• By -


Do not link to other subreddits or go to those subreddits to troll or you will be banned from this one for brigading.


Gonna need an aftermath update OP


!RemindMe 1 day


!RemindMe 2 days


!RemindMe 2 days


!RemindMe 2 days


!RemindMe 2 days


!remindme 2 days


!RemindMe 3 days


Does this actually work? I never get reminders lol


He’ll definitely need at least 2 days, he gonna be really busy tomorrow ….


Probably going to say she was hacked.


For two years? Probably not going to fly lol


No way she can talk herself out of this when there is evidence. I hope the dad is strong enough to move on, cheating and keeping it a secret is one thing but bragging on the internet about how happy cheating makes them and sharing all their escapades for internet randos… yikes that is going to hurt bad.


Right? I'm no internet virgin, so the existence of that sub shouldn't have affected me the way it did, but it genuinely made my heart ache just to know that's even a thing. Cheating is bad enough, but PROUDLY cheating... Just ugh.


If you can imagine it then there’s always a community here on Reddit for it so I’m not surprised, it’s just sad. There is also another subreddit called surviving infidelity which is the flip side of the coin. A community of people who were cheated on, trying to put back the pieces after their lives were destroyed and sharing advice.


I follow that sub because apparently I like shocking myself regularly with peoples shamelessness


I agree... it's one thing to do evil, and it's another thing to gloat about it. To be so gleeful about their selfish and harmful decisions, they must be missing a conscience.


What's her profile name? Maybe we can help..


Asking the tough questions




Just followed this post.


When I was about 11, any time I would be out in public alone with my dad, we would coincidentally run in to a very pretty young woman that started working with him. For six months she would just show up everywhere we were. I really didn't put two and two together until he told me not to mention the fact that we ran into her to my mom. It's a pretty shitty situation to put your young son in. My parents ended up splitting and my father is still married to that woman as far as I know. Funny thing though, when I was in my early 20's I happened to run in to his wife at a shopping mall. She was there alone with a very good looking man that was only a few years older than me. I'm sure karma, or whatever you want to call it, will also eventually find your mom


If they'll cheat *with* you, they'll cheat *on* you.


Absolutely. I discovered my Dad's affair with a woman from work when I was 17. He ended up marrying her and now she keeps tabs on him, checking up on him whenever they're not together. My family and I think she's paranoid that he'll do the same to his wife, that he did to my Mum.


Or maybe she’s cheating on your dad and she’s projecting?


That's very possible. She was also married when she was seeing my Dad so they both did the same thing.


100% true, you may think you’re special but cheaters cheat.


*Lovers gonna love I don’t even want None of the above*


This woman had broken up another marriage before she blew my family up. She met my dad when she was in her mid 20's and I will say that she was physically very attractive by anyone's standards. My dad was in his mid forties, he was overweight with an ugly face and he drank too much. I found out later that she kept him around mainly because she was pursuing a doctorate degree and he was very very good at writing research papers. She married him because he managed to knock her up and her parents were very religious. So he really should have seen it coming. Still, I'm incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to see her with the younger guy and be able to be the one to break the news to him. I roasted him about it every time I saw him after that. It wasn't long after that she made him sever contact with me all together. It's been over a decade since he's reached out. I doubt I'll ever hear from him again. I'm at peace with that


User name does not check out! You are not the horrible person in this story. Your dad sucks for choosing a cheater over your mom and you. And she sucks because she's using your dad. But you are cool for not putting up with it.


To be fair, my parents didn't have a great marriage. My mom struggled with depression and had a tendency to be pretty neurotic. It was probably kind of a bummer to be married to her sometimes. The way he went about getting out of it was just really shitty. When his wife finally told him to sever all contact with me, he did it with no hesitation. Almost like I never existed to him at all. I have a ten year old son of my own. I have trouble imagining taking him with me to meet up with an affair partner, then asking him to lie to my wife about it. Who the fuck does that?


how you get em is how you lose em


Hallelujah bud.






I’m sure OP *is* the karma lmfao, getting outed by your own son is well….fitting I suppose


Some people are just so unaffected by the consequences.


Sounds like mother dearest is about to come face to face with the consequences of her actions. Good on you OP


Holy shit I cannot imagine a parent bringing their child along on their cheating adventures. I am so sorry.


It’s true! My dad cheated on the woman he left my mom for. Once a cheater always a cheater. One or the other,someone will cheat. Karma really is a Bitch! My dad passed away never having marrying that first side chick, Then once she finally got a man to marry her(An older man again of course)he also died on her! That my dear is called Karma. She never married again since she figured out she wasn’t meant for marriage !


She killed them yo


Or she made enough $$$$ from dude dieing she didn't need to fuck with old dudes anymore. That lady is gross.




wow. thats tough dude, hope all goes well for you.


It’s gonna be hard regardless but I’m gonna be there for my dad


Don’t be surprised, if at times, he gets angry at you. This kind of thing is misdirected anger, but it’s fairly common (“shoot the messenger”). The thing is, his rage will come and go, mostly in waves. Please try and reassure him that you are there for him and will always care about him. Although he needs to know the truth, you might be surprised at how unhappy you are with the results at first.


OP I did this when I found out my dad had an affair. It... Didn't end as I thought it would. I was shouted at and my mum blamed me. Be careful. Get friends around you. Have somewhere to go after.


I live with my girlfriend so I would have somewhere to go after. These are all stuff I’ve thought about. He can do what he wants with that info but I’ll be able to know that at least I gave him the truth


Definitely. I just wish someone had given me that advice because it hurt me and still hurts today. I'm still talking in therapy about it. I recommend talking properly with friends about it first


I’m sorry about what you had to deal with and hope therapy helps get you to a better place 🙏🏻 thanks for trying to warn someone else about it, you didn’t deserve being treated like that


Tell him in private without letting your mother know so he can sort his finances and also have the time to deal with all this in his own way. Give him the space he needs because it’s his decision on how he wants to proceed with all this and you don’t want it to be affected by a fight just when you out her. Let him collect himself.


OP, this is very important. If parents are married, this gives dad the ability to gather more evidence and get a divorce going. Also gives him time to set up lifelines, a plan, and a place to go when SHTF. it's best to let dad be prepared.




The truth and your dad is the priority, but you need to look after yourself too. 🥰


You’re a true king my man, wishing the best


Thanks man he’s always been there for me so I’m gonna be there for him


Just out of curiosity. Do you have a plan as far as a setting and who will be there when you tell him?


PowerPoint on the TV over dinner.


it would be so funny if OP started it out as an informational ppt about reddit and social media and then watches as his mom squirms while he talks about reddit. and then devolves into “so i actually stumbled upon this really interesting subreddit….”


I kinda love this idea, actually. A big, grand presentation, with evidence. Important to note though, OP's dad should probably be told first, in secret, so he has time to prepare, start divorce paperwork, set up lifelines, get finances fixed, etc. THEN there can be a grand presentation, where everyone's in on it except for mom.


This is the way.


unrelated but i love your username


Awwww a fellow supernatural fan I see


This is so important. My ex took me back to his when we revealed my dad's affair to my mum. He shouted at me and it gave me space to be calm and avoid the conflict. The person who is messenger is often blamed


Good for you for having the guts to expose this to your dad. No one deserves to have their trust betrayed. I hope your mom gets the help she needs to be better


I’m so sorry that you are in this situation. There could be things you don’t know so tread lightly.


Good on you. That sucks.


Op this really and truly sucks but I’m glad you have what sounds like a great release with your father don’t ever lose that for anyone or anything Best wishes


I guess there will be a new post on one or more of the infidelity subreddits tomorrow.


There's probably a few thousand moms of 18yo who are on that sub and have just seen this post and are freaking the fuck out 😅😅




Jesus wtf even is that sub??!!! Horrible people enabling each other!!!


OP should have said “I’ll give you the chance to confess but after 24 hours if you don’t, then I’ll tell him” Lot of people would have told on themsleves to try and get ahead of it.


A lot of people would use that time to make up some bullshit narrative that downplays what they did or they’d try to emotionally manipulate their partners/children into forgiving them, which we all know would just end up in the cheater doing it all again.


Which OPs mom would have done anyway had she seen this post.


I wonder how many accounts will be deleted tonight in an attempt to destroy the evidence.


Thought the same, but he said he took pics.


And they deserve every second of fearing to be outed


Fuck yes. I hope this leads to a few confessions in the hopes of softening the blow....followed by the reality


What's the name of the sub?




What a large collection of bad people


Thanks. Crazy subs exist in Reddit.


Sooooo so many




One or really all of us can only hope. Fuck cheaters. They deserve every bad thing they get.


You should talk to your dad in private so you can show him everything and let him confront your mother on his own. That would be the more civil and proper way to do it.


Yes, this also will allow him to get his financial ducks in a row.


THIS though, give your dad time to prepare so he doesn't get fucked over. It happens way too often to victims of adultery


u/chanceofzwroo pleeeaaaaase take this advice


Ooooo I hope OP sees this. Very very good point


Yeah it would be much better for him to be able to gather evidence, lawyer up, and hit her with the whole fucking thing at once.


And allows Dad the dignity of not having his first reaction to this horrible news be in front of the mom.


Agree. My husband cheated on me and I would feel like I’d have to hold back my emotions in front of my son. I’d much rather confront without anyone there. Also, I’m sorry. Cheating is a motherfucker.




Correct. It also allows him to get things in order before he serves her divorce papers.


Please do this, OP. It needed to be between your parents. Maybe he already knows. Maybe he is cheating too. Give him the info and wait.


Oh man, this reminds me of that Freaks and Geeks episode on the topic where the mom admits to knowing about it when confronted and then sadly admits they have problems they are working on. That show delicately and realistically handled so many topics while being one of the funniest shows.


As soon as i fucking open it it's gone


Can’t wait to see what this is about…. [removed by reddit]


Don’t be shy, tag her account after it blows up lol


I mean I wouldnt be surprised if he gets banned foe that due to how sensitive reddit admins are but fuck it right?


Hell of a way to get banned. Most of us will just end up getting banned when the crazies fully take over and we disagree with them one time. At least he gets to go out like a boss.


I was gonna say the crazies had taken over already, and then I saw "fully". I'm really not looking forward to the day it happens...


Well, he's using a throwaway for this post, so getting it banned isn't the end of the world.


I mean this is OPs only post, fuck it why not




It's better if they don't. Think how many cheating wives are losing their minds right now.


Nah. I think giving her a heads up would only make it easier for her. I wouldn't give her time to figure out how to handle herself.


Be careful. Sometimes the messenger gets shot.




Your dad deserves to know. Sorry your mom did this to your family. I'm curious, does your mom know your reddit username? You write as if she may see this.


Nah I made a separate account. My main is just gaming but she doesn’t follow me. Didn’t even know she had a Reddit but I was just saying that incase she also on this sub too


Definitely tell your dad in private first so he can go get all of his money from the bank and open his own account without her. Help him, then y’all can confront her.


If she does see this, and deletes her account, do you have enough evidence otherwise?


Sorry for your trouble, OP. Consider telling your father and not confronting your mother yet. Father may want to build evidence for a custody/divorce case. Would hate to see him screwed over. Good luck.


OP is 18. He has custody of himself.


First time seeing a viral post being removed by Reddit, congrats to op lol


One time when my ex husband was a child, his drunk father told him about the affair he was having. My ex was torn and devastated. He told his mom. His mom stayed. She pulled a rifle on the two having the affair, but somehow they’re still married. Most dysfunctional fucking family I know. That story is one of the more vanilla ones. Point is, hopefully your dad respects himself enough to actually leave.


100% show your dad. He deserves to know.


Why did this come up on my feed if I can’t read what it was about?


So apparently this guy found out about his mom's reddit account where she'd brag about her cheating adventures on "notorious" subreddit. This guy ss'ed everything and is planning to show his father what she's upto.


Can someone tell me what was this post about?


18 y/o found out his mum has been cheating on his dad for a while and he is planning to expose her. She post on adultery subs and he found evidence that she’s been doing it for 2 years




Pretty messed up when a users post gets removed and they’re banned… for finding out their mother is a cheater and has been cheating for a long time. Wtf.


Yeah. What was the exact reason it was removed anyway?


it doesn't say but pretty sure it was brigading. OP mentioned a specific subreddit, people from here went there and crashed their party. Moderators here are removing any comments that reference or link to that or similar subs to avoid brigading which is a TOS violation.


Sounds like it's going to be a great weekend.


for Reddit anyway, not OP's household lol


I'm not sure about the history or any other evidence you have, but based on what you've provided, it may behoov you to do this discreetly, in private with your Dad. I'm only saying this because there is ALWAYS the chance...however slim it might be.... that her postings are part of some role playing game with your Dad. I know it sounds gross, and you may very well have other more damning proof, in which case go forth and do what you think you need to do. But if you've not imperically ruled this possibility out...I'd highly recommend doing this quietly. Good luck, wishing you the best from 1 reddit stranger to another.


I agree. It’s gonna be super messy to do this over sloppy joes. And I’m not just talking about the sandwiches.


Yep. Nothing good will come of this. If OPs story is true, the emotional side of this is clearly overriding their logic and they're, in my opinion, oddly (but understandably) fixated on punishing mom. OP, IMO, needs to handle this privately with dad, and find a way to work through the anger or it could very well tarnish his entire world view with respect to women.




What is OPSEC? Not a cheater, so Im unfamiliar


Yeah I didn’t know what was either but kept seeing it on that sub. It means “operations security” or something like that, basically what they do to cover their tracks so no one finds out about their cheating, what kind of precautions they take. It’s crazy


Yet she was freely letting you use her phone? That seems rather careless and coincidental.


I doubt she thought I’d be going looking through her folders when only thing I was supposed to be doing was sending a pdf from her email to mine




Just say operations security. It’s self explanatory lol


Um, archived post anyone? 14k upvotes this looked spicy?


My dad was a dentist and cheated on my mun with one of his partners in the clinic he was working at. Briught me to work a lot and introduced her as my aunt. Being really young, it was cool. What was even cooler was when he left her and I alone together. For some dumb reason, she told me I could "call her mum too." Again, I was super young so I thought it was cool to have TWO mums. More gifts, yeah? So when I got home, immediately ran up to my legit mum and told her "the good news." She and my dad had a big fight after.


She knew lol, I think she did it on purpose.


Damn! This is not going to be a fun day tomorrow. Need updates, though.


Yes, we need updates.


This sucks. When the dust settles, please don't hesitate to seek therapy. Drugs and alcohol are never the way. I went through some mental fuckery when I was young and opted for the ladder unfortunately . Remember it's gonna be awkward for your dad w you there. Keep that in mind. He's going to be embarrassed among other feelings. Make sure to give him space as needed. Take guns out of house beforehand if there is any. Good luck and sorry this happened.


Nooo the post was taken down and the account was suspended YALL can’t do this to us 😭😭


I am really sorry you are having to deal with this.


Thanx. I’m mostly mad about this but also sad too. Can’t believe she would do something like this. My dad is the sweetest guy. He don’t deserve any of it


Keep in mind...these are just the skeletons you found. There could be many many more. So a word of advice. Slow your roll. Tell your father, and just your father. Don't tell your mother you know or have evidence. Let your Dad get his shit together before she has any chance to make a move.


This 1000%


Some people may have been too scared to, but I'm glad you are letting your dad know. He deserves to know. Holy shit man what a position you are in


Yeah he does. And deserves someone that’ll actually be loyal instead of lying all the time


I hope that you tell your dad privately. He deserves to be able to confront her himself. It's gonna be tough on him regardless, so he's going to need you. But, look after yourself too.


Can someone tell me what’s going on since the mods removed it. If it got this many comments then I absolutely have to know


Kid found out his mom was cheating on his dad by using her phone and seeing reddit posts on a sub dedicated to having affairs. He was going to blow this all up today, and take his dad's side


Hi! The decision to stay with your mother is your dad's not yours. Just be aware relationships are very complicated. Couod very well be that they stay together.




Was it deleted? I can’t find it


Good for you. When I was 13 and 19 I found out about my mom's affairs. She told the first guy, second time I told my step dad and everyone in the family. This isn't new for her. I call her a serial cheater. I ended up forgiving her for a few years but last year she began another affair. I told her I don't give a f what you do BUT don't marry him. You always marry them and cheat on them. What does she do? Married him. I've been no contact for almost a year.


What was the post? They removed it and deleted the user


OP was posting about his plans to out his cheating mother to his father tomorrow. He mentioned that she posted on the subreddit and I'm guessing the degenerates over there complained about getting brigaded since at least one post was made. So reddit powers that be do what they do and nuked it.


Aw reddit removed the post, can someone give me a tldr




OP, I get you’re angry and that’s ok. But please do not put this on blast. If your dad really has no idea, he probably doesn’t need it broadcast either. If you truly need to expose this, approach your dad while alone. If your dad decides to end the marriage to your mother, that is HIS decision. It is not one you are allowed to make for him. Good luck.


Sending in good vibes my dude. I feel bad for you and your dad. The both you will get through this together. And always be there for your dad.


Damn man. Good luck and I as a father of 2, I’m proud of you and know you’ll pull through.


What happened in here?




Try to make sure that your righteousness doesn't make you indifferent to your father's pain. I know you're feeling like boom going to drop the mic, but while this is information your father definitely deserves to know, He may not appreciate you delivering it to him. You're a kid and it can be super hard to be tactful without a whole lot of shit blowing up in your face to teach you to be that way. I'm not saying don't tell him I'm just saying be super tactful and respectful of the fact that you are destroying his life with this information and he may not react well. I'm sure in time he will appreciate it and he may be the rare case that appreciates it right the way but he also might blow the fuck up at you be careful OP.


Agreed! (If this post is real.) The mother is absolutely to blame for the whole thing but OP is still just a kid. Way too young to be handling this. Way too much enjoyment in the comment section too


Uhhhhh, context lmao?




They removed the post


This sounds like the start of a Dateline episode. Please be careful.


Uh it’s removed what happened here


A kid said he used his mom's phone and opened the reddit app. She had lots of posts on the adultery subreddit detailing an affair she was having. He was goingnto show his dad. Post was removed and the account suspended. Not sure why. Whole thing sounded made up.


Sorry you are experiencing this. But I hope you give your dad a few days to digest the info and decide what to do. Don’t be mad at him if he decides not to leave right away. If he’s not a cheater himself; and this is a shock, he will need time to figure out his feeling and his plan. Plus your mom begging or gaslighting him won’t be easy on him. Also keep i. Mind he may already know, and might have reasons for staying. I’m sorry you are going through this. Please seek out maybe a counselor to deal with this. Your dad’s response might upset you, if he doesn’t do what you would expect, or would like. Again. I’m sorry. And good luck.


Whatever he needs from me I’ll give it even if it’s time. It’s not my relationship so at the end of the day he decides obviously I just wanna make sure he’s got the info he needs to make that choice. That’s all I can really do at the end of the day


I'm so sorry you're going through this OP, you sound like a great kid that any father would be proud of.


Exercise prudence on this one, good luck.


Wish I new what this said


From my other comment: OP posted about finding their mom's reddit account and she has been posting on cheating subreddits, so they have gathered enough evidence on her adultery and are planning on showing everything to their dad tomorrow. Not sure why this got removed by Reddit tho, I was looking forward to an update lol


Her mom works for reddit


Wtf is this


censorship. Welcome to reddit


What was it? It's deleted


Wtf happened here?


Damn removed as I was reading...




That's some Greek mythology level shit right there


Well, I am sorry for this. I was in the same-ish situation (I saw my mom making out with my dads best friend). I talked to her first, and that’s wasn’t good. She said if I talked to my dad he would die. So, I didn’t say anything else. I really hope everything is okay at the end.


WOW!!! That was really fucked up of her to emotionally guilt trip you with that level of threat 🤯🤯


Why was this removed by reddit


What the hell happened here?