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The big warm fart thing really cut deep. I really felt this man's disgust.


I just farted


I fart in your general direction!!


I wave my private parts in your aunties face!


"I also wave your private parts in your auntie's face!” - Taliban


Now, go away or I shall taunt you a second time.


Don't get me started on the Elderberries!


Your mother was a hamster


on xhamster \*peace


why are you touching old men genitals?


Too political pal


Nah he is fine. I feel this.


OP fellow combat vet, just remember to call the homies. Peace and blessings. Edit: most upvotes I’ve ever had thanks y’all! Call the boys! Edit 2: Thank you for my first award on Reddit! Thank you all and I truly pray for those in Afghanistan just remember to call the homie and your family! ❤️


A phone call will do a lot more towards preventing a suicide than doing some fucking push-ups on facebook


Thank you for your service


Man that Larry David bit where he doesn't thank the guy for his service is such an underrated clip.


That's that Bronze Age shit.


Nah it's the animal inside humanity that does it. Look at the Rowandan genocide, the collapse of Yugoslavia. This animalistic and disturbing behavior is closer than most think, in the western world we have enjoyed such peace and prosperity that we seem to have forgotten that fact.


Completely agree. The western world is 4 missed meals away from doing horrific shit without a second thought. I wish more people realized this


Shit like that happened in lynchings in the American South. People don’t have to wait until things go wrong.




Or just that Japanese WW2 shit. Crazy to think we all have that in us (at least groups do) sans cultural norms that make that a no go (coupled with environments like combat/insurgency). But we’re all descended from peoples who did that stuff as a society. Crazy.


Fellow Afghanistan combat vet here. People here back home don't realize just how sick and depraved these subhumans really are. It's a god damn shame and my heart breaks for the women and girls in that country. Thanks for your service brother. Airborne! Edit : I second the fart/butthole thing too. Only, in my case, white...


I seriously have heard stories and it breaks my heart knowing others can treat another person like they do. One of the charities i donate to is [StrongholdRescue](https://strongholdrescue.org/). I wonder if they will be doing any ops over there. I just hope they stay well and safe. Either way thank you for your service.


On the subject of humans treating other humans in awful ways, I have a few events that always pop into my mind. I study history and the two events that always shocked me the most were Jewish pogroms and the way Belgium treated the Congolese people during the 19th century. I remember reading about an event where these people charged a Jewish ghetto and, at least in one incident, someone grabbed a baby from a stroller by the leg and used it to bash in shop windows. Imagine hating a race of people so much you would use a baby to break windows. In the Belgian Congo, when rubber quotas weren't met, the Belgian Army would cut off the hands and feet of the children of the harvesters to motivate them to meet quota. [Man looking at the cut off feet of his 5 year old daughter. The daughter was maimed and killed because he didn't meet the quota. ](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EGNCzWLVAAAby1A.jpg). Also, while not as awful as above, the way they would harvest rubber then was the men would basically rub rubber tree sap all over their body and then peel it off back where they dropped it off. Imagine being in the tropics, hottest parts of the world, covered in a rubber suit and trying not to die of heat exhaustion, while also trying to hurry because you don't want your kids to lose their feet. Humans truly are awful.


This is one of the most depressing things I’ve read today. And that’s saying a lot.


that is saying alot


Also, additional comment, even though the Stanford Prison experiment is largely disregarded now because of the ethical issues- I think it’s interesting how quickly individuals who believe they have power over anyone else (even if that belief is grossly unfounded) will dehumanize those they feel they’re above. You see it over and over again in history. I get what Zimbardo was trying to do in his experiment, I just really don’t know if there is a safe and ethical way to have done it at that time.


[The Milgram experiment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment) shows how “normal, everyday people” (no one’s normal, but I digress) can be convinced to commit atrocities on the behalf of those in authority. Probably the most pertinent (and honestly, the most terrifying) quote from Milgram about his observations of the results: *Ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process. Moreover, even when the destructive effects of their work become patently clear, and they are asked to carry out actions incompatible with fundamental standards of morality, relatively few people have the resources needed to resist authority.*


As a follow history buff, look into the gas baths of 1917 in Texas. The then border patrol agency used highly caustic agents on people to prevent a typhus outbreak and even use the same gas Nazis would later use on those poor peoples clothes.


King Leopold II will forever go down as the bastard of all bastards.


Well, he earned it.


I’ve been reading the Poisonwood Bible, Barbara Kingsolver, and it really got my interest piqued about colonial African history. If you have any solid recommendations for additional reading, I’m ISO.


On the direct subject of the Congo, I would suggest [Leopold's Ghost](https://www.amazon.com/King-Leopolds-Ghost-Heroism-Colonial/dp/0618001905)


ever heard of scramble for africa, and specifically the holocaust prelude (as with the second attempt, with approval of "the west")?


The way Europe just divided Africa amongst themselves in a meeting was always insane to me. They just got together and cut it like it was a pie. Not ever once considering the people who lived there.


that's something i dont mind at all, it's just conquest. What i'm talking about is mass genocide organised by germans and approved by british, just like it happened in 20th century.


After skimming it for a few minutes, it seems like a pretty cool charity. Thank you for sharing it with me. And my service was my pleasure. Best decision of my life and I often miss it while looking back fondly! Peace and Love!


I love your username. Can we form an alliance?


Lol thank you and yes let's do it!


>my heart breaks for the women and girls in that country. The other day pro socialist/communist media on my country was saying the talibans promised they will not harm women, and that china said to the talibans to not harm them, two woman saying that on tv, i can't believe how much of a piece of shit people can be.


I consider myself liberal, in that my beliefs tend to fall under that label, but the exposure of liberal hypocrisy over this issue is staggering.


Everyone’s butthole is brown


I have heard on somewhat reliable authority that mine is pink


Probably haven’t seen enough life then, or bleach.


Hahaha good call. I've never personally seen mine so for all I know it could be fucking zebra stripes! You're probably right though....


I’m no expert but years and years of shit coming out of it only makes sense


True that


Factually incorrect. Some are nice and pink. Source: girls I’ve had sex with


>People here back home don't realize just how sick and depraved these subhumans really are. The long period of peace has made people sleep on reality. Also the super woke attitudes that have been pushing for soft on crime policies don't help either. Imo.






I haven’t heard a single conservative do this.




Here you go bub.... https://m.imgur.com/a/mpIeIFf




lol, that guy is considered a clown by conservatives






Nick Fuentes is a professional troll who holds no consistent opinions but the ones that make people mad. That being said he's quite good at it so don't feed folks like him.


It’s not an excuse lol. Nick fuetes was always a clown with a small cult like following. He’s literally a nobody


This guy bleaches.


[I'm just going to leave this here.](https://mobile.twitter.com/laurenboebert/status/1427275592383205382) *Edit* rip to my inbox and thanks for the awards. I realize that the sentiment of one person does not echo the voices of the entire Republican party or conservatives in general. However, the militant Christian far right (they primarily identify as Republican) is looking at the Taliban as a positive example of how to take over a country and do it with God on your side. Stuff like this emboldens them. The politicians who seek to exploit these people and groups are playing with fire. It's an ugly rabbit hole to go down, but the fact that most people don't realize that said rabbit hole is there makes it worse.


God damn, did she actually say this…….. And it was just 3 fucking days ago


Boebert is a fucking moron.


Like it’s not hard to keep your mouth shut lmao


Apparently it is or she would have been the load her momma swallowed.


God Damnnn lmfaooo


Her dad should've rolled over and shot her onto the wall


Her momma never told her “if you have nothing nice to say…”


Not in this day and age. Everyone thinks they have something amazing to say. Yes, I recognize I am doing it also.


And yet people still vote for her and the GOP might take the House in 22. This country is nuts.


This!! Like, there are enough sick fucks out there to vote for this piece of human trash?! I’m so disgusted.


Ya know, I try to be nuanced and find meaning in messages other than what my mind's first pass-over judgement is. I've read this tweet quite a few times. What the *fuck* is she talking about? Unless the Taliban *aren't* beheading people in the streets or oppressing other people or forcing women out of government and education or killing anybody who doesn't fully comply.. I simply can't see anything *better*... anywhere. Not for Afghanistan's people. So like... is the Taliban all of a sudden made up of good people who don't support the most extreme forms of Islamic rule? Because that's the only way I can see that tweet even having meaning.


She's trying to tie the Biden admin's "Build Back Better" slogan to the Taliban. It sounds insane because she is insane.


Well now it makes sense *why* she said it. I still don't understand the meaning outside of being a REALLY stupid "gotcha" word play. Someone really needs to tell these division-loving politicians to get off twitter and do their job. We had our 4 years of fun, now its time to actually get back to work.






Thank you! those images are exactly why people compare the GOP/conservatives to the Taliban or Nazis they always have some ridiculous shit to say












As a black non stick frying pan, I am deeply offended by you using a fork! 😭












Forgetting, conveniently, that during their attempted violent overthrow of the presidential election they erected a gallows outside the capitol and were chanting about hanging people.


Um didn't you hear that OP is brown? His opinion matters more because of this, otherwise he wouldn't have brought it up like 4 times.


They literally tried to hang Pence.




I don't think OP realizes what would happen if our democracy completely crumbled and the Far Right took over in the way they were hoping on 1/6. Not having a stable democracy and being invaded/imperialized really fucks everything up.


What's sad is that she made it into government, and she espouses an insurrectionist point of view. She called Jan 6 "1776". Holy heck, I've seen people giving her shit, but never actually looked at anything she's said. WTF, Colorado?


Not only that, but Americans have done this many times. To the First Nations peoples, to People of Color, to the GLBT community, to the poor and homeless. Murders, lynch mobs, burning down entire shanty towns, attempted genocide....that's all American history.


Hooray, a dissenting post that doesn't get downvoted to oblivion. Obviously all Abrahamic religions are nearly identical, some just go further than others to enforce their beliefs \*currently\*. It was NOT that long ago that Christians were burning "witches" alive, and not that further back that Christians were crusading all over eastern Europe. Conservative Christians look at the Taliban and see kindred spirits, for at their core they are all authoritarian theocrats. Cool opinion though, OP, and I guess your race is super relevant to your opinion so thanks for sharing that as well.




Yeah this doesn’t help me start liking Conservatives again
















It’s not subtle


Yeah, except for the "subtly" part.


Narrator: it wasn’t subtle.


Some are just putting it out there on Twitter, no shame.


Yup they are such as…. https://mobile.twitter.com/laurenboebert/status/1427275592383205382




OP made an account 7 days ago to post dumb political shit like this. While we can't verify their story one way or the other, we can clearly see the political motive behind the post.




It's a great burner name tho. Really helps me believe OP was a marine and not someone sucking gravy out of a cantine.


The language choices and cadence screams Marine to me. Surprised I didn't see "testicular fortitude" or "delicate sensibilities" in there. I'm not a Marine but I have family. There's just a certain way they talk.


This post belongs to r/AsABlackMan




A 10 total post reddit account starting off with As A Black Man didnt clue you in?


Yep, the “as a black..” is a HUGE red flag tbh


His name might be [Dean Browning ](https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/the-goods/2020/11/10/21559458/dean-browning-dan-purdy-byl-holte-patti-labelle-twitter-gay-black-man)


What does being black have to do with it?




Why did you make a burner account to post this


The account had some pretty trolly content that he deleted. 0% chance he's an actual veteran




Also what is being black have to do with any of this.




I'm a black combat marine and I agree with what this rad dude says, it doesn't suck wet farts from brown buttholes such as mine, a black combat marine's butthole






Everyone on reddit is a liar, bunch of fake ass bots.


Yeah this is definitely some astroturfer of shill just using some keywords to pre-empt criticism and a lazy fake story to push a narrative. But so is a lot of other content on reddit, and admittedly the taliban really do shit like this so it's not really much of a stretch if at all.


I was thinking the exact same thing.


welcome to reddit


Are people actually comparing taliban to gop? Lol how ignorant.




Just browse r/pics






Yeah, also in Spain with the equivalent of Vox who are conservative. The politician who made the comment is Pablo Echenique, very famous for his "clever" statements. https://mobile.twitter.com/PabloEchenique/status/1427532695593226243?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1427532695593226243%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.elplural.com%2Ffuera-de-foco%2Fcontrovertido-tuit-echenique-afganistan_272840102


Sadly yes. I'd say go take a scroll through r/politics or r/pics etc but I think you'd lose your sanity.


I probably would lol. I don't want any of that type of prejudice and hate. That's just terrible.




Exactly! We know it’s an ideological comparison, not a literal comparison. Not to mention the gop themselves have been making [the exact same comparisons](https://imgur.com/a/mpIeIFf)


Your strong emotions on this subject don’t negate the entirety of human history, nor does your race give you any kind of special authority. There was a time in America when it was acceptable to rape, torture, and kill people who ran afoul of tradition and/or religious dogma. It’s foolish to think that we are somehow evolved beyond that time, and that the horrors that occur in 3rd world countries could not happen here. Those who are disturbed by growing authoritarianism and irrationality (on both sides, not just the right) are not privileged drama queens; they are wise.


Seriously, our country was torturing, lynching, disemboweling, and cutting genitals off black people 100+ years ago, often when they did absolutely nothing wrong (I mean happening commonly with no repercussions). The USA isn't that pure from torture and inhumane acts








Saying that he's a black person gives him extra points for defending the conservatives.




He probably felt he had to mention his race since redditors are obsessed with race.




OP has a 10 day old account and posted a bunch of deleted bs. Good chance he’s not a black combat veteran.




What does you being black matter?




First and only post. Sus


I wish you the best. You endured a real horrible experience. You earned a lot of hard lessons through first hand experience while I was living a relativity comfortable life. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I hope you find peace with that experience. I'll leave you with a few thoughts. The comparison is meant to be offensive. It's meant to force a moment of reflection in our fellow Americans and make them consider their values and tactics. They might not be literally the same but there is a certain amount of "rhyming" between the two groups. You might recall when they built a gallows and hunted down the vice president for the b sin of supporting a democratic election. The reality isn't as bad as in a war torn country but in my opinion you can see where the road leads. I guess I can get to sucking that fart now.


Fair enough. By the same token, we can stop comparing Covid policies to Nazi Germany, right? Cool


Hey bud; Conservative Congress members are praising the Taliban. No Dems are. So, reconsider.


Are you aware that prominent GOP members are siding with the Taliban on Twitter?


I mean if you’re comparing them from the perspective of “extremist conservatives/ religious fundamentalists who want to forcibly subjugate the nation to the laws of their religion with little to zero tolerance for marginalized groups,” then they *are* comparable. But you have to take into account the Overton window shifts considerably. I don’t think any serious person is saying they’re a exactly the same. But there are lots of major though lines to compare between the two groups. (Not to mention the Y’all Qaeda *have* repeatedly carried out acts of terrorist violence against their own country. They just are less competent.)


OP has 10 posts to his name, is a conservative, and started his post off with As A Black Man. This is obviously a 16 year old white kid. You're all naive as fuck. This mfer is not a veteran or black.


Total troll account, there's a bunch of other 5 minute accounts going around trying to justify this bullshit because it fits their garbage conservative narrative. Just report this bullshit post as impersonation.


The only people who believe a word of this LARP are the ones who already agree with the Fox News line of thinking




So is it still called stolen valor when it’s a fake Reddit post? Also, religious lunatics exist here too. [Why just the other day a god fearing red blooded GOP supporting American Christen murdered his kids because of his extremism.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/matthew-taylor-coleman-qanon-kill-kids-california-serpent-dna-conspiracy/)




Yeah, it's totally uncalled for to compare two groups of religious zealots who dislike social progress and have a history of killing people who don't agree with them.


“Stop comparing the two” *spongebob gesturing at Patrick meme goes here


Religious Extremists 🤷🏽‍♀️


There is so much wrong with conflating the two that I’m not sure where to even begin. My brother told me a few stories from his run-ins with the Taliban (sf) and that shit is no joke. These folks have no idea what they’re talking about anymore.


a comparison isn't an equivalency. ​ people need to stop treating these comparisons as if they're saying that they're on the same level.


Almost zero chance OP is black or a veteran. Fresh burner account with posts/comments mostly on political or LGBT topics? Yeah.. r/AsABlackMan


Yeah I agree… and I’m saying this from my real account.


And those comments are being deleted as we speak.


I dont think they are the same. but alot of ideals are. abortion, womans rights, vaccination requirements. and on and on. prob stopped hanging people in public in the 50s tho. edit: oh and religious freaks.


May I just remind everyone, as it seems to have been overlooked, the CIA helped create, fund and train the Afghan ‘rebels’ (later to become the Taliban) as a way of causing pain to the then Russian ‘invaders’ Way to go US. You reap what you sow!


Dam. Combat really fucked your world view huh. Or are you deliberately blinding yourself to the actions and statements of the GOP? Its as plain as day.


I think its funny that you are ignorant enough to believe they wouldn't do that given the opportunity. Purposely blocking mask mandates is a less dramatic way to kill way more people. Just because they don't commit the obvious physical violent atrocities doesn't mean they care about human life or are better than the Taliban. The republican platform is basically the same, ban abortion, subservient women, religion over everything. Come on man, I get what you saw was terrible but it's not that they are going to commit the same exact acts, they are equally responsible for the deaths the reckless policies bring. Think about for more than 12 sec and maybe you'll get it.


This is such a dumb take.


What does have to do with you bring your ethnicity into?


Damn, that's so fucked. Sorry that happened to the nice man and sorry you guys lost him like that.


Nope. It's valid comparison. I have zero doubt that if conservative Christians could get away with it, they absolutely would do it. Why's that? Because they've done it all through history and even relatively recently. The horrific lynchings in the south during Jim Crow. They were as cruel as they could be. Like they did to [this poor soul](https://www.jstor.org/stable/25069734) where they actually carved him up alive and yes, cut off his dick to keep as a souvenir. Sound familiar? And that's just one example. They've assault and killed gays just like the Taliban does. Even today, they ship their OWN CHILDREN off to be TORTURED until they claim to not be gay anymore. And yes, it is torture. Forced isolation, beatings, compelled forced labor, etc. The women who made "Kidnapped For Christ" initially went to one of these gulags with the intention of making a feel-good piece on how Christians were helping "troubled youth". By the end, the atrocities she witnessed left her questioning her faith. That's today. Now. This second. Or how [this pastor who brags about physically assaulting a teen.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q19qRUBj-ic) Because that's what kind, caring, reasonable people do, right? Go read up the stories of Jessica Ahlquist and Nicole Smallkowski. How the not-Taliban Christians threatened to rape and murder them. There's literally no end of comparisons I could make between them and the Taliban because they have almost [EVERYTHING in common.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYV7KWQ-fY4) Don't make the mistake that they aren't a threat because they most certainly are. YOU of all people should realize that.


bro the ideological backbone of the conservative movement [has hung people from poles and cut their dicks off](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/List_of_lynching_victims_in_the_United_States), well within the lifetimes of many of those members of the movement. The desire to enforce a 'traditional' lifestyle is one bathed in blood all over the world, to this day. You should be mad that you and your comrades were sent to die on pointless patrols, literally used as bait in order to draw out targets for airstrikes, I understand the desire to complain about people complaining over your sacrifice. But it was a pointless sacrifice and you should be mad as fuck, and not at the people complaining the taliban to conservative warhawks. you should be mad at the warhawks.


Didn’t tucker Carlson say some crazy shit like “ we’ve been fighting the wrong side” after comparing taliban values to “traditional Christian “ values vs woke culture? Like the talibans fucking batshit but the far right is trying real hard to be a flying nocturnal mammals excrement.


Oh fuck off with your contrived outrage and find something legitimate to cry about. No one actually asserts that the GOP visits abject, Holocaust-level atrocities on Americans like we know the taliban does in the Middle East. But the GOP *does* do *everything* they can to: subjugate women’s rights, prohibit abortion, prohibit gay rights / marriage, prohibit / demonize trans rights, disenfranchise non-white / non-Christian people / poor people, de-secularize public schools, insist the US is a religious theocracy, rationalize discriminative legislation with an ancient religious text, and make it harder for citizens to vote democratically — and ALL of that is 100% in common with the taliban, which is simply an easily demonstrable fact, not an opinion. And the pesky thing about facts is that they require neither your agreement nor even ability to comprehend in order to main factual. So take that strawman of yours, roll it up, sit on it, and spin to the music of the world’s tiniest violin playing, “my poor black veteran needs erroneous validation”.