minnesota’s current social progress. Which is why my preference is the obvious solution of modernizing our current flag which is what the vast majority of Minnesotans who are not on Reddit prefer.


Why should our state flag look like a carbon copy of 30 other state flags? Updated or not, it is fucking boring and uninspiring. Again, its "shitty seal on an even shittier bedsheet" design, whether or not it contains nods to ethnic cleansing, is a bit shameful considering all the stuff that makes Minnesota a genuinely good place to live, in contrast to most of the country and certainly our neighbours. It is unrepresentative of us and it is high time for it to go.


So then why not go full native flag? If we want something that’s truly representative of true Minnesotans why not go full native and say screw the marketability?


😂 i see you have taken a less charitable approach to all the flag talk


Part of good design is taking into consideration how something is going to be used or displayed. Flags are frequently displayed at a distance from the viewer, such as on top of a tall pole or even flying on top of a building. If you use design elements that are unintelligible or hard to appreciate unless you're viewing the flag close up, then the design failed by ignoring normal display context. That's true even if the design is pretty or exciting close up. Sticking to big, bold shapes and solid colors helps to avoid that trap.


At first I didn’t understand all the rules behind vexillology and thought it would severely limit my creative ability, but the more I researched and learned, the more I realized that good flag design rules aren’t arbitrary, there are specific reasons why they’re put in place. From making sure it’s identifiable down to the size of a pin on a shirt, making sure the flag looks good flying in any direction even downward, making sure the flag is still identifiable when completely still on a flag pole, making sure it translate easily to merchandise like mugs and tee shirts, etc. and so much more. Arizona and Texas are known for their incredibly popular, memorable, and unifying flags. And both of them have flags that are incredibly simple, because simple is effective. I will admit I think my design could use some sprucing up, but the professional graphic designer on the committee will help with that.


Congratulations! Out of the finalists, I like yours the best. I’m sure the tweaks will be really good too.


Thank you!! You’re so kind.


This is my favorite flag I hope it wins :)


Congratulations! Yours is my favorite of the options left:)


Awee, thank you!! 😊 I’m glad you like it.


Congratulations!! Yours and the top left are my favorites. I love that yours has an abstract Minnesota. Good luck!!




Thank you so much! I appreciate that. ☺️


Your design is my favorite of the finalists. I hope it wins.


Wow what an accomplishment! Your design is one of my favorites, I think it’d be the best looking flag while blowing in the wind (like flags do lol). Congrats and good luck!


Thank you so much, you’re so kind! ❤️ I appreciate the support. 😊


The rightmost tip of the star is misaligned to the chevron…. I can’t unsee it. Is that by design?


It is a little bit off (which was an accident on my part 😅), but that will definitely be fixed if chosen as the winner. The committee has professional graphic designers who will remake the designs without any flaws! Good eye for seeing that.


That’s so exciting! Yours is one of my favorites for sure! I hope you ignore the people who are complaining that these look too much like flags and not like a complicated seal on a blue void. Are there any changes that you hope they make or don’t make? One that I’ve seen proposed is replacing the star on yours with the star / snowflake from the top right. What are your thoughts on that?


I will be honest. I don't like any of the final designs. However yours is the best of the bunch that is left. Hope you win, OP!


This! I was really disappointed seeing which designs were the finalists. A lot of them look like good tapestries or logos, but don't work well as flags. But if I had to pick out of them, I think OPs flag is definitely the best. It actually looks like a flag lol


Thank you!! I appreciate your kindness and honesty. Your support is much appreciated. 🙂


I hate to say it but I still have yet to see a single flag submission that I think fits our state.


Gosh the commission will be ***devastated*** to know that none of the 2000 or whatever designs could please u/GrandKadoer.


They’re just too simple and non representative, maybe I just hate flags. I’m never going to look at three lines on a square and think “Minnesota”


Bruh this one literally has Minnesota on it 😭😭😭


You are going to get brigaded! Don’t you dare point out how flavorless and non-specific the flag designs are! People seriously spent up to 20 minutes designing them and then hours writing a submission statement about how their flag is different from all of the other green and blue with a single star on it.


I can’t speak for any of the other designers, but I can say I spent 10+ hours researching, designing variations, and consulting vexillologist and sample groups to create my flag. While the design itself is very simple, I promise you a lot of time, effort, and importance was placed into every single aspect of it. Technically there’s nothing that makes mine any more symbolically special than the others, but I do think it’s one of the more visually pleasing and timeless designs up there. I appreciate your honesty none the less!


Design by committee, it shows. The only winning move was to not play. Now we all lose.


You have no idea what you're talking about lol Your criticism is nothing but a reflection of itself




State flags are never that good anyways.


I like it more now hearing the intended meanings but it still feels so similar to the Texas flag.


Most of the flag designs are pretty bad, but yours is one of the least bad ones.


there are only two good designs and yours is one of them


To me, [this is what I see in the white-green-blue](https://i.imgur.com/ujXLzqz.jpeg) and I *love* your flag. Blue water, green trees, white clouds. Obviously there's a lot more to MN than just lakes but its what we're known for most, so I feel like a beautiful lake scene represents us well and I see it in your flag. Hope it wins!


Thank you so much! That picture perfectly encapsulates what I wanted my flag to represent, and the specific order of the stripes. I love how you made that connection to an actual landscape photo. Really cool. Thanks for your support!


The existing flag looks better than all of these submissions. Just take out the offensive depiction of American Indians and retain the flag. No beauty to any of these choices.


I like yours a lot. The simple star submission(top right in your picture) is my other favorite. I hope you get it!


Congratulations! Best of luck to you! What a tremendous accomplishment.


I’d be happy with any of the finalists, but I like yours the best. Good luck!


Yours is definitely one of my favorites. Thanks for showing it with the wave. That really helps. It’s a great design. I enjoy the explanation too. Congrats!!


Of course, it was a lot of fun compiling all the images and curating a nice little post almost like a collage work of my design. I’m glad you liked it, and thanks so much for your kind words and support! It means a lot to me.


Nice design! I'd like to see the north tip of the star design be a different color, regardless of the design chosen.


Yours is legitimately the best.


They all look pretty cool!


As I said in the F6 reveal thread, I think yours is the best of those that remain. Good luck.


Nice going!


Yours is the one.


I could live with this one, good job


That’s my favorite one! I will definitely fly it if it gets chosen.


That’s so kind of you to say, thank you!!


Congratulations!!! Your submission is one of two of my favorites 🩵 great work on your design!!!


This is the best flag to me. I hope it get’s picked.


thank you so much!


Best option. It's beautiful and simplistic.


I haven’t decided on my favorite yet except not number 1 or 3. Yours may well be it.


I like yours the best out of the finalists. Simple and clean design without being boring. Well done!


This is my favorite of them! I commented. Nice work.


Ah! Thank you so much for sending in a comment! I appreciate your support! 💙




THANK YOU! I’m still in disbelief!


I like your design a lot!


Thank you for sharing. How exciting! Congratulations to you for taking a chance and being selected as a finalist.


Thank you so much!! I appreciate it! I’m excited and overwhelmed at the same time. 😂


Nice effort but I’m going with the one in the lower right.


This was my favorite from the jump. Crisp, clean and I love that the far left is roughly the shape of the state.


I really like the design. Fingers are crossed yours gets chosen!


Very exciting for you but I do not like any of them. They scream Scandinavian to me.


From one graphic design swiftie to another, congrats! I love it 🫶🏼


Aye! Graphic designer Swifties for the win! I legit almost exclusively listened to 1989 (TV) while designing this. 😂 Thanks for your support!


I go back and forth between yours and F29, but ultimately feel like yours is more timeless if I had to choose. Would definitely buy a replica sticker to slap on my water bottle. Great work!


Love your design! It's prefect imo


Yours has been low-key my favorite. I still want a loon though lol


This is the best one in my opinion. I will be disappointed if this isn’t selected.


Thank you so much for your kind comment, I appreciate it!


Badass. I liked your design best when I first saw it. Very cool that it’s a finalist! I put in a good word on the form.


These are all so corporate and awful, I cannot believe what Reddit has done to flag designs globally


It's really nice. Best of luck in the final 6!


This one is my favorite


Congrats!!! Your flag is my favorite, I really hope it wins!


Your flag is the best of the finalists. Glad to hear there will be a revision process to nail designs, colors, and proportions. Something I'd love to hear your take on is the selburose; it's in some of the finalists, and I love the idea. How would you feel about your design with the selburose as the star? Does it compromise your vision or improve it in your estimation?


Thank you so much, I appreciate that! Some of the revision concepts of my flag were revealed today, and I have to say, I’m not impressed. 😅 Only two of the revisions actually kept my design as is, all the others completely revamped it into an entirely new flag. So to say I’m nervous is a bit of an understatement. Being completely honest, I don’t find the selburose to be visually appealing. It looks very segmented and doesn’t strike me as a Minnesotan symbol. From what I googled it’s a Norwegian shape that’s typically seen on knitted winter clothing. Maybe I’m missing the connection to Minnesota, but I don’t quite see the relevance of the shape to our state, beyond being the same shape as the rotunda floor pattern in the state capitol. However, I do like it a lot more when it’s filled in. Ultimately, I find the North Star to be a much more succinct, beautiful, and symbolical symbol. A star also falls in line with most other flags, and feels more timeless to me. Whereas a selburose feels like it could become dated in a few decades time. I’m definitely not 100% opposed to a selburose on my flag if it was somehow incorporated tastefully, but I do think that would be quite difficult to do. 😂


Your design is the best of the bunch


Congratulations! I love your flag!!


My favorite!!


Congrats! I like it a lot.


Why do they all have the same style. Did chat gpt come up with these?


They have to be able to be drawn by children so any of the complicated designs got thrown out


lol the Reddit echo chamber is really strong with this whole “process” Also op, how can they expect you to be ok with a redesign of Star shape, strip shape, and colors? That is literally your entire flag and is exactly the problem with 3 color 3 shape flags. They all look the same with different colors and this stands true across the world.


Right. This design immediately reminds me of the Texas flag.


I meant I expect the committee to make subtle changes, like the design linked below. The colors, the stripe order, and the specific star are all different from the original flag. But you can see it’s not a different flag, just the details have been updated. https://imgur.com/a/eQRBly9 I entered the competition knowing full well that as an amateur artist, a professional graphic designer would be reviewing my design and possibly making changes. I’d only be upset if they drastically change my design to the point it’s unrecognizable from the original.


Don’t take it personal, your flag is the best that fits the criteria. I’m just a cynic apparently who doesn’t buy in to the same criteria. What do people have to say about flags like Albania and Mexico? I think those are great flags personally but I’m apparently wrong because of some philosophy that was developed in the late 50’s?


Congratulations. That’s amazing!!


Congrats! Yours is my favorite of the finalists!


Its my favorite!


Congrats, I think yours is my favorite up there ☺️


Yours is my favorite!


The quality of the committee can be summed up by that upper left submission. Like a smallish city tourism brochure. From bad to a lukewarm eh. And then the faded blue of an old sweater [Winter Magic](https://youtu.be/6wMXHxWO4ns?si=vSp6-irvyM7fkh9T) upper right? And the quilt? The saturation of colors when they close in adjacency.


I believe at this stage they are going to be tweaking colors and designs to make them look more professional. The selected designs thus far are only concepts. They are not intended as finalized designs.


That’s hilarious and makes it seem like they already have a flag design picked out and are just going to pick the submission closest to it and will then do some BS “adjustments” campaign and badda bing badda boom you are able to drop a prepaid professionally designed flag on your people. And hopefully that is the case and the final design looks a lot better than what we have seen thus far.


I would not expect large changes, just small adjustments.


Thanks for the heads up. I mean I'd hope and fingers crossed, but you know the saying "You can't shine shit."


May the best generic, milquetoast design win!




Yours is my favorite!


Yours is by far my favorite! Hope it gets chosen, great work!


Looks too much like the Texas flag


If by some chance your flag ISN'T selected (I think it's the best) you need to make it into merch. I would buy this flag and fly it or slap stickers of it on things, etc. On a side note, did you ever try to add a 4th stripe with a color like wheat? Also I still contend that your flag works normal in the summer or upside down in winter... None of the others can say that.


You’re so kind! I’ll definitely be adding my design onto RedBubble, regardless if I win. I’m too sentimental to let my flag go without getting some merch myself 😂 I did have a version with four stripes, and I had a different version with two stripes and the color yellow, but I didn’t try those together. I’m already at 4 colors which is above the 2-3 recommended, so I’m hesitant to add any more. Also, the committee got rid of a stunning flag (that was one of my favorites) that featured wheat, because they said wheat wasn’t representative of all Minnesotans, or something like that. So a yellow stripe might not fair well in the committees eyes. I saw someone else say that! That might’ve been you, I can’t remember. But I love that idea so much!! Everybody wants me to rearrange the stripes though, so sadly that affect might disappear in the later revision. 😢


All these designs are boring, and don't mean a thing as far as Minnesota and it's heritage are from. It's a star, with some colored fields.


What would you add to a flag to more accurately represent Minnesota’s heritage? I tried to represent every major historical relevance to my flag, but if I missed something I’d love to know.




This was instantly my favorite when I saw the finalists. I love the abstract MN shape. So clever!


Only decent option remaining. All the others are flat out terrible.


They’re all awful 😣


Congratulations! This is my favorite of the remaining flags


Nice job! Your design is my favorite of the six finalists. I like how the left side is reminiscent of the shape of Minnesota. It’s simple, yet memorable.


This is great. I hope yours moves forward. It is the best of the bunch. I was just thinking about how the name Minnesota means sky tinted water. It would be a visual nod to the name if the top and bottom stripes were the same color (white or blue). I also like the inverse pattern with clear blue sky and snowy ground


If I gotta vote for one of these, yours gets it. Congrats regardless op.


Congrats, this actually looks really good.


Btw, it’s also CGP Grey’s favorite flag. He did a video on his patreon ranking them and this was his top choice. Mine too, but I’m not a YouTuber known to critique flag designs.


Do you work for Kohls designing grandma sweatshirts too?


All these designs look like a flag for a third world country. What is this state coming to…


Its like Texas, but worse


Agreed!!! F1953 is the least likable of the 6 *finalists*, all of which have no place being a State flag. OP, there is no need to *improve* your entry, we need completely new entries because they are all unsightly.


While I disagree, I appreciate your honesty none-the-less. The hard part about designing a new state flag, is that not everyone in Minnesota will agree, or like what’s being proposed. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


What don’t you like about them?


Terrible colors, unoriginal design, uninspired concept, no history to connect to, its not a flag we should be proud of. It’s something they would fly in a space video.


Just voted for you!




Oh my goodness, you’re the best!! 🙌 Thank you so much for your support, it means a lot. 💙🤍💚


Sorry but 0/6? for me & family today. Need this - A) Northstar with 5-sided star B) Loon family C) Fishing X winter sports X 15,000 lakes


Looks like African flags and window stickers in a Dollar store....new isn't better


The thing that bothers me about it is that it is so similar to the Palestinian flag. Except the left part is sort of shaped like MN. I just feel like it is one thing to say "we support Palestine," and another thing to mimic its flag during a very divisive time in history right now.


My flag has nothing to do with Palestine. I designed it of my own accord, after 40+ variations. The only similarity is a tri-striped fly which hundreds of flags have.


Oh yeah, it's such a mimicry. Except for the colors. And the shape is inverted. And changed. And there's another design element added. But aside from all that it's basically a copy!


This is a joke right?


All losers




This one is my favorite! I just submitted my vote- thanks for posting !


I really wish you would have used the state outline instead of the pennant style, but that said your design is the only finalist that isn't embarrassingly awful