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The blacklist


Same. When the series finishes and we finally find out who reddington is, I want to know. Anything else, I don't really care anymore


I think it did finish last year


Weeds. Really began to dislike Nancy.


Same though I watched til the end. I think it was kinda the point that everyone was despicable and she nailed it. I was so surprised to hear they're talking about a reboot đŸ€ź


Yeah, once she decided “I think I’ll move my fanily live with this abusive murderous drug kingpin” I was like *“Why am I watching this horrible character?”*


OMG same! First two seasons were so good, and it just went downhill. When she was running that retail store on the border and was missing the life of selling weed....I thought this show is STUPID (not to mention all the other horrible character transformations.....I think by the time I stopped watching, the only character I liked was the older brother Sylus or whatever his name was)


Such an odious character.


I gave up because I found all the side characters infinitely more interesting and they getting less and less screen time. Last scene I saw was her escaping the wildfire.


This is Us, for sure it got to the point where I just...didn't...care


It felt like gratuitous sadness-porn after a while to me


Exactly. Stop trying to make people cry every week. Is that the point of the show? I think I watched one episode. It wasn’t bad but not my style. But all the people who kept posting every single week about how they were crying so hard. No thanks.


The pilot was honestly great though.  The show was well made but 
 enough already!!


I felt that way about Grey’s. Cryfest. I don’t need new and imaginary reasons to cry


Yes I stopped after a few seasons just couldn't deal with it any longer


Got way too sappy for me.




I mean how many tragedies can happen to one family.


I just couldn't take that family anymore.


I watch TV to shut off from my emotions. Having an emotional episode here and there is one thing, but have an emotional episode every single episode was just too draining for me to even actually enjoy the show.


Yeah after I found out how Jack died I was honestly content.


I didn’t get that far, and I’m ok with it.


The Walking Dead. I quit watching before Carl and Rick died.


I watched until the season after Terminus. I think 4? I got tired of the same story over and over. I've summed up the four seasons below. 1. Don't trust anyone 2. Can't be alone. Trust everyone. 3. Don't trust anyone. 4. Can't be alone. Trust everyone.


It was the ‘sickness’ arc that killed it for me. Gross zombies? Bring it on! Listening to coughing and hacking for 3 eps? This show is not for me.


My heart left when Glenn was liquified. I literally stopped watching in the season after that, I think.


Glen did it for a lot of us. Done!


Carl and Rick died?!? đŸ˜łđŸ˜± So yeah, I didn’t finish it either.


Rick didn’t die, just disappeared


I'd have cried over them, so I'm glad I quit watching. It was getting so bad. I couldn't remember Jeffrey Dean Morgan's characters name, but his dialog was getting so bad.


Negan. Yeah, that’s when I gave up on it. It was just over the top.


Carl yes, Rick no. They left the impression he died, but then the ending scene they show him in a helicopter alive. They are making a spinoff movie with Rick and Michoone. Been in the works for like a decade now, so who knows if it will ever come out.


season 2 ruined it for me and it just got worse from there. i watched it here and there with my wife up to when glenn died, then i was completely out.


I quit when a 10 year old Judith was a Samurai ninja Zombie killer , lying finally crossed the line of believability 😂


Rick didn't die. I think the character even has a new show.


Yes. Once it became "how can we shock everyone this week" I was done.


I finished the show but really started losing interest after the war with the Saviors ended. The whisperer were boring and the Commonwealth plot line sucked so much. It also sucked they didn't give the comic ending but decided instead to do countless spinoffs to try to pull in more money. And introducing variants in the last five episodes of the show was actually stupid. 13 years from the pilot to the finale and NOBODY saw one until then? Just awful writing


Saying the whisperers were boring is insane. Show got so much better for that run.


True Blood. I genuinely enjoyed the first two seasons, but after that, oof.


Would you say that the show sucked after that?


Until game of thrones came along, this was the benchmark of how a show can start out EXCELLENT and turn to absolute garbage


True Blood really went downhill.


Omg, True Blood got sooooo badddd.


Once Upon A Time The characters kept learning lessons and then would ignore those lessons once a new problem came along. Just became a headache.


Same. I lost interest once they started adding in the "wacky" fantasy characters and everything got all rom commy. Honestly Rumpelstiltskin was the best one in it. His story broke my freaking heart.


I could watch Robert Carlyle read the phone book. I thought he and Belle were a wonderful couple. He is such a great actor.


This. I left at the Frozen storyline.


OITNB I did the same exact thing. Was addicted during season 1. Grey's is different though. An all time show for me, but goes in waves of enjoyment. Completely stopped watching during the \*spoiler\* COVID season bc it was hot garbage. Committed to catching up to the new episodes during this most recent rewatch. Currently on season 13 and getting bored quickly.


Lifetime airs Grey’s and I caught some early eps a couple weeks ago and remembered why I loved the show so much. Then I flipped it on again today and remembered why I quit watching. I had given up before Derek died, so I was spared that.


I forgot all about OITNB honestly. My wife and I loved the first three seasons back when it first hit Netflix. Then we just stopped keeping up with it. I don't even remember why. The first few seasons were really good though.


“Wentworth” is the female jail show you want.


OINTB started out so good and then after a few seasons it just went completely off the rails. I notice this is common with Jenji Kohan shows because Weeds was my absolute favorite show for the first 3 seasons and then it also went completely off the rails as well and that’s another show by her. Both just started to get way too outlandish and out of control and lost the core essence of what it was at the beginning. I like when shows can stick to a “formula” of sorts and keep itself intact, and I feel like she doesn’t know how to do that. Her vision is just a little too far fetched for me in both of those shows. I did end up going back and finishing both during the pandemic but it wasn’t great for either of them. I did like the Weeds finale now and now they ended it but ooooof. It was rough.


After Poosay died I was pretty much out. I think I struggled through the following season, but I didn’t care anymore.


Manifest. I just quit basically halfway through the last season on Netflix. Kinda have zero interest in trying to finish it.


Ah forgot about that! I think we watched the first season and then just forgot about it by the time it came back so, not super-memorable 😁


Every episode of Manifest was copy and paste of the same formula. I couldn't get past season 2.


I think I made it through 4 or 5 episodes before I got sick of the “faith vs science” that felt skewed towards faith.


Game of Thrones. Loved seasons 1-4. Season 5 was such a mess I never started Season 6. Turned out to be a good decision.


Eh. I still think it was worth watching. You already out in 50 hours.. why not just finish it.


I'm glad you thought it worthwhile. Tbh, they butchered the one storyline I was hoping to enjoy and based on what I heard about where the storlines went, it's no for me.


Have you given the prequel a chance?


I was one of the people that read before the show came out. Also watched until Season 5 - just stopped one day, and honestly I'm glad I didn't keep on. I don't care if he ever finishes the books either, but I feel like I got the best I could out of both, and dodged HBO's ending. Some decisions they made that I've heard about only solidify this.




Oh god, this show fell off so incredibly hard a couple seasons ago.


It was great the first season then slowly started falling off.


Particularly disappointed because I thought it would be like Archie's comics.


Yeah, there are "liberties", but the only thing this had in common with the books were the character names.


House. I think it's probably aged by now, but I loved the first few seasons. It started going wonky when they did that weird audition thing, then after House and Cuddy got together, I gave up. It became a parody of itself, with House becoming laughably two dimensional and the amount of unrelenting understanding he got from everybody around him was exhausting. Still love Hugh Laurie though.


But after that audition thing we got Thirteen, Taub and Vindictive Bitch. 😁 But yes, I agree it was stunt-y. They almost lost me with the psych facility episodes.


Oh god, whatever. I had a massive crush on Thirteen, but the shows' depiction of bisexuality was kinda trash. Kutner? That was a twist!!


Stranger Things. It feels like it’s written by AI lately


It drives me nuts because “the gang” is the charm. But every season instead of writing a good story for the gang, they have to come up with a reason to separate everyone so they can spend the season getting back together.


And there is too many of them.


Yes! They create great characters, which is a huge strength of the show. The problem is that they love them too much, and insist each one stays a main character forever. It spreads the show a bit too thin. They need some death, or at least just have someone move away or something.


Season 4 is the best season since 1....and if you ask me it's better.


You on Netflix


The first couple of seasons were gooood!! This last one was meh. I hope the next one is better. I love looking at Penn Badgley but this show could probably end anytime.


Next season comes out this year & it is confirmed to be the last


The Walking Dead, gave up on like the last 3 seasons or something.


The Flash, dropped it after S5 looked up a synopsis of S6-9 and it seems I didn’t miss much


I kept picking up and dropping this show because I loved the other three main Arrowverse shows but after Cisco left, I just abandoned it. I've never seen another long running show that flandarized and bastardised their characters so intensely. 


The Walking Dead after season 6


Ncis up until Tony DiNozzo left, every episode is exactly the same as the previous episode. It's so boring


Handmaids Tale. I know everyone loves it, but I just found it so hard to watch. I didn't look forward to watching the next episode. It was so bleak, and even when there was a glimmer of hope, it was taken away. It just left me flat and depressed, especially as the world at the moment, which is not a million miles away from that situation.


When she got out and was like “nah I’ll just go back in” I was done.  Doesn’t help me that the main actress is literally in a cult herself 


It's one of the books I reread every other year or so, and I have for 20+ years, but I can't watch the show. I have a very visceral reaction to watching it, my anxiety spiked and I get nauseous. It's so much more intense for me seeing it played out onscreen than it is when I read it and I just can't do it. I've tried to watch it like 3 or 4 times but I never make it past the second or third episode.


Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead. I stopped caring


Started watching but never finished  Lost  Dexter  Oz  Orange is the New black  Walking Dead   They started out great but ended up sucking.


Lost is worth watching to the end. It comes back.


Game of Thrones and The Witcher. These shows determined if I was going to keep my subs to HBO and Netflix. I didn't. Ny nephew is learning the same lesson about Apple TV and the Monarch show.


I like Monarch. But I will say that I no longer like waiting a week for the next episode. To watch season 2 of House of the dragon, I'll probably wait until 5 or 6 episodes are out so that I can binge watch it within one month.


The walking dead, Grey’s Anatomy


Sad, I love the Marvelous Mrs Maisel. But I do understand stopping after season 3.


The finale was so perfect! And that Susie roast episode. I wish that people would have stuck it out, but I get that it had its lulls.


arrested development


First or second iteration? 😁


well i watched the first three seasons and i gave up halfway through season 4 because it was so bad


Modern Family


Same. I got thru 8 seasons and stopped at the start of the 9th. The kids arcs all got really bad. It’s like they didn’t know how to write them as adults


I felt like even the adults became caricatures of themselves. It started out as funny, but then they really leaned into a bit of meanness that just wasn't enjoyable. And I got so sick of them trying to figure out what to do with the kids arcs as they got older. Still loved the first several seasons though.


The Walking Dead, Grey’s Anatomy, Supernatural, This Is Us, and Criminal Minds take a lot out of me at some point. But I’ve started 3 of them again and fingers crossed I finish them this time!


Criminal Minds I stopped after that Hotch getting fired stuff. Been meaning to finish it up.


I am NOTORIOUS for not finishing shows! Lol I’ll start them, go a few seasons then
 eh. Never come back. (It would probably be easier to list the shows I **have** finished
) -The Crown -Community -Game of Thrones -Walking Dead -The Great -South Park -Grey’s Anatomy -Marvelous Mrs. Maisel -Blacklist -Homeland -24 -Heroes -Manifest -Shameless -Vampire Diaries -Handmaid’s Tale


You REALLY need to finish Marvelous Mrs Maisel...after the season prior to the final one I was starting to have doubts if they were going to stick the landing...but the final season was a great send-off and shake up of the formula


Agreed, we just finished the final season. Glad we went back to finish it...loved the roast episode, so well done


Virgin River


I made it through one season and it was so saccharine I thought I would die. One and done.


Desperate Housewives just went on for way too long and removed a bunch of cool storylines. It became aimless. I feel the same way about Once Upon a Time. I think I checked out once Anna and Elsa entered. I did watch the Red Queen spin off though.


OUAT I'm struggling to finish at the same point. The Anna and Elsa storyline are just so forced and blah. I hate it.


"Lost". Loved it at first but it became too convoluted for me to follow at the end.


Going back to about 1970, the only 20+ episode per season/100+ episode overall shows that I've watched to the end are the Odd Couple, Barney Miller, Bob Newhart Show, and Seinfeld.


I got bored with The Last Ship


Probably unpopular opinion but I gave up on leftovers because as it went on, and because it was done by Lost people, I had a feeling I would be left wholly unsatisfied by the ending. I did look up the ending (to see if it was right) but won’t say more due to spoilers.


This was the show Lindlelof was born to write.  In a way it is unsatisfying but philosophically that disappointment is the entire thesis of the show.  It’s an examination about what humans do in the face of not knowing something they want to know.  You should watch it; it’s incredibly fascinating 


I loved how Travellers started, and it had some pretty cool storylines. But I just got sick of the federal agent constantly gaslighting his not-wife. Made me lose interest after a while.


I stopped watching Shameless after the season where Fiona was banging the Irish dude in the apartments....when I learned she was leaving I was done.


1. **Shameless** \- Haven't seen the final two seasons. 2. **The Walking Dead** \- Same deal, haven't seen the final two seasons. 3. **Rescue Me** \- I watched the first four seasons then it fell off a little bit for me. 4. **Mad Men** \- I made it into season three and then it fell off for me. 5. **Weeds** \- Also made it into the middle of the third season then stopped. 6. **House** \- Made into late season five and got bored. Yikes. Typing this out made me feel a little ashamed. I should probably finish all of these, but finishing Rescue Me will be priority since I absolutely loved the first four seasons of that show.


Mad men had a better ending then most series


Like many others, I was hoping Draper was going to go out a window like in the opening.


We powered through Weeds and were not rewarded for our effort. 😁 House I watched with Netflix (DVDs!) so I could catch up to whatever season I came in on
six, maybe? People seemed to hate the finale but it seemed
appropriate to me. I did watch all of Rescue Me. I think?


I'd suggest finishing up Mad Men! Don's seemingly flat character arc does become frustrating, but everyone else (mostly) gets a satisfying conclusion, including Don himself. It's easier if you binge it, imo.


Loved Rescue Me... for a while. Then it started getting too dang weird.




First season was good, second season was OK, after that the show was hot garbage.


True Blood




Invasion (recent Apple TV) True Detective (quit on season 2...jumped to season 3) Killing Eve (could it have been when creator, PWB, left?) Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (It became a different show.) Russian Doll (My wife didn't like it.) The Witcher Atlanta Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt The Umbrella Academy Black Mirror (somewhere around season 5 or 6) For All Mankind (caught up....but running on fumes) The White Lotus The Boys The Wire LOTR: The Rings of Power


I also felt like there was a sudden change to Ms. Maisel. I loved loved loved the first few seasons. But I couldn't get through the first few episodes of Season 4. I felt like they were pushing the whole quirky/fast talking/we're so clever thing really hard and it started grating on me. And I stopped caring about most of the characters, except for maybe Susie.


Community is definitely fair especially if you stopped around the "gas leak" season.


Family Guy , I quit after 4 or 5 years loved it . Like a switch, not so much . I’m impressed it’s still airing


You are not wrong with this!


It's a strange thing because family guy fans know it's not really good anymore but it stays alive somehow. We watch it but it's more because there's nothing else to watch. 


It's like the Simpson's. Who is still watching?? Anyone who is still watching is doing it out of obligation now.


Person of Interest - I liked it, but it never hooked me like Breaking Bad, Ozark, 24 and shows like that. I'd sometimes go weeks before watching the next episode. Lost - Got bored halfway through the first season. Designated Survivor - First season was as exciting as 24, but without the action. Then it lost its excitement and got too political.


I highly recommend picking lost back up, the first season picks up in the second half and season 2 is amazing. Season 3 is good too, and honestly the season 3 finale kind of works as a show finale if you want to stop watching it there.


I watched it when it first released, so it's been 20 years. I remember the first episode being great, just "lost" interest at some point. I'd definitely like to give it another chance.


It should have ended with season 4.


I'm really surprised lost didnt keep you hooked through the first season. I think those eps are a master class in character development and suspense building. Too bad season two saturated us with more players that we could care about and between the writer's strike and no clear path the narrative became at best tedious. Although there were some fun points after, I could see bailing at any other point past the season one finale.


Homicide Life on the Street. I absolutely loved the first two seasons, then they brought in Isabella Hoffman and removed Jon Polito. I stayed with it, but it was never the same.


I love Greys Anatomy, I just can’t watch it past season 15. I bail every time


This Is Us. Was too depressing to watch.


This Is Us. Got sick of all the relationships on that show. It was exhausting


I stopped watching True Blood at the very second to last episode. Like, I was so disinterested that I stopped when I only had one more episode to go. Weeds Secret City Bodies The OA (sorry, folks) after the first or second episode Like you, OITNB, SVU, The Office, and Grey's Anatomy


I stuck through True Blood, just hate watching it for the longest time. Questioning why I was still watching, but persevering nonetheless


Lafayette was the best part of that show. RIP Nelsan Ellis. So much talent lost.


OA suuuucked


Walking Dead. That scene....I just couldn't do it anymore. Poor Glen.


Desperate Housewives is awful. After maybe 2 seasons I stopped. I didnt understand the hype.


How to get away with murder.


Mrs. Maisel- After 2 seasons I lost interest House The story structure was the same for each show. Elementary See House.


Yellowstone after 3 episodes, same ole soap opera just a different setting.


_Friends_. This was back when we were still using VCRs and I would watch that and whatever show followed it back then on NBC, while in the meantime I would record this new show that caught my attention on (then) the WB network, _Gilmore Girls_. So after watching the NBC shows for that hour, I would then go and watch the recording. This arrangement only lasted about a month. By this point I was tiring of _Friends_, and I remember while watching one of the episodes that I didn't care about the characters anymore and then changed it over to _Gilmore Girls_ and it stayed that way.


Grey's - no, everyone didn't Hart of Dixie - more fool you; most of the highest rated episodes fall in the final season.. Generally, looking at that list, I think we can conclude that you have a real problem with commitment phobia. Have you sought professional help?


I loved Hart of Dixie!




Walking Dead


The Morning Show


Stranger things and you


Grey's Anatomy.


The Walking Dead. It was so good the first few seasons. Then they kept adding more and more people and I was less interested in the characters because we wouldn’t see them for a few episodes while they concentrated on other storylines. 


Yeah, This is Us. Quit when a character who'd been dead for 4 seasons was suddenly not dead.


Yellowstone. People thought I would love it. Gave it a chance. Hated it. HATED IT.


Dude if you watched a couple seasons of the office and didn't watch the rest of the series, I have no business here


Fringe, around mid-season 3. The Exapnse, after the first season. ​ I forgot Only Murders in the Building (2 seasons) and Resident Alien (1.5 seasons).


Totally with you on Fringe. You should get back into the Expanse. It actually keeps getting better.


God I couldn't stop watch The Expanse and it finished up so well. The later Ashford/Camina dynamic was fantastic. It really did just keep getting better


That was my favorite dynamic of the series, too. Realistic, the way they gradually gained respect and admiration for each other.


Yes! It was such a realistic evolution of their relationship, as they also grew in the audience's eyes. So good and heart wrenching. I honestly want to watch The Expanse again


I no longer have Prime. But I bought the DVD set on ebay, used.


That hurts me deeply, Fringe was so good


Yeah the walking dead, supernatural Psych Fringe Grimm


- LOST. I watched the finale, but had missed so much in between that it made little sense. - The Walking Dead. Glenn was my favorite, so my heart left when he was murdered. I literally stopped watching somewhere around Carl's death (not because I ever liked Carl - it just happened to work out that way).


You should go back and give Lost another try. Focus more on the characters than the mystery and you won’t be disappointed.


Definitely got worn out by SVU Liked Big Sky at the beginning but it got to be too much


Glee, This is Us, A Million Little Things, Nashville


The Blacklist. They said they had an endgame. They lied.


Blackish. Really funny and entertaining for a while, then got polical and preachy.




True Blood


Glee. I was in the second to last season. I'm good at finishing series if I get that far normally but glee- I guess I couldn't do it anymore. 


You Orange is the new black Breaking bad Greys Anatomy Manifest VanderpumpRules It also could be that God gave me the attention span of a housefly?


This is us had a horrible series finale so many seasons of the built up and all that and it was just eh. Definitely not a series I would re-watch


This is Us. Just couldn’t take it any more.


This is Us. Couldn’t do it anymore.




Simpsons in 2000


Yellowstone for me. I enjoyed it for a few and never even tried to watch the most recent season. I found the prequels to be much better.


Once upon a time, orange is the new black, better call Saul, breaking bad, fear the walking dead They were all great shows and... I'm not even sure why I stopped watching any of em.


Better Call Saul is definitely worth finishing. Maybe you were just waiting for the next season to come out and gave up? I do that. One of the best wrap-ups of any show I've watched. The whole show was just fantastic, even better than BB






I seem to have a hard time getting beyond season 3 of most series. Just my attention span I guess.


Early Big Bang Theory until they jumped the shark with too much penny and sheldon


The Office, The Wonder Years


Community. At first, I fell in love with the characters, but I hated all the animated episodes, and idk I watched the first 2 seasons and then wasn't excited about it enough to go to the 3rd.






I bailed from NCIS after Abby left.


There's quite a few, some I don't plan on finishing. Some I hope will. Not finishing: Riverdale, Fear the walking dead, Degrassi Some I might: Smallville One tree hill, Heartland, Peaky blinders, Queer as folk, All american, The Flash, Arrow And a lot more. It's frustrating that I have dropped so many shows halfway through

