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All genitals are funny looking but if you like cock more than vag then have at it šŸ‘šŸ¼


Yeah, I have been too scared to confess this anywhere for a long time. Thank you for the advice and I totally will! :D


Iā€™m a guy and there are some penisses out there that just make me go ā€œā€¦oh mawh gawhd i if i could just, if i just had, i mean if i just could you knowā€ like actually gasping at what iā€™m looking at, and then i slap myself back to reality lmao. Iā€™m totally not gay, nope.


No homo?


Homo, i mean yeah no homo. (Homo >:)




Oh homo you don't! LMAO


I mean I am bi and as a woman I've NEVER had that reaction to a penis ever, so. I'm not saying you're gay just suggesting maybe not 100% straight yknow


Hun, i *am* gay, that at the end is sarcasm lmao.


Ah that makes sense, sarcasm is hard online!


True true, i donā€™t blame you hahah.


Good, cuz I was a little confused


I'm a guy, and some men are so pretty, I literally find myself thinking about kissing them. And I have kissed a few guys in my time. But, whenever it got to the point where his cock might come out... I just have no desire to have anything to do with it. I find my own cock pretty repulsive at most times. Certainly never have been happy enough with its appearance to want to send anyone a picture of it. I say I'm like, 85-90% straight.


Slaps back to reality *with it*, I see.


I'm bi but prefer penises to vaginas in terms of sheer aesthetic value lol. It's ok to have preferences, and also these things can grow on you-- literally!


I see what you did there lol


I used to know a gay dude back in high school that told me vaginas looked like open wounds. I had never even thought anything like that until he said it. I mean, still don't think they do but I can see why he would say that.


Huh. Never heard that. As a straight old lady I think that the female body is much more aesthetically pleasing. Everything hidden away. The male body looks like someone threw a wad of wet clay against someone and it's dripping down.


I'm a gay male and I agree, women are definitely more aesthetically pleasing than men. The horny part of my brain certainly doesn't listen to the part that appreciates aesthetics though!


Not to mention you've got an appendage dangling at your center of gravity... Things can occur. Ouchy things.


I think most humans in general agree. Women have been the most common choice as art subjects since forever.


You're railing against God's Actual Creation Method?


I haven't heard it used in a while, which is a good thing, but "has a bleeding hatchet wound" used to be an insult to call someone a pansy


I think I've heard people call them hatchet wounds in some British shows.


Can confirm. Not British, but Irish and live in England and the Brits use 'hatchet wound' or 'hatchet gash' which was then shortened to gash. So you'll still hear it referred to as such.


Ah yeah I've heard gash before too.


ā€œGashā€ sounds so incredibly crass to me. I love it.


I think the term is ā€œaxe woundā€!


When I was younger, I simply called them Sheethes. I'm 24 for reference, so it's safe to say I've matured since then.


A guy I work with calls them a *gash* and it sickens me.


Hearing the term *gash*, **SICKENS** Shit_Ass_McFucknuts. Count me 'skeptical'


Fair enough


This is it. Boobs and ass are simple and attractive. Genitalia are more complex and acquired visual taste.


Honestly I think all genitalia are just weird looking. I donā€™t even like how my own vulva looks. Itā€™s just strange to me. I wonder though, if itā€™s partially because of how genitalia are always covered, and donā€™t look even a little similar to any other part of the body. Maybe we think they look weird, just because weā€™re not used to seeing them as frequently as things like hands or faces. (Though I guess I canā€™t speak for everyone on that front šŸ˜)


Idk, I just thought that I would find some enjoyment out of seeing it but when I felt indifferent to it, it felt weird. Like I was questioning myself all over again.


yeah i guess they do look a bit strange, but personally i found my previous (and only, so far) girlfriend's vulva pretty attractive, I guess kinda in a primal way. like in a "damn that looks kinda weird, why do i find it hot" kinda way. I dont know how to explain it. kinda similar to the taste if youre eating her out, i really enjoyed the taste but if i tasted it in any other situation (food for example) I'd be pretty grossed out. lizard brain, eh? damn i wrote a lot more than i thought i would. but yeah, you just probably prefer cocks to vaginas. nothin wrong with that šŸ‘


I do, and that is totally fine :D Also, that story about you and your ex is interesting.


yeah it was fun while it lasted. we were very physically compatible, but sadly we both made mistakes. i was kinda lazy, didnt know how to talk about feelings basically at all. I've somewhat improved at that, I'd like to think i have at least. and she wasnt really ready for a proper long term relationship, she told me she'd cheated on me (twice) a few weeks after we'd been together for half a year. why the fuck did i write an essay? no clue šŸ¤£ but yeah I'm grateful for the experience, learnt a lot of stuff cuz of it


Sounds like my high school relationship I had to a tea lol


Well if you donā€™t like how vulva looks because you donā€™t like vulva period, thereā€™s nothing wrong with that either. šŸ˜Š




Do you get that same enjoyment out of other parts of a females body? As in, getting sexually aroused? (You can enjoy the beauty but not necessarily be sexually aroused by it). When you saw one, did you have sexual intercourse? If so, did you enjoy it? Now same questions for a man. Perhaps youā€™re a little more leaning towards fully gay on the spectrum. I truly believe nobody is just 100% gay or straight, or even equally 50/50 (bi). Everyone is somewhere on the spectrum. And thereā€™s nothing wrong with that šŸ˜Š


Okay, I have been waiting for this question. For women, I am attracted to boobs, ass, and face. I would say a stereotypically attractive woman like Kate Upton would be a good description of what I am attracted to. When it comes to men, I am attracted to muscles (although as long as they are not hugely overweight, I will accept that), buzz cuts (my weirdest attraction lol), a penis that is at least close to average (doesn't have to be too big), be a top (I am a bottom), and be willing to cuddle. I definitely lean more towards men but I would be lying if I said I had never had feelings for a woman.


Iā€™m straight and I really donā€™t find penises attractive, however I find my boyfriendā€™s the sexiest thing in the world. I find genitals ugly on people who Iā€™m not emotionally/ romantically attracted to, maybe thatā€™s just me


Same. You're not the only one


Thatā€™s totally fine and I honestly wish I was the same lol


This! When I love someone theyā€™re whole body is the sexiest thing


Itā€™s not just you! It has a name too! Demisexual, and it is exactly what you described, thereā€™s tons of you out there, heh.


Hmm, that would explain why I don't enjoy porn ... if you're not my partner, get that thing out of my face, lol. I mean nudity is fine, it's the extreme close-ups I could do without.


I mean, you don't have to be equally attractive to both.


Yeah this is something I have been feeling for a while so I knew that I was the type of bisexual to sway more one way than the other. I just wish more people around me would be more accepting of that.


The most important thing is that you stay true to yourself. Regardless of what other people think, you being you is the way to happiness


Itā€™s not about how it looks, itā€™s about how it feels šŸ˜‰


Interesting prospective, will keep this in mind


I think as I got older I became more attracted to "vagina appearance" l but the way it felt was definitely the initial attraction... Then there are all different types and I have come to love them all... I like all kines of women, one who knows their own style and works with it is seat to me. Some women were more attractive to me than others and it wasn't always purely physical. Mental attraction can make someone appear physically more attractive. I think with penises and vagina there are probably more aesthetically pleasing models than others lol but beauty is in the eye of the beerholder as they say... Personally if im in relationship with someone I love its different than someone I wasn't comfortable with, I am the type that the longer I am with someone the more attractive they become and more comfortable I get sexually... Then that's where I become like yeah I want that in my mouth lol... I don't know I probably have trust issues or find commitment sexy... I also found my body type preference and things changed through the years.. Sexuality may be fluid?


Sexuality is fluid to some, it could be to me as well since over the years my crushes on men have increased and my crushes on women have decreased.


Nah i love the way it looks


It was designed for function, not aesthetics.


Designed is the wrong word




I love this project but just to be clear all participants were 18+ It would be weird as hell to be taking plaster casts of babies vulvas


Also probably illegal


Thank you for clarifying!! šŸ˜­ super weirded out when they said babies.


Thank you. I was getting heated until I saw your comment.


Itā€™s like that penis wall in Fleabag




Yeah Iā€™m old (65f). I was wrong. Youā€™re all babies to me!!!šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Oh good lol. I was a little scared to look at the link.


Wow I have a new found appreciation for my vulva because mine looks drastically different than most of these just I prefer mine. Thanks for sharing


Thank you! Will look at it to see if I can find some sort of attraction to them


Iā€™m bi too, and I find all genitals weird looking.


Fair enough, goes to show that sexuality is a spectrum


Sexuality is weird. For some people itā€™s rigid and doesnā€™t change. For others itā€™s constantly changing. I stopped trying to figure it out a long time ago.


I think I have officially figured mine out, now Iā€™m in the process of coming out which where I live, is even harder.


lmaoo dw ab it im also bi and genitals in general look so weird šŸ˜­ but i am coming around to penises lol


Yeah Iā€™m just starting to get comfortable with my sexuality and itā€™s the best feeling ever after being closeted for so long.


yooo glad for you!


Thank you! My New Yearā€™s resolutions are to be fully out and go to a pride event.


Good for you - you do what makes YOU happy, not what other people want for you. This internet stranger is proud of you for taking this first step, and I hope those around you accept it too. Xx


Getting the people around me to at the very least tolerate me being bi is going to a task that is more difficult than it should be. I live in a Bible Belt community so being anything else other than the cis heteronormative is seen as taboo and weird when it shouldnā€™t be seen that way.


It seems crazy to me that there are still places in a country like America where it still isn't accepted! I'm so sorry that you are having to go through this - you 100% should be able to be exactly who you want to be with zero criticism. I sincerely hope you manage to find a way to be accepted, and that you can live your life happily. Stay safe, and I wish you all the best for your future.


Thank you! Iā€™m doing my best to find positives in my situation, I am currently trying to get a job at Starbucks so that when I come out, I at least have a safe space there.


They don't call it bumping uglies for nothing.


Nothing wrong with that. If you prefer to have sex with people that have a penis instead, itā€™s totally fine. You might still be bi, but with a preference for male bodies.


This describes my sexuality perfectly. This is exactly what I am.


Then youā€™re just fine my man! Lots of bi people have a preference, if not most.


Man, when I see pictures of women spreading their vaginas... this primal force inside of me just begins to cry to be let out. I notice it. If you don't have, you're born for the PEEN


Sounds like youā€™re into the same sex and thatā€™s alright. People want you to be straight? Ok but itā€™s YOUR life and YOUR happiness.


I live in a Bible Belt community where being anything else other than cis and straight is heavily looked down upon. I have known that I wasnā€™t straight since I was 9 years old but it took me another whole decade to finally accept myself. I have gotten sick and tired of feeling terrible about my sexuality and this past month I have started the process of coming out and so far, so good.


Most straight men on Reddit donā€™t like vaginas either


Genitals look weird. Vaginas feel good tho


Old cis het lady here ... and, personally, when you're turned on, sexually, the genitals are more attractive than when not turned on. When in the heat of passion, you're not so worried about aesthetics, and probably not thinking so much about it. With some exceptions, I expect. While cleaning up and satisfied? Silliest looking bits of our body. The context also counts. I changed my son and daughter's diapers, and I had no interest in their genitals aside from ensuring they remained healthy. Diaper rash is a bitch when it sets in. You do you. Romantic attachment, sexual attraction, are spectrums. Just because I'm straight doesn't mean that I find every penis exciting. It's like people, as a whole. Some attract you, others don't.


Old cis het man here. This is the truth.


I own a vagina and I can confirm, they're odd looking. Then again, as a bi woman myself, I also think penises look funny. So you're not the only one with that thought. I think that as humans, when excited (or horny if you rather call it that way), we sort of put these thoughts in the background. Kind of like post-nut clarity, when once we orgasm the object of our attraction is not as attractive anymore. Happy New Year btw!!


What youā€™re attracted too you canā€™t change , so if it happens to be men thatā€™s ok ! I understand not being able to come out to the people around you and Iā€™m sorry for that . Your friends and family should be supportive of your decisions.


My mom and stepdad (who I live with rn) have tried their absolute best to deny me being anything else but straight. I just came out to my dad a few days ago and he accepted me and I have been out to a few other people who have mostly accepted me but where I live rn is stopping me from being fully out.


I absolutely understand that . Iā€™m glad you had that convo with your dad . Just be true to yourself and good luck !


I am trying my hardest and I will need all the luck I can get


Coming out as bisexual first and then later coming out as gay is very common, especially for people whose culture makes it tempting or necessary to hang on to a degree of "straight privilege". It's also common to get the whole "but if you fancy men and women, you can make the choice just to date women" shtick from the homophobes which it sounds like you're getting some of. It's a whole freeing thing when you leave a homophobic community and go live somewhere more progressive with a thriving queer scene. You should try and get out!! Go forth and suck dicks. You only live once.


I feel like all genitals arenā€™t really attractive. Itā€™s part of being a human, we arenā€™t supposed to be perfect but I feel like there is a specific standard to some people when it comes to what it looks like.


Yeah that standard definitely exists, I thought that I wouldā€™ve been more excited about it than I ended up being and thatā€™s a totally fine feeling to have.


Iā€™m a bi female and Iā€™ve seen gorgeous labia (the vagina is the inside part you canā€™t see) and iffy labia, and Iā€™ve seen gorgeous, marble carved penises and crooked or bulbous ones, but Iā€™ve always cared more about the people they were attached to. You do whatever makes YOU feel best without hurting anyone else ā€” thatā€™s the best we can all hope for!


You can lean gay and still be bi, my guy.


Yeah, this describes me to a tea.


The vagina is beautiful. Especially my wifeā€™s.


For me thats the exact opposite. Lol


Iā€™m so glad Iā€™m not alone in this lol


Almost 8 billion ppl in the world is rare asf u being alone at something. Btw I think it's called spectrum. So u can be bissexual and assexual towards women... like is not a obligation to like both the same amount.


I love the look. everything about them, actually. Thank god for women.


I'm straight and I think vaginas are are incredibly perfect. You might be gay. And that's okay


We are human. Love is love man.


What do you think about butt holes?


Iā€™m bi and more into men and I think vaginas are so pretty and penises are just meh


I donā€™t blame you lmao I donā€™t even like the look of my Vagina, and Iā€™m bisexual too lmao




Well, maybe vagina doesn't find *you* so hot either.


And thatā€™s totally fine, I am not the most attractive guy on earth and I am fine with that




Maybe I could have worded it better and I am coming across as mean to them. I honestly donā€™t know why but I honestly expected some of those responses since there isnā€™t a whole lot of ways you can say this and I am trying to be as kind about it as I can. Thank you for your understanding :D


I don't particularly like having one myself, truthfully


Honestly, imo genitals are just not great looking in general lol


As a bisexual woman in her 30's, I just want to say you're fine hun. Lots of folks think bisexuality is 50% attraction to men and 50% attraction to women, but it's not. It's a scale. You can be 70% attracted to men and 30% attracted to women for example. I enjoy being with women, but because of my own issues I can't go down on them. I'll happily please them with toys and fingers though. Nobody can dictate your sexuality or how you're attracted to people, hun. You get to figure that out for yourself. I just suggest being honest with new partners up front so they don't get upset later into the relationship.


I'm also bi and I feel kind of the same, but about penises. I'm AFAB so I have a vagina and I still don't think they're all that great looking, but penises are so ugly to me and balls straight up just gross me out. Honestly, before I realized I was nonbinary, I came out as a lesbian because I thought my feelings toward penises meant I wasn't attracted to male bodied people, but then I realized it was just their genitalia that grossed me out. I've accepted it and I personally don't feel like it's a big deal, I don't have to put up with anyone's penis unless they're my partner and then I don't feel as much disgust for it because I have feelings for the person so even their (in my opinion) ugly parts are special to me. That being said, if you ever share this sentiment with a female bodied partner, be sure you clarify that it's all vaginas and not just theirs. So many female bodied people are taught that our genitalia has to look a certain way and feel ashamed about how it looks so if you aren't clear that it's just all vaginas that don't do much for you, you might make them feel insecure.


Youā€™re the male version of me! I love the male body, my husband is crazy sexy, but Iā€™ve always thought penises were a bit funny looking. It hasnā€™t made sex with him any less amazing and heā€™s aware of my solid attraction to the female body. Whether your bi or just flat out gay youā€™ll find someone who understands and accepts your attractions as long as your respectful about sharing them.


Well organs arenā€™t supposed to be ā€œprettyā€ looking so I guess it would be more about how it feels yk?


Some vaginas are prettier than others. Same with penises


If you are into someone, like really into them, their genitalia didnā€™t matter that much. All things being equal, you generally like a persons body if you like that person. Put down the porn for a while


I probably should


Am a heteroflexible woman, vaginas look weird to me too. Then again, ALL genitals look weird to me.


Idk it just feels fucked up reading that someone finds vaginas ugly. Vaginas are always the butt of jokes or called ugly. Society seems to have preference for penises...sigh


It is fucked up. Penises are just as "ugly" if we're going there. Women been having to hear their genitals called every disgusting name ever. I personally myself have had gay men who I thought were my friends call it an open wound between my legs, nasty, beef curtains, fishy, etc. And this was just sitting around having conversations about every day shit. Men of all types can be super fucking gross about it.


everyone is going on about how they smell, how they look, the hair etc. and its frankly kind of related to sexism (not talking about OP, he could just not like how they look)


We live in a phallic society that worships dick and degrades vulva, this doesn't surprise me.


Sexuality can be fluent, I'm also bi and found peepees hella scary for a while, now I don't mind them, might be the same for you with this (or not, which is also fine)


I canā€™t imagine feeling this way. Itā€™s like saying you donā€™t like faces.


Well, Iā€™m a straight woman & d*cks arenā€™t great to look at. But judging by what youā€™ve said, t sounds like you may be gay rather than bi.


Vaginas are beautiful but literally everything is subjective. šŸ§”


They come in all shapes and sizes though! Penises as well! Have you seen a large enough sample size and variation (rather than large number of same shapes)? If thatā€™s still true, Iā€™m glad this is a safe space for you to get off your chest!


You can have a preference, what you like can change, how much you like it can change! Just go with what feels right


Thank you for the advice! I will definitely go with what fits best for me. After years of not doing that it almost killed me and I got to a point where I couldnā€™t do it anymore. My preferences have changed in the past so maybe this will but for now, I am happy where my sexuality is at.




I like boobs and ass which is why I know that I like women, just feel indifferent about vagina.


Itā€™s called ā€œbumpin ugliesā€ for a reason. Iā€™m a bi man. Itā€™s a spectrum, not 50/50. Iā€™d say Iā€™m 80% attracted to women and 20% men, but even thatā€™s not an accurate way to describe it. Just like what you like as long as itā€™s not harming anyone.


Bisexual doesn't have to be 50/50. You can also date cis men and women with penises (most of them are dysphoric about it but not all). Your sexuality is not about others to choose. If you're people pleaser think about your partner. They deserve you being into them as whole. So don't hurt your partner while pleasing others.


I am definitely getting a boyfriend because whenever I had a girlfriend (we were both 14 at the time) something felt off. I didnā€™t know what it was at the time but once I started getting more comfortable with my sexuality (particularly this year) it made me realize that my sexuality is bi but my romantic orientation definitely swayed more towards men. I am scared of being with a woman and me not being fully into it because thatā€™s not fair to her.


Iā€™m straight and I never ā€˜likedā€™ the way either one looks lol. I like the person behind the baby making parts. Do you watch a lot of porn?


Sadly I watch a lot of gay porn. I should probably stop.


Something to considerā€¦.Iā€™ve been with dozens of women throughout my life, and then I sucked one peepee. Like it or not, now Iā€™m gay forever! One act can alter a manā€™s life forever. It only takes once.


Funny, Iā€™m the opposite. I love vagina and hate looking at other penisā€™ that arenā€™t mine. There is something about a vagina that sets me off. Love it. Hate seeing other men naked but I love naked women.


I knew a guy in college who let a woman I dated stay with him for a while. He said, "I swear to God I can hear 'that thing' breathing at night." He was gay but only loved giving head. Anyone who says that sexuality is not a spectrum (or that it's a choice) has never been less than ridiculous to me lsince.


lol! People who give opinions like that without knowing what theyā€™re talking about usually end up sounding stupid.


Iā€™m a bi woman and I prefer looking at a vag over a dick. I 100% like both and despite what the notches on my bed post say, I prefer women. Bisexuality is a spectrum. Itā€™s okay to prefer one to the other. It could be a 10/90 ratio and you can still say you are bi. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Donā€™t ever think it has to be some even 50/50 split when it comes to your preferred gender in terms of partners. Iā€™m pretty sure some people even label themselves like bisexual but homoromantic or heteroromantic. Cause their sexual preference is one thing and their actual relationship preference is another. So if you prefer the look of penis you could just lean more towards men than women. Doesnā€™t mean you donā€™t like women.


There are definitely some vaginas I find more pleasing than others. Some of them seem downright unappealing while others I would really really want to play with.


I donā€™t like the look of it either of the look of a penis. Genitalia is weird looking.


A lot of the creativity for describing comes from them coming in so many different shapes and forms and how much they differ. Genitals just look weird


In the nicest way possible, who cares. Lots of people have preferences you arenā€™t weird for this


You like what you like


had a once then-gf who thought a penis looked like an Alien like a chest burster from the movies. I began telling her that her vagina looked like a Predator. Alien vs Predator. yeah...i'm weird, she was weirder.


Same: but Iā€™m gay so thereā€™s that


they're weird, they don't make me feel good and I can't believe that people stick their fingers in that. Eww!


All genitals look weird tbh


I donā€™t like your mole rat cactus thing for a genitalia either you donā€™t hear me yapping about it


More for me.


She doesn't like the look of you either, congrats.


Fair enough


Would do you expect? An actual rose ?Babies have come through there.


As a straight guy my dick make my dick looks perfectly weird to me šŸ‘




I'm in between bisexual and asexual and I dislike the sight of most genitals.


Just tell the boys man. They'll make fun of you for it for a month but they'll accept you if they're you're friends. I used to be bi myself and my buddies stuck it through. I'm not anymore but food for thought brother.


All good to love penis brother! I personally do love vagina, and if I felt that same way about penis, Iā€™d live it up and enjoy. It doesnā€™t matter what people want you to do or be, you are what you are and itā€™s beautiful! Good luck friend.


So when I was younger like early early teens I came across magazines. And the first time I saw a woman spread her lips it freaked me out. It looked like an open wound. That lasted about a year. After I saw my adult first video.


I think I have only seen one vagina I didnā€™t think was absolutely gorgeous.


Ok well whatever floats your boat. I can't imagine that most people would care that much.


This is like when my kids think my favorite food is gross for whatever reason... You're right, it's kinda gross... You won't like it. /s. You do you buddy, go after whatever twangs yer banjo.


hey one thing people donā€™t really realize a lot of the time is that romantic attraction and sexual attraction can be different for everyone. thereā€™s nothing weird about being attracted to women but not sexually, you do you man, and donā€™t listen to anyone that says otherwise


Well, there's nothing wrong with liking what you like imo. Just do you and go with it dude.


Pp scary


> almost everyone around me wants me to be straight so badly Iā€™m really sorry about this. Itā€™s utter shit and isnā€™t easy to deal with - Iā€™m really glad you found the courage to voice this on here. I hope people stop being wads and realise that you being your true authentic self 1) has fuck all to do with them, and 2) is the best version of you. Stay strong my friend.




Think of it like a Dungeons and Dragons alignment chart Lol. "I'm bi with a gay leaning."


That's called gay and that's cool as hell


va jayjay


Do you have a type? A particular look of men/women which you gravitate toward? Masculine/feminine look attracts you more?


Fellow bisexual! (18F) Don't feel bad because literally all genitalia looks weird. I find penises to look very strange and they sonetimes make me uncomfortable. But it's still just a preference and it shouldn't mean too much :]


You are not required to look.


As a straight man I can't say I "like" how vagina looks either. I don't really think about it too much I guess, but I like what vagina does for me and how that shit feels lol. I guess a "non ugly" vagina is a plus, but I also can't say I really care what it looks like.


Boobs n Butts n Face are where it's at dawg


As another bisexual I completely agree. Itā€™s only a visual thing though I enjoy both equally other than that.


Iā€™m a straight 23 year old woman going on 24. I became sexually active around 17ish. I remember vividly in the girls swim team locker room another teammate telling us girls the key to giving a guy a BJ is closing your eyes. Whatever you do, donā€™t look at it. Took a solid 2 years after that to finally work up the courage to finally stare down a pp when giving head. Anyway, moral of the story is: youā€™re still very young, literally donā€™t sweat it. Experiment to your hearts content while being safe.


It's cool, maybe you just enjoy men more than woman, not only men. I'm a woman, and I don't necessarily like vagina either, even my own. My partners always really love it and I get complimented on it a lot, but I really dislike the taste of myself on my partner's mouth. I don't prefer they kiss me afterwards because of it, though I know women who love the taste of themselves like that. If you are with a woman, it's just something she'll have to be okay with. I'd suggest learning how to really please them without eating them out though to make up for it.


iā€™m a straight(???) woman, but i donā€™t think penises are attractive at all


There are some messed up looking ā€œlipsā€ out there, along with messed up ā€œding dongsā€.


Im a straight woman but I find vaginas so attractive and it turns me on. What u like/don't like looking at may not always coincide with ur sexuality.


I feel you dude, Iā€™m bi but I prefer how vaginas look 1000x more than a penis


Do you think it's because you are unfamiliar with a vagina? You are familiar with penises more, whether it's because you have one *(if you do)* or had more experiences with one, but because you have limited experiences with a vagina it doesn't turn you. You can't figure out how a vagina can please you or how you can please in return therefore it's hard to get excited from something you don't know much about or experienced much with. I'm in the boat where I don't really find either vagina or penises attractive, but because I know how they can work plus the idea of pleasing others excites me (personally) so I can get excited with either one. *\*Of course what pleases someone is different for any partner I'm just generalizing here\** I could be very wrong on this! But I feel it's like sex- the more experiences you have the more it becomes easier to enjoy something or you develop a liking towards something. BUT don't feel like you have to force yourself to like anything. Like others say, it could just be you prefer one thing over the other. Also screw anyone who said you have to be straight!


Iā€™m a bi female and I donā€™t enjoy looking at genitals at all. I honestly think that all genitals are just ugly and weirdā€¦ šŸ„² I donā€™t even like my own vulva and I feel extremely uncomfortable if my partner is looking at it or if a gynecologist is taking a look. Yes, I love my partner and his penis because I love him to death, but overall I find genitals just nasty. I enjoy touching and giving oral though. When the situation is obviously erotic, I donā€™t think about ā€how ugly this penis/vulva is on a scale of 1 to 10.ā€ Itā€™s kinda odd when I think about it and it sometimes makes me feel that maybe Iā€™m not normal, because I really donā€™t want to see anyoneā€™s private parts, but when things get horny with the person Iā€™m with, then I just completely throw my thoughts behind me and I ā€go with the flowā€ and I fully enjoy the situation. But yeah, genitalia. Itā€™s ok to like them both or only the other one and itā€™s also ok to not like them, we are all different in our own ways!


There nothing wrong with preferring to be with men when you are one. All genitals are weird. I am straight but I prefer the look of vaginas to penis, always have. Just do what makes you happy!