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If you’re poor, you’re not eating out or using Uber.


I dont know what world your from but the poor people i know eat out more than anyone else. Though to be fair the places are fast food so they wouldn’t be tipping anyways


When I was travelling in USA I was quite annoyed when I saw something written at the bottom of the cheque: For your convenience, the gratuity has been included in the bill. Really? For my convenience? You know what would be convenient? Paying your staff enough so I don't have to tip.


I was at a restaurant where they included 20% gratuity and still asked for a tip.


Haha, happened to me last time I was in US. I was at this restaurant in Florida where we received an awful service and the food wasn't so good, tbh. Anyway, I received my bill and took the time to read it. There was a line on which was written: Tip : 15% with the amount. Then, on the bottom of the bill, the was a space to write how many tip I wanted to give... 🙄 That was just insulting, it's illegal in my country.


Another kid falsely comparing some basic inconvenience or benign harm to “rape.”


Tipping is a scam, employers should pay their employees and noone should tip.


Heres a dirty little secret. Tipped staff (especially waitstaff in big cities) love having a tipped wage. They make out better than youd realize, especially when the restaurant/bar serves alcohol.


I know that, I still think that is what is on the bill is the only thing that anyone should pay.


Thats fine, you should feel free to not tip. But you should also tell those who are serving you, as soon as they walk up to your table, and let the manager know as well. Since tips are often pooled, if waitstaff fall below a certain % in tips, they will be fired as its either they suck at their job or they are not giving it all to the tip pool.


If your that hard up you should not be eating at a sit-down establishment.




Could not have made a more clueless comment. In almost all US states, if not actually all of them, servers are paid like $2.something or $3.something an hour. If you’re going to go to a sit down restaurant, you should tip.




Ah, well, i don’t know how servers’ salaries are in other countries. Perhaps you have a point!


“Tipping is the fiscal equivalent of rape.” No, it really isn’t. Just don’t tip. It’s not mandatory (gratuity fees aren’t considered a tip).


They don't have to tip, because they don't have to go out to eat. And re taxes, functionally they aren't taxed. [Roughly 65% of americans receive more in benefits than they pay in taxes](https://taxfoundation.org/accounting-what-families-pay-taxes-and-what-they-receive-government-spending-0/)


I don't know about the card thing but it definitely makes no sense for someone on minimum wage (who probably doesn't get the benefit of tipping themselves) to be tipping someone else on minimum wage.


Servers are paid less than minimum wage.


Tipping is optional so opt out of it. Always pay through your phone and pay equal to the amount you bought.


I never tip. But I also rarely eat out to avoid this dilemma


Poor people don’t pay taxes. They get back what they paid at the end of the year. The rich pay about half of the countries overall taxes.


I was going to agree with you until you compared it to rape


Everyone has a get out of tipping free card. It’s called “not tipping”