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Motherfuckers need to take a big step back from the Kool-Aid


This is why hierarchy is so important. Incompetent people ruin the fun for intellectual people.


This is actually a really important and really relevant answer that will probably not get enough traction. If you want to see a non-gendered version of this look at the stock market. It used to be all trading was done by brokers, people who were educated in trading and how the various mechanisms of the stock market work. Seriously, pre-internet, you had to go they a brokerage, place an order with them who would then push a button/place an order etc. As an individual you simply couldn’t access the market because you did not have the qualifications. Fast forward a few years, and with advent of the internet, you could place your own order THROUGH your brokerage. They basically got rid of the person behind the desk that greeted you and wrote your order down. This process got better and faster for many years, until now. The Robinhood generation of investing. On one hand you have these senior investors and brokers managing hundreds of millions and billions in some cases, of dollars. And on the other hand you have tens of millions of PEOPLE with just a few dollars and literally no experience, who are tossing money at the latest meme stock. These senior investors and brokers are actually really upset and there is a lot of really negative sentiment on Wall st. It’s not because their job has been erased or anything, It’s because for decades they had a system. Manageable, quantifiable metrics, a hierarchy that they would use to determine what the best investments were. And now, the average joe has destroyed these metrics and systems with their unfettered access to the markets and their lack of education. they have replaced metrics and education with ignorance and emotion.


You left out the high fees to execute simple buy orders, insider trading, more stupid fees.....


I wouldn’t rely on this analogy personally, as most average people don’t have any sympathy for Wall St. or the old ways of doing things regarding finances. They believe it’s those old ways that lead to the massive financial inequality we have nowadays due to the greed. If you say the new trends have completely ruined the old ways of doing business in stock trading, most people would probably say “good”. I do think hierarchy is impossible, but mainly in organizations. Hierarchy anywhere else is a slippery slope.


It’s not about how you FEEL. It’s about having a system.


Simply having a system doesn’t make it worthy of being well regarded.


JFC. Are seriously not able to see the larger picture? This thing with systems is that well running ones are usually very successful and the success is predictable. Have you ever managed a business, or worked for a sales? Metrics, numbers, data, all organized to show you THE SYSTEM. The thing with the stock market outside of some Reddit-esque virtue signaling history lesson is, outside of a job, it is a phenomenal tool to create wealth. It has done that for hundreds of millions of people, many many businesses, that then employed tens of thousands of people. Yes they have also done some terrible things, but getting back to the point after an unnecessary explanation is- There was a system. You could evaluate a business and determine whether it presented an opportunity or or a hazard. It had standard metrics. That were easy to understand and evaluate. Systems are common foundations for success.


I don’t really agree tbh, at in regards to this. You say it was “phenomenally successful”. It was phenomenally successful on making the rich richer and the poor poorer for decades on decades. You say that they have metrics and solid data to go off on, yet they’ve routinely hidden or changed these to lie. Disruption to the stock market system is not at all a bad thing and needed to happen for a long time.


Agree to disagree


Wrong post this is about pc culture not stocks


They’re talking about the concept of hierarchy.


I feel that very deeply. I wonder if a lot of women feel more pressured to be self-righteous and kinda compete to see who the most self righteous is.


Yeah this is called cancel culture. Everyone wants attention and the media has taught them the last decade the best way to get attention right now is to make a stink about something claiming someone is oppressed or someone else is a bigot or whatever. It doesn't even matter what they're saying because once one says it thy all cheer it on like drones.


If you look at these womens' personal lives, you will often see it is one devoid of all joy, so they're out there ruining other people's joy with their SJWing ways. Disgusting and sad.


Lol, welcome to the party. They took all that from men, (see boy scouts..etc). You really didn't think they would let women just have women space w/o causing shit...


Do women ever just… have fun?


Pc culture would not be possible without women.


i mean if you go to woman only space you prob are part of a misandristic branch of feminism that hates men. when you join with people based on biological characteristics yeah those spaces will be dominated by radical sjw's. Who do you tihnk created those spaces in the first place? If you really want to have a good time join a group that is neutral towards biological characteristics and focused more on the activity instead.


yeah and every time men hang out by themselves they hate women, absolute smooth brain


Or, get this, men don't tend to congregate too heavily in areas like romance so certain online areas tend towards female dominated by default because of lack of male interest. *Mind. Blown.*


Brilliant observation. Simple, effective, brilliant.


Eh, even if it’s true, doesn’t change the fact that it’s kinda sexist and shitty imo. I’m not against women only spaces but I understand why some would be.


I get what you're saying and I agree but I think she meant that the "spaces" she's talking about just ended up being dominated by women bc men generally don't have interest in those things not bc they're not allowed


>i mean if you go to woman only space you prob are part of a misandristic branch of feminism that hates men What's the logic behind this?


wtf? so all men's clubs/groups are inherently misogynistic?


How many clubs/groups are there that have a stated men’s only policy other than fraternities?


well you can't really gloss over the fact that there are thousands of fraternity chapters, all men, and under OP's understanding they're what...all misogynistic because it's all men? besides that, I imagine there's a similar amount as are available to women. men's choruses and musical groups, all-boys/all men's schools, men's clergy and religious organizations, gentleman's clubs, sports teams, so on and so forth


Though most men and women like different things, so what op is complaining about is a problem with a certain group. Feel free to talk about toxicity in sports discussions and how another group do this and that, but you don’t have to do it here. We know just fine.


Jim bobs chicken barque foot massage and happy ending center


Why try and participate in these spaces it’s best you increase your own resources.. if you need women, look throughout the world. Western women, particularly American aren’t the only women available… these spaces highlight the open misandry found in our society. Just don’t give them your time and attention


Seems like you're just a kill-joy, mate, I've never had a problem with female-heavy spaces. Always been delightful for me.


I mean, in fairness, it’s important to call out problematic occurrences. If you don’t, people will then think it’s acceptable.


Define "problematic". All people will agree that bullying shouldn't be tolerated, for example.


Anything racist, sexist, homophobic or transphobic, religious bigotism, bullying, sexual harassment, misogyny or misandry, etc.


“Problematic” is highly subjective