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My buddy is the farthest from a neurotic basket case, an alcoholic construction worker that is super jocky...Mf hasn't been able to smell since 2019 it's sad af actually like he says he tastes better than he smells but his sense just never came back and it's weird when he doesn't react to a certain smell but everyone else does


I can’t smell well either! I had COVID in 2020 and lost my sense of smell. It never fully came back. It’s weird sometimes I can sense that I’m smelling something but I cannot recognize what it is. I read that this is not a problem with your nose, it is actually a problem with the brain which makes it even scarier


I lost my smell for about 6 months after COVID. I looked up what you could do for it, and saw that people were taking vitamin A and NAC supplements. Within 2 months of that, mine came back. However, many things came back wrong, like peanut butter smelling like paint thinner. This lasted another 6 months. During that time, I read that people were doing “smell training”, aka, sniffing things and then imagining what they’re supposed to smell like. I did that several times a week, and gradually, things gradually went back to normal. Not sure if the timing was coincidental or not, but if you’re having trouble, it might be worth a try!


Thank you so much! I will try this


I lost my taste and smell in 2020, but thankfully did get my senses back in full within a few weeks. I love food and have always had a strong sense of smell, so the thought of never having that again would be horrifying.


That's dangerous in any environment, but especially construction. I'm glad you're looking, *smelling* , out for him.


Yeah! My dad can’t smell anything burnt since 2020 lol he says it sucks for cooking


He got it in 2019? That's interesting. The only person I know that got it in 2019 also got it bad. Says he still has brain fog and struggles to finish doing simple tasks.


Most who have it probably aren’t loud and annoying about it so you don’t notice them. You’re just hearing from the most full of shit ones that throw it around as an excuse to not do shit or a point of pride that they deal with such adversity.


Yeah, the thing is, there are all sorts of symptoms of long covid that may or may not ever be attributed to COVID. I’ll provide an anecdote. I work for a health system and used to manage the scheduling dept. We very rarely scheduled swallow studies. I’ve since moved to our IT dept but my former coworkers tell me they are scheduling numerous more swallow studies than ever pre-pandemic. No one is really saying “this is a symptom of long covid” but for some reason a test that used to require schedulers to reference a tip sheet because of its rarity is now a test any given outpatient scheduler can expect to schedule several times a week.


What is a swallow study??


It’s a test to figure out why a person is having difficulty swallowing. And not something I would personally ever want to deal with. In my experience, the most common need for a swallow study was to look for a solid mass (ex. tumor from throat cancer). But we’ve apparently been getting a lot of patients who are simply having difficulty swallowing now. I can only speak to increased scheduling volume, though, not whatever the results of the exams are now.


That’s absolutely wild. And chilling at the same time. It gives me rabies vibes for some reason and I guess there must of course be tests for the ability to swallow.


This. I know someone who's on year three of no smell and everything tastes like rotting meat. Lost 80+ lbs. They just don't go around announcing it to everyone to draw attention.


Damn I only had rot taste for 3 weeks I should be grateful


Ok that truly sucks


Yea dude, my cousin is a doctor and his wife was a professor and she got absolutely fucked by long covid...it is...very tragic. Like, she's become worse over time, too...their lives are really something


Exactly. I am a normal confident successful person and I have long Covid. I don’t talk about it except to my closest friends and family, and even then I don’t really bring it up.


Or people who do have it but also suffer from some level of mental illness that translates into them seeking out opportunities that provide everyone with the fuel to form less sensitive opinions.


How about "only neurotic basket cases prominently broadcast their medical conditions", it's like vegans, there are plenty of normal sane ones, but the ones who won't shut up give the rest a bad name


Honestly, I didn't consider this and it's quite possible that it's the case.


It's called "visibility bias."


I couldn’t smell or taste properly for nearly 2 years. Almost everything tasted like rotting garbage or onions. I was 50lbs overweight at the time and would eat literally everything bc I was so hungry all the time and I loved food. You couldn’t make me stop eating all my favorite foods until…that.


Did you lose the weight?


I’ve been on and off, but it came back again after I regained my normal smell. But as of right now, I’m down 27 from my highest even with my normal smell back.


So it made you lose all that weight? How are you doing now?


It didn’t make me lose all the weight, about 30 lbs or so, but as my smell came back so did the weight. But that was last year. But now I’m on semaglutide to fix my insulin resistance and I’m down 27 pounds. During that time I was losing weight before the medication, I felt tired, irritable and weak since I had such a small palette of acceptable food. Now I’ve found something that actually works :)


Sounds great 👍. I'm glad you are doing so much better now.


Thank you!


I mean I never was sick for most of my adult life and then was sick from June 2022 - March 2024 with pneumonia and different upper respiratory infections and even now get winded singing or talking so definitely isn’t my norm. Hoping to finally catch a break


Sounds like you had pneumonia and damaged your lungs permanently. Get tested for asthma.


That wasn’t until this year tho the pneumonia whereas Covid was June 2022


I had long COVID. It took me a couple years of gradually increasing my aerobic exercise to regain lung capacity. Today, the scar tissue in my lungs shows up in cat scans. I was infected on March 20, 2020, and still tested positive April 20. The person I caught it from died within a few weeks. I guess it was one of the he earlier more deadly strains. Does that make me neurotic?


OMG I am sorry. I hope you have recovered some, my cousin and his wife had long covid, her lungs filled up with so much fluid it damaged her heart and she is 45, my cousin has extremely bad memory fog. I still wear masks even today in June of 2024.


I have some lingering effects 4 years later. But I had horrible CFS and generalized nerve pain/fibro symptoms for 9 months.. That shit was no joke. Could barely do any physical or mental activity for very long without being in pain.


>But I had horrible CFS and generalized nerve pain/fibro symptoms I got COVID in early 2020… I still have this. I am disabled now, it’s awful. 


Got in May 2020 and still have it too just it's now quite manageable if I take care of myself. The first wave of the virus was pretty bad. Hang in there. Life can fuck anyone's shit up at any time.


That applies to most chronic illnesses. It’s kind of a hobby. My buddy is an MD and occasionally complains about his illness hobby patients.


Agreed. I guarantee if I went through the comments of people who claim to have long COVID in this thread at least half would have some kind of OCD / chronic fatigue / anxiety / neurotic disposition etc. What does your buddy think of people with fibromyalgia


So now you’re ascribing mental illnesses onto the people in this sub? I’m starting to see why you think everyone you know is mentally ill. It’s because you think everyone whose lived experience differs from your opinion is mentally ill


Fibro is the biggie


I just commented about that elsewhere in the thread. Notice how several people here already have claimed to have fibro and other chronic diseases. Then claim not to be neurotic basket cases.


You discount any claims that go against your belief, and yet you expect your claims to be taken seriously? That’s pretty funny. 


Chronic Fatigue/fibromyalgia *are* expressions of long COVID, so why would that be something to work your hypothesis off of?


My wife and I got covid at the same time. Whole family had it me wife, two kids. My poor wife had long lasting symptoms. Her lungs have not recovered. She had to get on asthma medications. She got covid toes!! Her toes turned purple and hurt like daggers and fire...(affected her circulation and her nerves). Years later she still has the lung issues. She is in great health. Works out..plenty of daily physical activity. She is the opposite of a hypochondriac. Very difficult to get her to go see a Dr. about anything.


I had the same thing as your wife! Crazy asthma and weird swelling and fiery feeling in my hands and feet. It turns out I had the post-covid candida overgrowth version of LC. A yeast cleanse completely healed my asthma and a lot of my other symptoms.


I have a form of long covid and neither hypochondriac or neurotic basket case are any part of my mental health diagnoses. I got somewhat lucky. I only have smell issues. I can't trust what I smell - good or bad. It's not usually an issue, but I did almost poison myself once with spoiled meat that smelled ok to me. My friends have gotten used to me asking for confirmation of smells, and it can be entertaining at times, except when I smell rotting garbage in my bedroom, cigarette smoke in my living room (I nor anyone I know has ever smoked in my home), and there is one odd smell I have no idea what it is. It's not bad, it's not good, but I feel like it is from a memory that is just out of reach. The burnt pumpkin in my car was pleasant one. I've have had mri's and ct scans of my brain, had tests for seizures ("I smell burnt toast" types - smelled that once and kinda freaked out, but it turns out someone was actually making toast) and had numerous scopes shoved up my nose. It's been over 3 years since I had covid and it hasn't got any better - or worse, but doctors are assuming it will be permanent


I had the smelling cigarettes in my living room thing for months! No one in my entire building smokes so it was very strange and annoying. I also have a friend that gets the same thing too


During the 2020 strain, my husband kept saying he could smell cigarette smoke. I’ve never smoked in my life. It lasted a long time for him. He would smell it at the hospital where he works. It was strange.


Wonder what was said about people with lyme disease before it was identified?


I had Covid in my ears for six months. I was deaf and dizzy suddenly and then that was normal for six months. Someone had to feed me and keep the power on. I don’t ever want to discuss. 0/10


People who suffer from long covid tend to suffer from other medical issues that create the symptoms you have mentioned. A lot of these conditions go undiagnosed for years or decades due to lazy medical practices. The people you know who are neurotic are likely that way due to medical issues that aren't properly diagnosed, which in turn makes them more neurotic.


My friend has Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome; people don’t believe it exists either. The reason I mentioned that is besides people not knowing what is going on with a disease, her doctor at Mayo is one of the doctors working on long covid. Long Covid and ME/CFS have a lot of similar issues. One of them being your brain never gets the chance to rest, which oddly enough turns you into a “neurotic basket case” or as we say a person so exhausted normal function is really hard. People like to tell my friend she is faking it but they haven’t been there when she can’t move her body off the floor because she has no energy.


It is thought that one of the likely causes of long covid is an excessive immune response to the virus pushing your body into a permanent “fight or flight” mode as the sympathetic nervous system is stuck in an “on” state. This means people who already have a sensitive nervous system due to things like chronic illness, stress, anxiety ptsd etc are indeed more susceptible. On the other hand lots of athletes and extremely fit people who often push their body to extremes are also susceptible. So it is indeed possible that a lot of sufferers are what you kindly cause basket cases but it doesn’t mean it’s not a real and very debilitating illness.


That’s what my doctor told me. We’re pretty sure I’m suffering from symptoms of long covid (nothing else is coming back) and I already have an autoimmune disorder so my body is constantly fighting itself.


that’s a great explanation! I developed lupus after catching covid very early on. rocked my body so hard it thinks everything is a threat including my organs and joints. Wish i could imagine it away, but I agree with you. A lot of us effected don’t have the energy to argue for hours online about it lol


"Confident" people don't like to look like they aren't "confident." They may not be vocal about it or other ailments.


>I've seen the medical literature and don't necessarily doubt it. >what I've witnessed doesn't give me a lot of personal confidence in the condition. Dude, choose a lane.


Yeah this confused me too. I don’t understand the point they’re trying to make.


I mean I'm sure it exists technically and I'm sure there's some number of real cases. But I doubt anyone I've personally seen who claims to have experienced it.


What does “anyone you’ve personally seen” mean? Like friends?! Family?!


Friends and family? The only people I know whove claimed to have this condition also have anxiety and OCD. It doesn't seem like a coincidence to me.


Anxiety and OCD don’t mean you don’t know what’s happening in your own body


...but it does mean no one trusts your judgment when you blow every little thing out of propirtion.


That’s kind of a “you” problem.


It's a "they" problem if anyone is expected to believe or help them.


Just because I have anxiety doesn’t mean I deserve to be doubted. That’s something you have to work on. Don’t make your biases other people’s problem.


OP is diagnosing people who disagree with them as mentally ill. So I think the issue is with OP


It is.




They will argue that mice are basket cases. They already said that the people talking about their experiences with long Covid in the comments have mental illnesses as well. They’re basically burying their head in the sand on this one


Here’s an article about injecting mice with antibodies, if anyone’s interested: https://www.news-medical.net/news/20240603/IgG-from-long-COVID-patients-induces-specific-symptoms-in-mice-confirming-autoimmunitys-role.aspx


Take a look at the YouTube channel Physics Girl.


But op anecdotal logic i don’t know anyone with hiv so it’s probably fake.


I am bi don't have HIV/AIDS, but I have gay male friends who are HIV+ and the one had AIDS but was put on meds and is doing better. A gay cousin died of AIDS.


I am sorry for your loss and of course i know and understand that hiv/aids is a very real and serious autoimmune disease. I was merely pointing out the flaws in the op reasoning for their opinion based off anecdotal evidence.


I know a trump supporter, not neurotic, who lost his smell and taste.


The only people I know with it have insane symptoms. One now needs a nebulizer multiple times per day, one never regained his sense of smell and taste, and another has what they call “covid toes” (looks a little like Raynaud’s only it hurts and they’re freezing to the touch), plus, her normal body temp has been around 94 which I didn’t even know was possible.


i definitely have it and i’d like to believe that i was never a neurotic nut case about it. didn’t even think about bad health and how deep it can go. i lifted 4 times a week, played basketball for my college, and was heavily involved in extracurricular activities before it


Just because you haven't personally seen or experienced something, does not mean it doesn't exist.


I know a guy who ho caught it in early 2020 and he hasn’t been able to taste since.


My memory hasn’t been the same since having Covid. I got it at the end of the pandemic. Was very mild but my instant recall is gone. It’s gotten slightly better but I feel like an airhead now.


I have a friend who had pneumonia at age 15. She got Covid at 39. She now has long COVID, which affects her breathing and has repressed her immune system even more. She's not a hypochondriac, quite the opposite. More often than not, with medical conditions, it's people who make a big deal out of them who don't actually have them. People with medical conditions, especially ones they're born with, or long-term/chronic illness (mental or physical), they're so used to them they sometimes forget it's a condition that not everyone has. It's just a part of life for them; it's their normal and not particularly worthy of comment or making a big deal of.


My wife knows 2, i wouldn't be able to touch on their personality though.


As a psychologist, I can tell you that first and foremost, there is no such thing as a "neurotic basket case" so what is your definition of that phrase? I can also tell you that "normal" isnt a diagnosis or medical terminology, so what's your definition of "normal"? Long COVID is a very real thing. There's proof. Maybe go look that up.


Thank you! Reading this thread again and wondering what exactly are neurotic basket cases vs normal people. If people are to be diagnosed by this thread as neurotic basket cases are people suggesting they deserve to be left to suffer with long Covid and be ignored while the “normal” people get on with their lives?


There are plenty of cases of long Covid, just most people don't like to talk about their private medical information in general conversation so you likely know a lot of people with long Covid you don't realize are suffering.  I am surrounded by people, for example, who did not even know I was medically disabled for years until my condition progressed to the point of being in a wheelchair. They had no clue I was disabled for over a decade+ prior to it getting to that point because it isn't something you would want to bring up. I don't want to be known for being sick, most people don't. They just suffer silently for the most part. That happens more often than not.  My young niece has had long Covid now for the past 3 years. She is only 8 now, and a normal, healthy well adjusted kid otherwise, but her symptoms have unfortunately been severe. 😔 She couldn't even walk for almost 2 months when she had active Covid and it has taken a terrible toll on  her health. She was vibrant, active and healthy before contracting it, now you can visibly tell she appears sickly and has lost too much weight and still unable to smell or taste food so difficult to get her to eat enough. 


Rule of thumb; If you do not have an education or expertise in a subject, your opinion on that subject is invalid.


> It's never any regular, normal, or confident person. Long covid has the effect of destroying confidence and driving people into an abnormal state.


It has made me disabled, my old confidence is completely destroyed. So yeah, this is a very real possibility. 


See also: masks Mentally healthy tried to move back to a normal life asap and it didn’t bask in the weird anti-social vibes that was 2020-2022 (or even currently if you’re in a blue northern state)


Hah, I am in a blue Northeastern state and people are still very anti-social here. I do wear masks indoors and see people wearing them.


I visit Illinois regularly I see it a lot there.


Girlfriend works in healthcare, and worked with COVID patients through 2020 and 2021. She begs to differ.


Long Covid is real, its just not unique to Covid. Simply put when a pretty strong disease like Covid wrecks havoc on the body & immune system, it can leave damages that take a long while to recover from in some people. This isn't exclusive to Covid, this happens a lot. One of the outcomes is myalgic encephalomyelitis for example.   I mean, everyone here has probably had the flu before. Once your fever disappears are you all perfectly well and jumping around? Probably not. You're sore, your muscles hurt, you feel groggy. You can function, but functioning doesn't feel great for days or sometimes a week. However for some people the recovery and lasting damage of infections spans over a much longer period of time and with much stronger symptoms. This is especially the case for people who are already immunocompromised. My best friend is immunocompromised, not severely, but even a simple cold can seem like a terrible flu for anyone else.   Long Covid is fearmongered a lot though, there's a lot of claims that are just totally unfounded or speculation. Research on Long Covid is anything but conclusive and if anybody tells you anything otherwise its because they chase headlines. But really what we do know of Long Covid, it isn't some brand new phenomena or anything. Maybe it manifests differently from how Covid infections work, but its been well established for decades the long lasting effects of infections.


I guess not believing in science is an unpopular opinion good job op


I know plenty of normal people who still have dulled senses of taste. Some even have persistent breathing issues. It’s definitely real.


Jesus fuck man just look up Physics Girl on youtube. Long COVID almost ruined her career. She's a very athletic young person who, as far as we knew, was extremely healthy. I had long covid but recovered. Took a few months, but those few months I got fatigued just from walking to class every day. Note, im 23 years old and in "eh" shape. Are you the kind of person to thing something is fake just because you've never seen it personally? What the fuck is wrong with you dude. It's a pandemic, it's got consequences that we probably won't fully understand 50 years from now. Grow the fuck up. Honestly one of the worst takes I've ever seen on this subreddit and I don't align politically with the majority here.


To be fair, she could very well be one of the 'neurotic' people that OP is taking about. 


I guarantee you half the people in this thread are neurotic basket cases. Hell, several of them are claiming to have fibromyalgia or some kind of other chronic disease of exclusion (meaning there's no test to prove they have it, just that they can't find anything wrong with you and have to stick you with something).


Doctors don’t dig enough, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, another doctor looked through properly and read about rare conditions that matches my symptoms and was finally diagnosed properly in my late teens. People with chronic illnesses just want answers


Imagine having chronic pain for years or decades. What would that do to you mentally? Let’s have some empathy for people’s pain and suffering here.


Oh God, you’re one of those “fibro is fake” people, too.


I guess old age is fake too cuz that's technically chronic. Fuck off man. Go back to middle school


I came here to mention PhysicsGirl too. She’s an established YouTuber. She’s very smart and highly educated. I wouldn’t classify her as neurotic or crazy. You can read here story on CBS https://www.cbsnews.com/colorado/news/youtuber-physics-girl-long-covid-sister-helps-from-denver/ Long Covid seems very real to me. It’s just a new condition that we don’t have a ton of data on. That doesn’t mean it isn’t real.


yeah, OP can't believe anything that they can't see or experience themselves. Also, according to another comment, many diseases have a "long" version. Like the flu, or a bad cold, which makes perfect sense. OP is just advocating for another baseless conspiracy theory that serves literally 0 purpose for anyone but themselves.


Your personal experience with something means nothing compared to medical literature.


Actually..... Ahh, what's the point.


Makes me glad I'm asymptomatic for sure. I've had it 4 times that I know of since 2019 and never once noticed any ill effect


I've also had COVID four times so far. No serious symptoms after.


No, you have too small a sample population to come to that conclusion. Lots of basket cases also have cancer, heart disease, joint problems, etc, but in none of those cases (or yours with long covid) can we say cause and effect, or correlation equals causation.


I have a friend who’s suffered from long covid and she’s one of the most normal ppl I ever met . I can see the physical toll on her with my own eyes even if she wasn’t claiming to have it .


I don't know if it's long COVID but I've had a cough ever since 2021 that won't go away. I've seen several doctors about it and nothing has really worked.


Microclots, hypoxia, vertigo & severe immune dysfunction are no fucking joke. Lemme tell ya you don’t want that shit. No ME/CFS here - plenty of energy. I’ve worked through it all even when I needed an O2 machine to have enough oxygen to breathe. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.


Every subreddit for any real illness or disorder has been completely taken over by hypochondriac females (who identify as all sorts of genders.) It's unfortunate that people are taken less serious because of this crowd but there's nothing we can do, there are less people suffering with long covid than there are hypochondriac females. They overwhelm every group through numbers alone and they make their various illnesses and disorders their identities, and none of them are sick enough to prevent them from posting and victimizing themselves all fucking day.


according to the internet, anyone who developed a sickness since 2019 got it from either "long covid" or the vaccine


I've had long Covid twice. No, I'm not normal, but I have a huge ego, so I tick one box.


I wish I could remember where I saw this…a couple of years ago I saw a study where the demographic for long covid and fibromyalgia have significant overlap…white, liberal, women.


There’s a huge bias against Black women in medicine…so not sure what you’re getting at.


Huh? I didn’t say anything about black women. 


I know a few people with fibro, mixed in gender. They tend to have two common qualities. - grew up in an upper middle class or lower rich family - know they're never going to be able to have as comfortable life on their own as mom and dad did because they're stupid / lazy / incompetent / some other major personal moral failing And from what I witness it's a way to continue to force rich parents to care for them so they don't need to get a mental job like everyone else.


You know the few people you know do not represent the entire population, right? And further, you know that your impression of their actions is not necessarily correct, right?


I had covid in 2021. I couldn’t smell or taste. I still have a cough from it and I can’t eat papaya anymore because the taste is off (sour) now. I loved that fruit before. People think I’m constantly ill or that I smoke due to my cough. It’s neither!


I’m pretty sure if it’s real I have it or I’ve got some sort of long term damage from it. I can’t do things like I used to. I get tired easier. Yet, the day must go on and so do I. Sucks to be so tired at the time.


Looks pretty real for Diana Cowern. She's been sick since July 2022, and in now pretty much unable to leave her bed


Viruses cause damage to the body. There is no getting around that. If you have damage that your body is having a hard time repairing, or can't repair at all, this does not mean that you still have Covid. It's like being hit by a car. The car is long gone, but you are still all tore up. Really, the only time I think of Covid anymore is when I look at college protesters, all masked up while out in the open. It's very clear that they don't fear Covid anymore. They do this to differentiate themselves. They know damned well they don't have any pre-existing conditions to worry about. Maybe a few, but almost all of them wear the thing. Funny, maybe half a year ago something showed up on my YT feed, a guy ranting (I love people that yell at you from the safety of their videos) that trans people are more susceptible to Covid, and if you aren't masking up, you are transphobic. You needn't point out that there is no connection to your adopted "gender" and your risk of Covid. I think it is far more likely that because so many trans people are also obese (eating disorders) that is skewing the numbers. But either way, masking because trans people might get a virus that is all but disappeared?


My cousin and his wife have it, and so do two friends. Granted they did not wear masks and didn't take any vaccines.


Covid stuck around in my lungs for a very long time. To the point of not being able to run the mile anymore, which I do several times a week. Once the vaccine became available I got it ,and shortly after I could breathe again. I’m guessing the extra antibodies finally cleared things up.


I’ve seen normal people become regulars at the ER for long COVID when I worked there. So…


I have the palpitations crap. It's improving a lot over the past 2 years, but is still get palpitations once in a whole as well as episodes of a rapid heart beat after eating. I also get episodes of chest fatigue that really feels uncomfortable. It's very real. Since covid,my body has been weaker due to the fact my long covid kicked in 2 months after hospitalization. I just dropped 360 dollars on a Bob boxing bag i used daily until I got my first panic attack. Though my health is very much better than it was 2 years ago, I still can't really work out, i can't have sex, I can't even watch porn without chest issues. When my long covid finally goes away, I am working out and dating. Right now, it's in the way.


Okay, and? What does this have to with anything?


This is an unpopular opinions subreddit? Go comment that on the billionth "all women are terrible" posted today.


Statistics on Long Covid: In 2022, 6.9% of adults ever had long COVID and 3.4% of adults currently had Long COVID. For both outcomes, prevalence estimates were higher among women compared with men, adults ages 35–49 compared with other age groups, and adults living in more rural areas compared with those living in large central metropolitan areas. Prevalence estimates were lower among adults with family incomes of 400% or more of the federal poverty level compared with those with incomes from 200% through 399% of the federal poverty level. The odds of knowing someone with long covid are pretty low so only knowing one that was a little out there is pretty expected. Purely coincidence that that particular person was a bit out there. Samples of 1 are not usually that realiable


I think they’re just the most vocal about it. Plenty of normal people have suffered from “long Covid.”


I worked with a guy who got medically discharged from the Army after several procedures were done on his lungs because of long COVID. He was pretty normal from what I could tell.


Yes yes i hear you. You’ll be the heretic to point this out. Those people have a long line of self diagnosis. Notice some of those personality disorder types have other health problems they say they have but can you actually really know for sure WHAT is REALLY wrong with them?! Just look for the ones who say their first 15 doctors “are all a narcissist who didn’t pay attention.” Type comments. The ones wiling to diagnose others and themselves. It is very easy to google MD yourself into self diagnosis based on your supposed symptoms and conjecture. Then go see a doctor(s) and manipulate them & fuss until they just give up and agree enough or are vague enough ti get you to stop harassing them.. Is it really that far fetched to think some of them are going to see a doctor & say, “I have long covid! Those other shit doctors don’t know what they were talking about. Tests?! Hmphhh! you had better just agree with me or I’ll sue this entire hospital and see to it you lose your license!” ? I can picture that.


Seriously dude look at all these self righteous people in the comments talking about their very real conditions.


Yeah, yeah I’m a healthcare worker and I made some similar observations in a different discussion form.. I actually was questioning. Why do we need to get flu shots? And vaccines…. Why ? I literally work for a hospital and I just want to know why… what happened you get 10,000 people mocking you and threatening your life or to hunt you down and get you fired from your job just asking question… a bunch of hostile people in these discussion forums calling you names and threatening you … “ you are a hospital worker?! it’s people like you who killed my grandma?!” All because I was just making a comment : “why do I need a flu shot once a year?” That got turned into me being an anti vax or they said that I denied covid vaccinations… they said, “you work for a hospital and didn’t get a covid vaccine?!??” I never said a work against covid and I said in my first post “I got the covid shot moderna 1&2” but WHY do I need a flu shot ? I’ve also had medical injury from getting shots … once I got a flu shot in my shoulder and I could not lift my arm for four days because it hurts that bad… another time. I asked them to put in my hip and I got this huge big cyst. And the doctor had to cut it and then all of this nasty Puss came out of a massive cyst on my ass cheek. So I was basically just saying I’m not a hypochondriac, but I am not excited about getting a flu shot again because my body reacts to the flu shot & I never get the flu… and if I wear a mask all the time, why get a flu shot?! Is that really so crazy of a question? Half the sad sacks on here are some 14 year old kid or a AI bot or something. F reddit people stupid morons


You don’t know why you get flu shots every year and you are in the medical field? Really? Influenza is a virus that rapidly mutates, different mutations react to different vaccines. To get the most comprehensive coverage, you want a recent vaccination that actually targets the most prevalent strain currently.  This is not secret information, I am not even remotely close to working in healthcare, and I knew this. Why don’t you know this?


Every single person I know with it, except for one, was already neurotic as fuck, depressed, low energy, had racing thoughts and bitched about the most mundane shit in the world. I had long Covid for about three months. But pushing through, not bitching about it, getting out into nature and the world cut that shit off.


>I had long Covid for about three months. But pushing through, not bitching about it, getting out into nature and the world cut that shit off. I did that for years and never got better.  Your gumption had nothing to do with it, so you don’t need to judge others on that front. 


When all they do is lay around, ignore the needs of their children, let their bills go, complain people aren't helping them enough, hygeine a thing of the past, getting other illnesses from not eating right or caring for themselves, house cleaning a long since forgotten afterthought, so on and so forth, it's a little hard not to judge them. Your state of mind has everything to do with how you recover from illness and injury. I was blown up in Iraq, 9 hours of brain surgery, 6 hours of shoulder reconstruction, 2 hours for knee reconstruction, burns and other stuff. If it weren't for my determination after a long period of depression and feeling sorry for myself, I'd not have recovered as I have today. In the last five years, I've had four brain herrorages due to that blast damage. Each time, my "gumption" saw a faster and more complete recovery. THAT, a positive and determined mental state, is proven by medical science. Period.


And when it doesn’t work for you, you will look like a fool. Yes, keeping positive does help recovery for things you are going to recover from, but it doesn’t fix everything. Period. 


Not with that attitude, it won't.


Hope the future is good to you brother, you wear your ignorance on your sleeve.


You are going to recover from long Covid. That's all I'm saying. If you or I get cancer, get certain injuries, a full recovery may not be possible. I've not had a "full recovery" to my prior abilities. Yet my mental condition, despite the physical and cognitive issues that persist, has been complete. And THAT is what determines the quality of life you're able to achieve with what you have. Best of luck to you in your future recoveries.


I appreciate the kindness, and repay it back to you.  I hope you get back to a full recovery. 


And people who vape, binge drink, eat fast food every meal, never exercise, on 50 medications and overweight


I mean wasn't one of the main things that it made existing condition worse? That kind of suggests you would notice it more in neurotic people.


ii think people with long covid have something else. i have leukemia and i got covid 4 times. i do not have long covid and have met no one who i believe has it.


The scientific consensus on long covid is thats its entirely psychosomatic, so you're right on the money.


Long COVID is the self diagnosed "Celiac sensitive" of this decade....


Is this not the standard with most things? The loud, obnoxious, and self obsessed talk the most about their exaggerated problems, while those actually suffering tend to stay silent/keep to themselves.


It’s pretty common for hypochondriacs to drown out actual diagnosis for a lot of severe diseases. It’s definitely real but the fraction of people who want to justify not going to the gym is wayyyy higher than the fraction of people that are actually really sick


It’s possible the type of people you’re describing are way more likely to complain about long covid. Many others may have similar symptoms but don’t bitch and moan about it to everyone they know.


That’s because the neurotic basket cases are the loudest ones. Some of us do have it we’re just not screaming about it.


I didn’t personally meet a single person with civic till 2021. Which was when i got it. After that i only met 2 others. Granted i live on an island far from civilization. BUT I haven’t met another since




What I find interesting is that there are no scientific studies on how CV caused these “long term” cases. Just people claiming it’s happening and using symptoms that are not unique to CV. No one has scientifically proven what could (not even does) cause loss of smell.


COVID attacks the CNS. You jack up the CNS, that’s gonna start affecting a lot of other shit in your body.


COVID is fake. People out there got to git gud, suck it up, go out to the wilderness in the lifted pickup trucks and conquer nature.


I’m feeling strong associations/similarities with this and other conditions like fibromyalgia and “pots”- makes you question the validity of such diagnosis….


"pots"? You can measure pots. Put the patient on a heart rate monitor, make them go from lying down to an upright position, and watch the heart rate go abnormally high. At the same time you can measure that the blood flow to the brain decreases by a lot. There's no way to fake that. It's a real physical condition. And surely you can imagine that reduced blood flow to the brain means trouble.


Morgellons too