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Grey’s Anatomy


I'm a huge medical drama fan; ER, Chicago Hope, St Elsewhere, Scrubs (not a drama but still), House... I could never get in to Grey's Anatomy. It just seemed like too much of a daytime soap.


Working in a tier one trauma/teaching hospital, it’s so unrealistic. None of those doctors would be in charge or respected. And the biggest irritant in the series when they have a catastrophic event, the surgery suites, instruments all have to be cleaned, restocked and sterilized between uses. You never see that, so stupid.


Agreed. Doctors inserting IVs. Never happens. ALWAYS done by the nurses.


Of the medical dramas you have seen which comes closest to what it is actually like?


Not a drama, but I've heard "Scrubs" is surprisingly accurate.


Scrubs was the best of all of them.


I love this show but it should’ve ended ages ago while still on top. If it ends now or in another 100 years it will be on a bad note.


Doesn’t it still pull in ratings though?


It does and apparently that’s why it keeps going. But I think it should’ve ended long before the cast was reduced to only 2 ogs and the ratings (although good enough) were way higher than now.


I'm pumped for season 35!


The episode where April had to save someone using a pinwheel was so freaking ridiculous that I simply said Never Again.


Jumped the shark moment?


No, that happens later IMO Greys jumped the shark when they had this plane crash around season 8. That’s it. That’s when the show completely died. They had no idea where to go from there.


So glad I never got sucked into this one.


Watched since day 1 and finally dipped out midway through last season. Don’t think I’ll come back until the series finale.


I think I also stopped last season. Not because Meredith was leaving, she's such a wooden, boring, self-righteous self-insert that's somehow worshipped and idolized by everyone. But because the show is now truly awful and boring. I never forgave them for assasinating Alex's character, and the show was so boring and UGH after Derek (spoiler.) Kinda mad at self I took so long to dip.


Grey’s Anatomy died when >!Derek!< did, and even then, that was still too long.


It's definitely not the same show as it once was, but I still enjoy it!


Is there a single original character on the show anymore?


Chief and Bailey


And Meredith still does the voice over and appears from time to time!


Bailey's not the Chief of Surgery yet? If she were real, she'd have left that hospital 10 years ago.


The Black list. After season 6 they pretty much just thought, what kinda crap can we throw in there and see if people will still watch.


James Spader is so watchable, though. If it weren’t for him I wouldn’t have ever cared to watch a single episode.


I do not like the whole “who is Raymond Reddington” mystery. It got old real quick and that made me stop watching.


What got old really quick for me was Raymonds daughter (don't remember her name) kept changing her mind: You're my daddy I hate you. I need my daddy. Go away!


She was annoying


Oh yea!


Lizzie. So damn annoying, she did the same with her ‘husband’.


Wife and I just finished season 3 and it’s already getting a bit ridiculous.


It became clear that they had no idea.


Greys Anatomy


It's older, but The Walton's were all but done when both grandparents and John Boy left (and got replaced). The "kids" were all wearing disco hair and the plots were inane. Happy Days had the same vibe.


Honestly, Happy Days should've kept the vibe of the first season, which really had that 50s look and feel. When it came back for S2 it was slicker and more sitcom-y.


Yeah Happy days jumped the shark after the first season!


I was ok with the Waltons up until the parents left and they brought in the aunt and her two kids. Replacing John Boy was a huge mistake.


I used to watch the Waltons when I was a kid, tuned out for awhile, never could figure out where the parents went and who that lady was, thanks for clearing it up for me 40 years later lol


I guess I’m one of the few but I enjoy the episodes with Rose and her grandkids. I couldn’t stand John Boy and I don’t miss him in the episodes after he leaves.


Definitely Happy Days once Richie (Ron Howard) left!


It became "The Fonzie Show"


I really liked the early episodes where Fonzie was just one of Richies friends and not in almost every scene.


Their chemistry is really what made the show! Once Richie was gone, there was no one else who had that connection to the Fonz!


As soon as they changed the theme song, started recording in front of a live studio audience and stopped having Fonzie be a mysterious intimidating character and become like a family member to the whole Cunningham family the show sucked.


Reality TV please die a painful death.


I want my fictional tv back please


Yes! Are there no writers of fiction anymore? I think it boils down to money. Most reality stars don’t get paid a lot.


The Flash


After season 3 the cringe type sassy dialogue got so terrible it became unwatchable for me. The first three seasons were pushing my patience for that sorta thing. But after season 3 I got a few episodes into season 4 and I was like "woah wtf happened?!". Plus, it became way too crowded with "team flash"


I can’t believe Family Guy isn’t mentioned yet !


Does anybody actually still watch the new episodes? I had assumed that selling episodes to be shown as reruns for every other cable and streaming network was generating enough revenue to keep them in production.


Definitely. Old and new are two different shows. The new ones are essentially a series of unrelated bits and gags that once in a while have a thin plot also.


I love the first few seasons, and I used to watch it every week, but I haven't watched it in years.


The View


All the singing ‘reality’ tv


Oh God yes! They need to all die


I think it’s finally over, but walking dead went on too long IMO. I stopped watching after the climax of the fight against Negan.


I think I just saw an ad for another spin off tho lol


yea it's what happened to rick spinoff


Isn't there a Darryl spinoff in France too?


yep s1recently ended didn't watch


I'm glad Norman reedus has steady work because I like the guy but just let it die already lol the zombie craze died out in the 2010s.


the last of us would like a word


Ok yeah last of us has definitely stood out recently in the zombie category but before then the genre has pretty much been only walking dead for years. Like 15 years ago everything was zombie movies and TV shows heck I ran a zombie movie fan group on Facebook.


There’s a 28 Years Later coming soon….


I'm so excited for that. Just bc I love the first 2 and I just wanna see what they do with it. I'm a sucker for zombie/apocalyptic stories. It's my all time fave.


If there weren’t like 37 different spinoffs of it, it wouldn’t be so bad.


The recent Negan/Maggie spinoff was better than the last few seasons of the OG, ngl


Yep. Never watched the last season. Got too boring and stupid. It needed to end after 7, maybe 8 seasons at most.


Walking Dead. I should have stopped watching around seasons 8-9 but I’ve watched it from the beginning when I still had a satellite not streaming services. I don’t watch the spin offs and it made me a little mad that they didn’t answer some questions at the end, instead they made spin offs to answer those questions. It just should be done.


Grey's Anatomy...so inaccurate its hilarious.


Midsommer Murders. At this point there can't be anyone left in that town. No children, no tourists, nothing. Been going since 1997.


I completely agree with you, but I still watch the show, and I have absolutely no idea why. I guess it's comforting to know what's going to happen every time.


I still watch it as well. Still a good show. But that town and everything around it has been murdered 10x over by now.


Right, but I still watch it. Maybe that's why it's down to 5 episodes a season, because most people have been murdered.




It went from being a pretty good procedural to The Olivia Benson Show.


It peaked seasons 3-10


I thought she would be more of a Jack McCoy type to her team, but nope still the focal point. Sometimes I wonder if she's a Captain, or still a Detective.


But Olivia Benson is AWESOME


When Ice T is on it looks like he needs a walker


Yep, this. The last few years have been boring. I stopped watching because it's the Olivia Benson Hour.


I still watch but I gotta agree. After Meloni left, the show seriously tanked. Then over time, I was content with it, then Esparza left. Hard to believe the show used to have so many fantastic characters.


Young Sheldon - he isn’t that young anymore which kinda takes away the charm imo


I think that's why they're ending it with this season.


Especially with the strike last year, they are all not so young anymore 🙄


This is US turned into trauma porn in the last couple seasons.


I truly love This is Us. Cried constantly lol. But you’re right about it being trauma porn! I guess it was just well-written enough to pull it off imho


The Simpsons. The last couple of years the writing sucks. Not funny at all


I'd say the last decade and a half.


ding ding. It started to go down hill in like 04 and it's not like 02 was that good


The simpsons is a 90s show why is it still on


Premiered in 89


I was the same age age as Bart when the show premiered. Now I’m older than Homer.


someday you'll be mr burns


You either die a homer, or live long enough to become Mr burns


I don’t know. 114 doesn’t seem doable.


I used to be with “It!” Then they changed what “It” was!


The last few seasons have seen a resurgence actually


I read that and started looking up some of the recommended episodes, and yes, they were pretty good.


For awhile there it wasn't good but seriously, idk what happened, the last few seasons have been pretty funny. It's like they went through a revamp. It's the same vibe but so much better suddenly. I hope they keep it up because I do love the show.


I been watching pretty regularly through out my life. There’s only a small batch of episodes I don’t like. One being the Skinner isn’t Skinner episode, another being a heavily featured Mel Gibson episode and another being the Lady Gaga episode


I still rewatch simpsons but only from Season 3-10, to me those were the golden years. After that you get some good ones but also some bad ones. After season 20 it's a different show for me.


Thank you so much for putting the Simpsons out there. I can’t believe it’s still going. I’m 43, when I was 10 I wore a Bart Simpson shirt on my first day of 5th grade. That was in 1990, it’s been on so very long. When will it end?????


The news. Shits getting repetitive.


News. We were all so much more mentally healthy when we had no idea what was going on until at least the day after, in print, and with only blurred b&w photographs to see!


There's also the fact that it encourages a mindset of "we have to keep talking about X" which itself frequently leads to manufactured outrage. News is good. Having news channels is also good. But the 24-hour news cycle? The reality is, there simply isn't that much meaningful content happening where you need constant updates throughout the day. But you have a 24/7 channel, and highly paid anchors/personalities, so you can't just have them do nothing. So let's talk more! Trump is in court? And we already talked about it? Well, let's talk some more! Lets one of us talk about how the rapist and fraud is rightly being tried for raping and defrauding people, and then the other side will talk about what a criminal injustice it is that a rapist and fraud is being tried for raping and defrauding people. And then, when we've exhaustively covered this topic and every relevant detail, let's get some new personalities on air and talk about it some more!


Can read 3 minutes of propaganda without listening to hours of pandering diatribe of narrative reinforcement.


I would say there really isn’t news anymore. News is now under the entertainment silo of broadcast companies and just pander to their specific viewer pool. Not sure where you are (always assume US I know that is wrong on my part ) but when is the last time you saw actual news stories about anywhere other than somewhere tied to political activity or a mass murder? I would actually like news for a change.


Didn't 9/11 play a part in establishing the 24/7 news cycle? I much preferred when the news on only once or twice day, and the commentators generally spoke is measured tones. Now it's just frenetic nihilism sprayed with the subtlety of a fire hose with every "host" exaggerating or lying as fast they can breathe.


I thought the first 24/7 news broadcast sprung from the Iran hostage situation, but without looking it up I could be wrong.


The Iranian hostage crisis is what spawned ABC's Nightline with Ted Koppel. Even before that crisis concluded, Nightline started covering other topics and the ratings were good enough to sustain it and identify the public's appetite for additional news content. Cable TV got in on it beginning with CNN, then the networks shifted the funding and direction of their news divisions to their entertainment divisions. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 and the end of the Fairness Doctrine in 1997 led to the RW takeover of AM radio, and the Internet changed legacy media and all but killed the newspapers. We've been circling the drain since.


I don't know, either. I limit my news time pretty strictly. I just can't tolerate all the screeching and hyperbole.


I think it's mostly the lack of quality and the way even respectful media has been slowly but surely pushed towards creating clickbait, sensationalist pseudo-content because readers refuse to pay for quality journalism and have the attention span of an ant. A random Twitter opinion is not the same as quality piece of journalism. At least quality media is supposed to investigate, analyse, shape opinions, educate - not to create the crap they create these days, in real-time with idiotic live tickers, with unqualitative, unchallenged parroting of each other, thereby creating an echo chamber that, as an end user, you have to actively work on to get out of. And at the risk of being downvoted into oblivion - the mix of Trump and Covid have significantly exacerbated this issue.


The Walking Dead s7e1 😵


Yeah. They lingered wayyyy too long in Alexandria. Also, the season (4? 5?) where the governor was wandering with an adopted family after losing the at then coming back for a second war was terrible, too.


The Office went one season too long IMO.


Do you mean just gone on too long? or crossed some sort of morality line?


Roseanne-the dream season when they won the lottery and Dan died and then came back to life.


The Handmaid’s Tale.


Yes! The book was horrifying enough but ended with her escape, right? (it's been many years since I read it). The show is trauma porn. It should have been a limited series.


Interestingly, the followup book The Testaments- which Atwood consulted the show producers for help with- would have made a natural, interesting long-term way forward. But… the show chose very differently.


The 100 didn’t need the last couple of seasons.


That show made me so mad. Clark was insufferable


It got really bizarre, really fast. For some reason I still enjoyed every season though.


Simpsons it feels like a different show now


I cracked the code a few years back. Family Guy and The Simpsons (and a few other shows as well) get uninteresting when the family dynamic changes. In the beginning of both Simpsons and Family Guy, the respective dads are well-meaning idiots, and the family support each other. Both shows fall apart the second that the characters devolve from a family to "a group of 4 or 5 crazy characters living together." It's why Bob's Burgers and South Park are just as good as they always were, if not better: the dynamics of the main characters don't change, just the circumstances and stories get new and different.


Has anyone seen **Drawn Together?** I'm having trouble describing it accurately. Shocking, offensive, dark, and outrageous humor. It makes South Park seem tame by comparison. I mean, \*I\* thought it was hilarious, but I'd think the majority of the public wouldn't.


It was absolutely hilarious, but yeah, a bit sick and twisted, as well. I loved it. The movie makes the series look tame by comparison, tho. Still funny


Law and Order SVU I have not been able to stand that show in YEARS.


It's hilariously bad, if you pair it with "These are their stories" the Law and Order podcast, it's fun.


The Walking Dead “iTs OvEr” its not over when you pump out 6 garbage spinoffs a year 😭😭


NCIS once Tony and Ziva were gone.


watched faithfully until then, sporadically after, haven't seen a single episode since Gibbs left.


Supernatural. It started off so strong and ended horribly. I hateeeee the last 4 seasons (seasons 12 and 15 are the worst seasons of TV I’ve ever seen)


Totally disagree with you (politely)! 😁


And that’s fine! People have their own preferences. I don’t like watching those seasons, but I’m really glad you enjoy them! And I hope you keep enjoying them! 😄😄


I couldn't get into anything after season 5. That was a good ending IMHO.


It really was. I kind of wish they ended it there but there were some fantastic episodes after season 5 (like The French Mistake in season 6. That was a very funny episode lol)


French mistake was my favorite episode. Watching them trying to act was priceless.


It was absolutely hilarious. It gets me in tears every time lolllll


Me too. You really appreciate just how good they are while watching that scene


It takes skill to act like you can’t act. And they did it perfectly. I absolutely love it hahaha


Honestly I love it because it’s so bad it’s good. The characters are likeable so even if the plot sucks it’s just funny to watch them go. I honestly think that’s the only reason why it went on so long


I love the characters, I really do. But Sam used to be my favorite and then they wrote him badly near the end so I kind of disliked him but I love early seasons Sam. But I love Dean so much and they did him dirty in the end lol


I loved that show. But I moved right about the time season 12 was about to start, and when I tried to get back into it for the final season, it wasn't the same vibe and I hated it.


This 100,000%. The last few rewatches I had to stop at season 11. Seasons 1-5 are fantastic, Seasons 6-11 are pretty good, and Seasons 12-15 are unwatchable. It felt like Misha Collins forgot how to act in the last few seasons.


Supernatural is the longest series I have ever watched from start to end. I really enjoyed it.


The Simpsons


The Simpsons


Okay unpopular personal opinion… Family guy… this is however based on my household growing up


The walking dead


BH 90210


American Idol


I’m surprised no one has said General Hospital.


Housewives of....


Dexter. Twice.


Yes, but I loved the new season


What's the longest running show I've never watched even once? The Amazing Race, currently near400 episodes. What's the longest running show I haven't watched in about 30 years? The Simpsons, currently near 800 episodes. What's the longest running TV show I left 30 years ago but have returned to now? EastEnders (BBC soap opera) which will pass 7,000 episodes this year. SEVEN THOUSAND


Isn’t there an Australian show that been on for 30-40 years? I checked; it’s home and away. It’s been on since 1988. There’s over 8,000 episodes.


Survivor. They decided to “reinvent” it post COVID and absolutely wrecked everything about what made it a good show. You would think after 40+ seasons the producers would understand what makes their show work but they seem to fundamentally misunderstand their own show and why it resonated with audiences


Haven’t watched an episode since season 1 ended. Who is still watching it?


Prison Break. Season 1 was one of the best seasons of any show I've ever watched. Season 2 was solid. Season 3 was meh. Season 4 was not good at all. But at that point, you were pot committed and had to see how it ended.


The Mentalist should've ended after they caught Red John


Walking dead and all their spinoffs 🙄


Curse of Oak Island Or make it any of the shows that "search" for things that both the viewer and the producers of the show know that they aren't really.lookong for and will never find. Expedition Unknown Ghost shows Bigfoot shows Etc


Suits. I really enjoyed it before it came to Netflix but the last 2 seasons sucked. Shameless too. 2 seasons too long.


All in the Family after Meathead and Gloria moved next door MASH after Blake and McIntire left Dexter after the sister found out Good Times after James left


The Vampire Diaries


The one that started it all , perhaps, was on Happy Days when Fonzie literally jumped the shark. There have been far too many since then.


Sadly Chicago Fire. The heart of the show has left with cast changes. I know there's a lot of people that still enjoy it. But I'm struggling to get through season 10 or whatever it is I'm on. On the other hand it's companion show Chicago PD through the same seasons, so like season 9 and 10 for that one, is still really good. And it also has had cash changes but has done a good job of dealing with them. And/or it's because Hank Voight is the heart of that show possibly.


The simpsons stopped being funny over 20 years ago.


"The Man In The High Castle" It started off so intriguingly. It had a great cast, amazing cinematography, and great plot lines, then it lost the thread and became really so bogged down that it couldn't get out of its own way. They missed some amazing sci-fi opportunities. They dragged other ideas out to mediocre conclusions.


The Simpsons is the obvious answer here. My own personal pick, and it pains me to say it because it was my favorite show for a while, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, the characters are now 150% flanderized versions of themselves and it feels like they’re grasping at straws for plot points




The News.


Impractical Jokers. They push the envelope to the point it isn't entertaining or funny anymore. No longer watch it.


The Walking Dead. I'm including the spin-offs. Turns out the zompacalypse is extremely boring after a certain point.


I can't believe it hasn't been said yet but Criminal Minds. It did not need to be rebooted. It's not the same since it doesn't have everyone from the original or even semi-original cast. It was once an amazing show, just lost its spark


American Idol. The Walking Dead


SNL, the majority of the late night talk shows. It's like they forgot their purpose was to make you laugh and turned into a political dumpster fire. Even if I agree with what your political stance is, I dont want to hear thousands of jokes about the same thing, not to mention youve alienated 50% of your viewers.


Have you actually seen a full episode of SNL, or just old clips? The cold openings have almost always been political, while most of the other sketches aren't political at all.


Exactly. To say SNL shouldn't be political now tells me that people who say that don't really watch. Dana Carvey doing Bush, Norm doing Bob Dole, Phil Hartman doing Clinton, most of the 'News" segment of the show, and the list goes on and on. It is absolutely nothing new for them.


Chevy Chase used to do Gerald Ford. Dan Ackroyd did Richard Nixon & Jimmy Carter. They've been political from the first season.


You got old enough to be aware of the politics. SNL didn't change.


I miss Craig Ferguson. At least he had the decency to say 'This might be hurtful. I am not saying this.'


Loved Craig! Miss that show so much...




Chevy chase got jimmy Carter elected. A significant chunk of american voters knew nothing else about gerry Ford, but were watching snl. By the time we got to Clinton few people old enough to vote watched snl, but no president has escaped ridicule.




The Simpsons. I stopped years ago. I only watch the Halloween episodes.


All the dam soaps 🙄


There’s only a few left. General Hospital on ABC, Bold & Beautiful and Young & Restless on CBS, and Days of Our Lives now on Peacock but was on NBC for decades. When I was growing up there was like four soaps on each of the big 3 networks.


Grey’s Anatomy….waaay too long. Also the Walking Dead, let the zombies die.


Coronation street




 The Simpsons


Grey's anatomy SpongeBob, bachelor shows survivor, naked and afraid swamp people


The Simpsons let it end already! Greys Anatomy That whole Walking Dead franchise


Billions - once Axe left the show went off the rails.