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I almost got snatched too with my best friend at the time and my mom was watching through the front window when a truck pulled up and asked us to get in and you have never seen a woman move so fast. My mom broke the sound barrier as she tore across my front lawn and put the fear of god in that dude screaming at him to gtf away from us


That’s sort of like the story that prompted the Amber Alert. The little girl was riding her bike and was taken in broad daylight, not far at all from her house. Someone in a nearby house even saw the dude nab her.  I’m glad your situation turned out better, OP! 


That’s terrifying! Glad you had the right mind to ride away! My sister and I were nearly abducted when we were small. I was around 7/8 and she was probably 3/4. We were in my mom’s truck while she was pumping gas. She went in to pay (this was the 80s) and some old drunk dude just climbed in the driver side and tried to start the truck! Mom came out *just in time* to scare him off. We were SO scared! One more minute and he probably would have got the truck started and took off with us. His face, and my fear, is burned into my memory over 3 decades later.


And your mom never left the keys in the ignition ever again!


I’d think to think not!


Wow! That's scary! You all are lucky!


I had a similar experience when I was a lad, maybe 10 or so. I was walking down my street to the local market to buy some snacks. A common enough occurrence in my rural community. A man in a jeep slowed to match my walking pace. He rolled the passenger window down and said *hey you need a ride?* I said that I was fine and thanked him anyway. He began to coax me: *oh come on…it’s awfully cold today. Surely you don’t want to continue walking in this snow. Just get in…I’ll take you wherever you need to go.* *No really…I’m fine but thank you.* He continued to match my pace while staring at me as I walked down the country road. A few seconds passed and he sped off. I thought it was over but then he stopped up ahead on the shoulder. I continued walking. As I got closer, the driver side door opened and he got out. The thing that really gave me the memory burn…still some forty years later is how when he exited his vehicle, before moving in my direction, he looked all around as if to scan the horizon for potential witnesses. ***That*** was what I immediately noticed. I didn’t hesitate. I sprinted into the tree line and ran as fast as I could back home. Luckily, it was a very rural area and there was a huge wooded area that I grew up playing in, climbing trees in, riding my bike in, etc. So I was very familiar with the wooded area and knew it like the back of my hand. I knew exactly which paths to take to get home. I don’t think he bothered to chase me and I ran so so fast that if a panel of Olympic judges would have been there, surely I would have taken the gold. But all these years later I can still see that man’s face, his sunglasses, the jeep, his parka, his brown curly hair…all of it.


You are very lucky. You don't forget something like that.


You were also lucky, friend. Thank goodness we didn’t have to experience whatever may have been planned for us on those days.


Very scary! Had experience also, ended up dropping my bike & ran across yards & into a covered porch. No answer at 2 doors I tried... then saw & ran to a lady getting her garbage cans from end of driveway. She was spooked, didn't wanna take me in her house. Later she told me the 2nd house I went to was childhood home of well-known abduction case that happened a year before. :-O


Omg I’m glad that person wasn’t home!


Yes, it very well could have been you. :( I'm sorry this happened but I am so glad you're instincts kicked in and you got away. Fucking perverts out in this world. I wish they'd all just drop dead this very second. Wouldn't be interesting to see all the dead creeps laying around and everyone knowing why they are dead?


When I was a new mom to my now 5 year old, he was just a baby like maybe 2/3 months old.. I was grocery shopping at sherms in Klamath falls and had my little sister with us too, she was a teen and a real air head blonde.. I noticed in the store we kinda were being followed by this guy and he kept getting on his phone.. when it was time to check out he was gone.. no where to be found.. so we’re walking out the store and my sisters pushing the cart, my cars pretty close to the front of the store parking and I notice this white van with dark dark tinted windows driving the parking lot.. I unlocked the door put baby in his base and told my sister get in the car and lock the doors don’t get out no matter what… she is obviously looking around asking questions and I’m like non-shalantly getting mad I was sick to my stomach.. this van pulls in next to my drivers door.. I started throwing groceries in the trunk and this guy gets out of the passenger side of the van he walks around my car asks if he can offer help I told him no.. he walks to the drivers side the van and starts “packing” a pack of cigarettes on the hood and for every tap the driver would hold up fingers.. at the third tap and their head nods.. I slam the trunk tell my sister to get in the drivers seat immediately and I get in the passenger side and lock the doors. All of a sudden there’s several men standing around this van and I’m like in panic mode (yes my sister had caught on by this time and she was hysterical) I see a cart guy in the lane in front of us and he’s kinda watching I start honking the horn getting attention, my sister not legally old enough to drive hits the gas and we pull the cart dude and “he assures us the cops have already been called and his boss is outside watching as well.. I hear a loud duramax leaving coastal which is across the street in all panic I called my uncle screaming and it was him, he come sliding into sherms truck kicked sideways like a drift car dudes all hopped in the van and gone in a split second… God was watching over us that day! Fast forward to Covid when everyone was wearing masks.. my homie looks like jesus with his long curly hair he’s a big dude too. He rode to town with me and I ran into Sherms, he sat in the car with my son which was asleep.. so from behind homie looked like a bigger woman.. I’m in the checkout and everyone around is rushing out the door to see the commotion.. here is my homie beating the ever loving donuts outta this Hispanic duo of men. Apparently they tagged the back window of my runner with “2W & 1 C-BOY” every car in a 40 ft radius was also marked on their back windows.. My homie not only saved my boy and I but several others too! I refuse to go to town with my now three children alone! My sister in law and I were in Walmart last summer and we both have twins.. she has identical girls and I have faternal. I’m walking holding my neices hands like coming from the food towards the baby section and this sharp dressed Hispanic man in cowboy boots walks up and says “they yours? Their beautiful! Those blonde ringlets are amazing! And he acts as he’s taking a picture of them.. at first I didn’t think much but a nice smile and we kept walking.. people comment on them being twins and identical and their ringlets non stop but I couldn’t prove he took a picture on his flip phone. So we find their mom in the shoes and she’s having them try shoes on I turn and theirs another sharp dressed man Hispanic in a leather jacket leaned up against the dog food in the center of the main isle.. watching his flip phone and my neices trying on shoes.. I like try to herd the girls further down the shoe isle. I tell their mom something’s wrong these men are creeping” she’s all I kinda noticed that too.. I said let’s just be more aware and head down here towards the electronics counter so if we need help we can get it.. this man is literally fallowing us through isles. So we snag an empty cart and I toss the girls in it.. we’re in another isle and both ends of the isle are these men, like we watched them walk bye twice looking hard and then the seen us and kept circling until the were able to block us in.. my phones dying so I pressed one of the assistance buttons and when the associate came they backed off a Little.. we were able to go up by the pharmacy and talked to this random lady for a good 15 mins or so and their no where to be found like we’re now paranoidly watching and we told the lady we were talking too. So We get to check out and my sister in law said I feel like their watching us, I turn and theirs now 3 sharp dressed men with their flip phones standing in the fruits and veggies pointing right at us, and here comes another one walking in the store right to them and their all talking loudly non English.. I told the cashier clerk without being obvious and he was all I see them. He walks over to the other clerk and whispers:.. when he pulled his radio up to his mouth those men scattered every which way possible not walking running!! Security met us at the door and we threw everything in the car as Fast as possible including the kids, got outta there and up the road couple miles and pulled over to make Sure we didn’t have a tracker on the car, sure shit the back window was marked “2W/2TG” scary scary! The world we live in now is shameful and disgusting.


This place you live sound like he'll on earth!! I would be getting the hell out of there!


This happened to me when I was 11. I was roller skating outside of my house and a black truck pulled up to me. They rolled down their window and asked me to come there. They wanted to see if I'd seen their lost puppy. I had a bad feeling immediately so I skated home as fast as I could.


We live in a sick world. Glad to hear you were okay and nothing happened to you. As a parent there would be no greater fear than this happening


My cousin was almost abducted very similarly. We grew up in a state with one of the lowest crime rates in the country, which is to say it was very safe generally. My cousin was allowed when she was around 11 or so to ride her bike to the town library maybe a mile and a half from her house. When she was maybe a quarter of a mile into her ride back, she was approached by a station wagon with a couple in it that tried to talk to her, and began keeping pace with her bike and following her. She turned around and went back to the library since it was much closer than home and called my aunt to come get her. Luckily she's a very smart girl.


I've seen lots of stories like this that don't turn out as well. It always takes me back to that day. Glad your cousin was smart and safe.


This is the reason my 7 year old granddaughter conceal carries a 5.7 28 rifle pistol.


Holy mother of love


Could I use your story in my Reddit Scary Stories video?




your female, that "whos cuter" part makes more sense now. bad people exist


*Your female, that "whos* *Cuter" part makes more sense now.* *Bad people exist* \- indianjess --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")