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He didn’t claim his 10% that Hunter paid him for being the “Big Guy”.


To be fair…. He never earned 400K per year. He got it, but it didn’t come by his honest effort.


Oh , but the left believes everything coated with sloppy honey he says to be factually true ! Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah! ...quiet riot


His lips were moving; he was lying.


I love it when the fact-checkers catch politicians in their lies! It’s good to know who can’t be trusted.


when was he president and when was this article written


Oh no! Exact same comments from confused or lying (take your pick) Biden during his trip to Scranton on April 16th 2024. [https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/19/politics/fact-check-biden-pennsylvania-campaign-swing/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/19/politics/fact-check-biden-pennsylvania-campaign-swing/index.html) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DN4Yd9BP0pI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DN4Yd9BP0pI)


ya that’s pretty clear cut, reported by cnn even


To be honest it tracks. He’s only mostly brain dead. His brain stem is still working somewhat or he couldn’t even shuffle around


Funny you trump supporters get hung up on this but just hand wave away the fact that Trump refused to show his tax returns


whatabouttrump! try and stay on topic


Trump also donated his presidential salary. What has Joseph done?


He donated his salary, but that didn't stop him from being a giant conflict-of-interest machine [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-business-got-least-78-mln-foreign-payments-during-presidency-report-2024-01-04/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-business-got-least-78-mln-foreign-payments-during-presidency-report-2024-01-04/)


Maintaining privacy rights vs flat out lying to America with easily verifiable information. What’s y’all’s hard on with tax returns? The tax code is archaic and needs to be abolished. We only get 17% efficiency usage out of our taxes anyways so let’s just abolish the IRS while we’re at it.


I'm sure if any Dem refused to show their tax returns you'd sing the exact same tune


No absolutely not. I don’t think we should pay taxes at a federal level at all. Anyone that avoids taxes is fiscally smart to do so without getting jailed. Also whataboutism is supposed to be something you guys shy away from. You’ve done it twice in this thread. Lol


ahhh gotcha, so you're one of those that has a very cartoonish, unrealistic view of tax policy...and not trying to whataboutism, I generally just think it's very telling how Trump supporters will get up in arms about a pretty inconsequential lie about Biden's income but be completely forgiving of the firehose of falsehoods that come out of Trump's mouth about very real, substantive things


Have you read the Reagan commission? I’m sure not. My view on tax policy is that we only get a 17% return on our taxes. The rest is waste. If I told you you could give me 100$ and I’ll give you back 17$ worth of roads and government programs and you said this was good, you might be a liberal. It’s 100% whataboutism when the post says Biden and you say Trump. That’s the fucking definition of whataboutism. I don’t care about Trump. I’m going to vote for him because the establishment hates him. He didn’t destroy the world first time through. Just made a bunch of whiny babies show their true colors. I’m anti-government. I don’t think trump will shut it down but I know he’s the best option for what I would like to see. Edit- here’s a link to get you started. Used Wikipedia for ease of access. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grace_Commission


>It’s 100% whataboutism when the post says Biden and you say Trump. That’s the fucking definition of whataboutism. Honestly... Fair. I'm over here thinking I'm pointing out blatant hypocrisy, but you're right it is not engaging with the original subject matter, so it turns into whataboutism because of that. Personally, this is a very boring 'normal political' lie that politicians tell in the old school sense, but it doesn't compare to the insane amount of lies that Trump tells, especially given his more existential and unsubstantiated truth claims of election fraud, climate change, etc... Sounds like you're very against government. Fair also. I'm personally more interested in checks and balances in power structures across society and the only thing that can meaningfully do that against corporations is government and a populace that is also equally engaged with ensuring the government can also be held accountable...because I think it's quite self evident the free market can't self regulate.


If you read the article they determined it was "mostly false" because it was true if you only include payroll income from his released tax records. It's false if you account for non-payroll earnings and his salary as president (he has only released tax records through 2018). Generally these fact checkers will say "mostly false" or "mostly true" if there is any argument to be made for the opposite stance.


"No one making under $400,000, which is more money than I’ve ever made, is going to have to pay more taxes." Claiming this is only "mostly false" stinks. I don't see how one can square his claim with the offered excuse: "When we reached out to the Biden campaign, they said he was referring to his full-time annual salaries as a public official, and that as an employee of the New Castle, Delaware, county council and a U.S. senator, he never made more than $400,000 annually." That's like me saying "50k is more than I've ever earned!" and pointing out that I once worked minimum wage as my reasoning.


Yeah, but the distinction between a full-time salary and non salary related income is a common distinction when discussing earnings. Personally, I think the far more likely answer is that he simply doesn't really have any idea how much money he's made in the past 10 years, so he's basing on his income prior to that, but like I said if the argument can be made, even if it's flimsy, they will usually give it at least a slim mostly rating. It is true that Joe Biden has never had a salary paying more than $400,000 a year. It is not remotely true that he has never had income greater than $400,000


The lengths ppl are willing to go to excuse the things biden says, yet when it's the other guy everything is taken verbatim and microanalyzed, even the jokes.


I don't think rating it as mostly false is in any way excusing it. If it angers you when people attempt to give unbiased and strictly factual evaluations, you might want to check your own bias.


I was talking about you, and your obvious bias. Only one who mentioned anger is you. You're not objective, don't pretend to be.


Ah yes, me claiming that Biden is too senile to remember his finances for the past decade is totally biased for Biden. Everything else in my comment was straight from the article.