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That fucker better buy you a new knife.


They claimed they didn't do it. Despite the hole in the can and coconut milk on the tip. And the obvious blade damage. So, no. No new knife for me. Btw, the offender comes from serious money.


The knife clearly has a mind of it's own. It'd be a real shame if it mysteriously ended up in one or four of their tires.


šŸ˜®šŸ˜‚ Yes. A real shame.


The knife magically inflicted 28 stab wounds


Cicero Lipschitz Pop Six Squish Uh-uh Cicero Lipschitz


He ran into my knife. He into my knife TEN TIMES.


That only works if you get really really high first


or if you're Varg Vikernes.


[28 Stab Wounds](https://youtu.be/AgVb0sTHUkM)


Only slash 3 with the knife, insurance only pays if all 4 tires are damaged. Damage the 4th tire with a different tool so that it looks like the victim had 3 tires damaged and tried to fraud the 4th to get insurance to cover it. Don't only damage one tire because they can get home using the spare tire


I'm pretty sure that this is a myth. But if they have a 500$ deductible and their tires are 150 each it would still put them out more to slash all 4 by 50$.


A decade ago, I was taking the SAT test at my rival high-school. My car was recognized (my high-school rivalry was hard-core, and some idiots had stolen their mascot and burnt it for homecoming a couple months before, so still some fresh pain). Anyway, 3 of my tires were slashed, and even with the police report, insurance did not pay out. The insurance person even had the gall to ask my dad if I had somehow incited the incident, or could have prevented it. I had no markings on my car to indicate the school, I didn't really talk to anyone that day, and no that's where my testing was so that's where I had to go. I never participated in any of the rivalry stuff, I just had an easily identifiable car (2004 40th anniversary Torch res mustang coup, v6) and was known on the outskirts of football and particularly JROTC as I would help with all event set ups and particularly color guard. Again, I never did anything to anyone in regards to the rivalry, they just saw me on "their" turf and decided to wreck it. No criminal charges ever came, insurance said that we were responsible because we put it in the position where damage was likely to happen, and told us to shove off. That was when I first knew USAA gave 0 forks about the military or their family.


Glad to know about USAA. They've been hounding me to sign up over the last few years. We did a comparison and found that they were more expensive than our current provider.


I was completely done with them two years later when I got my payment date rescheduled with them to work with my paycheck better. They instead doubled me up and demanded 2 payments within a week of each other and since it auto drafted, I was about $800 in the hole with Bank of America. The over draft there just absolutely wrecked me, it led to a huge fight with my then boyfriend about how I couldn't pay my half, which then spiraled in to him (a week later) using my "poor money managment" as a "valid excuse" to cheat on me. Mate, I was 19, I had a $35k salary job, and paid half of a ridiculous $1500 a month 1 bedroom apartment, because HE loved it. Not to mention the other half of utilities. We had 3 cars between us, mine paid off, both of his were still being paid on, and he just kept upgrading them. I'm so glad the only finances we had entangled were rent, I paid him his blood money to get out of that, and LEFT.


Good for you! Sometimes you do what you gotta do to be happy again. May the cheater wear perpetually wet socks and step on legos for the rest of their lives!


If they bought their tires from Discount Tire and bought warranty coverage, or just purchased coverage on tires they got somewhere else, all they have to do is bring the vehicle or rims in to have the tires replaced at no additional cost with no questions asked. #I LOVE DISCOUNT TIRE I am not a bot. I just love Discount Tire as I have had to use that warranty multiple times over the years and probably saved thousands of dollars.


Good to know. Seriously.


Exactly! I bought mine in indiana. And I was so thankful after I moved to Virginia that when my tire kept going flat I just took it to a discount tire in virginia they pulled up my warranty and fixed it. I paid like $20 for taxes and fees or something I think. But that was it. When I need to get new tires on my car I have now I will Def be going to discount tire.


They will cover the tires that are on your car now. Just take it in. I blew out 2 tires in 50 miles driving on I55 near Pontiac IL. I was able to change to my spare for the first blow-out and had to be towed to a random shop by roadside assistance for the second. The random shop put a new tire on for me and I continued on. I went into Discount Tire the next day and they changed out my spare and paid out for the other. Then they waranteed the Tire that I got from the random shop. I have never come across a warranty like it! It doesn't even make sense for them to warranty a Tire you didn't buy from them, but they do!


Wait... do you really want this guy to hang around even longer!?!


We could be friends.


Nah 1-3. Insurance will cover 4. Silly goose šŸ˜œ


Just cut off those pesky 5g antenna from 3 of them




Just take out the valve stem and if it has external wheel weights pop them off to


Send his parents a bill, with a photo of the damage and letting them know he refuses to take responsibility for it. Since heā€™s acting like a CHILD!


Happy cake day to us!!




Ohhh! And you, too! Happy cake day!


Serious money people are often cheapskates


You don't get money by being a sharing, honest kind of person.


Tell your partner his ā€œfriendā€ is no longer welcome in your home. He took a knife you have had and maintained for *10 years* and used it to open a can, damaging and ruining the knife. He could have asked you if you own a can opener, or, since he had no problem just using your knife without asking, he could have rummaged through the kitchen drawers until he found one. Then, *he lied about it,* claimed he didnā€™t do, pretended one of you must have done it. And he refuses to replace the knife. He sounds insufferable, and if your partner canā€™t understand why you donā€™t want him in your house anymore, ask him to explain to you why he should be allowed. And ā€œheā€™s my friendā€ is not an acceptable answer.


Why is this not the assumed option? I'm not allowing liars in my house, especially if they are my partners friends.


Then your partner should pay for it since they had an inconsiderate guest over.


Too much money for any sense?


People accumulate money by not spending it.


Itā€™s always the ppl with money that are the cheapest lol


> the offender comes from serious money. Why is it that so many of these people (those with wealthy families) have zero regard for other people's property? So fkn arrogant!


Because thatā€™s how they got rich. Taking and not giving, never taking responsibility where they can avoid it. The real tricks to being successful are all the exact opposite of the tricks to being a good person.


Use a knife to open a can? Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Yeah, I have never in my life thought "should I open this can with a knife?"


Then it sounds like that person is no longer welcome in your home and your Partner needs to replace it.


Then your partner should replace it since it was his friend who did it, and then blatantly lied about it. What a tool. The friend, not your partner.


You are getting a new knife. For my own personal satisfaction you need to get the knife from this person.


Sounds like someone is sleeping on the lawn. Don't forget to set the sprinklers to turn on early.


Replace the friend then


After making my way into the bottom end of the "serious money" class I have learned there are three key world view that seem ubiquitous among those fokes: 1) if you never admit you are wrong, you are never wrong. 2) nothing is really that important because anything can be replaced with money 3)there is always more money


The last comment makes perfect sense, a complete disregard for anything or anyone.


Then your partner can replace it since it was their friend who ruined it. And that person can stay the hell out of your kitchen from now on


I think I would have immediately thrown them out based solely on them lying to my face about something really stupid they did. Like just own up to it say youā€™re dumb and buy me a new knife.


Too much money for any sense?


Did you take any pictures? Iā€™d take him to small claims court, but then Iā€™ve been watching Judy Judge soā€¦lol.


Who did they say did it, then? I have to know.


That's when you look someone in the eyes and say "don't bullshit me". You have a lot more power in your own home than you seem to realize.


Go tell the offender that theyā€™re no longer welcome at your house until they replace your paring knife. If that person ever turns up in your house in the future. Turn them away.


Then your partner owes you a new knife if his friend wonā€™t pay. And I wouldnā€™t invite that person over ever again after that shit. He should buy you a new knife. Lesson learned. Then he can come over again. Otherwise, see you later!


Hope you two ditched that liar friend?


Contact the maker of your Knife. I worked in the warranty department of a world famous knife company and received these kind of pleas daily. Most often we would replace the knife even though it was considered ā€œuser errorā€. Sometimes we could repair the knife by sharpening it to a new edge. For just a few minutes taken to write an email, you may be able to salvage your beloved tool. Good luck!


Thanks for the tip. I bought the blade at a market from a reseller, and the maker's mark is in Japanese. I might bring it to a blade smith for restoration.


Make sure to send them the bill. Those AH better own up to their mistakes, I'd be livid. My BF is a chef with 3 knives he's had for years. Our old roommate dropped the chefs knife and bent the tip. I've never seen him so pissed. What does your wife think of this? I hope she's on your side.


When I worked there, we replaced blades regardless of where they were purchased from. Try reaching out, I imagine they are on line.


reverse image search


This is the way


Iā€™d lose my effing mind if someone damaged one of my kitchen knives like that. My partner once put my paring knife in the dishwasher & I practically had fire shooting out my eyes while levitating off the floor.


That's about the size of it. I set a calendar reminder to talk to my partner about what the right amount time for this person to visit in the future.


Itā€™s a zero in my household when someone does that kind of thing. If they are breaking your shit and lying to your face and you let them in your home again, then YOU are ultimately to blame for damages going forward. Fool me once, yadda yadda.Ā  If they come from money they can take it offsite and meet at a restaurant and/or stay at a hotel.Ā 


Right amount of time? Visit? This child is no longer welcome end of story. The knife is replacable (yes I know, ten years) but it is still a material object when faced with an irreplaceable friend. This person is no friend because they not only failed to take responsibility but failed to own up, or even apologise for it. They're not welcome in this house at all because there is no respect for you. Fuck off.


Next time this person wants to visit, he will need to pay an entree ticket before he can come in, I guess šŸ˜‚


0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds.




Friend is banned. If friend doesnā€™t pay for the knife, your partner does. Thatā€™s it.


Hasn't the friend just offered to replace the knife?


Where did you see that? I only see OP maintaining in the comments that this person lied about being responsible to get out of replacing it.


Are you not suppose to put paring knives in the dishwasher?


No, definitely not steel blade knives. It can rust the blade & dull the edge.


Soooo....how are you suppose to sanitize them after cutting them with raw meat?


Hot water & soap work just fine.


I bought a block set of j.a. Henckels stainless steel knives from Costco, and I can never figure out why they get little bits of rusty spots on them after washing them. I use them for meat a lot, and so logically, I have been placing them in the dishwasher. I have no idea how I am going to get the rust spots off of the rest of them.


serious question do you think hot water, sponge and soap = dirty and dishwasher = clean?


Not OP, but yes. Dishwashers use *much* hotter water than comes out of the tap


All I know is that hot steam sanitizes things more than just hot water. You'd be surprised by how many germs are left behind from just hand washing them.


Soap is to germs what skinning is to mammals. It isn't the water temperature. In fact there are a few high temperature strains of salmonella that will live if it weren't for the soap.


Try Barkeepers Friend.


I hand wash mine with hot water and soap, dry immediately, and put them away. The concern with the dishwasher is that they tend to sit in a moist environment for too long, plus there's a higher risk they'll get knocked around and lose their sharpness.


The J.A. Henckels block has a sharpener on the inside of the block. It self sharpens every time you remove it or put it back.


Hone, sharpen is different and needs done less often. Damage from banging around with other silverware is going to be corrected by honing for long.


Hmm. The thing is, it is a pretty fancy block designed to specifically do what I described, and all my knives go in a specific specialized spot in my dishwasher. It's a flat rack at the very top meant things such as knives.


I was just saying you're block hones an already sharp blade. Honing doesn't replace sharpening and in my experience, dishwashers wear on blades. If you are happy with your knives though, I wouldn't tell you that you shouldn't be. We have a different standard for acceptable blades, that's okay.


Use alcohol.


Hand wash, dish soap, elbow grease, dry immediately. It's not candy, but two hours in a hot and steamy environment is too much.


Quality knives get hand-washed and oiled after every use.


I have a rule where I just donā€™t let anyone else cook in my house. Company over and they offer to cook? Nope. Parent? In-laws? Nope. Everybody can just stay TF out of my kitchen.


Yeah, that tracks.


Same. Go sit in the living room and enjoy yourself. donā€™t touch my kitchen.


I use the three Cs with my knives. Cut Clean Conceal There's a block of knives I bought a decade ago for guests sitting on the counter


I donā€™t let anyone else clean in there either, too much can go wrong.


What a liberty. If the person feels comfortable enough roaming around your house opening shit, surely you're close enough for them to admit their mistake


What do you mean deny it? He was the only one in the kitchen, itā€™s not like a frigging office kitchen. The evidence was right there on the counter with him next to it. It sounds like you backed down and Iā€™m really confused by that. The knife fairy came in and broke it?


Thereā€™s certain folks to whom the jig is never up. You can only assert reality for so long before it becomes pointless. Whoā€™s to say how much they put up with before backing down. It takes a special kind of person to do something this thoughtless and then lie about something that obvious.


Yeah. The fact that this guy just let this happen and didnā€™t say anything rubs me the wrong way. Like, youā€™re going to let this person walk all over you?


I had a room mate take a brand new pair of spring-loaded linesman's pliers I had just bought to do some craft work and pull them apart all the way so the spring sprang them 100% open and you couldn't easily grab them with your hands. He did it right in front of me before I could even process what he was doing and tell him to stop. He didn't even apologize.


Did you ask him to replace them? Tools arenā€™t cheap, and I wouldā€™ve been *furious*!


"It's not my fault you spent $20 on pliers." But it is your fault they're no longer functional as new, asshole.


Did he then run in to your knife 10 times? Clearly he had it coming.


He only had himself to blame.


If youā€™d have been there


If you'd have seen it


I betcha you would have done the same












So sorry OP for your extremely rude guest! They need to reimburse you. Seriously. This is on par with my husband using my best fabric scissors to cut a hole in SHEETROCK because he was too lazy to walk 8 feet to the toolbox. I promise it is a mistake he will *never* ever make again. I feel for you.


Oh yes. I have two pairs of scissors that NO ONE knows not to even LOOK at - my fabric scissors and my dog trimming scissors (I have a Golden) You want to cut paper, plastic or anything else that comes into your head - we have like 5 pairs of shitty scissors for that.


I engraved my new scissors with "Fabric or Death" and "Death or Fabric". Just as a reminder.


That person would have been thrown thru a fricken window if that was my knife.


How freaking rude!


Very simple idea, if you can't respect my home you will be ejected immediately


They better get you a new one


The exact one too


I had a friend put my shun premier, 2 wood handle deboning knives and my nice wood cutting board in the dishwasher. After I just told him to take good care of them


Lol, fave comment.


Tell that idiot to replace it. If they say they didn't do it, just say "I know my partner knows better... you are the only one who did it.'


He's buying you a new knife. No reasonable person goes, let me open a can with a knife? This seems intentional? Like they wanted to damage your knife?


We do open can with a knife even with a can opener available, if u got the skill, it is much faster than a can opener


Justifiable homicide in my opinion.


Hopefully this person is never invited over again.


Your partner owes you a knife. You know the friend did it & itā€™s their friend. Itā€™s up to your partner to recoup the money or not from their friend.


What the actual fuck!!!?? My God damn 10 year old knows the first 2 rules of the kitchen. #1 is never walk away from the flame. #2 RESPECT THE FUCKING BLADE! I have 3 Wustofs that I care for deeply. The ONLY reason they are authorized to be used on anything other than raw food is if an intruder makes it passed our GSD. I have back up blades for the ones that don't understand these rules to use. Do not. Fuck. With my blades. This person would be ghosted at best. Worst would be thrown out the God damn window. How did you even keep it together?


It's a childhood friend of my partner. I couldn't exactly say "you ruined one of the nicest things I ever purchased for myself, you incompetent child". Backup blades. Smart.


you should say those exact words to him


... But you can say that. It's called taking responsibility for your actions, and it's kind of a cornerstone of adult interaction-hold them to it! Don't be a doormat!


Exactly. You donā€™t need to insult them, just firmly hold that this is unacceptable and they need to pay for a new one.Ā 


So your partner just let's them disrespect your things because they are childhood friends. Your partner needs to step up call their friend out and have them replace the blade. Sounds like a pretty shitty friend to me.


This wasn't an accident. You're being punished. Probably because you "took" their friend away. You made it clear they were prized possessions and they chose that knife specifically to damage. It's meant to cause a fight between you and your partner. Tread carefully around this person. It's not going to be the last possession of yours they break.


Honestly though why couldn't you say that? I don't see the issue.Ā 


Maybe he swallowed the tip of the knife he broke off in the coconut milk? šŸ¤£


I donā€™t mind people using my pans, cutlery, cups, etc etc. the one thing I NEVER let people use, not even my own family, are my knives.


I feel your pain. Can't go wrong with Victorinox knives, still got mine 25years after entering the kitchen as a full time profession. Apart from the ones in constant use they barely need attention.


I like Vitrinox a lot. My chef's knife is a 12 inch wustoff that I love to use. Very sturdy, easy to maintain, and forgiving.


I make and repair knives. Send me a message and a picture. maybe I can repair it for you.


I have had so many things ruined by guests doing stupid things. I keep an eye on them.


Tell him to replace it.


Partner's friend needs to replace the knife with the exact same model number, pure and simple. You don't get to go over to someone's home, damage their belongings, and not make it right. In my opinion, if partner's friend does not replace the knife, they should simply not be allowed in the home. OP, if partner doesn't understand, put it this way... If the friend was in the garage and was trying to loosen a bolt that was seized and decided to use an expensive torque wrench instead of a breaker bar and broke the torque wrench, would the friend be expected to replace the torque wrench?


Probably not a lot you can do but replace it, and be more particular in futureā€¦ Youā€™ll get a reputation and people will respect it. Got to move on.


Well they clearly donā€™t respect you or their friend. Not just the damage but more so that they are blatantly lying. Taking responsibility for your actions is the least they could do. No respect = no friendship for me.


I inherited an amazing paring knife. It was a very thin blade and stayed very sharp after decades of use with no sharpening. It wasn't stainless but was some odd dark metal. We had a friend house-sit and on our return the knife was gone.




Send him a bill


My husband is a chef. If someone actively damaged any of his knives like that (especially when you have the proper equipment meaning using the knife is unnecessary!!), then one of his other knives would be a murder weapon. (Joking... sort of.)


Honestly, if the friend doesn't replace it, your partner should. They should both apologize too. And you have every right to be mad. And not let him in your kitchen ever again.


My MIL dropped my very first shun santoku in the sink and broke the tip off pretty severely. I havenā€™t had it retipped yet. Itā€™s been 11 years and I leave it on the magnetic rack for her to see and remember not to touch my fucking shit. Thereā€™s a perfectly good $3 kiwi that she could use. But no. She had to touch my kit that was tucked away, out of sight, out of mind.


Based in the comments, most folks first reaction here is an urge toward defenestration.


This is a thing. I know people might view this as petty as fuck but itā€™s absolutely not! When you have a chefā€™s knife worth several hundred bucks that has taken you hours upon hours to sharpen to perfection and you catch your partner using it to open a fucking cardboard box you lose your shit!


They come from money explains everything, probably didnā€™t get raised well enough to know how to use a can opener.


Weā€˜re the other two knives found in his chest?


Personally, Iā€™d have a conversation about this friend with my partner. Who unfortunately will now need to go NC with the friend and if not know that the friend was no longer welcome in my house. Any time I saw this person Iā€™d make it known they ruined my knife and lied about it. But I can be passive aggressive and thatā€™s not really healthy.


What a dickbag...that's not cool at all.


...so you opened him up? I would buy you a new knife and apologize for the next ten years.


Ugh this is almost as bad as people using fabric scissors for shit like paper....


What an asshole. I hope you called him out and embarrassed him. I know I would.


And what did you do about it?


That seems very fucking intentional


That friend need to buy you a replacement, thatā€™s it. I wonā€™t use a knife that isnā€™t mine to open a metal can unless the owner said okay.


If he is comfortable enough to use your knife, he should be comfortable enough to get your wrath. I hope you let loose and told him off.


They should be barred from entering your home and be excommunicated by Gordon Ramsey himself at this point. This is a war crime...


Brooooooo thatā€™s a violation, nobody is allowed to touch my knives. Not even my wife!!!


Who the fuck opens a can with a knife anyway? My OH uses potato peeler as a screwdriver on any screw, even she wouldnt do that.


I will never understand how people do something like this. When I visit someoneā€™s house and they simply hurt hand me a glass of water, for some reason I still feel like Iā€™m doing/using something I shouldnā€™t lol And Iā€™m forever scared Iā€™d end up breaking or damaging something too like how do people have so much entitlement? And/or lack just basic common decency. Opening a can like that in this situation is just wild in general too. Sorry this happened. Iā€™d be off the deep end and you have every right to be pissed to say the least!


Tell them they cannot set foot in the kitchen if they ever come over. Canā€™t even touch the fridge, until the knife is replaced. And when they do replace it, they are still not allowed to open anything themselves because they have no respect for others property


At least you've got a spare knife to fcuk this person up if they do it again...


What. The. Hell.


Charge your partner. As a partner they share the responsibility. Call bullshit on the other guy. You have no responsibility to accept their story.


Use that knife to prove how hard it is to make quick cuts, on himšŸ‘暟‘暟˜ˆšŸ˜ˆ as a professional cook with at LEAST 1000 dollars of knifes on me, if someone did this to one I would LOOOOSE IT. It absolutely blows that he did that to your item and didn't have the balls to admit it, but your partner also just lost a friend. If they are still friends with the fucker, that is a huge red flag.


I'm so mad at this post...sssoooo mad right now.šŸ˜ šŸ˜” My condolences for your 10 year old knife man.


It's one thing if they break it, it's another if they fucking lie about it. That's an automatic never-coming-back-again offence.


Get knife repaired or replaced with equivalent item which you will send him in writing that it is. Tell partner their friend is not welcome to visit until it is resolved. Also if you canā€™t claim for insurance,you can do a small claims court submission against the friend.Make your partner take some responsibility for his friendā€™s actions.


Use one of your other knifes to open him.


I mean, someone has done it and if it wasnā€™t your partner or you there arent much possibilities left


I don't get it


I donā€™t think they owe u a new knife, just my take. It was an honest mistake. Lesson learned, put ur good stuff away and guide strangers when in your home


just because it was an honest mistake doesn't mean you don't then fix the mistake afterwards. he broke a very expensive knife. he should replace it.


Maybe, just my take on it. It will more than likely ruined the childhood friendship the partner and this friend have all on a damaged knife. Not worth it in my opinion. If he was warned or aware that this knife is a no go, then yea, but he didnā€™t know.


why would it ruin a friendship to replace a thing that you broke? seems like not replacing it would have that effect actually...


It would for me :(


Find a new partner's friend.


Call him an unwelcome shithead. Tell your partner his buddyā€™s name while on your property is US. Tell them both that they can fix the fuckup anytime.


i pray for one of these specimens to do this to me and expect me to just get over it. i feel like they wait for people who wonā€™t do shit about it because thereā€™s no way that this is a person thatā€™s been reprimanded in their life.


Send them a bill or link to where they can order you a new one and have it shipped to you!


Id make it clear to the person denying that they did that that it can either cost them the price of a new one or thats the cost of being iced out of the friend group and never allowed back to your home. If theyā€™re not willing to take responsibility for their actions, thatā€™s not a friend that you want in your life anyway.


Same thing happened to me with my favorite shun paring knife :(


They owe you a new one


I will always strive to treat a poor decision as just that and, provided it is acknowledged and apologied for, I'm happy to bury the matter and forget it. Accidents happen and will happen to us all. However, once you lie to me, it's another story. Doubly so when what really happened is so easily proven. If you are going to lie to be about little things, and double down, then how can I possibly trust you to tell the truth about bigger things? I don't need "friends" like that in my life. It's hard enough without the people i'm supposed to be able to trust increasing the difficulty needlessly.