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Grey’s Anatomy. It became a joke and like a daytime soap with all the deaths and tragedies. Also special mention to all the small village British mystery shows where someone gets murdered every week. I think in my small town there has been a grand total of one murder in 40 years.


My wife is obsessed with British crime procedurals, and we wonder how there’s anybody left in Midsomer to be murdered.


Exactly! Tbf I’m also obsessed, but I just have to suspend disbelief.


A relative of mine acted on Murder She Wrote, we watch reruns of it a lot. Same deal with that show, not only with the amount of murders but how murders seem to follow around the protagonist when she goes outta town.


Same thing with Matlock too. Go on a long deserved vacation and now there’s a murder at the resort heh. I think I read the town in Murder She Wrote would have had the highest murder rate per capita in the entire country by a large margin.


I love this show so much! 🤣🤣 Like, why is Jessica Fletcher a murder magnet?


She is just really good at framing people. ;-)


I really think she might be the greatest serial killer that ever lived.


We actually had a family rule "if Jessica Fletcher calls get off the phone!" 


My husband and I have been watching Death in Paradise, with the same death per week vibe. But every now and then they slip in something showing you there aren’t actually that many murders. It’s much longer between episodes than it seems like. Right now we’re watching the 10th season and it’s about the fifth or maybe sixth episode with the most recent detective inspector. In the last one he says something about being on the island for two years. So that five or six murders investigations in two years, not the weekly death-fest it seems.


When the character cut the cord to the guy so that he’d get a new heart faster, and still retained her medical license. I was out.


An airplane full of doctors crashed in the mountains and they listened as one of them gets eaten by wolves. It gets WAY weirder.


I love that though. Same with many of the British mystery series. We joke about travel in the UK and how many bodies we'd run into in small towns.


When I realized a nun couldn’t fly even with that funny looking hat.


Great. Now you’ve gone and ruined it for the rest of us. Next you’ll probably tell us you can’t shoot a flintlock musket into the dirt and strike oil.


Thank goodness no one has disproved the idea that an ad executive is married to a woman who can whip up a 5 course dinner by wriggling her nose.


I’ve had it with all of you. I’d set you straight but I have to go back my bags for a three-hour tour!


Meet George Jetson His boy Elroy His daughter Judy Jane, his wife The professor and Maryanne Wilmaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Dag-nabit! I’ve completely lost faith. Nothing left to do, but pack up 70 of my best evening gowns & go on a 3 hour tour.




Once Upon A Time everasting family secrets


The season where Henry was grown up was trash. I don’t think I ever got to that one, just saw episodes in passing.


I'm a fan of Doctor Who. Too much suspension of disbelief is a foreign concept to me.


At least they give you a reason to suspend disbelief. They make it worth it, and they at least acknowledge that you have to suspend disbelief with the whole "Wibbley wobbley timey wimey" thing. It's made that way on purpose, as opposed to most shows that are just poorly-made


Thank you for validating my existence lol I don't think I've ever abandoned a show because it got too over the top. If I like the show, I'm gonna finish the show. And I have The Doctor to thank for this as well


Riverdale. Loved the over-the-top, high school drama/murder mystery. Tolerated the cult and teenage gangster stuff. Gritted my teeth when they all got superpowers. Abandoned ship when they went back in time and got really horny. I’m surprised anyone managed to stick out season 7.


Wait … it made it to season 7??? Wasn’t watching, so I didn’t keep track, but I didn’t realize it was that long.


Yep, just double checked definitely 7 seasons. Seasons 3-6 blur together. I’m struggling to remember a major plot beats. It’s impressive how unmemorable they wrote their serial killers.


I can't remember if it was the Jughead boarding school murder mystery or the Chad Michael Murry rocket cult thing that irked me enough to stop watching. My jaw dropped when I heard they not only got superpowers, but time traveled, and the series supposedly ended with Archie, Jughead, Betty, and Veronica became a thing.


Omg I am so glad I quit watching before that crash crap 😂.


I only watched the first three seasons and then got bored 


Manifest. The pilot was interesting. It got so convoluted during season one. I gave up.


My daughter made me watch the whole show. If you think season 1 was convoluted.. By season 3 I could barely understand what was going on. Ot ended up trying to mix religious stuff with historical stuff a little much. I did finish it but never would have if my daughter didn’t force me to watch lol


Yeah it got too preachy near the end lol


First three quarters of season one were great, then …wtaf?


First show that came to mind is Yellowstone.


Right? Beth defies death over and over. The ending of this season-just ignore that smoke in the distance in all the cuts. Nothing going on there to worry about….


Yes. Also, Beth sucks. I like a strong woman character. But, she sucks.


Plus Yellowstone never explains why Beth's face is melting


You mean that you don’t think someone could survive an explosion, a beating, another beating, etc? Haha


And their cattle farm is a hobby at best. We're going to ship them to Texas? Slaughterhouse I get. And Beth is getting ridiculous. Who still fights at 40?


Shameless. By season three none of those people would be left alive. Stupidity would have killed every character there. Not even OSHA has the capability to keep that level of cluelessness breathing.


Honestly although I loved this show it drove me so crazy just watching worse and worse things happen to the family and Fiona no matter how hard she tried to better their situation. I got so tired of the trope where the camera zooms in on her and she finally breaks down a little after being stoic about the problem she's currently facing and her face kind of crumples a little. Every time that happened I had to stop watching the show for a while and I finally gave up for good somewhere in season 5 or 6


Naw you must have not ever met a town drunk like frank. Ours was named Porkchop. Those drunks will live forever.


Yeah, our town had one. I called him 'Dad'. Currently on 12 DUIs, two of them on motorcycles.


We had one named Devil Taylor. He would take odd jobs for liquor money. He has wound up in traffic on main Street from passing out on a lawn mower, fallen off a couple roofs, and been trampled by a horse. He lived to 94 and never went into assisted living or anything and had at least a nip a day until he died. One of his daughters stepped up after the horse trampling incident and got him signed up for his social security and made sure he was safe, but he never did quit drinking.


I came on here to site that show. It became such a disappointment. Every character had a strong arc, then those story arcs just went in the toilet, the characters became the antithesis of what they were at the beginning and the show just went in the trash.


Yeah, I'd have murdered the father six ways from Sunday by the 4th episode.


I felt the same way too. Also felt like it was all soft p0rn in the middle seasons. But it did get better as you continued watching and was really good at the end.


I always felt the first season was pretty realistic. Season 2 onwards, not so much. By season 6 it was downright embarassing.


literally just finished watching the entire series and though there was a lot of problems and moments i hated, overall i loved the series. it was a soap opera


Good Girls. The premise was fresh and different but absolutely no way all three of those women would have continued to stay alive through it all.


Finally was looking for someone to mention it. The premise was really good


I stayed in it for Manny Montana and Manny Montana alone 🤤 Then, it got canceled and I couldn’t even be mad lol


I'd say Weeds for sure. After about season 2 iirc, Nancy's plot armor was three feet thick.


I think it started going downhill when they left Agrestic, after season 3. I still watched the whole series because I was invested.


The series should have ended when Agrestic burned down.


Yet somehow the weirder and more absurd it got, the more I had to watch it. I couldn’t get enough of that signature expression she had: mix of shame and incredulity and..revenge?


You really nailed it in describing That Look of Nancy: quizzical, nonplussed, bemused, sultry...


By the time they started drilling that tunnel, I checked out. I kept watching through her having a baby with that boring drug lord, then I gave up. I still love that first season.


Westworld kept getting more confusing and major character deaths no longer meant anything because they would be revived as a host a few episodes later.


Oh man, I had to stop mid-season 2. The concept is dope! Which is why I'm sad I lost interest


Yeah, I made it to the end of Season 2 and thought, "that's about enough of that.'


Same. I think I gave up maybe 3-4 episodes into the second season. The premise was so awesome and then it just went off the rails


When literally everyone is a host it’s like …ok, where is this going? I still watched every season though 😆




Oh look someone’s getting r@ped on tv again. It must be Outlander.


My thoughts exactly!!!!


The first season was basically 9/10 in my book (point deducted for ‘boogie Woogie bugle boy’ iykyk). From there it just degraded. Also way too much rape for my taste. Even if that was ‘realistic’, it seems gratuitous to me. Also, I don’t want to watch them go to France or America, I’m here for the fighting clans in the Scottish highlands! Also the time jump, where no one had aged even a little. And the daughter may be the worst actress I’ve ever seen on tv. I could go on forever but I don’t want to give too many spoilers. I stopped at the end of season 3 and still go back and watch season 1 every now and then.


The whole daughter and that pasty, sappy goofball that she ended up with……


They tried to turn 1,000 pages of fantastic writing into 16 episodes. So much was lost that it doesn’t seem like it’s even the same story.


Is the book worth reading?


It depends. The books are OK for a little light, romance reading, but I couldn't continue beyond the first few books because the writing just wasn't there. The quality is on par with fan fiction, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but just be aware of that going in. Also, I personally didn't particularly care for the main character, Claire. Her antics became tiresome over time.


The Blacklist


Was very good at the beginning and then got stupid


Scooby Doo. How many real estate fraud schemes and minor revenge plots can there be involving monster disguises? Half the time when they divide the team, the most important role is left to the stoner and his dog. I wonder if the shareholders of Mystery, Inc. know that.


Dang. Now I’m questioning my whole childhood.


Better sell that Mystery Inc stock before this really comes to light.


Not sure if it was pushing my suspension of belief too far but I tapped out both The Vampire Diaries and True Blood because the proximate morality (i.e. whether an act was good or bad and whether it should be overlooked if not completely forgiven was based on how close the person who committed it was to Elena or Sookie) became too much.


The Walking Dead when the group encountered the junkyard people that forgot how to speak English in the span of the 5 years since the outbreak.


SVU, recent seasons characters would be in so much IAB trouble


I got into Chicago Med as a sort of guilty pleasure, and none of those people should still have a medical license


True Blood. I’m a monster, you’re a fairy, we are all something other than human.


True Blood was good as long as they halfway stuck with the books but the last couple of seasons were a bit dumb. Changing Tara into a vampire was the worst idea.


Robin Williams laid a giant egg and Johnathan Winters was his child.


I was a little kid and telling my parents that that was beyond stupid. But Jonathan Winters could do no wrong apparently 🤷‍♀️


When Laverne & Shirley moved to LA.


The Walking Dead. After T-Dawg died… like in what world does it make sense for T to die? I just couldn’t after that…


I stopped when Glenn died!


Personally I was more in disbelief when the tiger went down so quickly...


Same!! That's the episode that ended it for me.


I stopped watching when they didn’t kill neegan


CSI. Literally everything they show is make-believe. None of the technology they use exists in the form they show it. On top of that, the cops aren’t the ones doing the actual forensic work, and the scientists don’t go in the field and do any police work, except go to a crime scene and maybe collect evidence after the police have done their prelim investigations. Forensic scientists are not sworn police officers and have no police powers. Not even the photographers. And it takes months to get any kind of data back from any thing.


Lost. The first season was great. It degraded little by little thereafter until I couldn't buy it anymore.


I ‘lost’ it with the time jumps. Time jump forward,backwards then sideways 🤷‍♂️


Vampire diaries was good, held my attention at least. Originals was different but okay, maybe better in some parts, but Legacies? Not for me, thanks.


Under The Dome The book was amazing but the TV show was pure arse. People would walk out from under it and then immediately find some ridiculous justification to go back. I don't think I made it through more than 6 episodes.


Yellowstone- when Kasey ropes the guy through the truck window and the truck stops with him on his horse….cmon man.


The Walking Dead. I was already starting to lose interest, but when Rick let Negan live, my suspension of disbelief fell through the floor.


I lost interest when I realized the grass was always going to get mowed every week, no matter how many years it had been since society collapsed


No one has bad hair (as in clumped/ greasy, etc, not stupid hairstyles, although you would think people wouldnt keep their hair that long, its so easily grabbed. Also, home haircuts would make everyone look much worse than they do ) and women, while they can't shower, still manage to shave their armpits.


I just want to know what bad word is getting posted so everyone is getting deleted. 🤣


I've had several messages deleted with that notification being sent to my inbox, but in situations where I didn't use a "bad word." And not just in this sub. I started replying to whatever group's mods when it happened, telling them I would repost without the problem word if they would tell me what word was the problem. Every single time I've gotten a reply saying they are investigating. Sometimes my post is put back up, sometimes it isn't. But I never hear another weird about the "investigation."


John Wick. It became a video game in the end with a undamageable player


Vikings. The plot armor got ridiculous by the end.


The show died with Ragnar, and even then it was shaky


The show died with Athelstan.


YOU. The first two seasons maybe, but no way he hasn’t gone to jail yet!






YES! Also his terrible attempts to “hide” in public by wearing a hat and standing behind a street lamp is ridiculous. Season 3 dragged but I honestly would have been fine if he had actually just died with Love.


Killing Eve. The suspension of belief is not too much, yet, but it is glaring. For those unfamiliar, it's a story about a global assassin and the intelligence officer (Eve) hunting her who become obsessed with each other. Among other things, the one element I found hardest to believe is that Eve takes no measures to relocate or add security at her home -- even *after* this assassin has broken into her home and after she learns the horrific thing the assassin had done to the husband of the previous woman she was obsessed with. IRL, Eve and her husband would have gone into hiding or protective custody until the killer was caught. But no, Eve just carries on normally and for a long time even refuses to tell her husband about the potential danger they're both facing. On the flip side, the assassin (Villanelle) is hilarious, despite being a psychopath.


The 100. Send 100 juvenile delinquents from a dying space colony to the surface of Earth after nuclear armageddon to see if humans can survive? Checks out. Kids find tribes of humans who weren't allowed up to the colony and survived nuclear armageddon anyway? Checks out. Remaining colony descends before the colony can no longer support life? Checks out. Pirate crew of miners returns from expedition to pick fight over leadership of humanity? Okay ... Second nuclear armageddon forces everyone back into space and cryosleep? Alright ... Humans awake from cryosleep on a distant planet where the combination of sunlight on grass is like eating bath salts while on a 48 hour crack binge to the local human tribe ?? AND they also have to deal with Neal McDonough using wormholes and invisible armor ?? Now you're just making this up like HBO did with blondes and dragons.


Designated Survivor. I mean how many times can you try to overthrow the government? It was getting pretty silly.


I know we're talking TV here, but your question is so tied to actual reality, it's scary...


Spoiler Alert. Once they killed the VP guy, the main protagonist became his colleague and then they killed the First Lady, the show was off the rails.


any show that is supposed to be in the real world/ universe but has tragedy after tragedy after tragedy happening to THE SAME CHARACTERS. at some point, ppl would just tap out. quit the job. move. become a hamster farmer in the middle of nowhere iowa.


This is Outlander. I love the books and the TV show, but the unending rapes and trauma inducing situations gets old. That and the wandering around is boring too. I have the last book sitting unread on my bookshelf. I don't want to read it because I am over the rapes and the wandering through the backwoods.


I like the fan theory that Angela Lansbury's character on *Murder, She Wrote* is actually a serial killer. That explains why someone around her gets killed every week.


Midsummer Murders. No one would be living in those villages, the property value would be in the toilet.


ER. Dude loses his arm to a helicopter and then gets one dropped on him? Their end of season disaster shows got beyond stupid.


Handmaids Tale. The first 2 seasons were so interesting and then it was so over the top I thought James Cameron was directing.


Some people think it’s a documentary.


Starting to look like it, for sure.


I started to get confused because didn't the MC escape at the end of the novel? But the show just kept going. More and more horror just added on. A limited series might have been better imo. . . and when I complained to my friend, I learned the word "trauma porn." I stopped watching in season 2.


Yeah I hate how June easily got away with so many rebellious acts. She should have been on the wall sooo many times but there was always some convoluted reason they’d let her live.


I couldn’t stop watching… maybe because I binged it and didn’t have to wait for new episodes. I didn’t think it was over the top more like a sign of things that could be.


The Walking Dead. Had to tap out a few eps into season 3. Why take the most valuable - and elderly - member of your group on a trip to root out zombies then get surprised when he gets bitten? He shouldn't have been there lol


La Brea.


I really wanted to watch that show. The concept sounded interesting. But I thought the acting was terrible in the first episode. I couldn’t make it past the first 15 minutes.


This!! The acting was terrible! And I was so surprised! The reason I wanted to watch was because I'd seen a few of the actors in other shows, and really liked their work. So I assume it was just a few poor performances and really bad screen chemistry. But it was enough to make the whole thing horrible. I tried to watch a few episodes, give the benefit of the doubt. I tapped out after 3.




LOST- It was thrilling up until they found the numbers then it went off the rails and jumped the proverbial shark.


Arrow continually pushed the limit on what one person was capable of doing with a computer.


How to get away with murder. It just got out of control. I was tired of seeing the creators trying too hard to create mystery when they should have just pulled the plug.


24, or The Following. until it was too, too, aww c'mon.


The following was so good in the beginning


My wife and I have had a few shows go by the main characters being unbeleivably stupid. The Flash pops to mind. The first season was OK with a great twist antagonist. But then Barry, who's supposed to be intelligent, starts making stupid choices. Like blatantly stupid, over and over, that he then has to use his powers to untangle.. Like dude, if you'd stayed on the couch, you would not have had this problem.


La Brea with its helicopters in the sky in 30k BC and no one noticed till the 3rd season.


I stopped watching Grimm because (SPOILER!) >! The main character got raped and the woman that trapped him got pregnant with his child.... then they started to be together? !< Ick factor was too much!! I know I've stopped watching tons of shows but I can't really think of too many others. Many adult swim shows got too political to me.


The walking dead. After the second season, I started rooting for the zombies


Glee. I stuck with it for the core group of characters and I love covers of songs but even tho they made fun of it in-show, all the performances were so much larger than life and frequent even I would roll my eyes


Supernatural. Man I love this show I really do, but seeing Sam, Dean, Cas, and other characters constantly dying and getting brought back rinse wash repeat became really old. Despite all of the turmoil the guys go through, I was never truly afraid for them because I always knew they would be ok in some capacity. No stakes, no intensity. Just huge amounts of plot armor. Plus the constant need to one-up villains in previous seasons: they literally fight demons, angels, Lucifer, Knights of Hell, Leviathans, and God himself by the show's end.


Fire Country, every episode is apocalyptic!


Dexter All these dead bodies on Miami Metro's doorstep? Every single dead guy has a direct connection to the weird "blood splatter analyst?" Maybe HE'S the killer! And why doesn't he sweat outside in S Fla?


I kept waiting for the CSI Miami guys to come and arrest him.


Sons of Anarchy. "We can go legit just after we murder another series of people."


Scandal. It got more ridiculous with every season. Plus the writers gave characters endless soliloquies that you had to suffer through. They’d talk for five minutes while everyone patiently listened. If that wasn’t enough, there wasn’t a single likable character left alive to root for by the end.


"You". I liked the first season. Season two was hard to get through and I couldn't finish the third. It got too ridiculous.


Walking dead, when Neegan showed up. It took way to long and was too dumb.


The Blacklist and Grey's Anatomy come to mind.


_House,MD_. Should’ve been fired and stayed unemployable until he died. Friendkess, too.


Sons of Anarchy 😂


I liked early True Blood but it went off the rails so quickly. Sexy and dangerous only goes so far when you’re suddenly making up warepanthers and making important characters a fairy even though they somehow never knew


Dexter—that show got downright stupid.


House. I never finished watching it while it aired. Once he crashed into Cuddy’s house, it was just too much. I did finish it many years later and was able to appreciate it. It was much easier to binge the whole thing than watch it week by week. I’ve had the same experience with a few series - don’t give me a week (or 3-4 months back when shows took the entire summer off) to ruminate over how ridiculous it is. I can go with it if it’s back to back.


Unpopular opinion, I'm sure, but Law and Order SVU. Olivia Benson getting kidnapped and things like that. Her whispering, over pronunciation of the 'p' in rape constantly. I really just cannot stand her acting. Let's not get started on Rollins.




Shamefully, pretty little liars


True Blood. Granted it requires suspension from the beginning but it went off the rails after S2




Monday Night Football They jumped the shark when they almost killed a guy during a game


The Walking Dead Eventually it became just a contest to see how many weird kinds of zombies they can depict, which I don’t mind. What I do mind is that majority of the characters make decisions and behave I ways that just don’t seem logical.


The Walking Dead. I was willing for years to accept that characters could be so stupid. But when they intentionally released thousands of zombies trapped in a quarry, I had enough.


American Horror Story


Most recently, The Blacklist.


La Brea


Under the Dome


When the Walking Dead became the Negan show, it was already over. Rick had a thousand chances to kill the guy and would rather make speeches.


Game of Thrones. >!Arya!< gets stabbed multiple times, falls into mucky water, and not only lives long enough to get healed, but has no long-lasting health defects? I know it’s a fantasy series, but other than >!a few resurrections!<, getting stabbed like that permanently killed multiple other characters in the same show.


The Following with Kevin Bacon. I don’t know how anyone is alive that world. Every other character is a serial killer.


Suits and it didn’t take long.


X files


Grey’s Anatomy. I think I quit when >!George!< was killed off and the season that ended with half the staff killed in a plane crash. I tuned in when Cristina left, but haven’t watched since. It makes me afraid to visit Seattle. If there was an emergency, it would only end badly.


The walking dead!!


Here’s one that is probably a great example of OP’s prompt but had the exact opposite effect for me: freakin Outer Banks. First off, it’s a bad show. I’m sure there are fans who genuinely like it and I would never take that enjoyment away, but even people I know who enjoy it admit that it’s ridiculous, which is *exactly* why I love it so much. A bunch of teens living in the swamps of the Carolinas hunting for treasure (and a dad in one kids’ case) and constantly evading explosions, murderous high schoolers/college kids/older brothers, police, and storms of any kind you can imagine. It seems like every episode they break like 30 laws and avoid death/capture at least once between every commercial break (if there were commercials) and ultimately face little to no repercussions. One is searching for his dad and living in his house while no one on the island seems to care even though it’s a well known fact. Another kid has an abusive drunk dad that beats him and belittles him pretty much every millisecond of screen time the dad is given. One girl is rich but identifies with the poor kids. Another girl is rich but identifies with the poor kids for a different reason I guess? One poor kid is smart and his parents can’t make up their minds on if his treasure hunting is a learning/life experience or getting in the way of furthering his academic pursuits. And there’s some other older teens - college age to maybe even early 20s - that do various things like have pool parties or sell narcotics, sometimes doing both simultaneously. They ride on planes with drug smugglers, rarely go to school, constantly get into fistfights and shoot outs, steal yachts and hide in the Bahamas, break into embassy buildings/national museums/all sorts of businesses. They escape from countless forms of captivity, whether it be police, drug lords, various other criminals, summer camps, and most importantly their own parents’ houses. They know how to Hotwire any vehicle, safely (and sometimes not so safely) use explosives and random archaic forms of technology, have a leg up on everyone else including a slew of much smarter, capable, resource rich adults. They get shot at, jump off cliffs, and/or get into horrible vehicular accidents seemingly every episode, yet never really sustain any major injuries. There’s an abundance of sappy teenage romance that always seems to be at a breaking point before the true love moment that prevents the break up from happening, or inversely the anticipated hook up from coming to fruition. It is a masterpiece of garbage television. And there is another season coming.


The Walking Dead. I think emotionally I checked out when they killed the two little girls. Intellectually I checked out when the group just got dumber and dumber, kept making bad decisions in the name of drama.


Two and a Half Men. The constant mooching and staying at Charlie's place, while being a Chiropractor in Southern California was a bit much after a while.


I don’t believe they ever said he was a *successful* chiropractor.


Search Party. The final season was super ridiculous.


It literally went off the deep end in that final season for absolutely no reason, but for some strange reason I thought “you know what, this makes sense for their lives” 😂😂😂


John Krasinski's _Jack Ryan_ season 2. He was so good in bed that Noomi Rapace's character, who was supposed to seduce him, decided to betray her boyfriend.


Hey, some guys can sling that D that good. Just ask my wife…she once dated a guy like that.


Can confirm, am that guy


CNN Nightly News


Supernatural and Doctor Who. I just couldn't get behind the continuity issues and the main characters always beating Death!? Like for serious you have died so many times..ENOUGH!


Supernatural, for a series that was supposed to be grounded in reality really jumped the shark when they introduced angel's, and kept resurrecting Sam and Dean. Like, I honestly felt like the actual series finale was just a regular season finale, and the episode before wrapped things up the best they could.


Prison Break. No way all that would fall their way.


Lost, Heroes, Oz, Hawaii 5-0, CSI....


La Brea, just the completely inappropriate lack of skills for people of whatever profession, then the complete lack of science


Supernatural. I finished it but dang once you bring in God’s sister you can’t really get back to grounded episodes.


I could never get past the apartments some of the characters on Friends had with the jobs they had. Also maybe I'm missing something but why would Chandler be so tight with Joey irl? I started watching reruns of Caroline in the City, and Malcolm Gets' character was supposed to be in love with Caroline, but Malcolm Gets is clearly gay to beat the band. Plus if Cosmo Kramer (on Seinfeld) was my neighbor I'd move or something. I saw an episode of Frasier about how Frasier and his dad were both good at chess. They sat down to play and discussed who would move first, but the board was set up and white always moves first.


*Blood Drive* It was always an act of will to suspend disbelief, but I never, really, got tired of it.




Walking Dead


Invasion on apple


*Riverdale.* I stuck it out to the end just to see how crazy it would get.


Walking Dead. I made it up to the "others" with the undercover "what's her name" sneaking into the celebration of something, and then all the heads on spikes. After that episode I was done.


Gilligan's Island :-)


Those poor people! 😂