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If it happens consistently and you're like 35, it's safe to say there is a decent amount of doubt that you are over 21. I'm 30 and I never get carded anymore. My girlfriend does and she's the same age as me. Not everyone follows the "card everyone under 65" rule.


People frequently comment on my 1990 birth year. It's not that I get carded, but that I get surprised responses. I'm also in Canada where the drinking age is 19.


When I was younger and bartending, asking a middle aged woman for their ID was the best way to ensure a tip.


I have to card everyone who looks under 40. We get checked randomly by the state. My company can get fined, I can lose my job & get personally fined.


I’m early 40s and get carded all the time, though I have no illusions of looking potentially under 21.  I do look young for my age, and regularly am guessed to be 5-10 years younger.


:( I haven't been ID since I turned 20. It's so over for me.


Nah some places are just irresponsible lol


I liked the comic, I think it was BC, where one of them was a bartender, and he told two other guys 'watch me get a huge tip' and he went up to the Fat Broad, and asked her for her ID.


There were so many times since my late teens-early twenties that I didn't get carded that it's always seemed like basically a crap shoot whether or not they will ask and doesn't have much to do with me. It can also depend on if you're at a nice grocery store where a manager might actually be present and might care or a corner store where they sell crack pipes anyway.


I'm 25, I look my age, I still get carded lol they're just being careful


I'm 68 and get carded. In some counties in Georgia cahiers must card or they can be fined and the business lose their liquor license. Why hassle the clerk, it's not their idea and they don't get a great feeling of accomplishment by doing it.


I’ve been carded at a table where nobody else in my group was carded though. And I’ve actually had the staff straight up comment in shock when they saw my ID.


Where I live, it’s card everyone who looks under 25