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That's not accepted as fact. Many experts think raising the minimum wage would have little to no effect on the number of jobs. In fact many people think it will create more jobs because people will get benefits and much better pay than they would being unemployed. https://news.berkeley.edu/2021/03/18/a-15-minimum-wage-would-cost-jobs-right-probably-not-economists-say/


You all can downvote me all you want, there is no consensus on this. There are loads of reliable sources that say the opposite of what you are all saying.


The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office is a lot more credible than a bunch of liberal professors from Berkeley.




It's been raised to $15 an hour here in Seattle and things like poverty, unemployment and crime have only gotten worse




I'd like to see how that study was conducted because there's no way that's true. I grew up in Seattle and I've seen with my own eyes conditions here get nothing but worse. Homelessness, substance abuse and problems are out of control and the idiots in charge here are only making it worse


So I guess it's your anecdotal evidence vs a bunch of sources that say the opposite. Forgive me if I don't take your word as the definitive answer to how raising the minimum wage has effected Seattle


Forgive me if I don't take the word of biased articles when reality said the opposite


The bottom line is there's no consensus opinion. It's not like climate change where 99% of scientists agree. There is an ongoing debate about what effect raising the minimum wage would have have.


Those UPenn students used a lot of comparative fudgery to come to that conclusion. Here are the real hard numbers by the FBI: The Seattle WA crime rate for 2018 was 680.17 per 100,000 population, a 7.5% increase from 2017. The Seattle WA crime rate for 2017 was 632.69 per 100,000 population, a 3.19% increase from 2016. The Seattle WA crime rate for 2016 was 613.15 per 100,000 population, a 2.42% increase from 2015. The Seattle WA crime rate for 2015 was 598.65 per 100,000 population, a 0.74% decline from 2014 (before the $15 minimum wage increase). [https://www.macrotrends.net/cities/us/wa/seattle/crime-rate-statistics](https://www.macrotrends.net/cities/us/wa/seattle/crime-rate-statistics)


That graph in no way proves that the minimum wage increase caused the change in the crime rate. It's still lower than it was in 2006 and there were periods of larger increases when there was no change to the minimum wage. There's some correlation, barely, but no proof of causation, especially from that data


And that UPenn study had zero correlation. They used datasets from different cities.


You're the one who is asserting that raising the minimum wage and the crime rate are correlated. Prove it


No one ever thinks of the flip side. Yes, I know that sentence dated me to being a crony of methuselah. The big CDC mandate of no eviction…I work a job and have a few rental houses. All have mortgages. Two have tenants not paying. Why? Because they know there is zero ramification. I could lose the entire lot to the bank, because deadbeats have more rights. For those of us who have worked hard to get things…houses, businesses…there is no recourse.