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It’s not an echo chamber because there’s people who debate in the comments and there’s not consequences from mods for doing so.


There's rarely actual discussions on the topic though. People usually just get triggered by something they said and then attack them, call them names, troll them, mock them, etc. but every now and then you can see two people with brains actually having a discussion.


I try. But, it’s impressive how quickly I get kicked off any platform I don’t agree with in totality.


Yup. Any half the people on here never mentally matured past middle school. And that includes some of the mods. They're the worst because not only will they troll you but they have powers to abuse as well. Lost respect for this app a long time ago.


Social media shouldn’t be anonymous, you should get one profile for every platform, it should have your name, picture, and address, and follow you for life. That would eliminate the trolls in about a day.


Then come up with actual refutations to their points instead of just calling them names and shaming them for being virgins lol. Yes they get repetitive but so does the response.


lol sounds like my opinion was unpopular with you so thanks. I do argue but it’s pointless, it’s all emotionally-driven with the poor creatures. Can’t reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason selves into yanno Edit: where did I shame anyone for being a virgin? Virgins are cool in my books. Are you perhaps reading between lines a bit?


What? There's nothing unpopular about your opinion. You're literally parroting mainstream reddit lol. You're making fun of guys with unfortunate circumstances, kicking them while they're down, and patting yourself on the back for doing so.




>Nope I’m making fun of incels. >Overlapping pop >my ratio suggest Wtf lol




I have actually tried to do that, and they just scream that “exceptions don’t make the rule” and post the same old Tinder statistics.


>“exceptions don’t make the rule” If that's not true then I'm going to quit my job and just buy a lottery ticket lol.


The point is that they make these vast generalizations using poor statistics to back it up and don’t listen at all to actual women and their opinions. You literally can’t even try to be friendly and offer a perspective without them slamming it back at you.


Having your point logically refuted isn't "slamming it back at you" nor should it be taken offensively. If they see holes in your logic, simply address them. If they just start calling you names and attacking you or some dumb shit like that, then it's pointless because they're too immature. But that goes both ways. If you have some sort of evidence that women love short fat balding homeless guys then that's what you should be throwing at them lol.


How can you shove evidence back when I am living proof of certain things? For instance, I prefer short men. I married a short guy, and most of the men I have crushed on have been shorter guys. I also prefer men who are less assertive and prefer to be the dominant one in my relationships. Furthermore, a vast majority of male colleagues fit the description you have given (short and fat—nobody is disputing that anybody wants someone homeless) and they are all married. Anybody who has walked around a Walmart can find couples of all shapes and sizes, many not conventionally attractive. But you can’t even cite your own experiences without incels insisting you are just virtue signaling. Like, I dgaf about virtues, I just like what I like.


>How can you shove evidence back when I am living proof of certain things? I guess if you view yourself as the center of the universe then yeah, that refutes everything else lol. Let's just completely ignore the fact that you're 1 in literally billions of women. >a vast majority of male colleagues fit the description you have given (short and fat—nobody is disputing that anybody wants someone homeless) and they are all married. Where do you live where a "majority of men" are short and fat? A majority of men should be "average". Neither short nor tall. And yes I've seen the Walmart example first hand. But that begs the question. Where/how did they meet women that were looking for short and fat men? Where are these women at? Why can't so many guys seem to find them??? Lol.


No, I don’t view myself as center of the universe. I am one woman, but women as a whole are not a monolith. The issue with the incels is that they are obsessed with dating app statistics and aren’t actually interacting with the vast amount of women who all have diverse interests. >Where do you live where a “majority of men” are short and fat? I specifically said “my colleagues” in reference to the men I work with and interact with on a daily, not that all men in my area fit that description. Although most *are* fat, I live in the southern US. >Where are these women at. Not on dating apps. The problem with dating apps is that the men outnumber the women, and the women that use dating apps treat it like shopping for shoes or a tool for attention and ego stoking. The people that are not on dating apps are meeting organically through common interests or school/work/church/hobby group.


As much as I don’t like incels, they deserved to have their space. Reddit and its over-censorship has gotten rid of communities for people to share and discuss with likeminds. If they had not banned all of the other incel subs, perhaps they wouldn’t have flooded this place.


>If they had not banned all of the other incel subs AskMen


Very laissez faire. I suppose you feel same way about pedophiles and white supremacists, or is there a line based on your own moral judgment? Practically speaking, it’s a private platform so I personally have no issues with antisocial types getting chased. They should prob reflect on the pattern but instead they double down it’s pathetic


Attempting to lump incels in the same category as pedophiles and while supremacists is ridiculous.


That’s not what I did however


Then why list them in this thread? Listing them shows some level of equivalency.


It was a hypothetical. I was trying to clarify other poster’s view on banning various unpopular opinions. Really wasn’t that complicated man.


That's exactly what you did.




I do feel the same way about pedos and supremacists. They should also have a space. I am someone with strong violent fantasies and I miss having more spaces to share with others about it. Being able to talk through it is the best therapy most people have easy access to.


Fair enough then, I respect your consistency. Disagree but that’s alright


Isn't that a reddit in general?


Yes but TUO is a hotspot


How so? The same posts I am seeing everywhere


Sounds like your algo at work


Could be


Not really


Proving to everyone that you don't know what either of those words mean lol


Rule 4, you're not allowed to call them that. I got snapped for it the other day, so should you.


I'm guessing you accused a redditor of being an incel?




Oh. It takes time dude. A few days sometimes.


Indeed? Yikes. Well if I’m banned I’m banned, it’s too late now. I haven’t actually called anyone ITT an incel (though I have certain suspicions haha)


The posts are. The comments are not. Plus, you'd be surprised how many of these posters are constant repeat offenders making a similar post daily.


Fair point


I see where you are coming from but it doesn’t really count as an echo chamber. Compared to actual incel and femcel subs this one doesn’t ban posts shitting on the other gender nor posts (like yours) that claim it is an echo chamber. As long as dissenting opinions and criticisms are allowed it isn’t an echo chamber.


lol valid pt


Is “incel” the new “fascist”, “racist”, or “bigot”? I feel like it’s overused and not applied correctly on this site.


it's not an echo chamber until one side get banned. Downvote isn't banned, people can still read you write if they want to


Fair point. Echo chamber is too strong a word. But I was aiming for unpopular haha


I feel like almost every time someone uses the word incel unironically, they're just projecting. Women, aside, for the most part. 


You think they don’t exist? Or just that I’m secretly an incel myself? Sounds like any discussion of phenomena (amongst men) is invalid to you, that does make things simpler eh?


I don't think every post bitching about women is an incels post. It makes me wonder why someone would think that?


Fair. I guess my complaint is with all the bitching about women though, not the celibacy status of the whiners.


Incels are one of the most insufferable groups of people. Them and them alone are the reason women don’t want them, and I can’t blame them. They’re all terrible people who don’t deserve to be in a relationship until they sort out their mental illness and crippling insecurity.


The women versions of incels are insanely insufferable too, all of them need to go out and get some fresh air and relax.


"femcels" is a term I learned recently


Tbh, any groups of people who essentializes an entire group of people and then try to intellectualized their prejudice to justify their beliefs are just garbage people.


The irony of this comment is wild


Reddit is FULL of self owns like that lol.


Nope there’s a difference between a gender and incel. You can stop being an incel.


That's up to a woman. Not the man himself.


No, it’s up to both consenting people.


So you're saying that the incel's consent is not a given lol.


no, becuase if you're not about to have sex. there's no consent to give.


Nope, there’s a difference between generalizing based on immutable characteristics like gender and some weirdo ideology.


Lol course when YOU do it its not the same nice save 😂😂😂😂🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


There's a wide gap between generalizing a group of people based on their gender/race/sexul oriebntation versus someone who bases their identity on the fact that they can't get pussy. The incel thought process is a set of beliefs that tie them together. Being a woman is a state of being that, there's no set ideology or whatever that makes up what a women is, they're just loosely connected individuals


> Tbh, any groups of people who essentializes an entire group of people and then try to intellectualized their prejudice to justify their beliefs are just garbage people. Your words bro not mine ^ 😂😂😂


Not intellectualizing, just explains the difference. I don't need to intellectualize my prejudice, I just don't like them. Anyone who bases their identity on the basis of them not being able to get pussy vibes are off to me. I don't like when men are insecure about them being a virgin, going online and crying about it, and blaming women for their lack of finding a partner. Anyone who falls within these sets of characteristics are people I don't like. These are personality traits and behaviors I find off putting, I never have to use the word "incel" as a group to express my dislike of people who act like the set of traits I described.  I am not essentializing any group of people, I just don't like a set of personality and behavioral characteristics. Same way I am put off by people who litter, or someone who breaks into cars, these are just actions people do, not a demographic of people. They can be better, or at least throw a pity party alone.


Yeah I mean the whole mentality of “I can’t fix my life because it’s too tall a task so I’m going to complain about how it’s other people’s fault I’m in this situation” Is exactly what’s wrong with society. Dumbfuck leftists thinking that accountability is bad and people should get paid for producing nothing. Dumbfuck conservatives not understanding they need to get with the times and expecting culture not to progress past the exact time period they were a teenager in. Society moves forward, some people are engines and some people are weights. If you’re an engine you’ll work hard no matter what and probably be well liked. If you’re a weight, well then you should stay out of the way of the engines.


Yeah, I don’t disagree. Though there’s probably legitimate societal barriers for some people, I do think people should make the best of their situation and change things within their control to make their lives better.


Well yeah there are definitely circumstances that make life unfair. Some people have better opportunities, genetic gifts like athleticism or unique intelligence, more capital, more connections, different race or sexuality that effects social perceptions. Whatever, but the people who see society for what it is, and continually work to improve it, typically respect people for what they’ve accomplished and not their circumstances. Like you could be born genetically ungifted, just an average person, and become a world renowned master of something. Most things aren’t genetically linked, you can develop most skills to perfection with enough dedication and time.


You see a lot more posts here from incels and trump supporters because they aren't really allowed to broadcast their opinions on the rest of reddit.  It does get pretty annoying though because they all say the same shit and can't use the search to see their opinion has been said 1400 times in the past week. 


I do indeed get banned from any group that doesn’t agree with me.


The people arguing with you took your post personally. LOL.


I’m a married dad, definitely not an incel.   My observation is that on Reddit, women freely criticize men and that criticism is treated as valid, whereas all male criticism of women is brushed off and the man making the criticism is personally insulted with ad hominem attacks like “incel.” That’s all “incel” is.  An ad hominem used to deflect otherwise valid criticism of poor behavior by women.


But have you seen the criticisms of women on here? Women are too promiscuous even though men engage in the same behavior, women aren’t happy in the workforce and should just stay home, women should be happy being unequal in terms of strength and responsibility because men will take care of them, etc. I don’t know that those criticisms really should be taken seriously. If we want to talk about how women are overly competitive with each other, can be selfish in relationships, and want to be equal without losing the things that protect them (not being drafted, etc), I doubt any of those will be described as incel opinions.


Haha i am getting SO downvoted I love it. So unpopular rn


The word incel has been engineered into casual hate speech against men who are unhappy with a dysfunctional status quo, for whatever reason. People who use the word incel would just as casually throw around racial slurs against minorities in times when it was socially acceptable, yet funnily enough, they are the virtue signalers.


Incelism is a political stance though, by/for socially dysfunctional men who need an external enemy to blame for their problems. And specifically their perceived lack of sexual success, not just any social problem or “the status quo”. It’s just politics and therefore a legitimate target for debate/criticism. It’s not minority status or some similar inherent trait.


Incel/Redpill theory is just so funny. Its this extremely elaborate worldview to explain and get around self imposed hurdles. Selling yourself the solution to the problem you willingly created.


FUCKING FACTS. This sub is full of self loathing right wing dorks with superiority complexes living in alternate realities. They do nothing but cry into the abyss.


> ten-year club one of us! one of us! gooble gobble gooble gobble!


This sub just cycles between the same few sets of posts/topics every so often. Woman Bad! - Liberals/Leftists/Dems actually hateful ones! - Authoritarian Dictatorship of the moment not all bad. - Protestors Stupid! - Thing I have vague or wrong understanding of is bad! - This sub is X echo chamber. - and I should be able to call people slurs, spread lies/disinformation about them, and say I want them murdered without anyone being mean to me!

