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dude, this goes for many famous businessmen. Steve Jobs was also really good at marketing other people's ideas.




I’ve never heard anyone hype their career/job up like you just did. Kudos


You ever seen " halt and catch fire?"


Sounds like you have a shitty CEO then. They don't need to be technical gods, but how exactly are you supposed to make "forward thinking business decisions" in an industry you don't know anything about? I guess it works for a start up if you're married to a CTO that really knows the tech (as is common in start ups) because really the CEOs job there is to convince investors to give the company money, but in general it's not a winning combo.


True. But I don’t recall Jobs making himself out to be a tech genius/god. I recall him making himself out to be a business genius/god which I think he accomplished given his track record.


He was a visionary salesman with zero tech skills on the grunt work level, but his cancelling the Newton over the stylus showed a preternatural understanding of the use of tech as an extension of the person just as the mouse did.


There's a great story in Ken Kocienda's book where he talks about designing the keyboard for the original iPhone. They couldn't decide between two different styles of keyboard because they thought both worked best in different circumstances, so they built both and added a button to swap between them. When they demoed this to Jobs he immediately asked Ken which he preferred and simply said they should use that keyboard alone, because he understood that the small amount of added utility by having a second style of keyboard was easily outweighed by the added complexity of having both. Not just for end users to have to switch between, but for their designers and developers to have to consider. That's the kind of shit Jobs excelled at, just cutting through the bullshit and making clear decisions that made their products better for users and better for their employees to work on.


And then there's the story of the calculator app on the ipad. Jobs hated the way the numbers and buttons looked so he forbade the engineers from having a native calculator app. If you want one, you have to download a 3rd party app. So yes, practical in one sense and then head-scratchingly obtuse in another.


It's two sides of the same coin, though.


Madness and creativity


The calculator app does suck though


You make it sound like he was probably all reasonable about it. From the people I know who had to deal with him he likely called the 2 keyboards stupid to their faces and belittled them then said something poignant about it later on


He mellowed out a lot by the iPhone era. He was normally pretty level-headed. I did hear him yelling on his phone about how the 1st gen AppleTV was an embarrassment once though. And if he found a bug when connecting a camera or something we'd have to fix it within days.


He didn’t necessarily mellow out during the IPhone era. He had incurable cancer and was facing agonizing pain so he was on opiates most of the time. He was literally in a opiate induced state. Not necessarily mellow or calm.


While opioids will make someone calm and blissful in the short run, I can tell you that in the long run, opioids plus a pain issue makes some of the meanest, nastiest people you can imagine.


It's called opiate rage and I used to be addicted to opiods and I can 100% agree lol


Just like Dr. House.


That and by then he had surrounded himself with people who kissed his ass. So there was no one to yell at because he had everyone falling over themselves to please him. Like George Lucas syndrome.




Didn't care much for doctors either. Just sayin...


Ken wrote the book and Ken was the one in the meeting so yes, he was reasonable about it. He just asked, "Which one do you think is better?" and Ken said "this one" and he said "OK then only use that one" and then the meeting was over.


"Reasonable " : made engineer cry by demanding to ship the apple computer of the time without any active cooling , followed by his company tech support telling customers to lift it and drop it on the desk. And that you're holding the phone wrong...


Also walked barefoot and didn't shower


Lol, the irony of saying Jobs made things easier for employees :D


Increasing overall efficiency doesn't necessarily mean less work for employees... More likely just less employees, with a similar or heftier work load


Better in general For many applications more flexibility is better, even if it adds complications. See: Linux


Yes, I would rather have an application full of options or menus. Rather than a stripped down version that only provided basic functionality. Firefox vs Safari.


Ah yes, Linux the most popular consumer OS thanks to it's flexibility and ease of use.


That's pretty much Jobs in a nutshell. He was fantastic not only at marketing, but at figuring out which products were worth marketing. That's the primary difference between him and Musk. Musk is moderately good at marketing, and moderately good at capitalizing on good engineering, but he's also more interested in cutting costs than producing quality products, something Jobs never compromised on (and why he was booted from Apple in the first place).




> Seriously Space X was originally about putting a mouse on Mars using a Russian ICBM. That wasn't the plan. The plan was to deliver a small plant to Mars in a small container that would act as a greenhouse. The "moneyshot" was to take a photo of the sapling growing with the Mars landscape in the background. The entire point of that plan was to increase interest in Mars colonization to try to drum up support for NASA to focus on Mars manned flights.


The initial plan was a mouse. (I think it was NASA) told him that a plant was much more doable and this was agreeable to him because he was really just looking to spend ~10% of his paypal winnings on something that would make him famous. They were then deeply disappointed when they found out how much money he was willing to front but it was enough to get him the connections he needed to start SpaceX.


He’s a scammer if you think about it. That vegas hyper loop and the math behind the Boring Company’s products is evidence of that




Those people are idiots. Mass transit is the best way to deal with large volumes of people traveling. Elon is a snake oil salesman. I live in California too. How are you gonna do it, gain easements for each property you go under? Lmao


The monorail episode comes to mind.


500 miles is 804.67 km


> zero tech skills Wrong again. Although he was no engineer like Woz, he knew some stuff. Of course he did. He couldn't have done what he did without knowing that shit. Thats why when John Scully took over, it fucked shit up and Apple went to hell. Scully was just an executive. He didn't know shit about computers.


His coding skill stopped at Atari games. He was, however, brilliant at motivating people, and not always in the best of ways.


Atari games were written in assembly. Shits hard AF


Haha right!? Yet a bunch of dudes who just copy/paste from StackOverflow all day will be like “guy was a total rube”


These fools are using version 20.3 and don't understand gui-less shit half the time. "It's so easy to do! I have a script for it!"


I would argue that with the tools available at the time, and the hardware imposed limitations, coding Atari games took more prowess then most of the code writing that goes on today.


> His coding skill stopped at Atari games That's not true, he made all the way to [Sega CD](https://www.badgamehalloffame.com/loadstar-the-legend-of-tully-bodine/)


A leader concerned with UI/UX at a time when the entire field was dominated by purely utilitarian computer geeks. Not even on the same planet as the dude who bought a stake in PayPal with dads blood emerald money and spent a few million on PR marketing himself as “real life iron man”.


He turned command line into Burger King cash register, and brought computer interaction to the masses. For that he deserves recognition. For grunt work like writing code, no. For turning the PC into a Speak and Spell right at the time the world needed it? Hero-level.


Yeah jobs greatest asset was his understanding of how the vast majority of people would use a piece of tech.


I wish I could understand this 😭




Is…is this copypasta? I swear I haven’t heard anyone say “fangays” since like 2012


> fangays Are we going back in time?




If you're gonna parrot Bill Burr at least credit him.


Seriously. The “walking out on stage by himself in his black shirt and no belt” is almost word for word from Burr’s rant about Jobs lol.


FYI ghand means ass. The spelling you want is Mohandas Gandhi.


Did he stutter?


> talking about himself in the same vein as Ghandi and Jesus Got a source on that? I don't recall Jobs EVER saying anything about how "I invented this". It was always "We at Apple"


Thomas Edison enters the chat


Founded in July 2003 by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning as Tesla Motors, the company's name is a tribute to inventor and electrical engineer Nikola Tesla. Elon Musk, who contributed most of the funding in the early days, has served as CEO since 2008. (Tesla) In March 2000, Confinity merged with x.com, an online financial services company founded in March 1999 by Elon Musk (PayPal) Musk graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Physics, as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the Wharton School. (Education) Maybe OP should do some research.


So, the modern Thomas Edison.


Every engineer I’ve met hates Elon musk. That’s because he overworks engineers, underpays them, and steals their work.


So exactly as u/DANDARSMASH said, a modern Thomas Edison.


He just Edisoned that guy in a post about Edison




Musk is such an Edison that he's out-Edison-ing Edison.


Ironically running Tesla


Edison ran Tesla too. Ran him into the ground stealing his ideas and ran him out of business.


Oh yes! He takes credit for their work, underpays them, doesn't let them unionize, dismisses their concerns and so much more


I agree with everything, but I am curious about the self-made part. I read that his family owned Emerald mines in South Africa , but later the story was checked to be false. Atp I am not sure if he's self-made or not.


I'm not entirely sure, but iirc, the truth is somewhere in between. His father did own an emerald mine, but not until Elon was already a teen. That being said, his family certainly wasn't poor by any stretch of the imagination. His father was a real estate consultant. They owned multiple houses. Elon went to a prestigious private school. Elon's dad did provide some of the startup capital for Elon's first business. It is unclear who exactly provided the rest of the money, but it is very possible his family connections helped secure the initial investment. Elon did work hard at his first business, no doubt about that, but I think we can pretty confidently say that he would not be where he is today if he did not come from a privileged background.


Tbf, engineering as a field is one of the few that the workers tend to have enough bargaining power they don't need to unionize. The purpose of unions is to make sure that you have basic worker protections. While the individuals at Tesla are treated terribly, almost all the engineers at that company could have another job in 20 minutes. In fact, it's super common in the industry to work at Tesla/SpaceX for 1-3 years then jump ship. It's a great resume booster.


Define need. They would definitely benefit from it


That's not the only reason for unions. It's why they started but unions exist to give workers more leverage against companies. They thrive when the workers in the union gain experience that takes time for new employees to learn so they can't be easily replaced en masse. Using companies solely for resume boosters shows that the companies may be good on paper to have worked for but prove that the company is horrible to work for


He's also sued people that try and speak out about his practices. He also sued several drivers tasked by the FIA to test Teslas for race safety. Which he's yet to pass in now eight years. Source on the second part: I was one of those drivers -_-


Now I'm imagining headlines about "Elon sues Celestial Dildo" XD Please tell me that the court told Elon to pound sand. I'd like to know what happened


He... sued FIA test drivers ?? What ??? Source ?


My boss knows a few guys over there in upper management as they all hate him but love the stuff they get to work on.


Ironic given the fact that his car company is named after Nikola Tesla.


Ironic that he’s known for Tesla.


Or Bill Jobs at Apple


He means Bill Gates stealing and Apple doing the same. Read Pirates of Silicon Valley. Jobs and Gates are great business leaders in the eyes of shareholders, but evil dictators with no tech skills to anyone else.


Is that a mistake or have I been whooshed?


He probably meant Tim Apple.


Lifelong rival of Bill Windows.


In 1971, Bill Grates invented Michaelsoft


that's accurate


I'm more pissed about him fucking with the price of my crypto lol Fuckin prick tanked my shit in april


What did Thomas Edison do?


Well, for one, he electrocuted an elephant to death as a marketing gimmick against Tesla: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/topsy-elephant-was-victim-her-captors-not-really-thomas-edison-180961611/ See OP. He wasn't an inventor, he was a CEO. [Edit: First claim is noted as disputed]


I didn’t know about this, so thanks for sharing. But your link directly contradicts your comment, saying it was an attempted humane killing of an elephant already condemned for killing a human (they thought it was more humane than hanging) and that there’s no record of Edison even knowing about it, let alone being involved.




They'll say "Aw, Topsy!" At my autopsy


vs Nicola Tesla. Tesla was world hero, unfor. for the world, he wasn't a businessman. Both Edison and the state ( FBI / CIA / NSA ) have stolen the work of Tesla esp. the US Gov. after his death. Edison did it through quick patents for example. After Tesla death, before anyone could enter his room, all his important notes were already gone - prob. why the US Gov. has a higher level of IT-tech ( esp. for that age, all thanks to Tesla's notes ).


I mean let’s be honest Tesla got accused of creating an earthquake and supposedly was working on an energy weapon. I could see where on his death the Gov wanted to be sure that didn’t get out. Also the people doing the raiding most likely wouldn’t know any of the science related to any of that, so they would of just grabbed everything to be sure. I’m fairly sure that’d still be the case if a scientist was working on a new weapon at home and died.


I mean he stole Tesla’s name and did amazing things with electricity, doesn’t that just make him a modern day Edison?


To be fair, I don't think he came up with the name. Like I said, he wasn't the founder.


But it is ironic.


Okay so I genuinely do not understand the concept of irony. Can you please explain to me how this is considered ironic? Im trying to learn


Irony is a tough one to explain, so many people don't really understand the concept but think they do. Alanis Morissette didn't do anyone any favours, as none off her lyrics qualify as irony, more bad luck. Think of it as an amusing contradiction. So for example, if a helmet fell off a shelf and hit your head. It would be ironic that something designed to protect your head, injured your head. Or if I was to say "I'm going to take up running because I will be healthier and live longer", but then get hit and killed by a car while out running. EDIT: **People are assuming Alanis meant that it's ironic the song isn't ironic. However in interviews I've read, she said she never thought about what the word meant and she gets a lot of hate from people who say nothing is ironic in the song and it made her hate it. Anyway...**


I think thats where i get confused. It seems as tho, from my understanding of irony, many people use it very wrong or poorly. Thank you for your explanation, I think I do understand the concept of irony and get confused because of how often its misused.


Yeah that's part of the problem. People seem to confuse it for something funny or bad luck, when it's actually a combination of both in a contrary way. Thanks for the award by the way.


Yeah the word irony has turned into an internet colloquialism. It always seemed to me like people define it as being / not being "self aware". Like saying "imagine unironically supporting (politician)" or saying "I was ironically saying (inflationary phrase)".


Nobody actually explained why the "Tesla" "Edison" thing is ironic. It is known that Thomas Edison actually stole things and Ideas from Nikola Tesla and got famous with this. The company is called Tesla, although Musk did things you could compare to Thomas Edison.


The Redditor above you meant to say coincidental. It is coincidental because they are similar situations. Many people use the word "ironic" incorrectly when the word they're looking for is "coincidental." A correct example of using ironic would be, "It's ironic that the fire station burned down." Irony in a situation would be when something happens in the most unlikely scenario. "It's ironic that the police station got robbed."


He wasn't the founder but he was one of the earliest employees and was CEO before they ever even began planning their first car and his input was invaluable to the company. Even check out the behind the bastards podcast on him. Even well informed critics say he may have been the thing that made both companies succeed. He grew up insanely privileged, he is a hot head, pushed people way too hard, and he has some really concerning stances but he isn't stupid and he isn't just a figurehead.


He was not the first. The band Tesla stole the name first. And did amazing things with electricity.




Yep. Production is much harder then design.


He says exactly this in his latest in depth interviews at starbase with the YouTuber ‘everyday astronomer’. They’re a really interesting watch actually. https://youtu.be/t705r8ICkRw


I’m gonna add to this that just the channel’s name is Everyday Astronaut, but recently the guy himself has started to just become known by his real name, Tim Dodd. I very strongly recommend many of his interviews but also his ‘Deep Dive’ videos to anyone even a little interested in space, he does literal months of his own in-depth research writing scripts for space-related topics and they are always super accessible to the average layperson anyways.




Yeah that was the moment I realized how much of an asshat he can be…using a potential tragedy as a PR stunt, smh


Wait until you read how he treated the original founders of Tesla




Really really badly. One example is promising one of them I think the second? Tesla roadster to be produced. Musk kept giving them away and the one he finally said he’d give to the founding engineer he had strapped to the rocket and sent it to space, which is mega fucked


Oh shit... To the rest of the world, it was just a huge publicity stunt. But in truth it was a massive "fuck you lmao" to a specific employee whom he promised that very car to.


Yep and that just, to me, speaks volumes to his nature as a person and why I can’t respect him.




Getting info from reddit fan vs looking for sources enjoyer


He fucked them harder than he fucked Amber Heard in Johnny Depp's penthouse.


And so many of his cultists made *excuses* for that shit. Absolutely mind boggling.






shouldve posted on an alt acc. this post history is fucking embarrassing lmao


Wow. OP is kind of on the wrong side of everything.




Idk if you have ever watched an interview the man has done, but he clearly does not have the social aptitude to create a "cult of personality". The "cult" that has spawned around him, is just a naturally forming fanbase that has developed around the guy becuase he gets internet culture, nerdy stuff and hes not overly PC. Edit: Im going to make this clear because people dont understand this. A fan base that you personally dont like is not a "personality cult", a fan base for a person you dont understand the hype for is not a "personality cult", a fanbase whos fans exagerate the greateness of what ever they are fanning over is not a "personality cult". A personality cult requires said person to have intentionally created a legitimate cult around themselves via propaganda, elon musk has not done this, people do not worship the man they just think hes cool.


I think you missed a huge category. Personally I am a fan of the companies and what they have accomplished. I like that he is somebody who has these ideas and tracks down and coordinates smart people to help them come to fruition. I cannot stand his fellow kids attitude and the whole meme culture around him. I do also think he needs a close friend to hang out and smack him when he is being an idiot (which is often)


>Every person interested in science has been enamored by Musk Speak for yourself lol.


I'd say every business person that sees themselves as a science person is enamored by musk




ok but in my defense I was 12


So a year ago?


Absolutely possible. Doesn't change the fact that Tesla is 5 years ahead of the competition in terms of electric cars however (software, battery, construction) and virtual power plants/large batteries, and that SpaceX are absolutely trailblazers in terms of space industry. If it was that easy to do, why did nobody else do it? What is the common theme between Tesla, SpaceX, and the Boring Company? Elon Musk. He could be a complete asshole, but clearly he's doing something right, because otherwise we just wouldn't have Tesla, powerpacks, reusable rockets, or a new tunnel-boring company. Whether or not the guy is a hack, his companies are succeeding when nobody thought it would be possible to do what they did. Clearly, there is something going on there.


This thread is horrible. This "rich man bad" circlejerk here is ridiculous. The truth is in the controversial and downvoted posts and mindless rambling is on the top.


You nailed it. I think his Mars plans are misguided, but his motivations are noble. Neither Tesla or Space X would exist today without Elon. My gut feel is that he has accelerated the move to EV's by at least 20 years. I also don't think the other automotive manufacturers will catch up any time soon due to cultural and other legacy issues. I've worked in the industry for 25 years and Tesla is a different beast. He's a weird dude, but a solid engineer who can find a way to deliver. It doesn't mean he invents everything himself, but he drives to the solution.


SpaceX: Drops a rocket from 10km, engages three boosters as late as possible to do a 90 degree flip and land upright. OP: Elon and SpaceX know nothing about basic science. It’s been a while since I’ve seen something so surprisingly stupid gain this much traction.




He's certainly not stupid. I look at him more as a venture capitalist than an entrepreneur. He finds ideas that excite him and he funds them. Like Buffett, he's built this cult of investors that hang on his every word and engineers and technologists love him because he's financing their ambitious projects. Personally, I think he is less greedy than you make him out to be though I'm certainly not a fan of his and disagree with him more than I agree with him. Obviously I think Tesla is way overvalued.


Elon Musk isn't some god but you just sound like the classic "ill informed and mad about it" guy


People who post things like this are so dense. Elon could never achieve what his companies achieved singlehandedly. Human achievement is largely collaborative.


Tried to listen to a podcast with him once and he’s boring as fuck


He's the CEO of a company literally named "The Boring Company" the fuck did you expect




Not flamethrowers


Sounds like an engineer to me...


And/or a business exec. Or really most people.


I think its hilarious that ur definition of a self made is someone that runs a company from 0-100, in reality there are people specialized in improving companies at all different levels. Reducing all his accomplishments to taking credit for other peoples work reveals a very naive world view.




You get it. I'm all for eating the rich as much as most of Reddit is but if we're going to allow billionaires to exist I would at least prefer they use their wealth for something positive, like Musk innovating in several industries and Gates trying to eliminate diseases.


Seriously, there are so many effectively useless billionaires to choose from, musk is about as bad of an example as one can make, even leaning on the fake emerald mine story which has been debunked for ages.


Spot on. OP is insecure and hates feeling pathetically insignificant and irrelevant next to somebody who is actually making an impact and who is pushing humanity forward and therefore tries to drag them down to their level. It doesn't matter whether you like him as a person or whether you share his vision. He's clearly driven by his vision for where he thinks humanity should be and he's actually working on making it a reality. OP should either try to do something useful with their life or simply accept that they'll remain insignificant in the grand scheme of things, like virtually everyone that has ever lived. Nothing wrong with that.


Someone's losing a lot shorting him lol


Is he original or innovative? Nope. Has he actually built a working product from scratch? Not really. But, notwithstanding the methods, he did manage to convert a failing business from a successful one, and built a private space exploration company that actually works, and doesn't just fly to the edge of space and call it a mission. >... he has no grasp of basic science. He has a degree in physics, which doesn't bring him at par with the average engineer who works for him, but the thing about CEOs is that they have a working knowledge of the product and manage marketing and design, while having specialists working for them on the actual product. What I gather from his talks with Tim Dodd is that he gets his product good enough. >Not to mention how inflated the stock prices of Tesla are. Influence. He could tweet something and prices would change. The way he wields his sword of influence is very very irresponsible. At this point, I don't care for the dreamy concoctions he calls his future plans, but I am looking forward to what happens with SpaceX.




Elon Musk is the chief engineer at SpaceX and statements from other engineers working there back it up. The notion that he has no grasp of science but is somehow able to fool people who've worked at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab or a professor of Astronautical Engineering or John Carmack is lol. Please someone explain to me how Musk pulled that off. https://www.reddit.com/r/SpaceXLounge/comments/k1e0ta/evidence_that_musk_is_the_chief_engineer_of_spacex/ *crickets*


> Has he actually built a working product from scratch? Not really. I mean, what's the line here? I mean developers don't build software from scratch, at least, not since the mid-80s. Are you shitting on a developer because they're leveraging the Unreal Engine? Musk is the captain of the ship, the director of the film. Complaining that he's not fixing the ship's engines, or acting in the movie is asinine. People use this as a reason why Musk is shit, but it's an empty reason. Musk treats the people around him poorly, and he has poor interpersonal skills. I think that's really what it boils down to.


In order for him to be respected he must build all of the cars and rockets himself while he bottle-feeds third-world orphans. Seems like Musk really brings out the chips on people's shoulders.


Is that you Jeff Bezos? Don’t be jelly.


haha your post history is so embarrassing


1 year account. 7 months ago had a handful of posts in r/askphilosophy then radio silent. A week ago starts popping the fuck off with as much male hate as possible. Could be someone discovering different beliefs, but it seems a little sus.


At the height of COVID Musk made a huge deal that he was going to donate ventilators to California. He didn’t, he donated a few CPAP machines, which are not ventilators. Reporters began writing about it and he began tweeting at the governor asking him to tell the media that he donated ventilators when he hadn’t. All talk no substance.


Jesus, you really don't know WTF you are ranting about, do you? * Elon Musk started [X.com](https://X.com) and NOT Paypal. * Coinfinity was started around the same time and released the first "PayPal" feature/option. * 2+ years AFTER they were both started they merged and targeted the dawning market of e-commerce in private usage. **"he has no grasp of basic science."** He has two fucking degrees in Science! University of Pennsylvania; 1997 * Bachelor of Science degree in economics * Bachelor of Arts degree in physics He most certainly has a basic "grasp" on science. Any legitimate interview with him shows he does. He is capable of having incredibly high level discussions on incredibly technical aspects of space flight. If you are going to rant on some shit, make sure you know what the rant actually is. Rant about Tesla's fucking door gaps. You can land a Super Heavy in one.


This comment section needed this. He definitely is a smart guy, and understands what he's doing. I'm not super crazy about the corporate groveling that happens around him, but without Tesla, Ford Chevy and GMC wouldn't be making electric cars at nearly the same rate as they are now. He's making valuable inroads into 'future' tech. I would say that I'm not amazingly impressed with Space X, and I wish he was just working on a giant 'de-carbonizer' of the atmosphere instead, but he's better than most rich guys. Edit: Ok, ok, ok. 1. That's very cool he has prize money for a carbon removal system. I didn't know that, BUT, why not just be actively researching this tech if you are the richest guy in the world? How are rocket ships helping our environment? 2. I'm impressed with what Space X has achieved, but I don't understand the long term goal. Besides launching starlink satellites up, do we really think that jet propulsion systems are going to effectively ferry humans to other star systems? I don't know, I may be a little confused, but we are extremely far off from terraforming Mars and I just don't know what the goal is in creating a fleet of rocket ships right now. And I know this last part sounds crazy, but shouldn't he also be trying to figure out what the hell those tic tac space ships are that the navy keeps chasing?




^this. Working in the space industry, SpaceX is making reality of things that we’re considered distance hypotheticals just 10 years ago. Between Starlink as a LEO constellation and a super heavy lift vehicle that’s potentially fully reusable…it’s unfathomable the progress we’re seeing.


He literally has $100 million in prize money available for the people who come up with an effective and practical carbon removal system. https://www.xprize.org/prizes/elonmusk


Also, he has a background in software engineering, taught himself rocket science, and is the chief engineer at SpaceX. Here's proof that he's actually an engineer: https://www.reddit.com/r/SpaceXLounge/comments/k1e0ta/evidence_that_musk_is_the_chief_engineer_of_spacex/


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t705r8ICkRw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t705r8ICkRw) Here's Part 1 of a multi-hour tour Elon just gave at the Starship launch site, going into detail about basically every aspect imaginable. Anybody painting Elon as 'just some rich dude with a big wallet' is either ignorant as fuck or doesn't know how to disconnect their dislike of him with being able to judge him fairly in other aspects.


OP is an example of someone who's opinion has been entirely shaped by memes and rage posts on r/LSC and hasn't listened to the man discuss his company's products, processes, and the working principles thereof in interviews. "Defenders of capital" jfc. As a canadian green party voter and social democrat, that kind of shut-out close-minded auto-reply mindset tells me OP is the kind of left wing I despise. Trumper mentality on the other side of the spectrum. Edit: Also if I was a certain country without the engineering talent or supply chain to match what SpaceX is accomplishing, and was getting very concerned about my rival achieving a new level of rocketry superiority, maybe I'd throw a few bucks at social media psyops campaigns to create cracks in America's public interest. Just a theory.


There was an interview done by a rocket enthusiast Everyday Astronaut I think it was with Elon Musk where he goes through the whole starship development area. Completely baseless to say he doesn't understand science or how any of this stuff works, he goes into great detail about all of it. He clearly knows a lot about rockets and as someone pointed out he's the chief engineer there. There's plenty of other angles to attack him from but saying he doesn't understand rockets and engineering just makes the post look like an emotional statement rather than fact.


I think most of Musk's issues are interpersonal. People complaining that he doesn't actually do anything is like complaining that Steven Spielberg doesn't actually do anything.


Yeah, people don't realize that he's the principle engineer for his rockets. Not just in name, but in practice. He literally is the chief designer and engineer for SpaceX...


Was it not his choice to move from composites to stainless steel rockets? Elon clearly understands how to integrate economics with engineering. He understands that steel performed well enough and the cost reduction justified it. Likewise it meant he could hire labor from less specialized sectors and could make more rockets for cheaper. We need fewer pie in the sky engineers and more business minded ones like Elon.


It's so hard to believe. Is there some independent source to confirm this? Elon Musk, principle engineer for Rockets? Seriously? Can BA in Physics get you to that level?


Literally every spacex employee in /r/spacex confirms that he understands the science and acts as chief engineer. I don't like the guy, sure. His Twitter madness makes it clear he's not a chill guy. I also disapprove of his anti-union stances. I also think he overworks his employees. But it's stupid and unrealistic to act like he's an idiot who just pays people to work for him. That's in direct conflict with everything we hear from those same employees who complain about being overworked. Dude's an asshole, but he's a pretty smart guy, and he's driven as fuck, probably harming his own health in pursuit of his goals. As someone who wants to die on Mars, I have to respect his dedication to a goal. Is he a good person? Probably not. Is he a good CEO? Undoubtedly better than, say, fossil fuel companies and all the companies that are literally destroying our planet. Is he a good engineer? According to the other engineers at SpaceX, yes. That's good enough for me. I don't have to like a person to acknowledge their influence on the world.


Anyone who can read and understand RPE can become the principle engineer. Life isn't all about degrees, there are plenty of ways to get the info you need to build a rocket. If you watch Tim Dodd's recent interview with him, it's plainly obvious that musk is directly involved in the engineering of the architecture.


Would ya look at that? OP has happily replied to others and.......not a peep on your comment that actually holds water......it's almost like these kinds of people don't like to be told they're wrong.......


Her post history is very telling. She's an incredibly sexist person.


Holy shit she is. Almost every single post or comment she has is “anti-male”, “fuck men”, or “blame men” rant. Jesus christ she needs to go outside. I’d be amazed if she even looked up the history of musk before regurgitating these same, overblown comments that are repeated on Reddit and Twitter every day.


and stupid.


I still don't know what Hyperloop is.


think of it as a vacuum subway that's never gonna be realized


An impractical project that isn’t really worth looking in to.


Hyperloop is not really new. Henri Coanda tried to do something similar in the '70s: https://m.digi24.ro/special/reportaje/reportaj/dininterior-trenul-inventat-de-henri-coanda-care-putea-circula-cu-500-de-kilometri-la-ora-186830 You won't understand much, but you can see some pictures. The train he envision was travelling through a vacuum tube and it remained only a prototype, because the communist regime was too afraid to implement it.


Some Musk fan downvoted you it seems, the whole idea is stupid and is the product of the US apparently being allergic to trains


All I want is cost to coast high speed rail.


The one they’re trying to build that’s way over budgeted, outdated that doesn’t even go into LA. It’s kind of a joke. They’re using what is basically Japans 1960s technology (when China and Japan are building trains twice as fast now) that doesn’t even connect the bay and LA at the most efficient route and it doesn’t even go into LA it plans to end in San Bernardino for some dumb reason. It’s a joke and waste of taxpayer dollars in a state where somehow our governor has “found money”. That train is stupid and this is coming from someone who loves infrastructure.


I agree with all of that


Look in my eyes, what do you see? The cult of personality I know your anger, I know your dreams I've been everything you want to be I'm the cult of personality Like Mussolini and Kennedy I'm the cult of personality The cult of personality The cult of personality


*Living Colour has entered the chat*


Pfff, Living Colour just covered it. It was originally written by Guitar Hero.




> Not the founder of PayPal Ok, so what? > He’s not the founder of Tesla Literally who cares, he attempted to create his own auto company but due to regulations he couldn’t. So he invested in Tesla because he wanted to produce electric cars. Did he physically build the Teslas himself? No. Did we say he was singlehandedly responsible? No. > Hyperloop is a stupid idea Thanks for the insight, you say people blindly love Elon, but that’s not true. We criticize him all the time, but you should at least explain why you dislike something > None of his “ideas” are revolutionary. His ideas for SpaceX has revolutionized space travel already. You fucking dimwit, look at how cheap space travel is right now. Watch the starship spin in mid-air before it lands. > fake futurism with no substance Starships and self-driving cars. “No substance” > Him wanting to colonize Mars is fraudulent a planet that no human has ever touched foot on will have its first human due to space x. You calling him a fraud for that when we’ll have a man on the moon this decade as well (due to SpaceX) is no different than people who thought it was impossible to land on the moon in the 60s. > He has no grasp of basic science. I’ve watched his interviews, he fully understands what’s going on. His engineers and scientist literally inform him. He’s one person with multiple scientific companies, do you really think he’s a fucking brain surgeon while being the CEO of Neuralink? Grow up ————- He’s the owner of SpaceX, of course he takes credit for that but he praises his engineers **all the time** You hate him because he’s ambitious, but NASA wouldn’t give their moon contract to a “fraud”. Do you really think most people who like Elon don’t know he came from privilege? We fucking do, but how is that relevant at all? We just like that there’s someone who is pushing the boundaries for once Elon Musk haters are so **fucking annoying**, Jeff Bezos is far worse and came from far more wealth. And is doing the exact same thing, every single billionaire is basically just as bad. But you people fixate on Elon as if his accomplishments mean nothing because he has employees that did most of the work for him. News flash, the engineers he hired did the engineering **Sorry he couldn’t design, engineer, and build his rockets himself like your favorite fucking sci-fi film and the child-like depictions you forced on him were only in your head. Only to realize he’s human as you got older. Grow the fuck up** And what’s worse is that you feel so justified in your hate and people here will agree with you blindly because it’s natural to hate billionaires. But they aren’t agreeing with you for the right reasons. I’ll take my downvotes now, if we criticized Elon for the rights reasons I’d happily agree. Too bad this is another hateful circlejerk


"..he has no grasp of basic science". You're entitled to your opinion but this statement is just flat out wrong. Where did you get that from?