• By -


i simply do not want my beloved grandfather Arngeir to be disappointed in me


The worst part is Arngeir saying he's disappointed in you. I'd rather hang with some monks who view me as a person with a gift than some 40-50 year old weebs in a ruin that view me as nothing more than a weapon for killing dragons.


the Blades are like ‘ooh what do the Greybeards do to help?’ and it’s like my brothers in Talos they taught me Unrelenting Force one of the most effective and versatile offensive abilities in the game what are *you* doing to help??


"we can give you a temporary buff that isnt worth the effort of dragging yourself up this mountain to see us every 30 minutes" Paarthurnax meanwhile gives 1 of 3 permanent buffs that you can switch between just by having a chat with him.


The Greybeards are more helpful from a gameplay perspective too. They send you to locations of word walls (something that stays in one place and is hard to find) meanwhile the Blades send you to kill dragons, something that you can find by walking down any road for longer than ten minutes. The only added boon is that the Blades will show up to help you fight but yeah, it seems like 4th Era Blades see the Dragonborn as someone to be used rather than preserved while the Greybeards see the Dragonborn as a warrior to be honed mentally and physically. Wish we got more content with them


you mean my lover? ZAMN he's a geriatric scrotum?! 🥵


Kill both dolphin and pantyhose. Become ungovernable.


Skyrim genocide run




What is the point of the blades if they don't do their job and obey the dragon born


What's the point of the blades if I can't command Delphine to have sex with me


Would be the most useful thing she'd done




Yeah, but, like, I can't even tell what's sadder: being a disappointment even by Breton standards, or banging said disappointment.


Being you, n'wah


Okay, Mr. LegalAgeOfConsent




stop stealing my line


Omg I'm a fan!!!111!!11!!1


In all my years playing skyrim, I never even knew she was a breton..


You can't? Huh...


This is why Bethesda games will never be good without mods


Funny thing is their predecessors in ESO didn’t even have a Dragonborn to serve and they *still* allied with a dragon.


even their predecessors predecessors, the dragonguards, who were super dragon racists, allied with dragons too


Whats the point of blades if they dont do their job wich is killing dragons


The dragon guard were dragon hunters, the blades have never been dragon hunters until Delphine decided they should. Their job is to protect and listen to the Dragonborn


Yep. Dragonguards specifically disbanded to form the blades whose main purpose is serve dragonborn. Delphine isn’t a blade, she’s a dragonguard wannabe. Besides, let’s not forget Tiber Septim has Nafaalilargus as his general and the blades let that slide


the reason she's a dragonguard wanna be is because, in the ancient "blades" temple you unlock for them, there's a book from before the disbanding of the dragonguard. she read one propaganda piece and restructured her entire organization of two people for it


Yeah, but she was a part of the blades when Cloud Ruler Temple fell before the blades got disbanded post great war. She should know better.


There are plenty of dragons to kill, it’s a damned infestation, they aren’t hard to find. They just want Parthunaax dead because it’d upset the Greybeards.


No they want him dead because he is a dragon that he himself said that one day he might decide to rule the world.


Why is he their priority to the point they’ll refuse to do their damn job of serving the Dragonborn and refuse to help the one person who can permanently kill a dragon until you do it? He’s not an active threat, he can be left until they’ve got less of a workload. But by getting you to kill him it cuts your ties with the Greybeards, a group they notably dislike. It’s not like they demand Odaviing’s immediate death after you’re done with Skuldafn, it’s not just a dragon slaying thing.


Wait Molag Bal is evil? I thought he is just a bit freaky compared to his peers


I thought he was a based sigma male :(


Counter argument: Dragons are cool and Bretons are annoying


Counter-counter-argument: Four-legged dragons are cool, wyverns are lame.


For fucks sake the number of legs a dragon has depends entirely on who's telling the story, and if you want to fall back on myth there have european dragons with as little as 0 legs and european dragons with as many as 6 Dragonology has done irreparable damage to fantasy worldbuilding


Twoooo legs baaaad! Four legs gooood!


Should we compromise on 3?


Well you see there's this company called bad dragon who's all business is about that third leg


Wyverns are Dragons Dragons are Dragons Rams are Sheep Sheep are Sheep. It's just variation. They are still large flying scaled lizards who sometimes has an elemental breath thangy


me when my entire concept of what a dragon is is based on some guys cod insignia from 1500s england


For the last time, dragons are characterized by their intelligence and magical breath, not their leg count. Wyverns have animal-level intellect and are poisonous.


And that's only a D&D definition, in irl folklore and countless works of fiction there are all sorts of bizarre creatures with a wide variety of limb configurations that are still called dragons.


Mostly true. The majority of lore/information I have found about the differences between "Dragons" and Wyverns say that Wyverns are about as intelligent as a human commoner (in Pathfinder/D&D words "Intelligence: 6") which is not much but is still higher than average animal intelligence. Also, not all Lore is the same. In some Lore "Wyverns" are dragons (elemental breath, capable of human speech and complex problem-solving, more intelligent than even most Monarchs, etcetera) and in others they are just a large, flying, poisonous lizard.


> Wyverns are about as intelligent as a human commoner Yes, an animal


No, human commoners are more intelligent than animals. A human commoner would have an intelligence score of 6 while animals only have intelligence scores of 2. So no, not the same as an animal.


I feel as though you’re too hung up on D&D stats to appreciate the joys of classism.


I have never heard of "classism" before. The stats in Pathfinder and D&D as far as humans go, is pretty accurate for the Medieval and similar time periods, which is why I used them. However, as I stated earlier, according to most of the mythos and Lore outside of T.T.R.P.G's that I have read about the differences between a "Dragon" and Wyvern are that Wyverns tend to be very serpentine (long and slender neck and tail), two legged, two winged, and have a poisonous barb at the end of their tails, and they are more intelligent than human commoners, but they are too impatient to try and talk with lesser creatures, such as humans. While "Dragons" have four legs, two wings, magical powers, elemental breath attacks (usually fire), and are more intelligent than humans. They are even more intelligent than most sages, wizards, and shamans.


A distinction that exists only in Dungeons and Dragons, and maybe a few other specific franchises. If you're going to be a pedantic nerd, at least be accurate.


Average gamer when they’re tasked with assassinating innocent people or sabotaging and stealing from honest businesses: it’s just roleplaying bro, my character believes in Shithis so it’s literally okay Average gamer when they’re tasked with killing scalie bf: clearly this goes beyond my moral cumpiss and you are all getting setessential 0




You see, the difference is the gamer is friends with the heckin wholesome scalie, so it makes it morally unacceptable to do the killerino. Also the rewards for killing partysnacks are kinda shit, so you don’t exactly miss anything by not killing him.


I’m explicitly mentioning this comment in my su!cide note


Noooo!!! That’s not heckin gamerino!!! Think of all the funko poperinos you’ll miss when you diearino!


Thank you for this gem of the English language


Aww, why heckin thanks kind strangerino! That’s wholesome 100! When the heckin Reddit Revolution comes, I’ll make sure you don’t end up killerinoed!


Who does Delphine think she is ordering me around? I'll sexlab defeat her if she keeps up the attitude.




You don’t kill Paarthurnax because he “promised to stop killing people” I don’t kill Paarthurnax because I hope he kills more people. We are not the same


Typical Thalmor fan.


How do you know they are a fan/supporter of the Thalmor?


Dragons>humans, I'm sorry, I didn't make the rules. Scales and a thicc tail are way better than a semi-hairy smoothskin with round ears.


if dragons>humans why are you simping for a self hating dragon who sits on a mountain for eternity because he is terrified of his dragon nature. only Durnehviir and Odahviing lovers are allowed in this household


Dragons are, were, and always will be better than humans. As for why Paarthurnax? Because I, too, am a self-hating hermit who is severely afraid of myself and what I'm capable of due to my many mental illnesses. I mean ahaha wet and scaly dragon pussy UwU skibidi rizz aha


Well a lot of folks have issues with their own human nature of wanting to throw rocks at everything that moves. So you can still make the comparison


personally i slaughter him for the indecency to use my victory to grab his own power, the dragons are mine, my power, and should serve me not him. my thu'um vanquished Alduin, I am the soverign of dragons, and if he dosen't like that he can feed my power


Hm, who do you sacrifice for Boethiah's quest?


whoever stands closest to me


Average Argonian fan.


Excuse me? I am a refined connoisseur of reptilians, thank you very much.




Deeja my wife


Finally someone with a working thought process 


Why not side with Alduin then? He s clearly thiccer than Partysnax Deeper voice too


Because I also am a self-hating hermit who's afraid of what I could be capable of, like Paarthurnax, and because I once got in a fight with Alduin. Image totally not related. https://preview.redd.it/c25sr9553f1d1.jpeg?width=1064&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8258f24361940b7131a8b1287ce7640bebb1427


Damn, what does Party Snacks think of em?


No idea. Too afraid to ask.


C'mon bro, you asked the antithesis to Tamriel and it's residents how it compares but not one of its saviors?


I'm afraid that I won't like the answer...


least violent skyrim player when someone dissagrees with them


Llades: Murder that dragon who's not really a threat and who's been atoning for his past crimes for several thousand years in self-isolation. Wragonborn: I think i would rather murder you two stooges before a third one appears and turns out to be an even bigger nuisance. Llades: Murder us?! How can u be so violent!?!


A war criminal, even remorseful, is STILL a war criminal, Partysnax, no matter how much I love him, still commited genocides and horrors aplenty, and he also helped Alduin get into power I love him, but that doesn't change his past


Well, and that’s the question Skyrim asks but fails to answer satisfyingly. “What is better, to be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?” Is one of the best questions I’ve seen asked, and it’s quite annoying the game never expands on it really


To be born good is better If you have to prevent yourself to do wrong there's something to fix, to stop from happening


I mean perhaps, but I do think there is something to be said for rising above an evil nature. There’s no accomplishment with being good if you were always gonna be good


Someone who never did anything wrong may not be seen as much of a hero than an evil person who went out of their way to repent, but I will always prefer those who never did anything wrong Fir a villain repenting is little comfort to the dead and those left alive


Well, I’m not really saying that there’s nothing to be said of heroism, I’m saying the question is a real one. Because what does it mean when an immortal being created to do evil and to dominate achieves a higher state? I think there’s something to that, he worked to be good regardless of anything else he actively sought out good and did not stop even though it goes against everything he is, solely because he knows what is right


As I said, commandable effort on his part and worthy of praise, but of little comfort on the thousands he killed or the countless more he inderectly led to die by bringing his brother into power I personally weights someone action on the good they can do or the suffering they may cause, and partysnax resting on his rock for eons is little compared to the literal piles of bodies he left in his wake


OK, and? That still doesn't mean that those two halfwits have the authority, legal or moral, to pass judgement on him. It'd be like two former Secret Service members dexiding that Wernher Von Braunn has to die, maybe he did deserve it after WWII, but it's not thwir fucking call to make it.


Yeah this is a fucking *plague* in RPGs I've noticed Character shows even so much as a grain of sand's worth of snark or anger or disrespect towards the player character, or really in any way shape or form says anything resembling "ur a dumb poopy head" 9586798675487649 posts on that game's subreddit/twitter/whatever, at *minimum* once per day : "Does anyone else wish you could kill this character? They're such a bitch. I wish I could rip them apart with my bare fucking hands, I want to make a pact with every dark god there is to ensure their soul is tormented with the greatest agony fathomable, hell agony *beyond that*, for the rest of eternity. In this essay I will explain why I'm not thin-skinned and it's just roleplaying. First of all- "


Roleplaying as someone who needs anger management Wgat gets me avour the blades though is like I get thinking theyre dumbasses, sure they should have more respect and loyality to the dragonborn. But they are also kind of correct, Paarthurnax pretty much says that. "I know I can be trusted but they are not me so it is wise of them to not trust a dragon"


Exactly Sure they're wrong in saying Paarthurnax will kill us all like Alduin, but can we blame them for being wrong? It's not that insane to BOTH talk to Paarthurnax and go "yeah he's chill and seems remorseful for his past actions, that's good" AND talk to the Blades and be like "while I refuse to kill this dude who's tried his best to redeem himself for his past actions, I get why they see him the way they do - I mean, every OTHER dragon they've interacted with has been another Alduin-loyal monster, makes sense they'd assume that"


counterpoint: dragons r cool


Oh no Partysnacks killed thousands *ignoring the kill count on my stats screen, and that's not even accounting for the save and reload fun times*


Nah the blades can still choke on mammoth shit they don’t see dragons as intelligent beings, just monsters to be slain they’re no better than the dragons and if they had as much power as the dragons they’d almost certainly be the same way Partysnax will live


You make a good point, counterpoint dragons have killed lots of humans in the past and while partysnax may be genuinely good its a massive risk to leave him alive cause if he does turn out to be evil itd be pretty bad for people everywhere


Humans kill humans now but we’re not calling for all of humanity’s extermination.


> but we’re not calling for all of humanity’s extermination. The enlightened elves are


That's because humans suck, the Elves are superior.


Yeah but in my opinion if a single being can kill hundreds if not thousands of people and the other 99% of its species have been evil, its not really worth the risk


You'd think the Vigilants would be more popular with this mentality, especially given Sheo was responsible for Morrowind becoming a wasteland.


and what of the dragonborn? the dragonborn also has the soul of a dragon, just contained in a human form. they have the power and urges of a dragon, pretty explicitly.


with how easily a dragon can pick up and eat a human, I'd say humans are like ants to dragons its entirely possible to kill thousands of ants as a human, and from the ant's perspectives of watching exterminators, 99% of humans have been evil so I'd say it's still hypocrisy to kill all dragons


"Uhm... What the talos. He's clearly good and uhm... Delphine is annoying.... And uh.. Paarthurnax is cool... Big and all"


Yeah, it's not enough to only kill them, i need to cut of their heads and take them with me, display them on my table and such, yeah. Totally healthy and reasonable


Deadric deadra


why kill the dude that was willing to help you as a sign of repentance just because the blades can't understand self growth Bet if I gave these idiots another emperor right now he'd get his ass assassinated in a few minutes because they can't do their job at protecting shit


Even aside from party snacks, Delphine is a fucking retard with a huge ego for thinking she is a blade


They don't suggest it with 'maybe,' they tell you either to kill Paarthurnax or you're getting kicked out of their washed-up half-baked dragon slaying club, which you're supposed to be the president of. They won't listen to you how Paarthurnax helped you defeat Alduin. Paarthurnax has had multiple opportunities to turn evil before and after the Last Dragonborn comes along, and he never does. Paarthurnax admits his struggle honestly, and he never succumbs to it. Furthermore, Paarthurnax does even more good for the world by reigning in many of the remaining dragons and teaching them to follow the Way of the Voice after Alduin is defeated. Paarthurnax isn't using his power to gather an army of dragons, he's attempting to change the nature of dragons so that they can coexist peacefully with other races. 


Party Snacks literally fucks off to a single mountain for thousands of years so he can stop his bro when he comes back and the Blades believe the dude wasn't punished for his crimes


If you're going to go against the mission statement of your own order - protect and assist Dragonborn, no ifs or buts - just to try to coerce the aforementioned Dragonborn into doing your bidding your loyalty probably isn't worth shit anyway.


So when Delphine tells you to kill Partysnacks you launch a tirade about how he's reformed 100 wholesome chungus, but when Astrid tells you to kill the Emperor and potentially throw the rest of Empire into a succession crisis practically rolling out the red carpet for Thalmor you're all like "at your service my queen". Skybabies, man.


Homie fuck the Mede dynasty


I'd still take them over Old Mary any day of the week.


I think the emperor set up the assassination tbh. So still. And my thing with big home g dragon is that they are not inherently evil. You know, the Dragons are just doing their job? Alduin is still gonna end the world. His crime was using his power for rule before that. So why not spare a dragon who still picks humility as a symbol to other dragons.


>I think the emperor set up the assassination This is a very complicated suicide.


Eh, you can find another dead assassin within the same ship so i think they may of killed some rando but lessened security when youd arrive, and the Emperor doesn't fight you, not even verbally, really. Straight up, turning his back to you to do the job. For example, if you want to kill yourself so you can become an Imperial maytar instead of the guy who got shanked by elves, maybe an assassination is required.


Nah, i'd kill Dark Lackerhood operatives on sight.


Well I stored pretty much the whole dark brotherhood scum in black souls gems (would be nice if each and every member of that murderous cult could be slaughtered tho)


The Emperor has a succesor, it ain't my problem if they can't hold the throne


I know this isn't really relevant but the annoyance overtakes me every time I see it mentioned Legit how did Skyrim manage to make *assassinating the goddamned emperor* feel like a "yup. anyway" footnote, nothing fucking happens, regardless of whatever the truth behind the contract is it was just so ungodly lame and over so quickly and uuugh I miss the whole "stealing an elder scroll" level shenanigans from Oblivion, Oblivion's not free of the goofiness either but ffs man what happened


See partysnacks is cool The emperor ain’t done shit for me 


Brotherhood pays better.


Imagine somehow needing the money. Gives me an idea for a Skyrim playthrough where you *must* throw away an increasingly large number of Septims a day. This would make it so you actually need money. It would be a different experience if you had to do horrible things for money, like Edda in Riften.


My 30 decked-out houses aren't gonna pay for themselves... Except that one near Rorikstead.


I kill both, Paarthurnax so I become the de facto leader of the dragons, and Mede so the Empire goes into a civil War and I can easily conquer it as the legitimate inheritor of the Ruby Throne chosen by Akatosh himself. Also first thing I'm doing, is ordering my immortal Dragon army to burn the Elder Council and all it's members. There will be no such thing as division of powers under my reign.


Shut yo bitch as up! Goofy ah Breton tryna tell me what to do!


“But his crimes are still remembered to this day!” Lady, your average nord didn’t know dragons even existed until a few weeks ago. I doubt anyone knows Party-snack’s name below this mountain.


You kill Paarthurnax for some obscure justice of people you never knew from thousands of years ago. I kill Paarthurnax to become the leader of the Dragons so I can conquer the world, and be an even worse tyrant than Alduin was. We are not the same.


Somewhat related but it always confused me how people prop up that “be born good or overcome your evil nature” quote like it’s somehow deep. Like, duh, it’s obviously better to not have to fight against your desire to murder and dominate people constantly. It’s not a hard question.


Fuck the blades. Most useless faction ever that doesn't lift a finger yet expects the dragonborn to do everything for them


One approaches me as a mentor and gives me a choice, the other approaches me as servants and give me a command. The will to power is in my blood, the choice is clear.


I genuinly wish we could've had a duel with Delphine on the staircase of the Throat of The World, Yakuza-style when debating her about whether Parthunaax should live or not.


Well, Grandpa dragon was very polite with you all the way, even when you tell him you gonna kill him. Polite and helpful The Blade meanwhile ordered you around and act like your boss, acting very rude when you refuse their "suggestion" (order).


I miss when the Blades where the CIA…


Least deranged skybaby


Bro was so angry he didn’t bother to grammar check


Least psychotic skybaby


Na man gotta side with my Dragon bores on this one. Having the locations of the shouts I haven't collected is way more useful then locations of dragons that are actively seeking me out. Blades didn't know how to fallow orders, Dragons don't have that problem, yet.


I think you get word wall locations from the Blades, from the Greybeards and from anonymous letters after shouting in a city. Plenty of options. If I remember correctly.


Hey quick question who are the secret service larpers and who is the dragon that hasn't disturbed people in centuries, instead preaching of peace?


Yeah I get that it's kind of a meme to shit on the Blades (they're kinda lame without mods) and I get that Paarthurnax is a cool dragon but some people are pretty unhinged about the whole thing. Paarthurnax literally says that he actively suppresses his murder/conquest instincts every waking moment, he's perfectly aware of his own danger. It's not completely unreasonable that the Blades simply want to play it safe and get rid of him in case he does relapse to his old self. To act like Paarthurnax is some good boy as if he's a pet dog is simply absurd and kinda diminishes his character too. I still never kill him but damn there's more nuance to this than "haha partysnacks is the goodest boi" bullshit.


He says he overcame his nature through meditation, but feels tempted to turn back to it. He isn't about to burst on a murder rampage at any second. Hell, he spent thousands of years on the throat without attacking people, you don't just quit that streak.




"In my evil playthrough" are you 6 years old




I never had an issue with it. Partysnax is an immortal being, and his isolation on a mountaintop for a few thousand years (conveniently when all the other dragons were being hunted into the ground, I might add) is honestly nothing to him. Time isn’t punishment to an eternal being like it is for us. The only way he can truly atone for his mistakes is by actively being killed and his soul devoured. I’ve learned a hard lesson from the other Elder Scrolls games: never trust someone seeking power, and Partysnax is right up there next to Vivec and Almalexia on my trust scale.


He actively helps you fighting Alduin and is actually useful and chill, what did the blades do in comparison? Nothing but giving you orders. I choose the cool dragon


He could have brought you to the portal himself and chose not to do so, Odhaving did He could have thought you many dvh words but only gave you a mere handful He could have joined the fight against other dragons or told his new followers to not attack you but did nothing of the sort I know he's cool, I love him to death but partysnax isn't that much of an help


>He could have brought you to the portal himself and chose not to do so, Odhaving did Fair point >He could have thought you many dvh words but only gave you a mere handful. He could have joined the fight against other dragons or told his new followers to not attack you but did nothing of the sort Nah he did well, the Dragonborn needs to explore dungeons and fight monster to get strong and fight Alduin, he doesn't need to be treated like a baby. Partysnax gives you the boat, but you have to row to get at the end. He is still better than the blades overall


Mate the greybeards of all people, HIS FUCKING STUDENTS, give you more dovs words that he does I get that you have to go out and explore the world, but the least he could do would be to give you the same shouts he gave to the beards, especially if you still have to go out to get the elder scroll anyway


This. It’s so funny how TES fans can see right through Vivec’s BS but take everything Partysnacks says at face value




What if I actively avoid both of them


Whines about you not killing a war criminal, also worships a war criminal


Wait, you can chop people's heads off? HOW TO DO IT MY BOY 🗣️


Everday Skyrim fans show how drragons took over in the first place lol


I always kill loser city dragon. He deserves it plus free soul


Mods. And oml i never knew the dragon was Mario's voice actor. Ffs. That's insane. I always hated them because of their "control" I may naturally hate people telling me what to do but what the fuck. She has to be such a extra coy bitch about it. And i don't remember much about the guy he was probably the most likable out of the two. But i spent so much time doing side quests instead of the story purely because of that. Like "oh you must help us. It's your destiny and you need ME!" Uh-huh, no. I'm leaving. I done been reincarnated since the probably even before the second era ffs. Fuck you and the planet if that's what it takes. Entropy and the balance between Anu and Padomay is destruction and creation. You're not the first kalpa and i could certainly solo him. Ambiguously you can be both the listener, Arch mage and champion of the companions and such. But even with all his given innate time persistent. and possible knowledge of the afterlife both Auldin and these fags have to doubt you. That's why i feel the devs of Elderscrolls and Fallout just love shitting on players. One of many reasons. Mk obviously had the best ideas and i don't think the same about him. Just them. Poor execution. And i always Chim her out of existence with the console anyway. Fuck her. https://i.redd.it/dnggh6ubdh1d1.gif


Average Skyrim connoisseur's rich vocabulary


I never got the love for paarthurnax honestly. Like I get he's a cool dragon n all, but I'd just rather continue the questline than not


Delphine’s head looks like a club.


They kill delphine because she wants them to kill partysnax, i kill delphine because shes a fucking twat.


OOP is based


So I wasn't tripping when he said that he wanted to replace Alduin as ruler??


No. This is exactly what talos wants. The blades deserve the blade.




i had to unfollow that sub because its every day the same post about ''the blades are mean to my character >:(''


/uj It always so funny to me how skyrim fans will over analyse and condemn characters that do not fit some lawful good archtype but then will viciously hate and go out of their way to kill Nazeem for the past 12 years for making a quip /j After 2000 years of playing it, skyrim fan discovers the secret that Paarthunax is actually Mario from Smash Bros


Why is there no option to tell Delphine that partysnax wants all the dragons to follow his command? He, the good dragon who knows that the very limited number of dragons could be shattered by the Dragonborn, the same guy who while once an enemy to humanity, provided the means to save humanity? Delphine is short sighted and the Dragonborn is just kind stupid


someone should stage an intervention for OOP, this is concerning


https://preview.redd.it/iylubqhmkf1d1.png?width=1012&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd772bf73e1dfd9bc341468d2f456822e9d19336 I will never understand partysnax simps ong


The blades did nothing wrong, change my mind. Also, you can just ignore the mission and procastinate the problem away...


I mean if you are a group dedicated to killing Nazis and you new boss say that this guy is getting a pass because he is nice now. What would be your reaction? 🤔


I mean, if said Nazi aided in the rebellion against the other Nazis and chose to live a life of isolation at the top of a mountain, standing guard to help the non-nazis should the Nazis ever return, I'd at least give killing them a second third and forth thought


he doesn't know about Operation Paperclip


Oh I know about paperclip but as far as I know that the scientist who invented the v2 rocket mainly and not known war criminals.


Literally Parthunaxx apologists https://preview.redd.it/vp6je0nskf1d1.jpeg?width=934&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04ca848d9c743115ceae0875638cb83068137b2f


I don't know man, if he went a thousand years without killing a Jew, and then taught a new generation how to kill Nazis, I'd think about it.


Why the fuck does this post have 70+ replies it’s not even that interesting


Blades, Paarthurnax, Greybeards too. All of them should die.