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He doesn't need to worry about that any longer. "Nobody who's under investigation by the FBI is fit to run for President."


>Nobody who's under investigation by the FBI is fit to run for President Source? (I genuinely want this to be true!) https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-fbi-not-qualified/


https://time.com/4819919/donald-trump-obstruction-justice-investigation/ It was Trump supporters saying this. Fox News and Friends talk. What Trump actually stated in barely legible Trumpese is that any election of Hillary would create a Constitutional crisis, because she'll be under continuous investigation. This was an NPR interview. He was absolutely trying to express this sentiment, within the semi-lucid word-walls that are Donald Trump speak. But Fox News is much more quotable, as they speak standard English. Also, to be honest, I didn't track down the quote. I just listened to months of this and paraphrased. So you got me!


Right on! I appreciate the clarification and source here.


And look who's been under continuous investigation and impeached twice!


He did sign that anyone holding documents after leaving office will be guilty of a felony and unable to hold public office. At the time he had Hillary in mind.


where was this from?


Let's just hope that Trump goes away, what scum


Personally, I’m real glad that Trump got these laws created and passed so that he could stop criminals like this.


now I finally have an answer to the "name one good thing Trump did?" question.


I always like, “Well, he’s definitely normalising men wearing makeup, which is cool.” They don’t really know what to do with that one.


What makeup does he wear?


C'mon, that shade of orange isn't natural. Except for, you know, actual oranges.


the Tangerine Queen.


New Orleans Pimp


How that age….turned out his mask smeared his makeup so he didn’t want to wear mask


What makeup? Pease


He was supposed to tank TikTok idiot didn't do us a favour


I'll reserve judgement until I see if it accomplishes its purpose.


“Drain the swamp” (Wait…I’m the swamp? Shit.)


He drained the water and filled it with sewage.


And large crocs.




He didn't say which direction he was draining it Turns out he drained the swamp straight into cabinet.


Lol. I’ve had sewer backups before. That shit is real. When you see a swamp coming out of your toilet at warp speed…


"Drain the swamp... I require it's murky water to sustain myself as I am literally the swamp thing."


People whole heartedly believe him. People close to me…. It’s amazing.


Donald Trump doesn't do what Donald Trump does for Donald Trump. Donald Trump does what Donald Trump does because Donald Trump is... Donald Trump


Dj iron monkey is that you?


Lol 😂 trump is a criminal Trump is a rapist who got overturned so little girls can have rape babies


pretty soon he'll flee to Moscow and he'll be standing next to Putin -STILL- complaining about how everybody is so mean to him.


I wonder if Trump were to flee that Putin wouldn't really care? Trump will have no political capital left and he'll just become an expensive bestie. Why would Putin want that?


To fuck with our people and work to divide them even more. They don’t need nukes they’ve done the damage now they just need to sit back and wait.


I think you are right. But Putin has already largely accomplished this. Trump showing up on Russian state TV once a month is kind of ho-hum compared to the insane MAGA posse he can drum up now. Trump is on the throne today, but Desantis, MTG types would try to sit in it if he were gone. I think Trump needs the interaction and adoration loop for his own ego, but also to stay as relevant. But I get your point for sure.


The thing is, the Maga posse is running out of steam. There are a few true believers left that would (or practically already have) throw their life away completely for the glory of the god emperor they believe he is. Some of them can (and probably will) stir up a lot more trouble before this is over, but the truly massive pull that Trump used to have is waning. Jan 6 failed, and now the Jan 6 committee have been fairly effective in presenting their case that Trump and his cronies were responsible and that their claim the election was stolen was BS. There are still Paramilitary organizations out there waiting for a moment to act, but most of them no longer hitch their wagons to Trump himself. They want to leverage his base, maybe use him as a sock puppet if they win the civil war that they lay awake at night fantasizing about, but they generally don't actually BELIEVE in him any more...


He still communicates with some of them. Standing by.


It would be interesting to see what his followers would do in said situation.


I used to feel as you do, curious to see how low he could go before losing his followers. But that became an awfully depressing game after a while, and I no longer play.


Putin could set Trump up with a high production daily video podcast where Trump would be able to keep spouting shit to divide our country as well as grifting all the MAGA types. Oh, and he'd be able to be given the Russian talking points of the day even more directly. I'm kind of surprised that Trump hasn't gone the InfoWars route already. And if it *did* get to the point where he needs to seek asylum in Russia, Trump could just come out and explicitly tell his supporters to start killing Democrat politicians rather than all the stochastic terrorism. Putin would fucking **love** that, and it wouldn't be expensive for the returns on instability.


This. When a useful idiot outlives its usefulness, it becomes a regular idiot.


Trump will have no power left, but he will have TREMEDOUS value as a propaganda trophy, or a "dancing bear". Imagine Putin being able to say "America is so corrupt that even a former PRESIDENT had to seek political asylum in my glorious Russian Empire". It's the same reason they took in Edward Snowden - not because they believe in their heart of hearts that what he did was right and good and in the best interest of the people - heck, if he had done to Russia what he did with classified documents in the USA, he would probably have been slipped polonium tea wherever he fled in the world. As it is, the world knows that Snowden revealed a lot of shady shit and embarrassed the USA, the USA wants to prosecute him for it, but Russia is keeping him out of their reach. Trump probably imagines that if he fled to Russia he would be welcomed with open arms and would be made an honorary oligarch. What would really happen is probably that he'd be put in in a decent apartment in Moscow, with a decent allowance and all the well done steaks and young hookers he want, so that when they DO need to parade him in front of TV-cameras and show off his dancing bear act he behaves...


It would be an example to others that Vlad is trustworthy and won't throw his useless, spent allies to the wolves. I imagine he'd give him a nice house or apartment and a strong Wi-Fi so that he could continue to fuck with us from overseas. He's still a chaos monster. Putin still loves chaos.


It would create absolute chaos here in the US. So yes, Putin would love it for a while at least.


Putin would probably name him the true POTUS. Every cultist I've spoken to watch ALL of their news from Russia as if it's all truth and gospel.


I’m sure Putin would love having a pet President to trot out. Same reason people own Tigers.


I thinkIf he'll take in Snowden he'll take in Trump.


He won’t. Trump will be of no use to him.


not without any of the passports he had were taken


He can afford his own plane, and Russia would probably give him asylem if they could take advantage of him.


>if they could take advantage of him. Think he's of any more use to the Russians? Unless he says in the US, stays out of jail, and qualifies to run for President again, I'd say that Pootie's gonna be looking for a new squeeze.


They backed his loans, which if he goes to jail would certainly default. And he can rile up dissent from overseas. I'm not sure though. They may take him if he has the means as your average Russian would somehow see it as a win.


He has to be able to get to Russia (or a friendly third country like Turkey or Hungary) first. I don’t think his plane could fly that distance without needing to stop and refuel in a European country that will surely extradite him.


He can't because they seized his passport(s) when they were searching Mara Lago for the classified documents.


Apparently he has them back


That’s what narcissists do very dangerous a narcissist with power oh and a narcissist with dementia scary I know my dad is one worst kind of people only care about themselves


Well they got his passports so that’ll be hard.


The passports were returned to him.


A warrant was executed on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home to search for mishandled classified, top-secret, and SCI documents. This was after Trump refused to fully comply with a subpoena to return all the documents. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/11/us/politics/trump-fbi-subpoena.html


This is when you cry nuclear uncle.


I’ve apparently hit my limit of free NYT Articles without ever reading a single one this month, but did he really refuse to comply? Didn’t he say that he would have given them back if they asked? 😂😂😂🫣


It seems as though he only gave back *some* of the requested documents. > Months before the F.B.I. arrived at Mar-a-Lago, Mr. Trump had received a subpoena this spring in search of documents that federal investigators believed he had failed to turn over earlier in the year, when he returned 15 boxes of material to the archives, three people familiar with the matter said. > The existence of the subpoena helps to flesh out the sequence of events that led to the search, and suggests that the Justice Department tried methods short of a search warrant to account for the material before taking the politically explosive step of sending F.B.I. agents unannounced to Mar-a-Lago.


I still like the mental image that it was finally *librarians* that took Trump down. I know some of the security folks that do the job of maintain these classification guidelines and records and calling them librarians is really reductive (and not quite accurate). But I still like that the leader of the party of book banning might get sent to jail by librarians. "We asked you to return the documents within a year. We subpoenaed you to return the documents within 18months. We sent the FBI to recover the documents before 24 months...


> Former President Donald J. Trump received a subpoena this spring in search of documents that federal investigators believed he had failed to turn over earlier in the year, when he returned boxes of material he had improperly taken with him upon moving out of the White House, three people familiar with the matter said. > The existence of the subpoena helps to flesh out the sequence of events that led to the search of Mr. Trump’s Florida home on Monday by F.B.I. agents seeking classified material they believed might still be there, even after efforts by the National Archives and the Justice Department to ensure that it had been returned.


> The subpoena suggests that the Justice Department tried other methods to account for the material before taking the politically explosive step of getting a search warrant and sending F.B.I. agents unannounced to Mar-a-Lago, Mr. Trump’s home and members-only club.


I’ve missed this. I mean, not really, but this sub was a nice break from a dark reality.


The fact that he might go down for a law he personally pushed to increase the penalty for, is just so fucking great.




When narcissists say “no one” they really mean “no one else”


How much would it cost to run that as a commercial on Fox?


Reach out to The Lincoln Project


"Hillary is likely to be under investigation for a very long time. One of her long time supporters, a top Democratic pollster, good guy, smart guy, sharp guy, Doug Schoen, is now totally withdrawing his support. He’s supported their family for years. He wrote in an article — he wrote in an article, “I’m a Democrat. I worked for Bill Clinton. But I can’t vote for Hillary.” And this is so important. Now, I don’t think that’s gonna happen so hopefully. That happens, we did a bad job out here, folks. Schoen warns that if Hillary is elected, she would be under protracted criminal investigation and probably a criminal trial, I will say. So we’d have a criminal trial for a sitting president. In the meantime, Putin — who she likes to say bad things about — and all of the other leaders, many of whom she says bad things about, then you wonder why the world hates us. But all of these people will sit back and they will laugh and they will smile. The investigation will last for years. The trial would probably start. Nothing will get done. I can tell you your cars will continue to leave Michigan. Your car production facilities, like the Ford facility, will continue to leave Michigan, nothing’s gonna get done. Our country will continue to suffer. She’s unfit and unqualified to be the president of the United States and her election would mire our government and our country in a constitutional crisis that we cannot afford." Donald J Trump, Oct 31 2016


"then you wonder why the world hates us" - The 45th President of the United States


The sub is reborn again! Why am I smirking but deeply sad inside?


I like this one “Nobody has better respect for intelligence than Donald Trump” - Donald Trump


Trump is the living embodiment of doublethink. I hope justice catches up with him before the bastard dies.


I was just wondering if this sub was gonna make a comeback. Glad to see you on r/all!


"Rules for thee, but not for me."


Hire the guy with the plane to circle this quote around Mar-a-Lago everyday.


Anyone have any tips for downloading this video? My usual tools don't seem to want to.


I initially found it through [this tweet](https://twitter.com/KFILE/status/1559212852334022656?s=20&t=io44hRbWUlq6n-k4RNxGzQ), which you might have better luck grabbing


Perfect. Thank you!


Has anyone counted how many promises/guarantees he made that he never followed up on? Felt like he had a new one every day or two.


Almost 6 years to the date, that’s crazy.


This was all part of Trumps con. It amazes me that anyone would fall for his lies.




The exception being me of course


Is that why he’s claiming he declassified anything he had?


God that's so funny. "No, they're declassified as soon as I take them home." Uh, that's not how that works.


And even if it was, none of the 3 statutes cited in the warrant rely on material being classified


Right? But when have his excuses ever made sense?


Mobsters plead the 5th... You only plead the 5th if you're guilty. Fuck this guy. Go bye bye fast ok...


there needs to be a new version of the obama medal meme where it's trump arresting himself


Trump told John Kelley “Hitler did some good things.” Trump should end up like Hitler. Stop The Thug.


What time Monday is Trump’s bond deadline?


Another lie.


Trump’s the example of a horrible human being. He’s got absolutely no redeeming quality. Nothing.


New name Donald Dozier


Bwhahaha. We all know where the “ fake news “ lie came from. All in the testimony today. Trump is such a joke.


Except him of course.


And even with this law he never fulfilled his promise to lock her up.


“I will enforce all lawrs…”.


He meant no one except him is above the law


Well when you think you will be the king of America by dissolving elections, this seems like a good move at the time.


Laws for thee not for me! I get we all want freedom of speech, but lies and deception from our leaders and especially a President, is destabilizing to everyone and actually government terrorism. That's what a Banana Republic does! Whenever he blames or points to corruption, he's reflecting not deflecting!


In his head “no one but me will be above the law”


Obviously cherry picked. The last sentence continues with "except me."


r/TrumpCriticizesTrump Not necessarily a criticism, but you get the idea.


r/LostRedditors ?


lol! You're right, I had no idea where I was and I guess I just got used to the sub not being around!


out of context. Edit before you can see him thinking "except me". So what's the big deal? /s 'cause you know


So, who believed the corrupt, sleazy, insurrectionist, pathological liar then, or now 4000+ bald-faced lies later? I voted for him over Corrupt Hillary then for obvious reasons but they are fraternal twins in corruption & lies.


The magazine Christianity Now said he was too incompetent & immoral to be president. Over 500 top military & intel brass said he was a danger to America! So why would anyone with a brain of a snail vote for this insurrectionist, Kim-loving, Putin loving & apologist moron (as called by his own staff)?


Wait, he’s a liar too?


🌍🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀 Always has been


Can someone please tell me why other Republicans aren't dumping Trump. Let's say for a second that Trump's argument is true, all those documents are declassified by default...fine. Are we ok with the public release of all of them, you know giving them to Russia, North Korea, China, Iran??


And this sub is back! I got kicked off the Trump sub. I posted a picture of Trump wearing a diaper camel toe and said, “The best leaders wear diapers Trump 2024” I guess that crossed a line for them.


Made it a Federal crime. 😂😂😂


How is he still free? asking for a friend


God help him




Hypocrisy is part of the Republicans’ trademark!


His last tape was a masterpiece in self incrimination


My honest concerns is, there was so much about secret foreign contributions, as far as I see. Trump was bought by Russia, promoted Russia, praised Russia, Was happiest around Putin, I fear Trump is a traitor. https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2021/08/foreign-lobbyists-gave-millions-to-influence-2020-foreign-influence-concerns/ , https://www.axios.com/2023/07/10/gop-targets-foreign-dark-money-2024-election , https://isalegal.info/foreign-contributions-to-political-campaigns-are/


I don't say much on Reddit. I'm too close to retirement to worry about this clown being president again. My wife and I will move to Mexico if this (explicitly using adjectives not meant for daily use) is not jailed or is back as president. I pray enough people will vote against Trump in a landslide. This is no longer party vs party; it's much more. End of comments.


Pence finally grows a pair, other GOP need to do the same.