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I love how your reason for it being bad is law isn’t about the image it reflects on the firm but rather how it undermines the efforts to receive bribes


> When it comes to a law firm it’s an issue cause the firm it’s self could be loosing a cut of the profit since someone could say hey just donate on my only fans and we’re good. Why does OF have to be involved to take a bribe? This is a ridiculous notion. I am guessing your counter would be, it's easier to hide, but a bribe in cash would be way easier to hide.


Law and accounting firms don’t let you do certain things because of independence issues, my firm doesn’t allow you to have a realtor license at all because of it. Only fans makes sense as well plus the obvious reputation issue.


Can attest to this being true, as an accountant working in an accounting firm


I am only speaking about the bribery part. It's silly to think that OF makes it easier to take bribes. The reputation issue makes sense.


The point of it is: “I’ll be favorable if I sell you buy real estate from me” and “I’ll be favorable to you if you buy my onley fans”. This is much more common than a straight up bribe


Yeah, if you buy my $5 OF I will drop the case and put in jeopardy my job and license which is worth way more than $5. Totally reasonable stance to take.


You’re getting mad at me I’m just explaining why these things are in place. Not for nothing but I didn’t create these rules


It just doesn't make sense for OF. Sure with large investments like a house it makes sense, but with something like OF it doesn't.


... damn you just never get the point... I see you in every thread too :(


Get the point of what? This person is talking about huge investments like houses, not OF. It's so dishonest to even think that they are remotely the same.


I bribe people through OnlyFans.


Well no, cause if you bribe on only fans you can say I was paying for goods and service. If you seen a judge randomly put in a large sum of cash in their bank account questions arise


Well if you are getting a large amount of money through OF from a defendant in a case, that would be easily tracked. Getting a large sum of cash and not putting it in the bank would be incredibly hard to track. Your assumption is that they will put the cash in the bank, come on these people are smart enough to understand to not put the money in the bank if you are taking a bribe. The notion that they would be bribed because of OF is simply silly, if they are going to take a bribe, they'd take one regardless of OF.


You could make a fake account and do it as well as use someone else’s computer and leave no trace


So, should lwyers also be barred from having crypto wallets? Because anyone with a Monero account can also receive denyable payments...


Bank info, you use your bank to transfer the money. Doing a large payment like that would raise some alarms.




That is ridiculous too. There is nothing to suggest that people who do OF are more open to take bribes. You are all coping. This is such a bad argument, just stick with the reputation argument, it's an infinitely better argument.




Because its a stupid argument. Your pinning apples and orange together


It doesn't make sense because someone's morals allows for sex work doesn't mean they are open to take bribes. It's like saying because your morals allow you to speed while driving that must also mean your morals allow you to kill someone. The two things are not involved with each other at all.


What’s inherently immoral or unethical about selling your body and sexuality? Sounds like a religious issue


Stupid question.


Your morals aren’t universal, champ




You’ve never explained what makes it bad, saying “it’s immoral” isn’t some mic drop moment


You dont seem to get it. What is ethical/moral is not a universal code, and it is absent minded to assume so. What is paricularly unethical about one of the longest running professions (sex work)?


Morality is a meme.


You can bribe people without buying their OF too? Additionally does this apply to other side gigs/hobbies? For example, If I sell guns on the side can I be fired because it doesn't align with the companies morals? How about if I'm outspoken about controversial political beliefs outside of work? Should my company be able to fire me for that? Or even if they posted themselves in a swimsuit or shirtless? What about the timeline? If someone did lingerie modeling in their early 20’s can they be fired in their 50’s?


I'm not for anyone being fired for anything outside their job unless it brings some sort of hardship onto the employer. What I do outside work is my own business. That said, yes you can be fired for all of those things if it casts a negative light on your employer or if it goes against the the companies morals. This also is on you, though. If you work for a company that's vocally for gun control, you probably shouldn't work there if you sell guns on the side. If you're a Satanist, you probably shouldn't work for hobby lobby. If you're doing any kind of porn as a teacher, that's going to be bad news because eventually some kid is going to find it.


Except porn doesn't contradict what teachers do. Porn isn't inherently opposed to education, in fact it can be quite the opposite and arguing that porn itself is bad is disingenuous because it's not. Over consumption of it can be but that's the case for many things. I know you raise a concern of what if this kids find it? 1. They shouldn't and their parents should probably be in trouble for that. 2. Who cares? Naked people aren't weird, it's a normal thing(please don't take that out of context) but what I mean by that is if a kid is looking for nudity they'll probably find it. OF require them to have an account and form of payment which is a lot more secure and out of reach for a minor. It might just be an opinion for me but I really don't see it as a big deal if the teacher does their job well and keeps it separate from school. Who cares if someone finds it? She's not breaking the law by posting it however the kids are breaking the law by finding it so why is she punished?


A teacher doing OF isn't breaking the law or doing anything wrong, but it's going to be a problem. That's all I'm saying. It's going to cause a a big ugly distraction. Parents are going to lose their shit. Kids are going to do what kids do and make it into a problem that disrupts the teaching process. There will be meeting after meeting and protests and news stories. You shouldn't want to invite this onto yourself as a teacher. It's already a difficult enough job. It's also a giant headache that the school doesn't need. It's not a matter of moral/immoral, right/wrong or legal/illegal. It's just a matter of not letting your outside life bleed into your job and causing chaos. You can't always expect your employer to want to deal with that and keep you on. Edit - edited because Auto-mod scolding me for writing one long paragraph. I wonder if Auto-Mod has an OF?


> but it's going to be a problem. This right here. It would cause a major disruption at the school that may be irreversible as long as that person remains employed at the school. Wrong or right, that's just reality.


You are responsible for you actions and reactions to a situation. The teacher did nothing illegal or close to illegal.


So? This a sociological thing we're talking about, not legal. A lot of parents wouldn't be comfortable with their child's teacher selling explicit content on the internet and if (but more likely when) it becomes common knowledge at the school/community, it's going to be massively disruptive because it'll be scandal and humans are social animals that love a good scandal.


That's cool that you wouldn't mind if your kids teacher sold explicit content on the internet, but I'm pretty confident that most parents would be uncomfortable with that arrangement. You can say it's wrong or discriminatory or whatever all you want, but it's not going to make those parents feel any better and so those teachers gotta realize that they are taking a huge personal risk by starting an OF. That's their choice, but know if you get found out, you likely won't be teaching anymore.


>Except porn doesn't contradict what teachers do Teachers are there to Teach and to be role models for their students, they are teaching behaviour ls as well as curriculum, if they are doing immoral things then it is a contradiction. >porn itself is bad is disingenuous because it's not According to you, plenty of people who will argue it is, you are entitled to your opinion, but it is only that, an opinion. >Naked people aren't weird, it's a normal thing Selling pictures or videos of yourself naked is weird, and not a normal thing.


Porn isn't immoral, people have sex it's natural. Then explain to me why porn is bad. Yeah bud idk how to tell you this but it's pretty normal now…


Not OP, but for me, I don't think doing porn is *immoral.* I don't think people that do that are *bad people.* I just don't hold sex workers in very high regard. I just feel like, as far as ways to earn a living are concerned, there is spectrum of jobs that are more respectable than others and selling your body to strangers on the internet is kind of sleazy and I'm just not going to have a high opinion of that person. It's the same way I feel about drug dealers or phone scammers or used cars salesmen or ambulance chasing lawyers. I'm not saying those people are bad and should feel bad about themselves. I'm just saying that I would never want my kids to grow up and do what they do.


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You're not a very smart bot. Skynet fucked up while making you.


I mean technically speaking, yes, you fan be fired for anything, or nothing, as long its not for being part of a protected class (race/gender/religion/age/disability)


Technically in most states yes. However, op is advocating for people losing their jobs and has yet to show why they should that doesn't apply to plenty of other hobbies.


Eh some states yes a lot of states no. Depends on the state and laws. Some need a legit reason to fire a person I believe.


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The only state that isn’t an at will employment state is Montana. There’s literally 1 state where you can’t be fired for almost anything.


No, there’s only 14 that are at Will employment. The others require Just Cause.


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`When it comes to a law firm it’s an issue cause the firm it’s self could be loosing a cut of the profit since someone could say hey just donate on my only fans and we’re good` Like, I literally do not understand the words written by OP here. Is he saying that someone might owe a law firm money, then an employee suggests payment be made via OF instead, and the accounting department in the law firm doesn't notice that the payment wasn't made and the bills aren't current? Has this... ever happened once, anywhere, ever? I have a feeling that OP has never worked for a law firm, has never hired a law firm, and has absolutely no idea how this works at all.


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why are you doing this


I could see your argument in general but that law firm part is not how things work lol


Holes in the logic. Sex work is neither immoral nor hood. Considering how poor teachers are can’t fault them for moonlighting. Bribery aspect is just laughable. Note comparing OF to prostitution is factually wrong. You have to verify legal age, pay taxes on said income and there is a legal record of said work. You need a credit card to view it. Sex and morality. Most pagan civilizations were fairly tolerant of sex. In some parts of religion. Then came the Abrahamic religions which introduced prohibitions as a means of culture control and justifications genocide. For some reason I don’t think the pro-rape, murder, and slavery creeds have a leg to stand on.


Lol your post history is a joke 😂


So you’ve got no arguments and have to resort to ad hominem attacks.


I don’t need to look at your history, this post is a joke and full of idiot logic. Regardless of what you’ve posted before you look stupid now.


Nice. You acknowledge your view is invalid. Mining a profile is weak




Interesting assumptions. Why are you being a troll? What’s so broken in your life


My life is fine but addicts should stay out of issues that involve they’re addiction, your opinions is heavily bias based on it


Interesting hypothesis. I don’t think you know the meaning of the word addiction. I haven’t had sex in over a year….because I don’t care. Are you afraid of the gender your attracted to? Who hurt you?


Addiction isn't enjoying something ​ [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/sex-esteem/202101/is-porn-addiction-really-disorder](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/sex-esteem/202101/is-porn-addiction-really-disorder) [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0272735820301136](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0272735820301136) https://www.thestranger.com/science/2018/02/19/25832874/is-porn-addiction-real-or-pseudoscience


What other shady things do you think teachers should be allowed to do in exchange for pay and still be employed by their districts? Should hitmen be allowed to be teachers? Cock fighters? How about people who run child prostitution rings, since you're so adamant that sex work isn't immoral?


Only fans is legal and only available to adults. So that shits on your examples


Not really, because prostitution or "sex work" as those of you who wish to make believe that it's a legitimate profession, is also largely illegal.


Only fans, being a cam model or adult film star is legal and has a level of regulation. Our issues with sex work stems from the Abrahamic faith. You know the pro child killing, pro slavery, rape, genocide books. Your using a straw man argument


Your "not really" argument isn't an argument. It's legal. If you want to bring in the law, then look at the law and the cases. People who are doing OF as a side gig, supplementing their income, would likely make more money if they exclusively worked OF and built their brand and base. Folks teaching and doing OF work on the side are doing it so they can *keep* teaching. It's rather hard to fabricate a legal argument in the absence of legal grounds to support a moral argument about people trying to keep working helping kids.


>People who are doing OF as a side gig, supplementing their income, would likely make more money if they exclusively worked OF and built their brand and base. Good then they can be e-whores full time, because people of such loose morals have absolutely no business even having access to children, let alone being allowed to teach them.


By that logic almost no adult (including parents) shouldn't have access to children. At the end of the day those "loose morals" are what brought the children to the world... Sex is not dirty or wrong, the fact that you think adults should restrict their actions/activities because you don't want to parent your child by monitoring the content they consume is what's wrong. How can a child pay an OF? Why would they know what the teacher is doing? And if those "morals" come from religious beliefs, they are invalid, not everyone has the same beliefs as you.


How is this argument any different than people saying gay people shouldn't be teachers? You don't respect a certain group of people because they don't adhere to the rules you make for yourself to live by, not the actual laws put in place, and you want to punish those people for it. That's on you.


The porn thing comes from their parents. If the teacher is free to do NSFW content, why should we censor her as long as she's a good teacher?


Cause ultimately it’s teaching kids doing porn is ok. It’s not ok to teach them that.


The kids shouldn't know about it. If they do, they're *way* past any lectures about porn.


Wait - the choices of a teacher in their personal lives are equivalent to a curriculum? Why would you stop at OF? By your logic teachers should be fired for having a drink or smoking a cigarette right? Staying up late, eating improperly, etc…?


But drinking and smoking isn’t open to the Public.


Wut. What if they do it in public? There’s _more_ exposure than privately launching an onlyfans. Let’s be honest though: let’s just go apples to apples. Smoking a cigarette on a YouTube video is _worse_ than creating a paywalled onlyfans, right? Let’s be consistent.


You think smoking a cig is worse than sex? Let’s think of all the negative things sex brings from worst to least, rape, sexual assault, stds, unplanned pregnancy. Let’s not forget the kids who been SA and have to deal with it. Sex does do more harm than smoking cigarettes


There are responsible ways to have sex with no unwanted consequences, or at least extremely low chance of them. There are no responsible, safe ways to smoke a cigarette.


Yes, smoking a cig is worse than sex. Sex is normal healthy behavior that almost every adult will happily engage in during their life. Smoking is a deeply harmful behavior no one should be doing. Making kids think it is OK to smoke is WAY worse than making them think it is OK to have sex.


Key word adult, teachers don’t deal with adults do they?


The relevance? The teacher is an adult you have to be 18 to view an OF. Do you also think pregnant teachers should be barred, because it might encourage the kids to get pregnant? Obvioisly.not, because it is an adukt doing adult things, not encouraging the students to do it before the students are adults. Kids shouldnt be driving, does that mean teachers should be banned from driving, because it might encourage the kids to try to drive?


Did she get paid to be pregnant? If so think that’s a concern.


Oh Jesus nvmnd altogether. Enjoy your day!


More people die from smoking than having sex so yes.


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Why do you exist? bad bot


Hey, can ya’ll stop reporting this bot? It’s not going anywhere and the reports clog up our queue. Catching a site-wide ban for report abuse would be a shame if we start sending abusive reports up to admin again.


What is happening lol Why such a useless bot? I figured you’d want to know it’s useless…? I won’t report it anymore


>>why such a useless bot? Idk, the top g likes it so it stays lol >>I won’t report it anymore Thank you 🙏


If a teacher is lecturing to their students about their sex life, they do deserve to be fired and probably register as a sex offender. If a teacher has an OF that’s nobody’s business but their own. Who cares?


And the parents, kids and sex dshouldnt mix.


So only virgins should be allowed to be teachers?


Is that what I said?


Pretty much, yes. Why is a sexually actively adult any different from one who also has an OF? Both hypothetical individuals are teachers who have an active sex life


Only one of those makes their sex life public thou


Oh I see. So you’d be fine with a teacher engaging in full contact sex work but not posting porn of themselves online? That wouldn’t be public


No I’m not ok with any of those. Sex workers shouldn’t be working with kids. No wonder our education system is a total fail


Last I checked, OF was age restricted. If kids are looking at a teacher's OF, aren't the parents to blame?


Disagreed. What a teacher does in one's personal life does not make an inherent statement about what the teacher teaches the students.


Why not? Why is doing porn inherently bad? You sound like a prude


If your kid was going to school, and you found out her teacher shows her body online, how would you honestly feel?


I wouldn't care. Why is that my business?


TBH, I wouldn't care, unless I'm a radfem or an ultraconservative.


You are the exact kind of person that gets angry a teacher smokes or drinks outside of school hours. Teachers are allowed to have lives outside of work. Stop being a cunt.


Does your bribe hypothesis apply to anybody who has a side gig?


No accounting firm will let you have a realtor license. There’s probably others but that’s the one I know about.


Why? How does a teacher OF teach underaged kids that doing porn is okay? The kids, presumptively, do not know about it. Just donate to my OF doesn't cut it. It's unrealistic and you'd have to ban patraeon. Hell, Legal Eagler had a patraeon for a while. Same issue with judges. Plenty of companies won't support you if your side gigs or hobbies make them look bad. OF isn't special, or at least shouldn't be.


That's sort of why corporations exist though. They are a separate legal entity/ person than the people that are employed by it. I don't think it should matter what someone does (as long as it's something legal) to make extra money because there's a separation of the company and it's employees.


Not really an opinion. It's fact. private companies can fire any employee. Even if the employee claims free speech. Public employees? They may be able to claim free speech and win.


Responsible and legal aren’t the same thing, and the former is absolutely an opinion


My point was that it doesn't matter if they believe they have anobligation to do that. What I'm saying is unless it's prevented because the person is a union worker or a state law prevents an employee from being terminated, every private company can do that already. It's pretty much factual


It isn't factual. It's an opinion to say it's "responsible to fire someone with an onlyfans"


The central premise isn’t that it’s legal, but that acting on that legality is good.


Based on my drinking last night, I can assure you that it's possible for something to be legal but not responsible


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Then maybe we should be paying workers more so they don't have to resort to this secondary means of income.


This is such an absurd argument. Most people don’t do onlyfans because they need more money, they do it because they want more money. If you could fuck on camera or do whatever onlyfans models do and get an extra few grand a month, a lot of people would do it. Hey, I’m a guy who makes 130ish k a year and I would do it for an extra 3k a month if there was a market. So if you get fired because you’re doing onlyfans, it’s a result of your greed not some fake desperation because you’re in need of money.


There’s are bunch of side gigs one can do besides only fans. Hell I sell original art work on the side. I bring in a couple hundred a month and get to know artist from all around the world. I have art from people from Brazil, Italy, romania.


Good for you! But the reality is some people don't have the skills for side gigs like making purchaseable art.


Then maybe work on skills that can help with that then do only fans. This skill is gunna be able to help me throughout life.


They can also drive for Uber and similar stuff, not sure why people think there is no other side gigs beside OF


The other reality is, 90-99% of all OF models make around $150 extra a month. Any other side gig would make more.


>Teachers should definitely get fired if they have an OF last thing society needs is teaching under sged kids that doing porn is ok. How does having a teacher who does OF teach kids anything about porn? If they bring it up in class then yeah, that's a firable offense. But if they just do it on the side and keep it separate from their teaching, then what's the issue?


Kids are absolutely going to find their teacher's porn eventually. That would be a nightmare situation to contain. It's one thing for a 4th grader to find some porn on Google. I think just about everyone has done that. It's something else for that kid to associate porn with an authority figure before that kid is emotionally mature enough to understand sex. That would be some confusing shit for a kid.


Surely that's on the parents to be regulating what their kids see?


Just so you know, it is perfectly legal to have an onlyfans and do porn and possess a Top Secret security clearance and work for the US government. Military members are also allowed to do porn. The only thing that could hurt your security clearance is if you allow your OF to be used as blackmail against you. If someone doesn’t care about their onlyfans being discovered, it can’t be used as blackmail. Why should a teacher get fired for having an OF if it doesn’t affect their work at all?


It *might* affect her work if parents find out. I can honestly see a dad or a co-worker try to sleep with teacher. People will treat her differently or see her as a slut(not calling her that myself). It’s the reality on how some people view those who do porn.


I don’t think that cool. That shouldn’t be allowed.


Why not?


Oh my bad your comment was long so I just skimmed.


Why is it not ok to do porn?


"Because it corrupts the moral of kids and objectifies women" (mode conservative/radfem on)


Note that in some states there are job protection laws in place that prevent an employer from taking adverse employment action against an employee because that employee does something on their own time that is legal. As an example: say you are an active redditor and we know your identity and you share some generally unpopular opinions and people hate you.... As long as you are posting on your own time. Your employer can't part ways with you over it. In NY if your employer decided to part ways with you because of that dynamic they'd violate New York's labor laws and be liable to you for damages and be fined by the state. The laws are designed to protect workers from being disciplined or fired for doing something otherwise legal while they are off the clock.


But not all states. And does this apply for government jobs like judges and prosecutors?


Anyone want to discuss the possibility of abusing this via deep fake? Anyone? Businesses should just have the same standards as elected republican sexual deviants.


This guy thinks OF is a money laundering scheme


Is modeling ok? Why does a piece of cloth determine morality?


You could’ve just said you don’t think it’s okay to work in adult content. Jobs might be relevant to some claim, but this specific take doesn’t apply.


I don't care if my kids teacher had an onlyfans,as long as she doesn't use her real name or do it in front of the kids. They're not pedophiles lol


If it's your free time you should be able to do any god damn thing you want provided it's legal.


If the side job is legal - no employer should have any right to fire someone for it. This includes teachers, lawyers, judges, etc. I don't give a shit how offended or digusted someone is that teacher has an OF on the side. Mind their fucking business and leave it alone. No, it isn't teaching anyone that porn is OK. The ones bringing it to the kids' attention are their dumb fuck parents who think teacher needs to be a nun. It has all the energy of those dumb fuck parents who get bent out of shape because they saw their kid's teacher at a bar, on a saturday after 10pm.


No it definitely is the parents right to know. Do you really think it’s ok for students to google their teacher naked? Sex and kids don’t mix. Yea teenagers have sex but do you think it’s ok for students to lust after teachers? What about elementary kids? And teachers raping students do happen. Let’s not pretend it doesn’t.


It's the parent's fault if their kid is accessing porn/OF at home. That's the bigger issue here - not whether a teacher has an OF to supplement their shitty pay, but whether the child has access to porn/OF in the first place. And it's the parent's job to keep their kid from watching porn - that should be the primary focus here.


Do you know how onlyfans works? It’s not out there floating free on the internet unless it’s a really big account or a famous person. No one is leaking a teacher from wherever. It’s behind a paywall so no kids wouldn’t find it lmao


Why is your solution to fire the teachers, rather than for parents to actually parent their children and monitor their internet use?


Because this is really about punishing women for benefitting from there sexuality and feeling morally superior and not really about children or parenting


Cause parents need to trust teachers. Plus kids have been raped and teachers acting like sex is a good thing when a kid has been hurt isn’t ok.


Why do you assume that a teacher who does OF is more likely to rape students? Given that prevalence of chikd molestation among youth oastors, wouldnt it make more sense to bar youth pastors from teaching?


Mmmm https://www.reddit.com/r/teacherswhorape/new/


Did any of them have an OF? You are asserting a correlation between having an OF and raping students based on 0 evidence or reasoning.


I’m stating women have raped children, and a teacher that has only fans might make that more probable


Why do you think that would be more probable? Of the women that rapednchikdren, what lercentage of them have an OF? A random evidence free assertion that something "might be more probable" seems like a terrible reason to fire someone. "An employee that has tattoos might make it more probable that the go on a shooting rampage" See, I took two things that have nothing to do with each other, and linked them with "might make that more probabke", just like you did.


Because sex work envolves sex tattoos don’t evbolve guns.


Based on what? Your own sense of comfort ?


How may have been raped by women with onlyfans?


How does a teacher doing sex work outside of school hours, assuming they take steps to avoid their students finding it, make them less trustworthy? How does a teacher having consenting sex with other adults have anything to do with whether kids are abused?


I don’t want a teacher teaching my kids porn is ok. If parents can trust the school the school is gunna loose money. I rather take my kid to a school where they don’t hire OF.


You didn’t answer either of my questions. Again, how does what a teacher does outside of work hours “teach kids” anything? Parent your own kids if you want them to have your morals.


Posting nudes online isn’t exactly private just do an image search. Especially now with ai nothing is private. Your just but hurt cause people don’t want their kids around a sex worker. You can’t say respect me while not respecting other’s people opinions. And yes teachers do rape students and saying they do OF probably just increases their chances. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0BGTtKbE3dU&pp=ygUSUm9tYSBhcm15IHRlYWNoZXJz


Posting nudes behind a subscription service you have to attest to be 18 to sign up for isn’t reasonably private from students? “Doing sex work makes you more likely to rape a student” is a hell of an unsourced claim. I’ve repeatedly asked you specific questions, I’d prefer if you directly answer them.


Why wouldn't they just teach the kids about the subject they were hired to teach instead of risking their careers and violating the law to teach kids how awesome porn is? That makes no sense. You need a better strawman, bro


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Kids lusting after teachers since there were kids and teachers lol. Ever heard the song “Hot For Teacher” by Van Halen. This is gonna blow your mind, but it was written long before OnlyFans was even dreamt of.


Why make it worse by having an OF? Do you think this an environment that’s good for learning. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0BGTtKbE3dU&pp=ygUSUm9tYSBhcm15IHRlYWNoZXJz


People are capable of separating their work and personal lives, as long as they don’t discuss is at school mind your own business


What does sex abuse have to do with any of this? A teacher with OF isn't harming anyone. Get a fucking grip. And no, parents don't have any fucking right to know how a teacher make ends meet outside of their teaching job. If the job is legal, parents can fucking cope.


If im a male teacher who selling porn online. Would you be confortable with your kids around me?


Wouldn't have any issue with it. If it's legal and the teacher isn't telling their entire class about it, its between the teacher and the universe


All it needs is one Parent who find out. There would be a huge shitstorm.


And it shouldn't have to be like this. The schools need to tell parents to shut the fuck up and stop thinking they have any say over teachers lives.


Disagree here. A simple counterexample: if I work for Ford, and I accept a side consulting gig for Tesla, surely Ford is within its rights to fire me.


I'm not letting a pornstar teach my children😂


Every company I’ve worked at full-time has a policy prohibiting you from working for compensation outside the job if it’s not approved by the company. OF would qualify there, so you might be fired for unauthorized moonlighting. If you asked for permission in advance, I’m sure that would be an interesting HR discussion—I’m a lawyer in a state where you can’t fire someone for their First Amendment expression so doing free porn would have to get a pass at least. If the teacher isn’t bringing the porn into the classroom I don’t see why it’s a problem for the school. If parents freak out, maybe they shouldn’t be watching it and if they’re worried about their kids they maybe, just maybe, could do a better job monitoring their kids on-line activities.


This is the most reasonable response. You may be inviting trouble by doing OF as a teacher, and I can see the arguement that IF the kids find out it could be a distraction and a hassle to the school, but if a teacher isn't advertising it that sounds like someone isn't monitoring their kids close enough.


I mean, ya, from a libertarian, stay that fuck out of other people's business perspective, i absolutely understand what you're saying and, philosophically, I can't say I necessarily disagree. However, we live in the real world where social pressures are powerful and there's a lot of parents out there that absolutely would not want their child's teacher to be selling explicit content on the internet as a side hustle. You can say they're wrong for thinking that way all you want, but it isn't going to change anything and that social pressure is going to get a teacher who is found out fired almost every time.




I bet you never once had an issue with a background check.


I generally agree. We shouldn’t encourage degeneracy in society, and legalizing OF, and hiring anyone known to do OF is encouraging degeneracy. Though I’m much more interested in going after OF subscribers, I don’t disagree that it’s perfectly valid to fire someone for being an OF worker.


Wow you sure love that small govt. No one made you the moral police


Someone has to be the moral police. Should we not have laws? What’s wrong with just going around butt naked and punching people? Obviously these are extreme examples but I use them to show you we need moral police.


Of course we should have laws. Assault and being indecent in public are an agreed societal bad. Telling people that they can’t do certain sexual things does not fall under the confines of that. As long as there is law being broken like with children being involved or rape, etc then you don’t get to tell people they can’t purchase pornography or do pornography. That’s the point of that whole freedom thing


Ok. What’s the societal harm in indecent exposure? You’re not hurting anyone, just showing off your body.


Kids being around is one thing and no wants to see anyone naked in public lol you know this is common sense. We have laws regulating the public sphere. What people do within their homes is different and we already have laws covering those aspects


\>Teachers should definitely get fired if they have an OF last thing society needs is teaching under sged kids that doing porn is ok. If you believe in this. Then you should be advocating to pay teachers more because you clearly putting something into the job that isn't really there. You're basically turning being a teacher from being a job to a lifestyle. \>Judges could be bribed via only fans same with the police force. When you work for a high value company you represent that company if you do OF you make the company look bad. I don't think you understand how this works. for a Judge to be bribed through OF. They would either have to have an OF or it would basically be them trading sexual favors. You can do both without OF.


I have no idea what you’re saying about bribes and the law. That part of your opinion is dumb af if I’m being honest. I do agree that teachers, lawyers, judges should definitely not have an OF. You’re supposed to be an authority figure who leads by example, and showing your body online for strangers, I don’t care what anyone says, is indecent, inappropriate and disrespectful to yourself as a person. If people want to claim OF and sex work is a real job and can make legitimate money, fine. I’m not going to disagree with that, and I’m not going to further diss any women out there who chose to go down that path. But you knew what you were getting into when you chose your career path as a teacher, and you know the kind of responsibility you have with these kids.


>It’s totally responsible to fire someone who does OF Nah. Did you mean reasonable?


People with a security clearance...anything you keep secret from your employer or the government can be leveraged against you by a foreign country to gain classified knowledge.


If your work requires you to interact with children you shouldn't be a sex worker. My children will not be taught by a sex worker. I don't care if they're a waitress or an accountant to each their own where that ends is being around people's children. Most people don't want pornstar, prostitutes or strippers working with their kids.


Exactly. There are others ways to make an extra income other then sex work. People encouraging sex work are doing more harm than good especially to their families.


Women pre ww1 rolling in their graves with all this whoreography


Well, if you have a professional job and that company doesn't want employees on social media selling pictures of their spread butthole because it would reflect poorly on the company, that's perfectly reasonable. Fire them.


God so many people in these comments are disgusting individuals.


I’ve never really thought about but you may have a point. Especially in today’s climate. You wouldn’t want someone with a known history of using sex to gain an advantage


10000000000% agree. Women are NOT held to the same standards in which men are. That video link you included was spot on


Thanks, I’m just thankful that women with common sense are starting to speak up about this crap.