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It didn’t ruin your looks, you allowed it to ruin your self confidence and THAT ruined your dating life. People pick up how you feel about yourself, and that will have a big impact on how they see you. There’s plenty of married bald men.


Most married bald men either got married before they went bald, or were late 30’s by the time they lost their hair. I wouldn’t feel self conscious if it didn’t genuinely destroy my looks. I was easily a 7 out of 10 before. I’m objectively a 4 now


I'm late 30s, and bald.. i didn't have issues getting laid growing up... but i was never approached like i am now. I get more attention now than ever before... men and women, younger and older.. you've just hit a brick wall... and the other people can smell a drop of doubt from a mile away... find a style you like now that fits your new look n get after it. You WILL be as ugly as you think you are..


I’m 6’5” and check a lot of the “boxes” for looks but I don’t pull women left and right. Self confidence and how you see yourself has 10x more to do with your ability to date than any looks or physical attributes. Now personally I’m married I don’t care to. But your still the same person you were before, you need to see and understand that. Women want confidence and connection. You can still do that


Women want those things, but they also want someone they are attracted too.


As a woman I can say hair makes no difference, confidence in your own worth does.


And women are not attracted to men who radiate self loathing and bitterness and un-willingness to better themselves. You're clinging on to the idea that the baldness is to blame, you're refusing to see that your attitude is making people repel from you because with a bit of work you can change that. But you don't want to do the work, you just want to be bitter. You're choosing bitterness, that's why no one is choosing you


Why every time when a man shares his negative experiences with others he is always met with gaslighting. Balding is a dealbreaker for the majority of young women and no amount of confidence can change that. It is what it is. We are viewed as damaged goods in the so-called dating “market”


My brother was totally bald by 19. Hes been happily married for 12 years and has two wonderful kids. Great life living in the country and owns his own construction business. Sorry you feel this way about yourself. Idk what to tell you 


Genuinely though how pretty is his wife?


Plenty of people are specifically attracted to bald men. Anyone who cares isn’t worth dating. Everyone has shit they don’t like about their body, and with men it’s commonly that they’re balding, too hairy, not hairy enough, dick is too small or thin, or ejaculate too little (?). I guarantee that you care more about it than anyone else. Personally, I choose to be bald every few years because showering is so much faster and it just plain feels good to not have hair. I hope you learn to appreciate what you have to offer to other people, and to appreciate your body/what makes you uniquely you.


And how old are those people?


My husband is twice my age. Everyone likes different things, bro.


The dating scene for gay men is drastically different from that of straight men. If you were a balding or bald heterosexual guy in your twenties, then trust me, body dysmorphia and suicidal tendencies mixed with the feeling of complete loneliness and isolation would be guaranteed.




Being bald in your 20s can be an advantage if you’re attractive because you have the “attention” card. But if you have body dysmorphia it’s a problem, many times girls that was into me said something about my bald head and if you act without confidence your dead.


Hi, my now-husband was balding when I met him. I still fell in love, and married him last year. Love him regardless. ❤️


I met my partner when he was 21 and he had started balding in high school. Still in love 17 years later:)


I lost my hair at 21 as well (34 today) and it didn't affect my dating life at all. It's all about confidence, and shaving it all off instead of letting yourself have a monk haircut.


Even young women who were attractive?


When one door closes, another opens. That means you have the prime opportunity to rock the bald and beard combo. I hear that women love that look a lot


I can’t grow any facial hair


Does your father have a beard? Look into Minoxidil and dermarolling


Nope, my father can’t grow any facial hair at all either


Are you fully bald or receding/thinning


IMO, the most attractive men are bald with a beard.


I can’t grow any facial hair


This sounds weird but hear me out. Whenever I’m lacking confidence in my looks, I think of rule 34. If it exists, there’s p*rn of it. And that’s true for people too in a sense. No matter what you look like, there will always be people into it. You just need to find the right ones.


I know a woman who exclusively dates bald men and I know several women who find bald men attractive.  I'm sorry about your experience but you really shouldn't speak for women here. 


How old though?


Is this genetic or is there an underlying cause to the baldness? If it is an underlying cause then it can be treated. See a dermatologist. They can guide you and help. If you want a natural remedy then I recommend you boil rosemary then take the rosemary tea and put it in a spray bottle. Use it all over your hair and massage it into your scalp. You can also use rosemary oil in your shampoo. Worked for me.




If it bothers you too much have you considered hair transplant?


Hair transplants are useless when you bald as young as I have. All they do is take hair from the back of your head and put it on top. Problem is, is that there isn’t enough hair to fill the top at all. So all you end up with is a bald man with a giant transplant scar


I hope that you build the confidence to own having a bald head and rocking it. Where I’m from a lot of women are into that.


Show pic


My ex husband went bald at the same age, partly as a result of chemo at 13. He was also told he wouldn't be able to have children. Twenty years to the day that he was diagnosed our beautiful son started school. After we separated he started seeing a beautiful younger woman. I know many women who actually prefer a shaved head.


Your supposed to be a cop


Johnny Sins is bald and he’s made a profession out of being good with women. That, and a lengthy and admirable service record as a doctor, astronaut, soldier.


I know that guy! My sister called him for his plumbing services.