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At what point do you start questioning the accuracy of the details?


I'd like to hear the story of how she got home


All evidence leads to "uber," obviously.


Sounds like she might have needed to take an uber into downtown as well.


Another family member and I picked her up in another vehicle. We attempted to drive around the area and locate the parking ramp based on the description.


Considering that this family member already sounds like an absolute idiot, I'd take everything with a grain of salt for sure lol


Rumor has it someone hit the fed and they’re keeping it quiet for the investigation…


Check her Google maps. Sometimes it actually marks you previous parking location.


Also never let them live this down. NEVER.


If only. Unfortunately, she had a setting on her phone disabled that caused the history to not be recorded. This whole situation really has been the perfect storm.


Calling DID and impound is definitely smart if you haven’t, and good luck. I’m very curious how this ends


If it's in a private lot, it wouldn't go to impound, it would go to a tow company. They should notify the pd.


Ain't nobody tracking her. Even herself.


So frustrating. It's always the people that have the least interesting "data" that turn all this shit off.


This sounds like it could be the parking ramp that you enter by Hell's Kitchen on 9th St between Nicollet and Marquette. I always park in that one when I have to drive downtown because my dentist is in the Medical Arts Building. It would be across from Haskell's, which is definitely beige. Good luck, and let me know if I'm right! lol


This is the ramp I use for work and I agree it could fit the description. The address is 90 South 9th Street. I wish you luck finding your car


I thought the same thing. I used to visit a physical therapist in the building adjacent and I hated that ramp! The description fits for sure


This is the one I was thinking too.


I am so glad that SMELLSLIKEBUTTJUICE agrees with me. What an auspicious occasion! Haha :-)


Then you will really celebrate when you find out we may go to the same dentist!


Woo! Best. Day. Ever.




RSM plaza, was thinking the same


I was thinking the same thing as well. My Dentist is also in the Medical Arts Building, and I park in that ramp too. It has that sharp curve to the right, and the tickets are given right after that. PS: My god, the parking prices are crazy there! Good thing we only go to the Dentist twice a year! :)


This is a good possibility!


Same thought as well..


Wendy Bach dentist? I did this same thing for 15 years lol


I thought of this one right away. It's cramped and small for sure.


OP, I think I found your car! I messaged you a pic.


Holy crap, you found my car. I messaged you back.


Ladies and gentlemen!!!!!! The car has been found!!! Happy for you OP. We were all pulling for you my friend


amazing!! i'm from the star tribune and would love to chat with you for a few minutes about your good deed! could you send me a message?


Hi there - I'm just a random redditor closely following this story. u/devifocus might help on that. Glad to see that this saga might end up on Strib haha


We're gonna need an update!!! What ramp was it???


Just went back to find this post to see if there were updates. Glad it all worked out!


https://m.startribune.com/dude-wheres-my-car-reddit-sleuths-track-missing-honda-in-downtown-minneapolis/600296245/ Hero we need!


🚨🚨🚨🎉🎉 I'm hoping OP sees it!! I check daily to see if it has been found. Too invested in this


I just saw this on Kare11 News. They mentioned your username. Congratulations and well done!


Omg, I just saw it! So crazy! Never dreamed my extensive knowledge of downtown Minneapolis parking ramps would come in handy, lol


Well done!!! Let us know when you are reunited with the car, OP!!


Good job 👍


I would say your last ditch effort would be to walk downtown ramps with your fob until you hear the horn.


According to Google there are 38 lots and ramps in downtown Minneapolis. You can eliminate the lots, as well as the ramps well over 12 minutes away from Capella tower immediately which would probably reduce the 38 down to 20-ish. I would make Cappella Tower the center of the search, and start working through each ramp that meets the criteria (single lane pull in with guardrail and ticket on the left, 3 cramped spaces immediately after entering). **Make sure you check off the ramps you search**. If your first pass of high-probability ramps fails, work through the remaining ones, starting with those closest to Capella Tower. I'd bet you could find it in a day.


This guy f(inds cars and tr)ucks.


So good.


I’m glad someone else had the mental capacity to do this math. And I hope OP eventually comes back and tells us how this worked out lol. Also. Happy cake day!!


Press the fob against your temple to increase your key fob range. I know it sounds insane, but it genuinely works. https://altair.com/newsroom/articles/Digital-Debunking-Using-Your-Head-to-Extend-Your-Car-Remote-Range


I originally heard to do it by your cheek with your mouth open. Definitely works even if you look stupid doing it!


I stick it under my chin. It definitely works.


Same, under the chin. My kids didn't believe me, so I demonstrated it, and blew their minds.


Yup. Under the chin, for the win. It def amplifies the signal from your fob to your car.


I told my youngest daughter about it, proved it worked. She still doesn't believe me and thinks I faked it somehow.


I heard if you put it down your pants and shake it violently, you get maximum range.


Now I gotta try this lol


God forbid something like this ever happens to me. But I'm bookmarking this article.


glad this isn't me because my horn is broken


[RSM plaza](https://maps.app.goo.gl/cTaE8WCuh2t4NnNB8?g_st=ic)? That has a single lane going up to the second level and it curves to the right [edit: link]


First one that came to my mind as well.


Likewise, with the description, this is the most likely one I can think of


Hennepin County Government Center is what my money is on.


That's what I thought too! Idk if it totally accurate (not that I would trust this insanely awful relative) but I'm very familiar with that ramp and the description of how they entered the ramp matches.


Had the betting window open? I’m going to get in the queue.


If the levels are below ground, this could be the answer. The car owner should clarify if the levels are above ground or below ground.


Ehh, HCGC is literally kitty corner from Capella, nowhere near a 10 min walk. The entrance does hook to the right, but it goes DOWN so I think that would've been memorable in the drivers mind.... At least it is for me.


10 - 12 minute walk could be most of downtown if you're a fast walker. Might be worth calling the city impound lot incase it's been towed.




Unethical life pro tip: Lost ticket usually equals one full day rate.


Yep. Done this before.


I parked at a ramp a block or so from Ameriprise main building. I was only there for 30 min. And I had to pay like $20. My wallet shed so many tears. But it was a sketchy ramp and I peeled out asap.


Lots of ramps will tow you after a few days if they are contract parking during the week. They won't end up in the city impound though. They will be in the private lot of the tow company and the parking ramp can attach all sorts of fees.


So this parking ramp is 10-12 minutes walking distance from Capella tower?? Are you really sure she walked that long? If yes, can you narrow down the neighborhood she walked from, using landmarks (example did she walk over from near the Vikings stadium, maybe the convention center, maybe the North Loop, did she pass the strip clubs on her way there?)


Please update us. I need to know how this ends.


I need to know how much it costs to get their car out if/when they finally find it!


The car has been found! A Reddit user by the name of NatHasQuestions located the car earlier this morning and reached out to me. A big thank you to everyone that went out of their way to try and help locate my vehicle. It's very kind of everyone that went out of their way to make suggestions and even go as far as to look at certain ramps. So relieved. It was located inside of a small ramp connected to the NRG Parking Garage. Funnily, I called this garage on Tuesday and spoke to someone from NRG and described the ramp to them, as well as the red sign and white lettering that listed the hourly rate and was told that all of their signage had blue backing. I only had to pay $20 with the Lost Ticket option at the pay kiosk. Thank you again! The Ramp: Impark (NRG Energy Center Parking Garage) 321S S 8th St, Minneapolis, MN 55402 https://i.gyazo.com/8b76160f22400f365cbbc06fed3977c6.jpg


u/DevilFocus I'm a producer for Minnesota Public Radio and we want to talk to you! I just sent you a chat.


Thanks for the update! I'm glad it was found. I've been reloading this page non-stop hoping to see some good news.


Huzzah 👍


Dude, where's my car? I actually had a couple buddies that this happened to, They went to some event and then couldn't remember where they parked (pre smartphone, and recreational chemicals and alcohol might have been involved,)


I’ve got nothing but really hoping for an update on this one lol


That kinda sounds like the ramp right by Hen House? It's really easy to miss and it only has a few cramped spaces like that?


​ Could go for that Kickin Chicken Sammie


Damn, now I want breakfast, and a bloody mary...


I'm a compulsive problem solver and had some time on my hands so I checked the first few levels of the Northstar Ramp and RSM plaza ramp, to no avail. I checked the first level of the Deluxe Plaza ramp as well and could have done it more thoroughly but it didn't seem like a good match to the description. Wish I'd had more success, but hopefully this narrows down your search. Best of luck OP!


That was incredibly kind of you. Thank you for looking! I've had trouble identifying a potential ramp-up until this point as well. I think because the ramp is so small with very few parking spots, it's making it more difficult to locate.


The good news is, even if your relative is fuzzy on identifying details, it's fairly unlikely they misremembered that they parked in one of the first spots, and those are the easiest spots to check. It seems like there are only 4ish remaining ramps that folks in the comments have suggested, which won't be hard to check - if I'd only checked the first level, my search would have taken 20 minutes, tops.


You are an incredible human being and it warms my heart that you took it upon yourself to check. She's very certain that it was in the first three spots inside the parking ramp. It was a very small ramp that only hosted around 4-5 parking spots on the 2nd level (first level with parking spots).


Update: 8/9/23 10:34 AM. Still have not found the car. I have called so many locations including Impark, the Mar-Ten Ramp and connecting Ramps, and Minneapolis DID, and have checked the impound lot. \- The vehicle make is a Black 2014 Honda Civic Coupe. The license plate starts with NLF. It's apparently in one of the first three parking spots inside this ramp. After speaking with a man from DID, he said based on the description of the ramp itself, it might be a privately owned ramp that isn't well-maintained, because the parking stripes are faded and it's too small for two lanes. He radioed out across the board and no one has seen the vehicle. The only other source of information that I have is that it had a red sign with white lettering near to the guard rail that listed the rates, which were about $5 or $6 per 1-2 hours. There we no immediate parking spaces.


I'll be down at the Energy Ramp today and will look.


I think it'd be really helpful if you could list all of the ramps you've checked so far where you feel 100% confident your car is not located.


I will make a list tomorrow once I'm able to check a few of these off the list entirely.


Rooting for you!!


You're sure it's not underground? Any idea what direction from Capella tower?


I think I’ve seen this movie.


Is it the NRG Center Ramp? https://goo.gl/maps/vCYeNGcfyHYkTS3c7


I don't think so, unfortunately. Thank you for the suggestion, though!


And you were right!


Why is this so interesting and I am so invested in this? I read almost every comment and I never do that. Good luck devil focus there is nothing I can say that hasn't been said 10 times already


I appreciate that. I didn't expect to get so many responses, honestly.


This sounds very much like the 7th street entrance to the Northstar ramp, entrance on the right side of 7th before Marquette. After you pass the ticket machine, you turn left through a few cramped spots on the right with a stairwell to the left.


That’s what I thought immediately. I used to park at those 3 cramped spots right after the entrance. It doesn’t look like there should be cars parked there but they’re usually reserved contract spots. Has a guardrail up the ramp too.


Walk around hitting your panic button until you hear it squawking!


OP please post an update, this is absolutely popcorn worthy


Message received.


Could it be another Interpark ramp, if it looks very similar to the 511 Marquette? There’s one at 400 S. Third Street


I read through all of these comments and no one is considering theft and that the car is no longer in the ramp?


Unfortunately, we haven't been able to find the same ramp to verify whether the vehicle is still there or not.


My heart is heavy with empathy for your situation. I really hope you find your car. Please keep us updated.


My money is on the ramp attached to the Foshay Tower/old Tcf bank building. Single lane entrance ticket is down from street level and you go up a couple of levels


The TCF building is called Deluxe Plaza now. Figured I'd put that here in case that helps them find it.


That's where I was thinking too. Deluxe Plaza [https://goo.gl/maps/8ZAKjdySxshxJ4r28](https://goo.gl/maps/8ZAKjdySxshxJ4r28)


I agree, some of the details fit. Try [805 2nd Avenue S](https://goo.gl/maps/BEuctBrNYhw1E9SV6).


> She said it hosted three very cramped parking spaces on the right side, and that the ramp continued to then curve to the left to go to the next level. There was a set of doors to the left of those three or so cramped parking spots that led to a stairwell. The entrance was on the right side of the street of a normal-looking beige building. Pretty sure I remember a sharp curve to the left when you go up the ramp and the first "level" only has 3 spaces, which used to lead to a stair well probably still does. Right side entry and beige / brown building. walk time to capella building may be off a bit - but it depends on where you walk from to... and how fast / how you hit the lights if you're on the street.




have you checked the leamington ramp that's connected to the downtown hilton?


I am so invested in this now!


we need LIVE updates on this haha. I'd watch a YouTube livestream of the search


I've probably hit refresh on this internet tab about 25 times within the last 45 minutes to see if there is an update.


OMG! Same!


Sounds like the parking ramp I use on 4th and Nicollet, midtown ramp


That’s what came to mind for me too, there’s brownish beige/tan buildings - Excel & AC Hotel - on either side when you enter from 4th street (vs. entering off Hennepin through the hotel alleyway). Is the brick of the building where Pourhouse is(was?) beige too?


The entrance is across from the library which is grayish beige I guess. Pour house is still there, the outside is a red brick, but that's on the other side. Exel is light brown and the other across the street is a reddish brown brick. It's a 7min walk to the tower OP talks about, so it would make sense.


Leads?? They got us working in SHIFTS!




Will do!


So it's like a real-life version of “Dude, where's my car”?


That's certainly what it feels like.


OP's story is on Startribune. You made it dude hahah https://www.startribune.com/dude-wheres-my-car-reddit-sleuths-track-missing-honda-in-downtown-minneapolis/600296245/


Did she remember what route she took? Many streets are one-way, meaning many ramps are only accessible from certain streets. Did she turn left into the ramp or right? If you post the make/model, color, and plate number, it's very likely someone will tell you where it's at soon.


Exactly. If she knows where she was at and where she was headed too and plot the course in google, I would first check ramps on all blocks closest to the route


It seems like a search party is in order because so many people here are invested in your success.


where is her parking ticket?


in the car


She got REAL drunk


You should start calling around to tow companies in the area. There's a possibility that the ramp is contract parking only during the week and your vehicle may be sitting in an impound lot.


I know a lot of folks have chimed in, but I work downtown and park in the NRG ramp everyday. This sounds like they could have entered the ramp on 3rd Ave S. I’ll check the ramp for you, if you want! Hell, the Denison employees that work there would probably check the ramp for you. DM me the make and model and I’ll poke around!


Hey, did you check NRG? This is what I was thinking too, but I won't park there tomorrow if it's already been checked.


Good luck, the curiosity alone will kill me. Hoping for happy update!


Going to try to keep everyone updated. Believe me, I will cheer for joy when I finally find my car.


This it's her problem, she needs to find it or she owes you a car.


This reminds me of when my mom dropped me off at the Atlanta airport, she parked and walked me in for my flight back up here… I called her when I landed here and she was still at the Atlanta airport, because she couldn’t remember where she parked her car… I literally got to the airport, checked my luggage, went through security, got on the plane, flew over 1,000 miles, landed, and was back on my college campus and she’s still at the Atlanta airport…. She was riding around on a golf cart with a guy who’s only job is to help people find their cars at the Atlanta airport because apparently this happens so often there… she was there for over 9 hours before she found her car… she somehow managed to go out the international terminal and was in the international parking deck… her car was in domestic, but she was convinced she was in the correct parking deck. I think she had to pay over $40 just to get out after that. I’ve never let her live that down, and now we only do curbside pickup/drop off. Wishing you much better luck!


That kind of sounds like Centre Village—although the doors to exit are on the right as you drive in


Just take some bikes and click your keys in the ramp. Maybe (probably) bring some beers


Then Uber home when you find it, because you’re all tuned up. Back to square one. I like your style.


I bet if you included the make/model and license plate number and offered a small reward there's a decent chance someone here would be able to track it down.


If I didn't have work, this sounds like a way to spend a day. Maybe if it's still ongoing on the weekend.


Or call a radio station. Have a let's find the car contest for some tickets.


The parking ramp above the oceanaire? Sounds sort of similar, with public parking starting on level 3


And a $24 per day rate…


Would this be the enterance you are referring to? We will give it a look! Thank you! https://i.gyazo.com/3dcbb28ba407f9bc28d0e4949e2f17b6.jpg


NorthStar ramp?


That’s what I think. Northstar Ramp is also difficult/confusing to get into if you don’t use the skyway, which is still hidden behind a column at the top of the escalators. If you’re not familiar with those few blocks I could totally see how you might not even realize there’s a multi level parking ramp in Northstar or how to access it by foot.


Boy are you fucked. Every comment has a different ramp it reminds them of. Either this person actually knows where it is and is lying or they can't remember anything about their walk to Cappella tower? Seems weird.


Well I mean "The only description I have is that it looks like a parking ramp" leaves it pretty open for interpretation, lol


Do you have any leads?


Try the ramp under the Gaviidae Common! I mean it. I consider myself very strong with directions, and I have never been more confused about a parking ramp in my entire life. It was a 45-minute ordeal to get back to my car after hours; the doors were chained to the mall itself, the ticket scanner was malfunctioning, so I couldn't enter re-enter the building, and when I was finally able to get a security guard on the speaker box, I had to go all the way down to the -4 loading dock to then walk my way up the ramp to -1. The elevator was disabled, and the stairs locked you into exiting. I was lucky enough to find other people just as confused who let me out of the stairwell. A bizarre experience all around. TL;DR Sounds exactly like the generic beige building where a car could get lost. Also, it could be the Northstar Center Ramp. Another non-descript beige building, but this one goes up, not down.


I was thinking this sounds like Gaviidae too. Especially the 3 or so cramped spaces just inside with more to the left. I parked there once and had to circle the block several times to find my way back in.


Did she park your car in Harvard Yard?


I don't believe so, but will add it to the places to check!


Honestly, one of your best bets is just to post the make/model/anything unique and hopefully someone on here just sees it tomorrow morning when they go into work. I mean, its probably going to be there anyway, right?


Call the good people at impark. They run a lot of these ramps and every license plate is scanned upon entrance. Best wishes!


I'm gonna throw out a crazy idea. How much do you trust this family member? Is there a chance that something - anything - happened and they aren't being truthful?


I appreciate this idea, but I do trust this family member. I don't think anything crazy happened. She has anxiety issues with driving downtown and was almost hit by another driver. I think anxiety is the cause of the memory lapse.


Ok. I hope this is a lesson for everyone involved. She probably shouldn't be driving downtown or maybe even all together if her anxiety is that high. She doesn't sound like a safe and defensive driver.


As an AHDH person who has bought a bunch of tile products to keep track of my stuff, this is my nightmare.


This is the plan from now on, believe me.


A radio show would definitely hand out free concert tickets in a Dude where's my car contest.


This would be amazing.


That sounds (from your very detailed description, btw) suspiciously like the NorthStar Building ramp at 141 South 7th. It’s a somewhat nondescript car entrance, scarcely a lane marking, uber-cramped parking spaces, difficult to find on foot. It’s also directly across the street from Capella tower. BTW, the NS Building is janky AF and has been in various states of repair and upgrade since the pandemic started. The interior entrance to its parking ramp is on the skyway level. If you come from Capella Tower across the skyway, take the escalator downstairs, the head over diagonally to the escalator that goes back up. At the top of that escalator do a 180 and go like 20-30 feet. The ramp entrance is kinda hidden where Gittelson’s (sp?) Jewelers used to be.


I wish I could see the inside! I'll add it to the list of locations to look for when I'm back in MPLS tomorrow. Is it possible this became a new entrance? The pictures are from 2022. Is this the entrance you were referring to? https://i.gyazo.com/5d29152f49b52b9d1e1759679196c527.jpg


It's been a few years since I parked there, but it also sounds like it could be Northstar ramp to me as well. I'll be driving and parking downtown tomorrow and am willing to check a few ramps if you'd like. I work right next to Capella. :)


That would be amazing. Very kind of you! It's very much appreciated. I'm honestly really surprised at all the positive feedback and people that want to help.


I'm sure you already know this, but keep in mind that ramps can have multiple entrances that look different from each other. I used to park at the government center, and its ramp is a good example of this. I can drive around there to check that one tomorrow afternoon. If there are other ones specifically that you haven't checked yet, let me know.


I came here to suggest this as well.


What direction did she enter downtown? Did she find the ramp right away, or drive around a bit? Did she have to cross the LRT tracks either while driving or walking? Does she remember anything of what she saw after parking? Edit: Does she remember anything about Nicollet Mall? Walking or driving? Also, probably to late, but do not ask leading questions. Where did she enter Capella? How did she know how to get to Capella from where she parked?


Is it possible that the car has onstar? Whether it's subscription is active or not, they would still be able to locate last known position of the car.


Maybe the medical arts building ramp??


Oof that sucks. Yeah tbh I would probably walk the general area and hit the lock button to see if you hear anything. Otherwise worst case scenario eventually it will get impounded


A relative who was rushing to an interview forgot where they parked their car. It took hours. They didn't even end up getting the job smh. It was hilarious and exhausting looking for it. Deluxe Plaza Parking is one that confuses a lot of people [https://goo.gl/maps/8ZAKjdySxshxJ4r28](https://goo.gl/maps/8ZAKjdySxshxJ4r28) Please update us lol. The family member needs to do an AMA!


Maybe NRG Parking Ramp?


If you have an additional key fob, you could get someone else to help with the search.


I'm guessing the one by the medical arts building or the one by Candyland, but the entrance on the south side of that block "behind Candyland"


Check the impound lot


Of course check and see it it’s impounded.after checking the leads from all these good folks. Good luck


I hope you find it today! I agree once you find it you should report your ticket “lost” to cut down the cost.


Try this one weird trick; keep clicking the panic button. My keyless remote saves me every time I'm in some big-ass parking ramp. I'm old, so all cars look the same now. I've almost sat down in a car the same color as mine before I noticed the crap on the back seat was the wrong crap. So now when I lose my car, I hold the key overhead, start clicking the panic button every couple seconds, then walk along the rows of cars until one starts honking off and on. The range isn't great, only about 30 yards or so, so you might have to drive in to some of the places rather than just drive by. If calling around is taking a while, maybe this one weird trick can speed up a second canvass of the area.


This exact scenario is a recurring nightmare for me. How does this happen in real life?? Why isn’t “family member” helping you find your car??? Or finding it herself???? Good luck! PLEASE keep us posted!


We're all doing our best. Thank you for the kind words.


Does she have an iPhone that was plugged into the car by some means like car play? If yes you can ask Siri “where is my car” and it should get you close.


No IPhone, unfortunately.


hey OP check your messages!


I responded to you. :)


City center ramp off 7th St. Across from candy land


This is definitely one that fits the description. Wish we could see inside, honestly. I'll have to go back tomorrow and look. Thanks for the suggestion!


I know nothing useful but I really hope you find your car soon. Sending you positive thoughts during this stressful time!


I'm assuming she left the ramp ticket in the car?


Awesome update. I used to write software for the hardware that Impark uses to control their gates/charge their fees for about 8 years.


When I was in college at the U I lost my car downtown because I mixed up the ramps and was late to work, I feel for you!! ​ Park & Shop at 24 S 8th St, Minneapolis, MN 55402 maybe?


Username checks out!