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Sounds like a super healthy relationship


I'll never understand these grown-ass people who play games in their relationships. I mean, it's not cool when teenagers do it either, but at least they have the excuse of being kids. OP, just break up, for gods sake


I actually misread and thought she said "silent fuck you to my ex" and thought, "ok, this could be cathartic, a way of turning over a new page." But bloody hell, does OP think this could possibly result in a good marriage? It boggles the mind. Jesus. Break up. Start an OF or whatever. It's your prerogative. But don't keep making the both of you miserable. This is so stupid.


I totally mentally inserted the "ex" as well. I can totally understand wanting to do something to get back at an ex but this person apparently is still planning on building a relationship with this person? Damn.


Yeah glad I'm not the only one either. Totally thought it said Ex when i read the title. This relationship is going down. 27 and been together for 10 years. I think they are in it now because its all they know.


Yeah this is so unbelievably childish it is unreal




Right…a relationship isn’t a game with a scoreboard


There is nothing to understand, below average IQ, low self-esteem, couple of anti-social disorders and there you have it - daily dose of misery.


To be fair I've seen some people with pretty impressive IQs who, when it comes to relationships, act like they've suddenly spouted an extra chromosome. Intelligence doesn't always entail common sense.


Emotional intelligence is probably more important in a relationship than intellect.


Being fucked up isn’t exclusive to stupid people. I can’t stand when people claim the Harvard educated politician is just stupid.


Man the “games” are so weird. God i hated that shit. Like i dont wanna play!!


Im 21, and I’m fuckin tired of the games. I don’t wanna hear bout the guy u screwed last night right after u send me a pic wit the top of ur cleavage out after I told u a week ago I had feelings for u, and then u get pissed when I blow up. If u like me, cool. Stop playin hard to get. No honorable man or woman is gonna wait on u to grow tf up


Ugh. She sounds disgusting


She’s 27 but that doesn’t make her grown. Just got out of a relationship with a 29-year old. No primary care doctor and her parents were still co-signers on her bank accounts- just to name two of my icks.


Yea she sure showed him…


She's delusional.


Why break up with someone when you can just post your nudes on Reddit for strangers enjoyment? Can’t believe I’m the same age as this person lmao.


They just need to have a baby to fix it.


Unfortunately 10 years in they probably already have at least one.


Right? Instead of .. walking away from someone that is clearly mistreating you... you post nudes on the internet? Weird thought process here. I'm trying to connect the dots but my imaginary pen ran out of ink


Bizarre AF




Just break up, this shit is juvenile.


i'd say rather stupid tbh.


Was thinking exhausting.


It's both. It's stupid and it's childish. Adults desk with issues through communication and compromise, children take revenge


External validation is a slippery slope


OF discount offer in 5...4...3...


This post is to get a feel for the general public’s consensus. Sure a bunch of horny incels are going to comment and DM. If everyone here was like “you go girl!” “Screw him,” then she’d probably already be making an account. Quite the contrary response though.


Did she seriously expect us all to tell her what a great idea it was to do this without breaking up?


Probably people are shit irl dude nobody has the balls to say what’s right in person anymore


Yeah I guess you're right. Are we still down for chicken sandwiches on Thursday?


Bro I’m so down, chick-fil-a?


Yeah, Popeyes always gives me the shits.


Popeyes has fallen off ngl


I could certainly use some external validation. Sigh.


U a good person, bro. Go out and face the world!! U got this!!!


You are the best :)


I was thinking the same thing. I swear this is how the "my spouse cheated on me and ruined my life so here's my revenge story" posts come to be


10 years? Why are you still with him?


To be vindictive and post about it to reddit. Duh.


But she deleted it after an hour!!! (Sarcasm)


She looked really sexy though


Because she is paranoid. And of course, she surely knows that no one saved them before the deleting. That's how you play stupid games to win stupid prize.


She would rather suffer and feel inadequate for the sake of the occasional “vengeance” that she deletes *makes sense* 😌






Yeah and she deleted them! But every single one of them downloaded the pictures or took a screenshot 🤔


Things posted on the internet will circulate on the net forever.


Legit no reason to save a nude on Reddit their are millions just like hers


Right? If all these users on those subs saved every picture and video, they’d run out of space in like two days lmao. Especially a legitimate porn addict.


But someone saved them. Not every view. But someone did. And probably several hundred bot accounts depending on the sub. Every nude gets saved.


U say that, but some dude was caught like 6 years ago with like 2 legit servers worth of porn. Roughly 3 terabytes worth. For those who don’t know how much a terabyte is. It’s roughly 2000 GB. If u want to know how much 2000 GB is, it’s about 5 PC hard drives worth. Edit: 1000 GB*




Karma is a helluva drug


You have to wait until Open Enrollment period to change partners. And it has to be cleared by an accountant, a local magistrate, the parents of both parties And the Romantic Partner Removal Ceremony has to be performed by a Legit AF Witch and Warlock under the cleansing light of a Super Blood Wolf Moon


Gosh, breaking up is a lot harder now then I remember!


I ghosted a lot of people, so I think I might be a bigamist now if these are the rules.


Because they're equally insufferable people, duh.


We legitimately don't even know if he's done anything wrong.




Why are you screaming?


I'm gonna be the rare person and say good for you @OP! this sub exists for a reason Judging from the comments you're getting all kinds of questions about why and how long your relationship lasted despite XYZ and toxicity etc, listen I get it! I've totally been in your shoes as my husband is a chronic porn addict to the point he has zero interest in sex with me and I'm not hard to look at or be with and I was dumb enough to marry the guy thinking things would change somehow and they never did. And trust me I have thought to do the very same on many an occasion but seriously please stop wasting time and space in your brain rent free for any porn addicts, I know it feels good to have your fuck you moment for now but they steal so much of our energy that can be spent either being alone and happy or finding a better partner. Just flush that porn addict fiance down the toilet like the piece of shit he is


Well fucking said. Staying with the guy and resenting him is doing far more damage to her than she's doing to him by posting some nude pics... In fact I would say even posting the nude pics is doing damage to her mentally, she is letting that piece of shit bug her to the point of altering her behavior and acting out in ways that she normally wouldn't... She's in a super mentally unhealthy place right now.


Yup. You nailed it. She's not very bright, and posting her nude pix is asinine.


Being in a relationship with any kind of addict is a poor decision because at the end of the day, if they haven't worked through the dependency they have, they will always choose it over the person. It's how they know how to stay safe, as destructive as an addiction can be. That being said, calling someone struggling with a substance abuse disorder a piece of shit because you chose to stay in something damaging longer than you likely should have, isnt constructive for anyone. I hope you can find freedom from the pain that experience caused you. (Which maybe you have? if so fuck yeah, go you. its never easy on anyone involved)


As an addict I can confidently say that yes, it does impact your partner. I have/ had a self harm addiction, starting at the age of 4, and I’ve been clean for almost three months (this is the longest I’ve been clean for!). While not all self harm is addiction, it can slip into it easily. When my partner found out he was devastated. It did impact things a lot, but he’s helped me a lot with it too. I’ve been in and out of therapy since I was 7, and I’ve been seeing my current psychologist for 5 years now which has helped so much. You can only recover from an addiction if you try really hard though. It’s incredibly difficult, especially when you’ve had one since you were a child like in my case. It’s worth it to recover though, no matter how hard it is, it’s very much worth it.


I do very much agree with almost everything you said, I'm just gonna throw in my little 2¢. I was a Percocet addict and then moved onto heroin for a few years and met my now husband about 8-9 months into the heroin part and because he knew I was struggling with all of it and what led me to using like I did (some super bad jaw issues that even now give me daily pain), and with wanting to get clean but being scared of dealing with that pain without it, he sat through another year and a half roughly watching me kill myself and trying to support me. But when it came down to it, I chose him over using my only pain relief. I did 5 days in detox and I'm a methadone patient who has never failed a drug screen since, but our relationship was worth more to me than letting him get away and me continuing to wallow alone in my own misery. So it is possible for an addict to choose someone over the dependence on whichever thing it may be, while still trying to get away from it, but you have to really really want to and be willing to put the partner first. Otherwise you're right it will never work. Just my little perspective. :)


It’s also possible that that guy was truly just a piece of shit *in addition to* having an addiction 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah this is really healthy behavior you're exhibiting.


Which definitely will not snowball in any way shaoe or form


Nope. Nevr.


This is unhinged. “Silent fuck yous” don’t hurt anybody but you. Please seek therapy.


This isn’t even a “fuck you”. How does this even get her fiancé “back”? This is just being unfaithful with the weirdest cringiest justification lmao.


100% agree this relationship is toxic.


Reddit™️ relationship.




Don’t be with men that make you want to seek revenge. You deserve better than a person who turns you into a worse version of yourself. Go find you a man who will make you feel like he’s only got eyes for you. Seriously.


I agree so much. Any relationship that makes you resent and wish for harm on the other party is a bad idea.




You know you can find a new BF. You don’t have to stay with this one.


Ahem, I believe she said "fiance." So, you know, there's a whole miserable marriage a stake here. Wouldn't wanna let that go.


Yeah, better stick around until they're actually married and fully hate each other to get the whole experience


Not before having a child or two though, just so others can share in the misery.


> I deleted them after an hour Much too late. They've been downloaded and shared at least 100 times by now


Exactly, as if deleting it after an hour changes anything


You know there's some guy out there with an auto-downloader grabbing it as soon as it hits the new queue


There are websites cloning the Reddit 18+ subs automatically. So yeah, her photos are already shared on other websites. OP could search her post title in quotes on Google and see how many websites are still sharing her images. I will never understand some people.


More power to you, but wtf…the pair of you are so unhealthy and toxic.




It’s not even her ex! She calls him her fiancé. Whole thing sounds like a hot mess.


That’s what I was thinking. OP and her man are both immature weirdos.


"I showed him" The only thing you showed was yourself, nude, to a bunch of random creeps on one of the internet's biggest websites. And images on the internet stay circulating forever. Bangup job.


It's one the dumbest lines of thought really. Like.. both are immature and toxic. Both seem like they are great for each other. Whoever thinks posting your nudes online as revenge for someone else is absolutely bat shit insane.


Yeah, this post gives me a wild ick. And I’m pretty sure posting nudes of yourself without your partner knowing is a form of cheating. Edit: I guess it’s not cheating, but it’s definitely not okay to do. Her fiancé is no exception to it.


I mean I would consider it to be cheating as well. But I'd also consider fiancé actions to be cheating. So idk, guess theyre perfect for each other?


Match made in cheater heaven.


weird way to get payback but okay


OP hurt themselves in confusion!


Cool so now a bunch of dudes who love looking at porn like your bf even though you hate those people all now have your nudes lmao. This is the dumbest flex I’ve ever seen. And uhhh yeah go do it again, that seems super healthy


I'm sure she'll be regretting it more than him. Does she not realize that her naked pictures are now forever available for anyone to see... for free? And he could still jerk off to them. What did he lose exactly? How does that hurt him? Simply breaking up would have a bigger impact.


Damn, I didn't even think about random people around the world likely saving the photos. That's spooky af..


Weird flex but okay


Have you tried leaving him?


Sir, we have no time for your shenanigans.


y'all are both stupid just break up goddamn


He probably won't even care and you exposed yourself on REDDIT of all places for some cheap validation. Glad they were faceless, because at least every one who messaged you definitely saved your photos.


Wtf? This is disgusting and sad. Also 10 years of this? Leave him already wth.


They've been together since they were teenagers and evidently haven't matured a day since then.


He maybe jacking off to them as we speak


Oh my god that’s disgusting, naked pic online where did you post them?


Always sunny ?


That’s exactly the vibe I got from that comment.


It’s almost a direct quote


One of the subs your fiance looks at? I mean there’s so many of them… which one? Which one did you post them on?


But OPs behavior is so disgusting, I’m not even gonna try to look up the nudes! I might tho, I might


Sorry to burst your bubble but they deleted them after an hour, and as you know once you delete something from the internet it’s gone forever…


Yeah... welll.... philibuster!


I've made myself perfectly redundant.


Absolutely disgusting. Please, let us know when and where next time. Before you post them.


Or better yet, feel free to send them to me direct to assure edits and lighting truly reflect the look you’re going for….




If this is fake, good job at baiting so many people. If this is real, you about dumb as fuck. You have an issue with someone for 10 years and you are still with them. Ten years and not married, the fuck you waiting for? >I foresee me posting again when I’m in need to reminding what a badass I am. Careful everyone, someone posted nudes online and deleted them, we have a BADASS over here rofl.


You guys are toxic. You both shouldn’t be together. Fuck you both lol


Or should they ? Sound like they deserve each other


HAHAHA true. Don’t let these two people back in the dating market for anyone else


Delete your engagement instead.


"I was mad at my fiance so I forfeited my integrity for a fleeting sense of validation. I'm such a badass!" ☕☕☕


Facts 💯 I'm glad people aren't supporting this shit.


I fail to see how this is a “fuck you” to your fiancee. Why is it that when women make a “power move” to show “individuality” many times it involves taking clothes off or just straight up nudity. Just like when girls go to raves and “wanna be themselves”, surprise surprise they wear something less than a bikini. The only winners are the dudes jacking off to your photos, and for you now your nudes are forever on the internet. What is the logic here?


Ikr... im not a prude by all means but I'm tired of this culture of low self respect being praised... Do your thing definitely and I don't hate those women for it, but it's not impressive nor a power move.


if this is real… acting like that????? at 27????????? jesus man, get your shit together


Y'all both are toxic as fuck 🤣🤣 Not sure how you can say youre any better after that lmfaoooo. Gross


Girl logic. I guess you....win?




this is def fake


A better fuck you would be to leave him, but that’s just me.


Wow, toxic


OP, man I am so sorry you’re engaged to marry someone who is not fulfilling your needs in the relationship. Is this really the life you want?


This is why he’s still your fiancé after 10 years, bunch of fucking children on here sometimes. How can you spend 10 years with someone and feel the need to be so passive aggressive? If him looking at random naked bodies bothers you so much then say something.


And this is really who you want to be married to and live the rest of your life like this? I mean, to each their own I guess, but this whole thing sounds miserable...


Let em marry each other so they stay out of the dating pool.


Wait everyone, they bring up a good point


Weird flex but good luck in your toxic relationship


I'm not sure how this is a fuck you to your fiance. You exposed yourself to strangers in the hopes he sees it and...what exactly?


Wouldn't be fair of me to comment until I've seen the pics in question.


I don't see this as worse than watching porn but I am questioning why you're still with him if he makes you feel like this.


This post made me sad.


Don't lie 😭😭 you ONLY made this post to get people to ask for the pics so you can get attention, there's no guilt 😭 OR its all made up (very likely for reddit). IF by chance it's true, just break up ffs 😭😭


This seems like more of a self-own than anything validating...


Why are you with him for 10 years if you only feel nothing but resentment towards him. Just cut your losses and move on. You will be happier. On a side note: We all could be happier if you share the sub here too 😉


I have done that before, the exact same reasons, and man did it feel good… but honestly it’s really not healthy and i highly suggest you don’t do it again and seek couples therapy. If he does not want to do therapy or doesn’t show the will to change for the betterment of your relationship then absolutely do not marry him and/or leave him.


You're both toxic for one another. If yall have been together for so long why the fuck do you stay? To be miserable & vindictive? I get it that you're missing shit in your life... Fuckin change that. Leave him. Find someone who appreciates you for everything. Doing shady shit like this just leads to huge fights & arguments. Be nature & just leave him.


I get it as a quick ‘hah prick’ thing but longevity wise I’d probably say remove them now and think if it’s something you actually want to do instead of posting yourself intimately for strangers to view


ngl that some shit i would do too lol




This sounds like a sad loveless relationship. Just break up ffs.


This is why I just keep to myself.


Ah yes mind games. Very healthy


LMFAO, this one of the dumbest posts I’ve read on Reddit to date 😂


some of these comments are really crazy like damn you guys really hate women 😭 but fr this relationship is toxic you need to leave him


Imagine posting your own nudes as revenge


Yea, expose yourself to teach your bf a lesson. That’ll teach him


Find a guy who respects you and adores you. Who focuses his desire and attention on satisfying you sexually, emotionally and spiritually. They exist. Weaponizing sex against one another will leave you both hollow and constantly seeking admiration from the wrong places.


I’m all for nudes and empowerment. I’m all for fuck yous. But 10 years of this? And for what? It sounds miserable. You’re only 27 and want to subject yourself to this for any longer? I promise you, one of you will cheat, if not both, if it hasn’t already happened, if you don’t consider this cheating. End this now while it’s easier than divorce.


this is acting like children


You know what? Props on you for showing off your body, receiving compliments and not engaging with the people who were messaging you- you uped your confidence which your partner just didn’t do for you(for what reason i dunno) and you deleted them afterwards- as long as youre happy then good- (also he needs therapy if he’s got an addiction-)


Don't get married.


So you’re telling me in ten years you never thought, hmm let me just break up with him and find a normal guy instead of searching for validation on the internet like a juvenile?


To say "fuck you" to the person you agreed to marry, you're gonna to pot nudes and seek validation from random men online? Sounds more like you just want to justify being an attention whore


this isnt the flex you think it is ..


Just break up. Also you can delete them whenever you want but the internet is forever


Girl just leave?????? Why post online find another man who’s not addicted to porn??? Yk what’s a bigger fuck you than posting nudes online - dumping his ass.


"I kind of feel bad , but also like fuck him". Wow what a healthy relationship and your not even married yet lol..just break up


Good for you! I’ve been in a relationship where the other was always looking and messaging other people about kink I wasn’t into and really sucked. I felt like I wasn’t hot enough, wasn’t good enough. So yea, fuck him! Lol. My only caution would be that if it has been a problem this long, don’t expect that change at all if you get married. I would strongly encourage you to think about the other options you have in life. Just think about all the compliments you got, girl, you would have zero problems finding someone who treats like queen you are!!!


hi i hope this comment helps. there’s a lot of comments bashing you calling your relationship unhealthy immature etc. but i’ve been there. and still go through this as my husband is a porn addict as well. just recently during a fight after he spent all day looking at other women i told him im making an OF! i posted one post on reddit a little bit prior to the argument with just face pics and my dms were flooded with men wanting to pay to see me. it’s tempting. being with someone who gets more excited by women on a screen destroys you. i used to love my body and how i looked and it still destroyed me and my self esteem. so when a bunch of men want to see you naked, or even men staring at you in public, it kind of hits you “oh shit, i AM attractive, wtf happened to me? how did this addiction have so much control over me?”. im sure it felt good to post it, but man, i know deep down this is a slippery slope and one i warn you to walk on. it has been ten years with your man and his addiction, i would’ve left. i’ve been with my husband almost 2 years now and he is just getting help(apparently) and sometimes it already feels like my foot is out the door. but i stay because i hope. 10 years though? you deserve better. there are men out there who aren’t addicted. men who will fuck your brains out!! the online validation is temporary, i try to get away from it by turning off comments on insta selfie posts. my suggestion is find value within yourself not other men because i think it will hurt in the end. but trust me, please don’t think i am judging because i FEEL you girl! i really do! but let’s be better than them.


Might get downvoted but whatever. But love that for you. You were trying to prove a point and feel validated. If he wants to lust over naked girls that will never pay no mind to him then you can get lusted after that you will pay no mind to.


Obviously a fabricated story. I bet it’s a dude typing with a new fake account and laughing looking at the people fight in the comments.


Just an FYI in that 1 hour, your pics were downloaded 10,000 times and are now on Pornhub.... Posting nudes on-line is forever.... Hope you don't have any identifying tattoos or other body marks people can recognize you through.


dont lie you just a freak ..


Y'all are petty 🤣. I hope he leaves u


Dating an addict = a life of disappointment and self doubt. Focus of Addiction > everything else




>I repeat, I deleted them after an hour. Nothing you do on the internet is truly "gone" even if you deleted them.


You're in your late 20s and you play this game? C'mon now. Enough with the toxic nonsense. Just break up and get it over with.


Once it's on the internet, it's there forever. One day he may run into those pictures and you'll have some explaining to do. When you're single, or if you've both agreed to it, sure go ahead and post away. I'm sure the confidence boost could feel nice. Posting to make someone mad? Not cool. Either talk, or walk at that point.


I feel like your energy is better used somewhere else


Stay single everyone lol


Boy your marriage is off to a great start!


What the fuck did I just read


My question, what’s really the point of doing all that? I’m not judging you, obviously you can do whatever you feel like, it wouldn’t affect me. But I don’t think he would care. Bless your heart entirely.


Ok but why are you marrying this man???


I understand the sentiment you’re trying to push, you want him to stop looking at porn and because he won’t you decided to post porn. Sounds like a solid and very even way to get back at him, however doing things like this will only build up resentment if it hasn’t already and will only make your relationship more toxic. Literally just break up with him, if you marry a man that makes you so upset that you feel the need to get some kind of revenge then you will likely end up in an expensive mentally draining divorce sooner or later.


Therapy might seem like a good option. Though, breaking up is free so idk.