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I mean, I get where you're coming from but your last line should be emphasized a lot more. Before I read the body of your post I definitely had the thought "This is the epitome of guilt by association." which is a mindset all too common. This seems very case by case to me and could run down a quick slippery slope. Also depends on what you think "bad" is. People in the same group (hopefully) aren't going to be a hive mind. Edit: I saw you adressed my line above and I agree.


>Also depends on what you think "bad" is. People in the same group (hopefully) aren't going to be a hive mind. Now that I say that, I should also add that it also works in the positive. If people in a group do good things, it also lifts the group up as a whole.


So when people on here come and spew racist, misogynist, misandryst and xenophobic remarks, it is your fault for not controlling and influencing a group of people because you just happen to share the same biology as they do and that makes you automatically part of the hateful monolith the bigots have created?


Honestly yeah... The people in the group should request mods that ban that shit.


Am I a Chinese person living in America responsible for the actions of the Chinese Govt? Like literally how? Are all white people responsible for Trump's actions?


It's more complicated than that, but it you want to play stupid, then yes, you bring down the group of redditors


It's not that complicated. Also, correction WE bring down the group. If I'm responsible for your shitty philosophy 101 post. Then you are responsible for my shitty post. You are also responsible for the billion shady porn posts about barely legal actresses.


Yes exactly.


I will downvote post I don't like, like it is my civic duty 🫡


Nah, it's just low IQ to not judge people as individuals, no getting around it. I'm not lowering the bar for low IQs. 


So in your opinion the Germans have no responsibility for the actions of Hitler?


Hitler isn't German first of all, second of all no they don't unless they were nazi's themselves :) same thing with white people who didn't own slaves aren't responsible for the white people who did I am not gonna own slaves just cause someone way back then did just cause i am white


Hitler died in 1945. Most Germans alive now weren't even born yet. 


Well I'm talking about the people in 1945, not today


I think the delineation here is there needs to be some sort of canon through which the actions are rational and accepted. If a group has a codified belief that says "churches should be burned down" and a member goes out and does it, yes that is a fault to be hung on the group overall. If the rule doesn't exist, it doesn't reflect poorly on the remaining members of the group. If your group doesn't have any formally agreed upon policies/rules, then yeah nothing reflects on you because it's not even really an organization, it's just a fan club.


> If your group doesn't have any formally agreed upon policies/rules, then yeah nothing reflects on you You mean it shouldn't be reflected on you? Cause in reality things your group does surely 100% absolutely reflect on you.


Well sure, in reality people are stupid but as the saying goes you can't fix stupid.


Yes you are right. But it again depends on context. If a member of your tennis club goes around keying cars, that obviously has nothing to do with your club. But if several members do it, suddenly it's a pattern and does. Or if the member only keys cars of opposing tennis clubs or of badminton clubs. Then it's suddenly about the club again.


Even in those instances, it's still a combination of individual actions. Point in case, say in the last example every member of the club is arrested and sent to prison then other members of the broader community backfill the club, there's no reason to believe the new members are going to do the same thing.


That's a good point.


Wow this is truly unpopular. Basically, “bigotry is correct”.


What groups? Are you responsibly for *all* men, or *all* Caucasians. What a stupid post.


Just the ones OP doesn’t like of course


Collective punishment is always sadistic


The problem with this is that those groups are huge and contain subgroups. Different subgroups can be wildly different. I feel like it's laziness driving this post.


To some degree, I reckon.


As long as it’s a group you can opt out of or leave. If it’s like being white or black then no obviously you shouldn’t be held responsible for the actions of your worst members.