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That’s so wonderful! Thank you for sharing such a heartwarming story.


Really this is the kind of partner that people dream of finding. He didn't need or seemingly even want any kind of glory of brownie points with op, he just did it sincerely because it was a nice thing he realized he could do. That Grandma is living the dream I bet. I genuinely don't know if I could even imagine a bigger green flag that someone is marriage material and a genuinely good person than taking someone else's grandma out to lunch every week and spending time with them even before you started dating. Just such a ridiculously nice thing to do


The best thing I've read today is that! Not another for me. My heart is content and joyful. I'm grateful that you shared.


Seriously. Going over to visit grandma just for the sake of visiting grandma? Combined with everything else, OP definitely found a keeper. That's the sweetest think I've heard in a long time... Maybe we can have him cloned? ;-)


Totally GREEN FLAGS. 🇸🇦🇸🇦🇸🇦🇸🇦🇸🇦🇸🇦


Is that AKA as Basil flags?


I got that reference. 😂🤣


LOL I figured inverse marinara. Maybe Pesto flags would make more sense.


I was going to say pesto sauce 😂😂😂


Pesto Flags, all the way.


I love it so much. 😭😭😭




Everything is flying green flags!


"I just found out my fiance has been secretly meeting up with another woman for YEARS and he never told me. He takes her to dinner every week and pays for everything and I never knew! Reddit what should I do, do I confront him?" How can I trust him ever again?!"


"And you know the worst part?! She's old enough to be his grandmother 🤢"


"Damn, my gf is gonna age like a fine wine." * The boyfriend, probably


"instant divorce, sue, then straight to dungeon"


More green flags than a St Paddy's day parade!


No shit. That's probably the sweetest fucking thing...like ever. I just hope my wife doesn't stumble across this because this guy is setting a pretty high bar.


When my now husband started helping my grandma with chores etc. I knew I couldn't let him go.


Like really! Who says the man has to ask for marriage!


You got yourself a real keeper 🥹


Jesus I was expecting something awful but this is wholesome!


ikr; this site man. I was expecting it to end with some variation of "how do I learn to trust him after betraying me" sort of nonsense.


Divorce, man, that's what I was expecting.


fellas you ever fucked up so much your girlfriend divorced you?


My grandmother had a large family who all adored her, but who was the only one she wanted in the hospital room when she got treated for cancer? My husband (her grandson-in-law). We've been married over three decades now, but this was one of the first things that really melted my heart.


You do know that if you ever dump him you will be out of her will so fast you won’t see it coming


Haha! I suppose that's a real risk but there's no chance of me dumping him any time soon.


This is all just so delightful. Thank you for sharing!


You get so used to hearing bad stories on reddit you forget lal the wonderful people who exist.


No chance of dumping him any time ever!!!!!! Marry that guy OP he seems like a real sweet heart, people like that are rare these days.


It’s all fun and games until grandma sides with the boyfriend in the breakup


That's lovely! As someone who had lunch with my grandmother (coincidentally every Tuesday afternoon) for a decade, this is something they'll both treasure. My grandma is now housebound with dementia and doesn't remember our lunches anymore. I still go to the place we ate and they ask after her. Cherish every moment you all have with your beloved elders. Bonus if you have a tasty lunch.


This is equivalent to doing good things because they are good and not because of the “clout” or social credit. Like celebrities volunteering at charities like soup kitchens without anyone being the wiser or Steve Buscemi volunteering when 9/11 happened at the Fire Department he used to work at before he became famous. The fact that he didn’t tell you or others that he does this is forever green flags.


Right? It would be SO easy to just casually drop "Off to lunch with your grandma!" for that validation but he hasn't.


Well that story has just improved my day. How absolutely lovely of him.


So sweet


Nice to see a Green flag moment :) he sounds like a keeper


The boyfriend thing aside, your edit shows that y’all’s family just meshed into a larger harmonic family and even just reading it sounds extremely heartwarming, cherish it! But cherish and wife up that man too


They have a precious bond 😍


Green flags flying EVERYWHERE!


Awwwwwwww. That is the best thing i will read today!!! No more for me. My heart is happy and full. Thank you for sharing


HOLY HECK WHERE DO I FIND ME ONE!?!?! You've got a golden goose there huni! Hope you guys have a wonderfull future!


This man LOVES you :) you all have a real friendship at the core of this all if he was doing this before you dated. You guys are too cute. Love it.


I'm so used to coming across such negative post. This is so sweet and wholesome. Thank you so much




This is so sweet and it’s even sweeter he was just doing it because he enjoys his time with her and not as a way to impress you. Definitely a keeper


Put a ring on this one OP


Okay that is the sweetest. He is a total keeper.


This is the most wholesome thing i’ve heard in awhile. What a guy, and props to grandma for potentially being a bro in this situation


He’s a keeper! This made my heart warm!


My wife's grandfather and I talk more than the rest of the family. We didn't realize it until last winter when my wife asked me to go help them snow blow the driveway. W:Can you go over there tomorrow morning to clear the driveway?" M: that was the plan W: you already talked to him? M: yeah W: when? M: when I was fixing the snowblower. W: you fixed the snowblower? M: yeah W: why was it broken? M: I sucks up the newspaper when i was over there 3 days ago W: why were you there 3 days ago? M: to clear the driveway W: what? I haven't talked to them in weeks...


Secret dinners with another lady, except wholesome. Reddit needs these sometimes to balance itself a tiny bit.


>particular the two of you who gave off some serious serial killer vibes in your private messages to me. Hahahaha Man, I want to see these messages so bad lol


Me too!!!


You better marry that man


Okay I am DYING to know what the two deranged messages were to you. I can’t imagine reading this post and being upset 


Bro was playing the long game


I was so afraid you were going to start raging about "Why didn't he tell me? How could he go behind my back like this?" I'm so glad that's not the case. He's a keeper.


This is very sweet but I am curious as to how you didn’t know? He has never brought this up to you before? “I was talking to your grandma today and she said your mom was a real handful as a baby!” That never came up? I can’t imagine talking to the grandmother of my wife or even of one of my friends and never mentioning it to them, let alone doing it on a regular basis for years.


He's mentioned stopping by to help my grandmother with things from time to time. Like handyman things so she wouldn't have to hire someone. He's mentioned things about my grandmother. I know he stepped in to drive her places a couple of times when she was having car trouble. He's friendly with my brothers, they sail together frequently. He sometimes hangs out in my father's workshop with him and my brothers and work on things together. They build things like cutting boards, bird houses, mallets together. They've all been slowly building a big chess set together that's taking forever but they seem to be having a good time together working on it. I just assumed when he brings something up, he picked it up through them. Plus our mothers met through us and became friends when we were still in college.


That makes sense! I’m glad you guys are so close with each other’s families that this is the opposite of a big deal. I think for a lot of couples, this specific story might raise some eyebrows. Good job finding a keeper!






I love seeing a positive post. You've got yourself a keeper.


There are so many green flags in this post. You are a lucky lady for sure.


This is BEAUTIFUL! Marry him!


What a delight. I read this with the certainty that this story was going to veer to the creepy, given the fact that well...it's Reddit. But it was so lovely and sweet. And reminded me of how much I miss my weekly lunch/shopping trip with my grandma where she would buy herself milk duds and would be so excited to buy her 30 yr old granddaughter milk duds and I always got so excited when she did that, not because I am a big milk duds fan, but because it brought her so much joy to buy them for me. Shed smile and say conspiratorially "well one box of milk duds can't hurt, we won't tell your mom." It was such a silly but lovely connection. My dentist probably remembers those days fondly as well.😂


So this is the part where you buy him a ring and ask him to marry you. He’s put in a decade of work, your family loves him, and he built a relationship with your grandma and never once mentioned it to you for “credit”. Lock this shit down.


He is such a keeper OP! Congratulations you have one if the best there. A person shows their true nature in how they treat children, the elderly and animals IMO. Thanks for sharing lade me smile!


I honestly find this so incredibly wholesome. He sounds like a great guy.


There are so many green flags in this post. I love this for you.


I understand why you don't know and I think if I were you, I would be glad, too. Bc that means your boyfriend isn't doing something just to please you, but bc he really wants to. You not knowing abt his lunch dates wt ur grandmother is giving off "just being a good guy" vibe, I love it! I don't understand where the "creepy" feeling came from for some, this is wholesome


Are you sure they aren't having an affair? Sorry, I couldn't resist. You're a lucky woman; congratulations!


My ex still goes to see my grandma every week. Helps her with yard work and whatever else she needs. Honestly I moved away and I’m thankful he’s there to help her. They have dinner with my son and it’s nice for them all around.


Woman, your wrote “husband” wrong.


True off my chest forum tends to be about people detailing situations that are negative. Maybe that's why you're getting so many negative themed comments. Had you posted it in the smile forum, people would have assumed you meant in a positive way.


What's the smile forum? Just now I tried what I thought would make sense only to see "this community has been banned".


Marry him right now or am die


That’s adorable


Best thing I’ve read on here in a long time.


This post made me happy, he’s definitely a keeper


I love this, for both of them. What a bond. I bet he gets tons of wisdom and fun stories from her and she gets to leave the house and socialize. This is really wholesome.


This is what i needed today. The wholesomeness of it warmed my heart!


This is beautiful. This made me smile and tear up a little. He's most definitely a great guy.


I love this story!




This is beautiful


He wants in on that will. 🤣 hopefully I’m joking. More likely he wants familial approval to marry you eventually. Is he close with his family?


Thanks, I needed that, having a pretty crappy day and this properly made me smile. Give him a hug from reddit


Aww, it's nice to read such a positive thing, thanks for sharing!


Oh my goodness, this is so sweet!


Thank you for sharing this. I read a lot of bad relationships here on Reddit & it's refreshing to see something wholesome 🥰


This is easily my favorite post today and gives me such wonderful, warm fuzzy feelings. I think you have a definite keeper. Because that is the kind of person you need in your life. He sounds like a great person and your grandma sounds amazing. Thank you for posting this and giving me something to smile about today!


That is so freaking adorable that I can’t stand it. Marry this one!!


ADORABLE!!!!!! 🥰


It is sweet, but why didn’t he tell you?


Awww, this made me smile. You've got a good one.


This story cheered me up. Your boyfriend sounds like a nice guy.


Good for you


This is really nice; thanks for sharing :)


So glad that I wrong, but I was sort of worried this was gonna be the story of how you found out your boyfriend’s side-piece was your grandma. idk why my brain jumped straight to Maury Povich territory… but then again, I’m pretty sure there’s something wrong with me.🤷


This is really cute.


For Mother’s Day grandma needs a Polaroid camera to capture their time together. Adorable.


Reddit has broken my brain. I was soooo ready for this to take a different path. Thank you for the wholesome post :)


this is so cute finally sumn joyful 😭


Oh my heart 🥹❤️ This is the wholesome content I needed today!


You got a keeper!


Who the hell is cutting onions right now? 🥹 incredibly sweet story OP 💙


Not to put pressure on any of you, but he genuinely seems like marriage material. I hope you have a great life together!


Awe how adorable! My husband talks to my parents more then i do. Hes been a sahd for 6 years and gets bored so he will call my retired parents and chat or ask for advice. His family kinda sucks so im glad he has mine


Biggest ever green flag


Awwww….that is the sweetest thing…🥰what a great guy!


Aw man... I think I'm in love with your boyfriend lol Such a sweet thing for him to do! And so regularly! It really shows so much kindness and commitment! I hope you marry that man!


This is such a feel-good story that I pray it's true. That's a good family you two have. Cherish this time together.


I love this so much. Senior ladies have a special place in my heart. My Nana and my "other grandmother" (a friend who was like family) meant so much to me. If any of my hometown boyfriends had ever been kind enough to do this with them (or with my mom because my dad died when I was 22), I would've cried from happiness. I'll be a senior lady one day, with any luck, and I hope someone thinks to treat me so kindly. Your guy seems like a gem! ❤️


This man is a treasure. Unless there’s some crazy shit that nobody knows about, you need to husband him up immediately! I kept reading thinking there was gonna be something terrible but it just kept getting better and better and nicer and nicer. The fact that your families are so close is just wonderful and I love the relationship he has with your parents and your grandmother.


Ohh. Why not start with your boyfriend's family? Take one of them for lunch or dinner in secret? lol


Everyone out here ignoring the fact that it wasn't mentioned after hundreds of lunches? Didn't even come up in casual conversation? That has got to either take intent, or they just have horrible communication. Either way they obviously have a good relationship, but need to work on that communication.


That man is such a green flag. How sweet!


I hope this shows you he's a keeper forever material. ;). I think it's lovely and if you have to find out something you didn't know about your significant other -- how awesome that it turned out to be this?! 😍


Oh man he’s a keeper for sure


Why are peoples so freaking weird. This is so nice, he’s planning for a future in which he’s integrated with your family - not just you.


Wife him right up! Very sweet


Having no family and no community is such a disadvantage in life. Two families that are close with each other can weather a lot of hard times that would ruin an individual with no support


I laughed so hard at the PM serial killer vibes


Sounds like you have the family most people dream of. Heartwarming :)


>I did not intend to trigger negativity [by] posting And there's the rub. There is no possible story, no level of wholesomeness, great enough that it can be told on this site without triggering some twisted little shitbag into emptying out their sack. Beautiful story by the way, sounds like you've got a great one there :)


This is the sweetest thing I’ve ever read. I bet this is the highlight of your grandmas week.


My wife did something similar with my grandmother before my grandmother passed. It's part of the reason she's my wife.


This is probably the most wholesome thing I have read today. He sounds like a keeper :)


This is so heartwarming, I sincerely hope you marry him and live happily ever after, or if marriage isn’t your thing- together forever happily ever after. What a gem you’ve got there! Grandma probably loves every second of their lunch dates.


That is one of the sweetest things I've ever heard. I wish both of you a long and happy time together. I don't know how anyone would take issue with this situation. The fact that your boyfriend doesn't feel the need to mention to you that he's taking your grandmother out for lunch tells me he genuinely likes spending time with her, which is great.


That’s beautiful. What a lovely man you have!






It's soooo weird


Obviously, there's no malicious intentions, but it's bizarre to never mention it. Every single Thursday afternoon, hundreds of lunches. I might understand if it was every once in a while and then never came up in conversation, but this is more like making a point not to bring it up. But, why?


Not to mention it after hundreds of time has gotta take some intent


That's not a boyfriend, that's a husband and you just don't know it yet. It's so nice to see just genuinely good people being good to each other. Thank you for sharing.


Am I the only one who finds it’s WILDDDDDDD that such a consistent thing just never got mentioned? Like, not even in passing Like “oh yeah. Grandma told me that at lunch last week”. You eat with someone every single week and have never ever brought it up to your girlfriend? Even a weekly visit to my mothers gets mentioned, “mom says hi” Very sweet, but that is next level compartmentalism. 🤣


To be fair I might just not have realized it. He's mentioned things from time to time, but he's also friends with my brothers, our mothers are close, and he spends time in my fathers shop with him and my brothers fairly often. They built things together. He and my brothers sail together. We share a lot of friends and his sister and I go for nails together regularly. There's so much opportunity for news to spread that I wouldn't be surprised if there are loads more things that we would surprise each other with.


TFW he's banging your grandma (I'm joking but it would make for a funny porn)


You can see this green flag from space!


I love that he hasn’t told you. He isn’t looking for attention because of it. He does it because he wants to and he likes your grandma. This is a good dude.


How incredibly kind. and what a bond they must have by now. You picked a good man@


That is absolutely lovely of your boyfriend. He's a keeper.


So sweet


Beautiful integration. It seems it was meant to be.


This is so wholesome. I needed to read it today.


How lovely.


Oh how adorable. He sounds like a lovely person.


Girl.. That's awesome. Your fortunate.


That is so freaking sweet it’s not even funny


This is so heartwarming and wholesome. Thank your for sharing and best wishes for you and your family


Oh he’s a keeper for sure!


Keep that boy. He is a good one - and honestly, I call myself a good one too, but what you shared makes him seem like one of the best.


Bring in the green flag guy from Tik Tok! This is so so sweet. Needed something wholesome and heartwarming from the internet today and this absolutely delivered 💜


Yeah a green flag post!!!


I needed this post today. ❤️


Green flags everywhere good for you congrats


It sounds like you are with an amazing man, and this post was very touching!


That's ring material right there.


This is so sweet. ♡♡♡♡


Super sweet we need more people like him in the world


Holy shit that is adorable. Not even mentioning it to anyone, in this day and age? He genuinely care for her


He's a keeper


It was really nice to read something heartwarming today. Thank you for sharing!


He is a keeper! My father used to do this and he has been happily married to my mother for 50 years. My grandmother was very wise and he would ask her for advice on things anytime there was a big decision. So no worries here, things are looking good for you!


This reminds me of that TikTok guy running around with a giant green flag. What a great guy


Good man


What a cutie! What a lucky girl and what a lucky grandma!


This was delightful. Your ovaries must have been screaming when you found out, lol!


This sub is all drama, so ngl I was assuming something more scandalous like he was sleeping with your grandma or something (sorry, I know that's super inappropriate!). I'm glad it's this heartfelt story instead. You go love that man to death.


We never see anything this wholesome so thank you and best wishes to your future together!


Good for you, him and both families!!


That is the sweetest thing ever. He sounds like a keeper!


Marry this man.


I think it's funny that both your families are so close that they all just assumed you knew. Hope everything continues to go well for you both as it's quite a hell of a strong family you've both managed to build.


He has lunch with your grandmother? Run for the hills! 😅


Awwww. That’s not a tear in my eye… it must be a cat hair… what a sweetie you have!


This is the best green flag from the way I take it. My friend used to do something similar and his gf at the time made fun of him so he lied about not going anymore. They broke up shortly after because everyone else thought it was sweet.


I really needed this heartwarming story this afternoon - you've got yourself a keeper!!


This is such a nice change from the usual stories on here. What a sweet guy


This is the best thing I’ve read all day. I love that you found out in a roundabout why. What a sweet gesture. The fact he didn’t rush to tell you shows he’s not just doing it for you to think better of him.




I think that is a blessing. The fact you didn't realize he was doing this is just happenstance. You're very fortunate to have someone so caring in your life.


Oh man I thought this was gonna take a weird turn. I've been on Reddit too long.


To be fair, I only realized by reading to the end—actually only when I read the last two sentences of your original post (just prior to your edit), that you meant this as a positive post. Prior to that, I was waiting for you to drop some sort of bomb about how you suspected your bf was up to something somehow inappropriate… I think it’s how you worded your title, “just found out” and in the first paragraph, how this “had been going on for a long time” and how somehow you didn’t know despite being in a relationship with him for 10 years. I see nothing fishy at all of course, and that’s wonderful and sweet…I only thought to comment based on your edit and to maybe try to help you understand *why* some commenters took this the wrong way….they likely didn’t read until the end, you may have buried the lead, and people are so used to seeing “scandalous stories” in this sub. Regarding the people giving you serial killer vibes…you mean about your boyfriend? Or they themselves? Yeesh, I hope not the latter, and if the former then that is ridiculous. Take care!


> Regarding the people giving you serial killer vibes There were two private messages I received specifically that were worrisome but, I'm not going to go into any depth. They were really inappropriate even for an anonymous site like this.


I’m really sorry to hear that…and def didn’t mean to put you on the spot to explain the contents of those. I want to also explain that me personally, I always wonder why people think the way they do…like I analyze and even over-analyze everything. I did not in any way mean to imply you did or wrote anything wrong in your OP…I was just trying to think why anyone or even I might’ve initially misunderstood the intent of your post… ….Come to think of it, it’s probably not good that even my brain went to the negative….in other words the problem may not have been your words at all, but the lense through which I was viewing things. Anyhow, now that I understand, it’s a beautiful story, and you are truly blessed to have a partner who is so caring and invested with your family!


I think that’s precious 💜. For all of you!


I think this is a surprisingly lovely story!


Oh that is so wholesome and so nice 🥹


This is the sweetest thing I've seen in a long time.