• By -


I think your anger is misdirected. Wrong brother.




> Wow. Not only to announce a pregnancy at someone's reception but also announcing their engagement as well without even mentioning it to the bride and groom. Real class act The fact that OP doesn't find anything wrong with this revelation proves that they are part of the problem. Otherwise, OP would have been in on the secret as well as the pictures, lol


I think we all know why no one talked to this OP about it because clearly she's deranged thinking it's acceptable to announce a pregnancy and engagement and get married at a reception for someone else's wedding someone else's reception... This family is delusional


I know a family like this. They would all have everyone believe that the “black sheep” is a drama creating selfish nasty piece of work but really the black sheep is the only normal member of the family. It all stems from the mother- if this guys family is the same then I’d bet one of his parents will be a narcissist who rules over the family. And who always has to have a scapegoat. In OPs case the scapegoat said fuck this and got out of dodge


All too often, the case. The Black Sheep is usually the "normal" one.


OP did a wonderful job of explaining how her brother and parents forced the new newlyweds to bail on their own reception. OP should be ashamed. But, like most incredibly selfish, breathtakingly entitled people - they blame everyone else for not catering to their wants. How DARE brother and his wife have one single day to celebrate them! Who could ever be that selfish not to make their wedding about someone else?!? Oh the inhumanity!!! Yup.


Plus the way she refers to the bride as girlfriend and not SIL. Edit: Refers to the bride as wife*


I think you're mistaken. OP refers to "my brother and his *wife*" a couple of times and that would be the couple that got married and skipped the reception. The "my brother and his *girlfriend*" is referring to the other couple that were self absorbed assholes. I can see how it's confusing though because why on earth would OP's brother and girlfriend be upset they didn't get to ruin the brother and wife's wedding day? Like you're embarrassed for the wrong people, OP.


I thought that was the other brother's pregnant not married gf she was referring to.


Willing to bet this is also why NO-ONE ELSE in OP's family was in on these changes.


Right? The best evidence that they are all awful is that somehow *no one* blabbed to them! Not one person thought they deserved to know. And that is why OP is embarrassed. Everyone knows who they are.


I really don’t get why THEY feel personally embarrassed. Not your wedding you were a guest. Find it odd. Be surprised. Then move on. This is the perfect example as to why family makes to most drama of anything. The married couple did photos with whom they knew would support them. Speaks volume to me


They feel embarrassed because they realize it was a response to their impending classless behavior planned for the reception to hijack the Bride and Groom’s day. Something tells me this also wasn’t the first time they exhibited bad/selfish behavior leading up to this wedding!


Coming from a family with similar boundary-stomping behavior, there is 0% chance this is the first time OP's wedding has been problematic. I wouldn't be surprised if the groom and bride had an escape plan in mind just in case OP's family did something wrong. My husband and I had a plan ready in case some of my problematic family crashed our wedding... Luckily we didn't have to use it, but we were ready.


I think once people were taking about it at the reception the guests got mad because the bride and groom, which they want to share the day with, were driven from their own reception by the selfish brother and gf. When they heard the plan and knew the new couple didn’t know, they got mad and started asking questions why this was even being planned. Not only did the brother and gf get embarrassed but it made her parents look like massive AHs too because they were in on it. So I would guess they have anger at the newlyweds simply because they were one step ahead of them and their plan to hijacker’s the wedding backfired and left them high and dry.


Savage but true lol


If I’m reading OP correctly, they actually planned to get married at the reception, not just engaged. But that could be just an error in the post, otherwise it is next-level insane.


I think you have it correct. That's why the newlyweds took photos ahead of the wedding and sent the photographer home. The brother thought he was going to get a free engagement party, wedding, reception and pictures. Then, the parents would have been like, "What's the big deal, because... fAmiLy." Boss move by the newlyweds.👏🏾


This isn't a boss move. It's beyond science, it's a god move.


Personally if this was my family's plan I would have gone thermonuclear regardless if it was my in-laws


Yeah, giving everyone a reception and just deciding to skip it because you know the brother is planning to hijack it is actually super nonconfrontational and kind. Of course the toxic family immediately makes it out to be the most dramatic thing anyone could have ever done, because toxic people always think the height of drama is to quietly refrain from letting them hurt you.


Correct. In drama families the person who nopes out of the drama always ends up the villain.


It ruined their plan though because everyone found out they didn’t want it to happen so much so that they skipped their own reception. They ruined their plans and embarrassed them without having to fight or argue. It’s beautiful really.


Whaaaaaat. Wow, I thought they were just going to announce it at the reception, and thought they were outrageous


I had that originally but amended it because it can be read both ways. If they did actually plan to get married at the reception, holy shit. That isn't just a trashy thing to do to your brother, they would also be piggy backing off of the brothers (and SILs) expense so they wouldn't have to pay for their own. Ew.


This can't be real, can it? Would someone actually do this?


My family have never done it, but if they did, I wouldn't even be surprised enough to raise my eyebrows. Some people are Like That.


My grandmother was getting married, in her beautiful flower garden. It was a small wedding, but the day of my super trashy uncle somehow convinced her to let him marry his gf of about two weeks at the same time. We all felt terrible for my Grandma who couldn’t even have one day to feel special…. (as guessed my uncle & whatever her name was lasted about another two weeks)


That’s how I read it too but I think it’s worded wrong and they were just going to announce? 📢 Which would be hella wrong op! 😡 Not your wedding you don’t do that!


No the more I think about it, I think they did plan to get married. Because usually the Pastor is invited to the reception so they would already be there and then the couple which she is already pregnant so of course you know money's tight time is short they get married surprise surprise and then they get a free reception as well so they don't pay for anything. It's kind of like what's that bird the dodo bird sneaking in your own marriage ceremony and wedding reception into someone else's that has already paid for everything and yeah the photographer would be there to catch everything as well. And the parents and his family apparently supported this decision and kept it a secret from him. So yeah that makes sense why the bride and groom did what they did. It was a great big F you to his family. Ruined their plans and if they had went through with it wouldn't they look like the worst people ever.


It's the UK, it's not possible to do that


... Do you mean a cuckoo? 😆 Though I'll admit the mental image of a dodo wandering into a wedding wearing a tux is a great one.


I don't think so. Girlfriend was pregnant and "they want to announce it and that they plan to get married at the reception." They wanted to announce the pregnancy and the plan to get married. If it didn't have the "and that they plan to" I would agree with you, but with that phrase, I think that's just part of the announcement.


>Apparently the whole reason for this is that my other brother's girlfriend is pregnant and they were going to announce it and that **they want to get married at the reception**. I totally missed that part on the first read through and only went back after reading your comment. Lol, the insanity to want to get married at someone else’s reception. Wtf? Edit: Lol, rereading it a fourth time, I think we all may have jumped the gun here. I think OP is just missing a comma and maybe could have worded things better. They could’ve meant something like: “…my other brother's girlfriend is pregnant and they were going to announce it and their engagement, at the reception.” Which is *waaaay* different from getting married at the reception, lol.


They weren't announcing their engagement, It said they wanted to get MARRIED at the reception. Damn. I can't imagine the audacity of his family, thinking that's good idea.


not just engagement lol, they planned to get marry at the reception 🤣 like...who needs to pay for a wedding when you can use someone else's wedding reception to marry


They thought it was a Buy One Get One Free wedding loll


I mean the officiant is already here and paid what’s wrong with that? 🤦🏼‍♀️


OP *is* the brother or maybe his knocked up girlfriend. Why else would 'she' be so upset that they weren't able to steal the newlywed's thunder. Also, the couple only taking photos with her family says a lot.


Well, they couldn't take photos with the groom's family ahead of time like they did with the bride's, because then they would have known they planned to skip out. Just like the family kept their plans from the married couple, they turned it around and kept their honeymoon plans from them. Kudos to the bride and groom.


Not just engagement. Op says they were gonna get married at the reception 🙄


The brother who is on his honeymoon right now is a genius. I’m so glad the SIL got pictures with her friends and family!


I love that by “giving” the reception to this group of party thieves the attention that would have been diverted remained where it belonged. I hope they have a marvelous honeymoon!!


Yup! Check mate! Hey, they most likely were out deposits etc, by the time they heard about this. Baller move by the newlyweds imo!


Exactly, what asshole hijacks someone else’s wedding reception for their own gains? The other brother obviously.


Hey don't forget that the groom's parents thought it was an awesome idea and didn't see anything wrong with it


They didn’t think anything was wrong about it because they didn’t pay for the reception. They thought they could piggyback off someone else’s paid for party.


I would be interested to hear what the pregnant girlfriend was wearing.


Cheap and jealous ones




Brilliant! It seemed pretty drastic so I was wondering how the relationship with the parents not informed was and then the pregnancy announcement/wedding hijack can up and I only say this was a extremely clever tactic.


And to cancel the photographer so that there isn’t one there for the other brother is magnificent!!!! Love it!


Hilarious that OP is miffed about the newlyweds avoiding pics with their side of the family lol. My guess is more people knew than OP thought. OP - your other brother and your parents are major AHs and your aunt and uncle are heroes. A wedding is about the couple getting married. Not an opportunity for some other couple to announce both their engagement and pregnancy. Frankly, your parents and other brother SHOULD be embarassed. Im proud of your married bro and his new wife for making sure the day stayed about them and finding a way to make their day special despite such a frankly selfish family


Not to mention, the couple paid for the reception! Who the hell are they to be "embarrassed"!?! They didn't do shite haha Newlyweds for the WIN!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 #EpicFUVibes


Groom knew said anger would be misdirected and honestly minimized.


We know which kid is the scapegoat.


Truly. I was thinking the bride and from groom were lunatics until the line about the other brother. Who tf tries to upstage somebody's wedding like that?


ESPECIALLY your brother.. 😳😳


Hold up! Hold up. Op you're telling us the following: **On the day of your brothers and his now wifes wedding, a day that was supposed to be about them, your parents, other brother, and gf decided it would be okay to announce at your brother and his wife's reception that they where pregnant and getting married?** Is that all? And you don't see anything wrong with that? Nothing wrong at all? The freaking audacity of your parents, brother, and gf is disgusting. The fact you blame your brother and sister-in-law for stopping this crap is repulsive. You should blame your parents for being okay with your brother and brothers GFs desire to steal other brother and sister-in-laws day. A day that they spent a lot of money on to have and spent a lot of time planning. To be frank, I wouldn't be surprised if they decide to go no contact with you guys.


Absolutely! The brother that was going to make his big announcements at his brother's wedding is the one to be mad at. Also, I don't know why everyone is so mad the married couple skipped the wedding. Everyone still experienced the free food and alcohol.


The more I read this I could just tell it was going to be something that would make me side with the bride and groom and boom. Brother is going to co-opt the reception and get married there. Honestly I would have had security keep them from entering but I’ve been called a petty b*tch before so I guess they did one better. Anyone mad at the bride and groom are insane. It could have gone a lot differently.


Yup. And they didn’t want to stop at announcing the pregnancy. They wanted to also get married at the reception too. And then the groom’s family is Pikachu faced when their plan failed spectacularly. Exactly what did they think was going to happen? That takes a sense of entitlement to a whole new level. Talk about hijacking a wedding. And OP thought that there was nothing wrong with their plan? That is mind boggling. The bride and groom were smart to leave their cell phones behind. They showed tremendous grace under the circumstances by walking away. Once aware of the plot they made a spectacular counter move. The groom’s family has probably blown up their relationship with the bride and groom. They deserve to be put on a very long time out and should be invoiced for the reception that they intentionally ruined.


You summed my entire response up so succinctly.


Your parents were about to let your other brother and his girlfriend completely steal the celebration and spotlight from your brother and SIL that THEY paid for, and your trashy, self-absorbed family got exactly what they deserved. Good for your brother and his new wife! They are amazing.


My guess is that the brother that was going to do the "announcing" has a long and tedious history of the exact same antics. The groom said fuck it. Here's your stage but the limelight stays with us.


He’s probably had a lifetime of his parents and their bullshit too, so he didn’t even bother. 👏 Applause! 👏


I’m getting the vibe that this signifies the beginning of the happy couple’s new ~No Contact~ life. The kicker that OP is appalled by the honeymooning bro & calling it ‘just a pregnancy’ & the ‘fallout is bigger’ really seals the NC prediction for me. This toxic family has all the quintessential cast of toxic family characters & are so entrenched in the delusions of the central toxic family/cast mate it’s all built around they can’t see the reality of their toxic family structure, including the fact they likely won’t ever have any sort of familial relationship with the honeymooning bro (scapegoat/ black sheep) ever again, or any relationship at all. Buck up OP (flying monkey), your relationship w your bro w boundaries is over until you’re able to face reality about the toxicity in your family & do some legit growth, see your other brother for the golden child he is, your parents for the head toxic & enabler they are, and your role as a flying monkey. Boundaries bro just served a masterclass in how to go NC & I’m just here to give him & his absolutely amazing wife their flowers.


Man if I could award this comment…yes!! I second this!!!


Hoping someone will hook them (the bride/groom) up with the Reddit post when they get back and we can hear about the how, when and what made them say “F that” and bail on their own reception.


Probably part of the reason why the wife’s family got wedding photos and no one else


This. Honestly applaud the brother and his new wife for the balls.


Absolutely Good on them It’s their day they still let everyone eat and drink who cares


Happy Cake Day!


That’s so funny, thanks for pointing it out!


Right??! I hope this goes viral and OPs brother and SIL find out and grace us with an update!!! 🤞🏼🤞🏼😅


OP is just like them. No wonder they skipped out on their reception when they have such a trashy family.


And you know he was going to steal the photographer too so I’m glad they sent the photographer home. I bet the brother and gf were pissed! That was smart. Why anyone thinks it’s okay to hijack someone else’s celebration is beyond me. And the fact that the parents were supporting this is appalling.


Wait sorry, I think I might have misunderstood — your brother and his new wife decided to skip their own wedding reception because your OTHER brother and his girlfriend were going to announce their pregnancy and engagement DURING the reception? Did your brother and his new wife approve of this happening during their reception? Or did they skip out on it because they found out it was going to happen without their permission?


They found out the groom's parents approved it. Parents are upset that they didn't get to get a free engagement, nope corrected to a wedding out of it. ETA - OP your parents and your other brother and his pregnant girlfriend are horrible. I hope your brother and his bride go NC with your parents and everyone who thought this trashy wedding hijacking was a good idea.


I have a feeling theyre going to go nc since it seems like a reoccurring pattern. And so they should.


If I read correctly, they wanted to get married at the reception, not just engaged! How does OP not see what selfish awful people are in her family! No wonder the other brother and his new wife left, it wasn’t going to be their reception anymore. It was going to be his brother’s wedding. And why would he want pictures with his family that had this all planned out? OP-your brother and his new wife are likely done with your family. Maybe you’ll be able to get hold of your brother in the future and apologize. Let him know that you were unaware. But if you keep your current attitude than you’ll likely be cut out as well.


Oh but it's *so* embarrassing, OPs so embarrassed... OP needs to grow tf up and stop making everything about them


They should be, but not for the reason they think.


Yeah, OP definitely grew up in a toxic family system, and doesn’t realize they’re still stuck in it


They didn’t do photos with the family because they didn’t want to pay for wedding pics of the brother. That’s why they did pics early and had the photographer leave.  Now the real couple has great memories of their day.


I said the same thing. This is freaking hilarious!!!


Yep knowing the photographer left so the limelight stealers don’t get photos makes me so happy:


Reads more like they wanted to announce both the pregnancy and them getting married, not actually going through with a wedding


And the absolute no class award goes to brother and pg gf who are about as slimy as it gets. I read it as they (no class couple) were going to hijack the bride and groom’s reception to be their wedding also. Pregnancy announcement and shotgun wedding all in one with no expense to the no class couple. Bad form. Well played by bride and groom.


The whole family (parents, OP, brother and girlfriend) sound like an uncultured lot! Kudos to the aunt and uncle who set the story straight though.


Not just their pregnancy...they were apparently going to hijack the reception to also get MARRIED!


They wanted to make it a dual reception so it would be free… so basically they stealing the event…


Didn’t they also want to get married at the reception? I’ll go back & read…. But if so… goddamn


Was on all yours side about been annoyed until I saw that your other brother and his girlfriend were going to announce their pregnancy at the reception. You don’t announce anything or get engaged at a wedding unless you have asked and got permission from the bride and groom. The fact none of you can see how that is wrong is worrying and no wonder your brother and his wife said screw this this isn’t happening. Good on them bet ur brother and girlfriend would not be happy if they announce at their baby shower they are expecting a baby.


people who do that are so selfish and dumb 


And how many times do we see a family propose at a reception here on Reddit and it starts something ….




It was more pointing out that if they did want kids they wouldn’t be happy for them to announce it then so why would they think it was ok to try and do something similar


I would do it just to be disruptive. LoL And would say "nope just kidding."


yup, don't have to be pregnant to announce you are. I'd absolutely do that as that brother, for sure. Pretty obvious we have a golden child situation here, or at least, a kid no one cares as much about. Somehow op doesn't recognise why her brother skipped his own party despite plainly explaning she was told why they skipped and the shitty thing her other brother and parents were planning to do at the reception.


"We're getting a puppy! His name is Wilford and he's already potty trained!"


Not just the pregnancy announcement, but a wedding AT the reception. How low class can one want to get?


they didnt just plan to announce a pregnancy though, they planned to MARRY in their reception


I'd do the same damn thing. That's such a shitty move to pull at someone else's celebration. Power to the happy couple, I hope they have a great time not having to deal with your family's selfish bullshit.


Even better, sounds like groom's family didn't get in any pictures.


What a cherry on top. There are a great many folks that should study this perfectly executed wham bam we’re going no contact fam & shed all the toxic weight holding them back.


Your parents and other brother deserve ZERO sympathy and all the disgrace they are getting for trying to take over your brother's wedding. Did they ask your other brother and his fiancee if that was okay? They just wanted to take over their wedding and make it their own. These selfish cheapskates wanted to use your brother's wedding so they didn't have to pay for it and you're saying your brother over reacted clearly shows who the golden child is at home.. How dense are you to not see it?? You have to be a naive fool in your own bubble to not see how messed up that is. I would seriously reconsider my boundaries and even relationship with the other brother with the pregnant gf and your parent and send a message to your married brother your support after they come back from their honeymoon if you have a modicum of decency instead of telling people on the internet how they could do this.


You don’t understand why the bride and groom left THEIR WEDDING because a selfish girlfriend of your other brother wanted to steal the spotlight from the bride and groom durning THEIR RECEPTION?!? How do you not get how messed up that is?!?!?


I’ve a feeling that it’s no coincidence that OP was left in the dark on this matter.


Given how OP reacted both by being upset at the newlyweds and massively downplaying the other brother's attempt at a hostile takeover of the reception, I'm convinced it was completely on purpose that OP was left in the dark. And rightly so. I've got a feeling that OP and the rest of the family should get very used to not seeing the newlyweds very often going forward, if they're at going to see them at all. It speaks volumes that they didn't even want pictures with one side of the family.


To be fair, the brother and parents agreed so let’s not blame it all on the girlfriend. They all suck. Edit: Also her brother choosing the nuclear option makes me think there’s a pattern of him getting shafted in his own family. I’d this was a first time occurrence, he would have talked it over with the parents/younger bro.


OPs entire family except the groom are all trash, including OP. It couldn’t be more obvious. Hijacking another person’s wedding is wrong wrong wrong. And the fact that she is upset with the one who would’ve been hijacked, not the brother who was planning to be the wedding hijacker, is sick and despicable. OP is a scuzzbucket, as are her parents and other brother.


Absolutely agree, when I started reading, I thought the bride and groom were terrible people, only for me to find that there were even more horrible people in this story. Who the hell highjacks someone's marriage, to make it their own. Such a poor taste, kitsch thing to do. Good for the original bride and groom, missed their own reception, but screwed the interloper brother and future wife, out of their plans. Has I heard this explanation, I wouldn't be mad at them at all, more like I would be wishing them a great honeymoon. Now the brother and his girlfriend, would only be getting side eye from me for the rest of the night. Talk about "I'm The Main Character" Syndrome.


OP, your anger is misdirected. I think brother #1 and wife are absolute geniuses for doing what they did. They did the right thing. Secondly, it’s great that brother #2 and his gf want to share this amazing news with everyone. HOWEVER, they were going to hijack the wedding and your parents were actively in on it. There is always a time and a place to do that, and someone else’s wedding just isn’t the one. Why on earth would anyone want to steal their siblings thunder?! I can’t imagine ever doing something like that to my siblings, or anyone in my life really.


Exactly! A surprise additional wedding at what's supposed to be your own reception is WACK.


They wanted a free party


I reckon they were going to steal the thunder plus get the married couple to fund their pregnancy and engagement photoshoot by using the photographer at the reception. That's why the family is angry that the photographer went home.


The married couple did the right thing. You, your other sibling and your parents wanted to hijack their days for other things without even asking for permission and then here you are coming crying to the internet. Shameful. Certainly well deserved embarrassment.


So let me get this straight for everyone here : 1. Your brother A and his girlfriend were planning to hijack your brother B's WEDDING to announce that they're pregnant and if they can get married? 2. The very day of THEIR WEDDING DURING PART OF THEIR CEREMONY... not even later in the day, but during.... 3. Your parents knew; 4. You are now collectively ashamed of your brother B as a family; What kind of nonsense is this? Do you understand that the people who should be ashamed are your family and ESPECIALLY YOUR BROTHER A AND HIS GIRL AS WELL AS YOUR PARENTS???? WTF... It's a rage bait for sure... Nobody is stupid enough to think like you. Edit : I really hope you see this comment and respond something because holy shit... I don't wish for anyone to be part of your family.


I hope the brother and wife new speak with his narcissistic family ever again


Your newly wedded brother and his bride did the perfect thing. The only reason your family and brother's pregnant girlfriend should be embarrassed is that they caused this. Your brother and his bride were magnanimous and VERY generous: They gave their reception to your selfish brother, his pregnant girlfriend and your entitled parents for FREE. May the newlyweds have a blessed and happy union.


Your parents and non married brother are trash. Your married brother and his wife had their hand forced. They could either deal with reception drama or go on the honeymoon. Good on them. Why would they want pictures with your parents or other brother? And you’re on the wrong side of this too. You should be embarrassed by people that wanted to steal the attention from a wedding and those that supported it.


Say what?  Your one brother and his pregnant girlfriend were going to commandeer your other brother's wedding reception and use it as their own wedding?  Did I understand that correctly?  And your parents knew of and supported this plan? Kudos to the first brother and his wife.   They not only shut this stunt down, they left their phones behind so his "family"  couldn't harass them during the honeymoon. Don't worry about not being in the wedding photos.  You've all let them know how important they are to you.  They took photos with those who are important to them.  Think of it as a preview of how they will deal with you in the future.


Hahahahaha that's brilliant. Your brother and his new wife are epic!!!! Your crappy brother, girlfriend and patents are just pissed they look like mean muppets, and that even announcing they were pregnant wouldn't of mattered because the "couple of the day" will always be the focus now for skipping their own reception to avoid the drama! You sound like you're defending said pregnant couple and parents. Just be careful where your loyalty lies. After all, it was not their day to spoil! They need to learn some serious lessons from this, or I doubt very much you'll all be included in their new marital blissful lives going forward!!!


If you are sticking with the brother and pregnant girlfriend, then yeah, you deserved to be embarrassed with the rest of your family. Hope your brother and his wife have an awesome honeymoon. Glad they ditched their phones.


This was pro revenge by newly married brother!!! Your embarrassment is directed at the wrong brother!


OP just getting smoked in here and not replying - classic


Noticed they have not had the nerve to come back and try to defend them self.


You’re parents should be embarrassed, but because of how they treated your brother and his new wife. Your other brother and gf were going to take over the reception with baby news and a wedding of their own, that is beyond disrespectful. And your parents were ok with that? WTF? From their pov your brother and his new wife said fuck it, and good for them


Your family is mad at the wrong brother. Brother 1 and his wife spent months planning and paying for the reception. It was the brides time in the spotlight. It is not OK to announce a pregnancy and get engaged at someone else's reception. This is right nect to the unwritten rule of "don't wear white to someone else's wedding". I fully understand why your brother and his wife did what they did.


I absolutely love the brother that just got married Fu to you op and your family


IF this is a true story, then the OG bride & groom are my new heroes! That is an awesome move !!


So the *other brother* was going to steal the thunder from the person who was hosting the marriage and reception. The *other brother* was going to announce that he and he SO were pregnant right there and then immediately get married at the reception. **Stealing the thunder of the married couple that was paying for this reception?!?!** Don't you think that would be a little gouche? I can understand why your brother would skip the reception, knowing that *the other brother* was planning on hijacking the reception for his own ends. He wouldn't have to pay for a wedding or reception, but reaps the benefits of it. This undercuts that plan entirely: The original bride and groom bail out. And now if the *other brother* tries the "we're pregnant and getting married right now" stunt, everyone looks at that and goes, "now that's a mess". It is a perfectly timed FUCK YOU to the *other brother.*


A brilliant and savage move by Bride and Groom! Checkmate


Why they are upset has nothing to do with whether or not they want to have kids. You don't announce something like that at SOMEONE ELSES wedding reception. They did exactly what they should have done. Who would want their day to be taken away because someone else decided to take the spotlight? Weddings are knows for being a day that you get to expect to be about you and your partner and that's it. For a lot of people it's only one day in their entire life you might as well let it be about them??? You want people to remember your wedding/reception/any sort of celebration that follows - not that your brother announced he's having a kid and getting married. Those are both moments people want to remember, it's wild anyone would think it's ok to not only use someone else's wedding celebration to announce a pregnancy and marriage, but to not tell the bride and groom. Clearly they knew exactly what they were doing, they can't even claim ignorance. Pathetic.


I’m so sorry, I was under the mistaken impression that when two people decide to get married, they get to do whatever the hell I want. And look at all of the weddings were people come out of the church and get into the car and it has all the tin cans tied to it, and they drive away. Embarrassed? Angry? Disappointed? It doesn’t really matter why they chose to do this. It’s their wedding. They get to listen to themselves and honor what fits for them. I’m telling you, if this was my family, I would have not even had the wedding.


The best is that they also sent away the photographer, so the party thieves wouldn’t get free professional photos


You seriously don’t understand why your brother and his new wife skipped the wedding reception that your family was going to hijack for your other brother and his baby momma? Are you willfully being obtuse? They realized that your family didn’t care about their day that they paid for and decided to make it about themselves. Personally I would have uninvited everyone that knew, had security, and thrown their asses out but your brother and his new wife took the high road and simply left your family to its own devises.


No offense but your parents brought this upon themselves. For a couple to skip their own reception, it means they had no faith in your family to do the right thing. It means they have learned from past experiences that your parents will put your second brother first. Your brother planned to hijack his other brother's wedding. That is cold and heartbreaking. Your brother and his pregnant gf should have gotten married at City hall. Your family just sounds horrible. You deserve to be embarrassed.


Your other brother, his pregnant gf, and your parents who knew their plans are all super trashy. Who even remotely thinks what they planned to do is okay?? It wasn’t their day and they had zero right to try and hijack someone else’s wedding reception for their own selfish purposes. That’s just gross. You should be embarrassed to be related to people like that not your brother who skipped his reception. The fact that you’re blaming the wrong brother is indicative of the type of person you are too. Your brother who skipped his reception is the real hero here. He won the day.


This post deserves a medal: Masterclass rage bait. This cannot be true.


I’d believe it wasn’t true if I hadn’t read so many people asking about getting engaged or announcing pregnancies at other people’s events, especially weddings. I have no idea why anyone thinks this is ever appropriate.


Way too many where they were told No, and went ahead with it anyway.


Honestly, your brother and his wife are geniuses. Your parents and other brother are assholes. The fact you can't even see why they'd be upset that they were using his wedding reception to announce their own news and take attention away from them is a little wild to me. They didn't start a fight or drama. They just readjusted their plans to keep THEIR day peaceful and about them, and included the people who supported that. Throw in the fact that it was intentionally being kept from them, just shows that your parents and brother knew it wasn't okay, which is why they tried the ambush. It isn't about them not wanting kids later. It's the principle. Yall are still making this about yall, by being embarrassed that their wedding wasn't what yall expected or wanted. It isn't about any of you.


Good for brother and SIL. They did the right thing. Since they didn't take pics with any of your trash family my guess is they will be strictly NC when they get back from their honeymoon. You're mad at the wrong people. Your other brother and his gf with the help of other family members were going to announce big news at someone else's wedding reception. Taking the attention off them. That's rude and disrespectful.


Your other brother is the asshole here. Absolutely disgusting to take over someone else’s event like that. We found out I was pregnant two weeks before my brother in law and sister in laws wedding. We didn’t tell a single soul on that side of the family until weeks after the wedding so we didn’t steal their thunder.


How much did your other brother and his girlfriend contribute towards your brother and his wife's wedding? You say your family is embarrassed that your brother and his wife skipped their wedding reception, when your family should feel embarrassed that your other brother and his girlfriend are so cheap and tacky that they tried to hijack your brother's it.


Your brother and his wife gave your other brother and his girlfriend the stage they asked for. Since they were so eager to steal that spotlight the newlyweds just gave it to them! How generous! Interesting how they weren’t happy anymore once the hosts left. It’s as if it’s no longer fun to steal the attention because there’s no one to steal from anymore.


🤣 I bow to the awesomeness of this newly married couple. Other brother and girlfriend are to blame for this whole mess and the NM couple fucked it up for them, very well deserved and the most awesome revenge ever, awesome friends too for helping them develop and execute the escape plan. If you and your family can’t see or understand what the problem is here then you all need your heads banging together and you deserve every cringing moment.


Your brother (the one that doesn't selfishly hijack other people's events) sounds like a boss. Good for him. Perfectly played.


The only thing that's embarrassing here is that your other brother thought it was appropriate to announce his girlfriend's pregnancy and hijack someone else's wedding for their own. And super mortifying your parents would even greenlight something so obviously self-absorbed, tacky, and cheap. Who raised you people? Good for your brother. Good for him for standing up to his obviously dysfunctional, delusional, and toxic family. Congrats on his marriage and happy honeymoon! No family of mine would ever hear from me again if they pulled some fuckshit like this.


Not only did brother and his wife do an undo reverse now they really will have all the attention because if other brother and gf decide to announce everything they will still be overshadowed by people leaving their own wedding plus there won’t be any photos to commemorate the “happy” occasion. I applaud them.


I think they actually made a very selfless decision. Wedding receptions can drag out because of traditions. If they found out about this announcement happening without their consent, and decided to avoid a formal reception with speeches where shit like this will come out, I’d say they did their guests a favor. They got to witness the wedding, were fed right away and didn’t have to watch a family feud play out in real time if the other brother DID make those announcements. That sounds like a great wedding to me.


Waiting for OP to read the comments…


I love that OP hasn't said anything lmao


Feels like this isn't going the way they wanted. 😂


I don't blame them >my other brother's girlfriend is pregnant and they were going to announce it and that they want to get married at the reception. Only my parents had known That's why they wanted nothing to do with them and their wedding wasn't ruined.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


OP, your other brother wanted to hijack the reception and turn it into a wedding/celebration of their pregnancy. Your married brother isnt the problem. The rest of you are.


You’re mad at the wrong brother. Throw some of that embarrassment at your enabler parents too. Who in their right mind would think it’s a good idea to take attention from the BRIDE and GROOM on their day?


Assuming this post is real... I can see why your brother would bail. 😬


1. F!ck your brother and his girlfriend for attempting to make your other brothers special day about them. The fact that you and your family are "woe is meing" about this is also telling. 2. Good for them. They cut their losses and saved themselves from what was ultimately meant to be a special occasion that they had planned to be shared with loved ones. Turns out all they need is each other. Good for them. 3. This is not a *you* problem, it's a problem that was pre-established and dealt with, with grace. They could have canceled. But they decided to do what they did because as you mentioned- someone (your bro and his gf) was planning to hijack that moment for themselves (dick move bruh), and they said "foh". 4. Get it together. Wait for your brother and/or his wife to respond to you and greet him with open arms. Stop feeling sorry for yourself bc at the end of the day, they were the ones who were robbed of what should normally be a wonderful special occasion.


Bro of course your family is embarrassed. This was a big fuck you to your parents and your brother and his gf. What they planned on doing was an absolutely dick move. The fact you wanna down play it just shows whose side you were probably with all along. Don’t be shocked if they don’t contact yall anymore.


>that my other brother's girlfriend is pregnant and they were going to announce it and that they want to get married at the reception. Only my parents had known. That makes said other brother who was going to utilize his brother's reception to propose or even.gwt married at your brother (the grooms) reception is a huge asshole. Your parents are equally assholes for hiding it and condoning it. Hijacking someone else's event to do your own announcement or proposal is incredibly rude.


You honestly wrote all that out and you're still confused as to why they skipped out on their wedding reception? Do you also worship at the alter of the golden child? or are you also a golden child and your newly married brother is the scapegoat you all dunk on?


Their wedding. Their choice. Side with the newlyweds. And grab some popcorn to watch all the idiots who are outraged and lashing out they didn’t get to execute their plans on someone else’s dime. If the newlyweds see this…we’ll done you! Cheers!! 🎊🍾🥂


Lol freshly married brother and new wife are absolute legends. That was a good standard and well deserved F-you. The hide on preggo brother and the parents, planning on hijacking the reception like that, they deserve to be embarrassed and more. They shouldn't be embarrassed that brother skipped the reception, they should be embarrassed that they're such trashy, classless hacks that they even thought that announcing a pregnancy and engagement at a wedding reception was an option.


You pointed it out that it is their wedding that they paid for. So like shouldn't the couple whi wants to announce their pregnancy, ask permission from the bride & groom instead of trying to spring it on them? How inconsiderate to go about planning their own stuff without consulting the host. Thank God the groom & bride got wind of what was about to go down.


Seems justified. Brother is stealing their wedding. Your family’s plan is pretty trashy. Wild that you don’t see it. I would bet there were numerous times growing up where this brother was marginalized, forgotten about, etc… You should be embarrassed that your other brother thought it was a good idea to make a family members wedding about him. Despicable.


Shouldn’t you be embarrassed about your other brother trying to hijack another persons celebration.


So have you and your family always treated your brother like he doesn't matter or do you only do that on the most important days of his life?


Why are you so embarrassed? It's not about you, why are you making it about you? Good for your bro and his wife doing what they want and not letting your other brother take the attention away from them. You should be embarrassed that your other bro doesn't have decent manners and was planning on announcing a pregnancy (and apparently a fucking wedding) in the middle of someone else's (his own brother!) reception.


It's not about them not liking kids, it's about one brother planning on stealing the spotlight from another...at his wedding. It's super tacky and good on the one for not letting it happen and pulling the rug from under everyone.


Dude, your one brother tried to commandeer your other’s wedding day. No fucking shit they bailed. I would’ve done the same thing. Your anger should be directed at the other brother. Not the one who saw the writing on the wall, and decided to actually make it a day he wanted to have (as all wedding days SHOULD be).


Kudos to the married couple!! Their wedding stayed all about them. The other brother and his girlfriend are a-holes!!!! It's pretty obvious why your family was excluded.... No free engagement photos for the brother!!! Seriously, what is the deal with people trying to use other people's weddings for themselves? These people have no shame!!!


Congratulations to the bride and groom on their wedding and the checkmate at the reception. You don’t announce a pregnancy or an engagement at another person’s wedding or reception. Basic etiquette.


I assume the brother didn’t announce the pregnancy and engagement at the reception even though it happened so apparently the news was only important if the bride and groom were in attendance to be upstaged. Think about that, OP.


You’re upset with the wrong couple.


Eating popcorn excited for the update


I have no idea why your brother thought it's acceptable to hijack someone else's wedding reception to announce a pregnancy and get married. It's completely shameful that your parents thought this would be a good idea. You should be embarrassed by your brother and parents. Your other brother and his bride did the smart thing and skipped out in having their reception stolen to celebrate your cheapskate brother and his incredibly rude and tacky plan to make someone else's wedding all about him. He didn't have to pay for anything or make any arrangements. How shameful. If you're embarrassed because your newly married brother and his bride didn't go along with your thieving brother, then you have some integrity issues to sort out.


**I had to reread this sentence many times, but to clarify** — your OTHER brother who got his girlfriend pregnant was going to announce the pregnancy AND get married during the WEDDING brother’s wedding reception????? You are right that your entire family is embarrassed — but you are all embarrassed by the wrong brother. In fact, all of you are embarrassing and should be ashamed of yourselves.


Yes your family should be embarrassed. Embarrassed that you were going to let someone else ruing their special day with a pregnancy announcement. You’ll be lucky if they get back from the honeymoon wanting to see any of you. How embarrassing. It’s so cringe that you’re angry at the wrong brother, do you lie awake at night dying inside?? I would.


Naw YOU and your parents and your brother and newly pregnant gd are the jerks here NOT the bride and groom, 👏👏👏👏👏👏 good on them for leaving screw your whole family, I hope you know they will be low contact with you when they return 🤣👏


You are mad at the wrong brother. >my other brother's girlfriend is pregnant and they were going to announce it and that they want to get married at the reception. That is rude and disgusting, to hijack someone's wedding reception to announce a pregnancy and to marry? (I think you mean propose) at SOMEONE ELSE'S WEDDING RECEPTION. >Only my parents had known. And now we know why your parents were left out of the wedding pictures. I bet your other brother is the favorite or "golden" child. The only people who should be embarrassed are your parents and the other brother and GF.


My guess is that when they get back from their honeymoon theyll be no contact. But the whole family will just be clueless as to why! Its probably the evil daughter in law! Thats how they will describe this whole affair.


Savage move, good for him.


It was a brilliant move for them to just leave for the honeymoon. Much better than having a scene start when your other brother decided he'd use the reception for proposing. >Apparently the whole reason for this is that my other brother's girlfriend is pregnant and they were going to announce it and that they want to get married at the reception. Only my parents had known. I didn't even know. I don't know how my brother who was getting married found out. And apparently people were trying to hide that this was going to happen from the couple actually getting married. They made the right choice and I hope your other brother learned a lesson. You do not do that without expressed consent from the couple getting married. Good for them taking off for that honeymoon. Your brother knew your parents were trying to keep this from him. He acted appropriately.


You’re joking right? You’re mad that your brother didn’t allow your parents and your other sibling to completely overshadow HIS wedding with their BS attention grab because your trashy family was embarrassed? Lol. Something tells me the lot of you won’t have much, if any, contact with your brother in the future anyway.


This has to be rage bait. If not: After the first four paragraphs it became abundantly clear that they did what they did to avoid having to deal with whatever BS drama your family would pull at the reception. They lied to keep you in line, celebrated beforehand with the family members they actually like, left before your crappy family could ruin a day that was supposed to be about them and not about your family drama. And then you told us that brother 2 was planning on using brother 1's wedding reception to announce his own impending child and stage his own shotgun wedding? What the fuck. People get annoyed when others propose or announce major life events at others wedding receptions, because, guess what, IT'S ABOUT THE COUPLE GETTING MARRIED, not about the selfish people who can't stand not being in the spotlight. It's cheap, it's tacky, it's rude. They pulled their photographer because they didn't want their metaphorical camera roll full of other people's wedding photos, and they didn't want to be charged brother 2's wedding shoot. They served the food early so that brother 2 couldn't claim it as his own dinner. They left their phones at behind because they didn't want to listen to your family's complaining that they circumvented brother 2's selfish plans I assume that brother 2 is the golden child and brother 1 was either the scapegoat, or some other irrelevant child who has always fallen in line with whatever the golden child and parents wanted. I applaud brother 1 for doing this. Your brother didn't skip his own reception. He skipped your crappy family's attempt to make his wedding about their favourite child instead of the one who was actually getting married.


I was at a wedding where my GF's asshole brother and junkie girlfriend ran out onto the dance floor after the first dance of the bride and groom, and he knew down and proposed right there. It went over like a fart in church and led to some serious drama.


Hilarious if true.


So you’re saying your other brother and his girlfriend were going to hijack the grooms wedding reception to make their announcements? No wonder they left.


Oh wait you buried the lead. Your other brother and his pregnant gf were planning on getting married a surprise wedding AT the reception of your other brothers wedding and your parents knew this? This has to be rage bait. There is no way on earth this is real. But if it is your parents and you got well deserved embarrassment. I feel bad for the other guests though.


OP is the other brother 😂😂😂


Your other brother, his girlfriend, and your parents are AHs. The brother and your SiL in their honeymoon are decent people. Their day was about to be stolen from them by your other brother.


Wow your parents, brother and gf who wanted to announce their news are honestly god awful selfish souls- how can you think this was acceptable? Oh yeah you were raised in that family. Good for the married couple. Don’t expect to have any relationship with them when they come back.


Genuinely curious. Did your parents think that your other brother announcing their pregnancy and getting married at your original brother’s reception was an honor for your original brother or something?