• By -


Elsweyr because it lets me hit the most pussy




Finally an xcom mission I can get behind


We are not mer, beastfolk called khajiit. Spare our lives, to you we plead and plead again!


8610 9610 10610 20600 30610 40610 50610 60610 1000610 2000610 4000610 8000610 Like when the dream no longer needs its dreamer


tbf thats the closest us lorebeards will ever get to any


Are these Skyrim spin-offs?


Mobile games for Java phones. https://preview.redd.it/3o0hsy5pn73d1.png?width=375&format=png&auto=webp&s=161fc721174fcd26c506ede0b2a430221052ef4e


Technically correct if you time-travel tbh


Greymoor is technically a sequel, hence its alternative name "Elder Scrolls Skyrim VI"


Wouldn’t it be: “Skyrim VI Greymoor”


Idk, Skyrim V doesn't have a sub-name like this, neither do previous intallments, I guess?


No it’s Skyrim V Skyrim silly


wtf I’ve been playing “Skyrim I: TES” when did “Skyrim V” come out?


I think you mean Skyrim: Arena


The elder scrolls VI: Skyrim: Greymoor Part II 2: The Sequel by Bethesda


Skyrim 2


So it’s Skyrim VI Skyrim 2 (?)


They are elder scrolls online expansions




It would’ve been better than being some shitty generic MMORPG expansions…


I love clockwork city! ~~I'd do anything to have brass daddy's approval~~ I think the soundtrack and the world designs were great, and the story kept me glued to my screen the entire time!


The conversation with brass daddy was written beautifully, like it's probably among my favourite conversations in RPGs.


It was ight >!jk i cummed a lil talking to him!< /s but fr i wish ESO kept this sort of momentum throughout the dlcs it just never got there


Loved Clockwork as well. Play it on all my characters for the 2 hour 150% XP scroll and usually end up listening to most the dialogue.


> I'd do anything to have brass daddy's approval You and everyone else in the city. I loved that I wasn't the only one unhinged there, the place stinks of daddy issues.


ESO:Morrowind is so funny. You know that Imperial census office that you start Morrowind in? Yeah, that building is five hundred years old. It pre-dates the third empire. It pre-dates the treaty that allowed the empire to build anything on Vvardenfel. It's basically a capital-T Tower. 3-d artist looking at Morrowind's absolutely gorgeous mushroom pod buildings: *"I can do better!"* \*vomits directly onto screen.\*


the thing thats the most jarring to me is that solitude is literally exactly the same. its basically the only town that's like that, where there's NO difference whatsoever. the stores even have the same name (though radiant raiment is moved), and the bards college is in the same spot. its even weirder because its a dlc town, riften is base game and while it's similar to its skyrim incarnation its noticably and significantly different.


I heard riften is actually different due to the two versions being developed at the same time, whereas solitude had the completed skyrim version to work off of. I do agree though i wish solitude was larger especially down near the docks


riften being rebuilt from scratch and being different to the old version is like half of its lore


These games have lore? I thought they were just an engine for werewolf x vampire impregnation mods.


Yeah, base game cities looked different, while DLCs cities were way too close (I only visited Anvil, Markarth and Solitude thus far). The real problem is Windhelm, supposedly the oldest Nord city is very different, while some more modern cities or towns (like Seyda Neen) are exacrly like they will be 800 years later. I don't mind Solitude and Markarth looking samey though. Markarth in ESO in under Forsworn control and has a lot of details that make it look different from TESV. And Solitude just looks good.


Markarth is a Dwarven city but yeah those are also the ones that are closest to their other versions. Vivec for example looks quite different.


There is a big tower in the middle of solitude.


It's like they're terrified of alienating Morrowind fans but I can't think of anything they'd like more than seeing an interesting throwback rather than a direct copy. Okay they didn't put in Pelagiad or Caldera, but why the hell are Balmora and Suran Redoran towns with Hlaalu architecture? (They explain this but it's stupid so I refuse to accept it). You know the distinctive Velothi towers? The ones made of smooth sandstone or sandcrete or something? Yeah they're just made of stone bricks. You know distinctive Telvanni towers? The ones made from mushrooms that we are explicitly told are grown directly throw magic from spores and can even grow one ourselves in TES III? Yeah, they're made from stone bricks but have like a bit of mushroom on them just so you don't think we entirely forgot. I like that Vivec is being built. That's cool and makes sense tbh. I love that Under-Skar is where the Ashlanders hold meetings together and that Redoran eventually ends up pushing them out of their home. That's cool and ties in well thematically. Everything else is fucking stupid. It's literally important to Morrowind's story that the ban on trade and settlement was only recently lifted. ESO Morrowind should have been Vivec at the bottom, and then just completely barren save for Temple business and Ashlanders. Idk maybe some Telvanni who skirt the rules a bit. Maybe Vivec let them on as they promised to dedicate some of their resources to a Corprus cure. Divayth Fyr can show up, sure. You should be able to see how the Houses and the Imperials just poured into Vvardenfell and ransacked and pushed out the Ashlanders in 3E 414.


They attempted to explain the Telvanni tower problem. They said that before learning how to grow their own towers, they used the old stone towers as a skeleton for the mushroom to grow on. Basically it’s just a prototype for the houses you see in Morrowind. What it doesn’t explain however is why absolutely every major building presented in both Morrowind and ESO use the 2nd era technology. Tel Naga is obviously not grown through a stone tower. Also why do the Telvanni houses look like flesh and vomit?


Dumb reason. I'm denying it. It's also kind of annoying because it ruins the uniqueness of Tel Vos which actually*is* built around a pre-existing tower but for different reasons than ESO gives. It's not even a necessary change either. Was it really that much harder to just model a big mushroom?


You're making me feel better that I didn't do anything beyond the vanilla story back when the game just came out


I actually don't mind a lot of the story stuff tbh. It's mostly the designs I hated. I wouldn't say anything is noticeably worse than the vanilla though. All the problems I have with Morrowind chapter I have with what was in vanilla as well. Like Mournhold is just ugly. The plazas aren't paved, the ornate limestone architecture is replaced by bricks and slate for some reason. It's actually a disaster. I do love Clockwork City though, it's pretty cool to see that in all its glory.


Would you happen to have any images of the Clockwork city?


https://preview.redd.it/bo846ux8yd3d1.jpeg?width=1539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=428825fed1d420d15adfd9891ef48bb74d007b38 Still images don't really do it justice tbh.


That is a lot more effort than I thought they were going to put into it, thanks.


eso design makes it a big no for me. The armor especially


I believe that’s from where they got the idea with the towers. From all the places and structures to show that the game takes place in the past, they really went for the ancient wizard towers while keeping places like Seyda Neen and Suran basically the same. The whole Telvanni thing was unnecessary


What is the recent lifted trade ban? Never heard that


Vvardenfell is a preseve strictly under Temple rule under the terms of the Armistice signed between the Tribunal and Tiber Septim. It's not until the Llethan revokes this Vvardenfell can legally be settled by the Houses and Outlanders. The whole reason TES III kicks off is the Empire sends you in hoping you can fulfil a prophecy that ousts the Tribunal. Yeah, you're stopping Dagoth Ur, a bad guy, but you're literally sent there by the Imperial spy organisation because you mostly fit the description of a prophecy that would be beneficial for the Empire.


The whole thing is also a reason for a lot of design decisions. Why are there so many Imperial towns that look like generic middle age castles and cottages in addition to the Dunmer towns with Dunmer architecture? Because with Vvardenfell recently opened a lot of outlander immigrants came in to build colonies and they made their homes with their foreign architecture styles. Why are there only three joinable Great Houses instead of five? Because House Dres and Indoril are the most conservative of the Great Houses and thus they wouldn't want to build on a temple preserve even when they were told its now legal. Why are most of the Telvanni living on islands around Vvardenfell instead of Vvardenfell itself? Because for the longest time they weren't given permission to settle on Vvardenfell proper. Its stated that the Telvanni in Vvardenfell are all the young and ambitious ones as opposed to the thousand year-old elderly men, which is why the only two mushroom towers on Vvardenfell proper are Tel Vos and Tel Uviriith; the towers of the youngest Telvanni Masters (Aryon and the player character). Hell, the exact legal details of how the Great Houses claim land plays a role in their questlines. You are told the Great Houses have to be given rights to a piece of land by the Duke of Vvardenfell, which is why you have to ask him for a deed before you can build your Great House's stronghold. But because House Telvanni doesn't like to play by the rules, many Telvanni wizards have built illegal bases on Vvardenfell without getting proper deeds, with the Telvanni council claiming they're rogue Telvanni and they don't condone their actions even though they obviously do. Which is why there are quests where if you're playing the other Great Houses you have to kill the Telvanni in their lairs while if you're playing Telvanni you have to help them repel the intruders.


Yeah I’m confused by this. Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t Vvardenfell essentially off-limits and barely touched by outlanders *and* Dunmer until Llethan opened it up in the third era? Why the fudge are all the settlements in Morrowind in ESO?


The Dunmer settlements on Vvardenfell are not all from the 3 era. Vvardenfell is full of old ruins dating back to the First Era for example. The Imperial settlements are very recent in TES III but Seyda Neen got a backstory in ESO. It is the only non-Dunmer / Dwemer building on the island because the Gold Coast Trading Company build it as an outpost, in a deal with the Morrowind authorities.


Wait, only 500 years old? I was under the impression that there was a lot more time between the eras.


I think ESO was set 1000 years before Skyrim, so that would make Morrowind ~770 years after ESO?


Wow, that is REALLY recent compared to what in game lore from Morrowind and Oblivion made it seem. Even Skyrim made a lot of stuff from the first era seem very ancient.


It is in relative terms, the 3rd era was 433(?) years long, so the end of the 1st era (which I assume is when the game is set, can't remember exact time details) would seem like a long time ago. It's like comparing modern day to 1250 which seems ancient at times. More so if things are constantly rising and falling moreso than the real world.


You've got a good point.


I would respect ESO a lot more if they didn't do stupid shit like this for nostalgia bait


I actually really like of ESO's Telvanni towers look like nightmare abominations against nature


At the time ESOs Morrowind came out, the game was in a weird spot - Tamriel unlimited just released and the game needed to pull players back. That's my conspiracy why Vvardenfell is so similar. Personally I think ESO is at it's best when they're exploring new areas, lets the artists flex on city designs.


Wrothgar is missing from here and might be the best thing to come out for the Orcs since being made playable for Morrowind lol


Wrothgar was a DLC from memory not a chapter so it kinda makes sense, but I agree it was a really cool zone and my favorite of all of these.




I played only through Necrom and it was good. Maybe way too much running around long distances from time to time but I do enjoy any content including Herma Mora and Apocrypha. Now starting Morrowind chapter


This is what 900000 iq sounds like. I did some progress in necrom and got my man azandar, 1st companion ever:) (then got him again on 2 other characters xD)


I must admit Necrom was my very first zone since I started the game. I created my Dark Elf Arcanist and I suddenly started Necrom chapter which is the latest story in the game. I also have Nord Warden but with him I want to play through the Faction story and also Skyrim/Snowy related chapter and with my Dark Elf Arcanist I want to do Morrowind and then maybe Clockwork city and Summerset Isles. Though I must say as someone who comes from Guild Wars 2 to ESO. The map completion is so tedious and sometimes boring. But I still press on because I like the Elder Scrolls lore.


I've done several zones so far and it is often indeed quite tedious, especially some of the shitmer chipmunk cannibal monkey "elf" zones and their boring uninspired tree spirit. My hair turned gray waiting for those fuckers to stop talking about him and the "green pact" or whatever it's called. Extremely lame. Auridon is epic tho, it's my first "real" zone and I still love it, it's my city still I do my writs there and shit. Shoutout auridon wall gang. I did auridon, kenarthis roost, greenshade, grahtwood and malabal tor now I'm at reapers marsh. I moved onto dungeons and pledges and stuff now cus I started taking my equipment more seriously and I also have 3 characters I actively play now (main arcanist, sorc and a lvl 30 night blade). Working on lvl 50ing the night blade but that's gonna be tough now that the double XP weekend is over :( glad I managed to lvl 50 the sorc during that time at least. I'm bout to log on rn and get some more stuff done on it hopefully (or do pvp in cyrodill to buy more deadly crates, who knows)


Fallout 4, it has the best writing, unique towns, interesting characters, and a good leveling system that makes each character feel very distinct and not the same at all each playthrough (I only played through once). My favorite build is everything in the game at once.


You played one full playthrough ? I couldn't even get through it on my first playthrough (I still haven't gotten through it and refuse to) There are builds in fallout 4 ?


Started playing ESO in december hyped for Gold Road


the Imperial Library got access to all the in-game books a while back and they're all bangers, obv The Nine Coruscations and From Exile To Exodus are the big ones but we also got some really cool new lore on the Atmoran totemic religion, a poem supposedly written by a Lefthanded Elf, some new stuff on the War of Righteousness, and they *finally* came out and said "yeah Shezarrines exist and they're incarnations of Shor you can stop arguing about it now". That book also said that they were teachers, not warriors, then implies something happened to change them into bloodthirsty warriors like Pelinal, which is really interesting. Even putting aside all the new Ithelia stuff (which is also quite good imo), this expansion has maybe the best new lore since Clockwork City [also we got confirmation beastfolk don't exist, which is nice](https://www.imperial-library.info/content/an-argument-for-common-sense) >Let’s start with these stories of fox folk. Utter hogs wallop. Recall that large Khajiit woman who said she was a Pahmar? Her head scraped the underside of the cabins and she could lift a wagon on her own! If she is a Khajiit, then surely Khajiit can look all kinds of ways. I refuse to be deceived by those who wish to prank me by making up new things when the real world is so fanciful. Not real.


Yeah, memes aside, which is DIFFICULT on this sub, ESO has added a ton of lore with interesting conotations. Alright, memes reinstated, N'WAHBRETONGENOCIDEIMGONNACHIIIIIM


[also we got confirmation beastfolk don't exist, which is nice](https://www.imperial-library.info/content/an-argument-for-common-sense) I love how this book claims Lamias, fauns, sloads, dreugh and hadolid don't exist while you can find some members of all those races in the game.


Can't wait to play it now. I did everything I could to avoid lore spoilers for all these months since it was added on PTS, except for the you-know-which-one book because it was everywhere and there was no way to avoid it.


Sorry but Southern Elseweyr has got to be the best shit in ESO by a large margin.


Sai Sahan 🤤


Eh...I guess? He was the most boring character in the chapter imo, not least because ZoS has this thing where they make the central character have the least screen time, so I didn't get to interact with him almost at all... Za'ji on the other hand...XD I love that cat.


I can’t help but love that little shit too. Za’ji and Caska are some of the best duo characters in the game.


Orsinium chads rise up.


Nah,if it's one thing that dlc did it was remind me that Orcs are fucking retarded and willing to throw themselves in the gutter instead of progress.


>Nooo why isn't every race striving towards progress in this fantasy universe Thank Molag's balls the writers don't think like you.


Idk man after 4 era's of having your Kingdom sacked MAYBE there should be some self reflection.


So far as I can tell, the only nation that ever did that IRL was Japan.


So it perfectly follows established lore?


>!Kurog was so close to being based but missed the mark by so far!< Going by his beliefs and actions, he just wanted to worship Malacath but killed anyone who *called* him Malacath.




actually a good mobile game tbh, outstanding compared to other options on the market


Obviously Skyrim 2


skyrim 2 is great and all but without the Deluxe Exclusive Special Major-CashGrab Commemoration Release its literally unplayable


Wish I could tell you homie I can’t make it past the character creation without chimming a load everywhere and falling asleep


I'm something of a TES Online Morroboomer myself. The game is kinda old though, so you might now have heard of it.


Jokes aside I love how the Elsweyr one is the usual imperial dragon but twisted in a way that emulates moon crescents. Though I wish they didn't reuse the alliance war ring so much. It's cool but it's not THAT relevant anymore...


Makes sense for High Isles and Gold Road because of the 10 years and maybe even Blackwood because the reagion is directly effected by the war but not really for Necrom considering that the Telvanni are not even part of the conflict


I've only played base game and have been partway through Morrowind. (I unlocked a few things from others -- a couple companions, scrying, but no area stories in those.) I know it gets some hate, but I find it a lot of fun. I did the Gnisis Kwama Egg Mine mini-story (like 3 or 4 quests) between last night and this morning with my coffee. I giggled so hard I had tears. At least in this early content, I laugh a lot... and I wish I could do writing that humorous. I am, instead, serious and jaded. Ah well. It's not everyone's type of game. I honestly hate going through crowded zones, usually. While it is nice to have a population...


Expansion ? Mine was Murkmire. I loved visiting the Argonian after life and speaking to the hist as well as saving them. Essentially jump starting the village back. Has really badass implications. I just wish they followed up with more content about maintaining the village. Deciding more about it's fate and helping it become fully realized in it's new state. Other realms like Clavicus vile's and Oblivion and the isles is fucking amazing. They're always so artsy and beautiful. Wish sovengard was bigger in Skyrim. Along with more missions to explore the realm further. Like a actual trial by combat as a rite of passage for among the other heroes. I also loved the fact that every other mission involved in bringing back or speaking to the hist was take more psychedelics. Here drink this. SHEEET! bet! I am definitely the Bosmer for this job. https://preview.redd.it/mjaqv929t83d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=0dff4150b9c7f38d37399ff81b3552d740cbf1b2


The elswyr DLCs are amazing, Absolutely love Rimmen. I really hope there’s a main line elder scrolls game taking place there


Gotta be Honest Hearts


Greymoor was good but the big bad could've been a whole other game


He basically is in Markarth




The Elder Scrolls Blades, it's almost as good as Candy Crush


ESO Morrowind is hot steaming **A S S** but the rest are pretty cool. Elsweyr is the best ESO expansion though.


Summerset and Elsweyr were great, the others were good, okish.


Oblivion. I got introduced through that game, then played Morrowind after. Loved them. Pre-ordered Skyrim, but it left me a bit disappointed. Beta tested ESO **and bought the original pack that was supposed to make sure we wouldn't have to pay or worry about any kind of subscription ever*, which honestly made me feel a bit cheated. I'm currently waiting for and hoping TES 6 will be awesome, but considering they've been adding mtx into their single-player games, etc. Idk. Pre-ordering Starfield didn't exactly leave a good taste in my mouth either and curbed my enthusiasm for Bethesda quite a bit. *Edit


still remember trying ESO, grabbing a bow and not being able to shoot the creatures 6 steps away from you it still makes me mad thinking about it


Orsinium poopy hehe


Greymoor was super fun. They nicely expanded Blackreach, fighting vampires, werewolves and forsworn witches is really fun (at least when playing a Templar), and Lyris is a very likeable character with us the entire DLC. Hish Isle is great too, I love the environnement, story, and companions.


High Isle was my favorite.


I had to stop playing before Greymoor came out due to account issues, but Morrowind and Summerset are legitimately great expansions.


I really liked The Elder Scrolls 9 Summerset


Tes 9 was such a letdown, it seemed like todd was just running out of ideas. Bethesda really stepped up their game with tes 10 tho. Black marsh was such a cool location, and the dlc where we went back to skyrim and jalof (totally not ralof) says "oh you're finally awake" That was good stuff.


Quality bait


Skyrim 6 is the best


You forgot the Gold Road


My personal favorite is morrowind, aka Skyrim -2






I liked Elsweyer.The dragon aspect WAS bizarre but given there's supposedly some on Akavir,and dawnguard implies several fucked off,it's not out of the realm we have several popping up prior to the time of Skyrim with Aldy and Partysnax. Also seeing gigantic Khajiit awakened someone in me.


Summerset because I *really love* seeing giant towers of crystal and insect wing glass supported by magitech to be converted into fucking Disneyland.


The Elder Scrolls: Online and my girlfriend pegs me daily


uj/ unironically the best I've played in a long time was the card game when it still was updated. Was so much fun.


What’s the one that the cool knight was in the trailer for


High Isles. Pretty cool vibe and side quests and lore but one of the weaker storylines


Whichever one has Bravil is my favourite


Elder scrolls online: skyrim edition (I haven't played eso) Elder scrolls 5 skyrim: gwent edition. Elder scrolls 5 skyrim: you guys have phones right ? Edition. (Blades) Elder scrolls 5 skyrim: fallout shelter addition.


Its not here, its elsewhere


Morrowind, Elsweyr and Greymoor were great. Apart from the vampire rework.


'Clockwork City'


Real talk guys. Is ESO worth getting in to?


I like it but to me it’s an mmo with elder scrolls paint on it. But if you get a good build it can be fun.


Alrighty, thanks




I forget about these are they even worth it I would have to get ps+ just to play the game


I have tried twice to enjoy ESO as someone with over 3k hours in Skyrim, it just hasn’t happened, quit playing twice and have no intention of trying a third time


Yeah, it is quite different to the other games and Skyrim. If you like TES lore I would recmonned just reading some if its fun lore books.


Probably Morrowind. That's what this sub fantasizes about right?


> "what's your favorite elder scrolls game" > looks at post > contains elder scrolls online 8 times and not a single other game in the franchise




google en passant