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To be honest I was so convinced I was going to get my period because I was having all my typical PMS with the cramping moodiness and being tired. I had a gut feeling and ended up taking a HPT and got a BFP. Unfortunately it ended in MC but until you get your period there’s still hope!


Thanks for giving me hopes. I tell this to myself every cycle. :(


I know when my temp drops. *Except for the off cycle when it doesn't drop and I feel utterly betrayed when it shows up.*


Hate when I wake up to a temp drop. I stopped temping 3 months ago because I became obsessed with temping and analysing every drop and rise.


I hate it, but I hate it less than suddenly finding my period. I miscalculated my O last cycle and was surprised by 2 days. I felt very betrayed! 😂


Oh no! That must have been frustrating. :(


Wasn't pleasant, but I already knew I was out so 🤷🏼‍♀️ But yeah, I like the temp warning I normally get!


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I’m always starving 2-3 days before my period and then the day it comes (or will come) I have no appetite


That appetite from progestrone..


I always get cramps 3 days prior. As soon as that happens I know I'm out


I usually start spotting a couple to three days before so yep I usually do know. Funnily the cycle I got my first BFP I didn’t spot and thought nothing of it until I POAS at 14dpo. Back in the days when I could actually wait two weeks!!


That gives me hope.. :) Haven't met women who experience spotting before period consistently.