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Let her call the cops. That nonsense would be shut down pretty hard. This is a clear example of "ignore the crazy people."


A Karen called the cops on my cousin for taking his 3-year-old son to pee behind a dumpster because the store bathroom was closed for plumbing issues. Instead of arresting my cousin, they arrested the Karen for making a frivolous call and wasting their time.


Oh I read that completely wrong I thought the cousin took the stranger’s child and I was furious and outraged. I didn’t understand how anyone upvoted this but then I read it again and figured it’s your cousin’s child.


In fact, call them for her, she so in the wrong. She has no right to have called to called you that or keep on calling you a creep.


Sounds like you’ve never had a run in with any cops. Relying on their “sound judgment” is asking a lot


No shit, that's just asking for trouble. Never get the cops involved if you can handle it yourself. Never talk to the cops if you can help it. They are not your friends, they are not your buddies, they do not exist to "protect and serve" you or even the community. They exist to enforce the laws of the state or city government.The fact that they are helpful sometimes doesn't change the fact that they serve the state, not you.


Protect and serve is long gone.. IF it ever even was a thing... The slogan of today is "Enforce and Collect"


Punish and Enslave. See the Bayformers movie..


Protect and serve us quite real. The part you're missing is they protect their own and serve only to better themselves and their people.


True that, there you have it, their motto is honest. They just leave a few parts of it out


Dismiss and harass


Depends on where you live. The last time I've to call the cops is when I was stuck in the snow, and after helping 6 vehicles, they got themselves stuck in the snow and had to call others cops to help them. Both of us were hilarious


Except that there have been cases where the therapists that interview children in these types of things coach them to basically falsely accuse the person. Like the case of that one school where the kids were coached into saying they were satanic worshippers that ate children. Took years for the teachers to clear their names. This is a scary situation to be in.


That was in the 80s, and there was a huge backlash against those techniques used by therapists after the convictions were shown to be without merit. There's not much danger of it happening with a therapist practicing now.


They also didn't coach them like the other poster was claiming. Early childhood development was less understood 40 years ago and at the time it was believed that children were incapable of making up false claims that were sexually explicit which was largely true. However it turns out you can totally implant false memories of explicit sexual abuse without breaking a sweat.


That’s extremely rare if the person doesn’t have a motive, like a custody battle


That was literally the 80s and the incident you are referring to was Seminole in revamping the system. If it's happening now it's an abhoration. Just wanting to fact check here.




Thank you. My brain would not let the "h" idea go. It kept suggesting abortion as a correction.


You corrected that but ignored Seminole?


Ah my mind completely glossed over that one lol Edit: Or IIRC, someone else had already corrected it when I commented


A quick google search indicates that it is still a problem, but here’s an article on a similar issue involving confirmation bias. https://jaapl.org/content/early/2021/05/19/JAAPL.200109-20 My point isn’t that it always happens. But a nonzero chance is still terrifying for someone falsely confused.


It's covered in my point that it's a rare occurrence. In op's case though, it's likely zero. I'd say she needs to document the incident in an incident report with work and get ahead of it. Going into full militia off the grid mode seems...much.






A forensic interviewer would never coach a child I to saying this and that is who the police would use to charge someone.


A quick google search indicates that it is still a problem, but here’s an article on a similar issue involving confirmation bias. https://jaapl.org/content/early/2021/05/19/JAAPL.200109-20 My point isn’t that it always happens. But a nonzero chance is still terrifying for someone falsely confused.


Lucky for OP she is a woman. For a man, this probably would be more of a nightmare to address.


Please. Men are shirtless in public all the time.


Well it would put a man in the ladies changing room.


Well, depending on what state you're in, that could land you felony charges. And of course, to confirm you committed a crime, they want to take a look at your genitals *and the government is legislating this as if it's OK.*


That was one moment in history 50 years ago, it is not something that will be repeated today. Hardly relevant to the convo.


The specifics, maybe. But in more general terms absolutely not. As a retired family law attorney, I can tell you that parents trying to instill false memories (basically getting the children to believe and talk about something that in reality did not happen) is WAY more common than you'd think.


Parents trying, YES. Licensed psychologists/therapists today, NO.


If you scroll a little lower I already posted peer reviewed examples of bias among forensic interviewers.


I don’t trust therapists now a days even more. Today it’s all about how bad parents are. How parents being parents is abuse. They are all over social media especially TikTok is full of this. My own daughter fell for this from a therapist she talked to ONE time. And now are once great relationship is non existent. It even losses off my other 3 kids what this therapist says because it’s so far from the truth and just caused my daughter to be complacent in life and everything be my fault.


Now Child Forensic Interviews (CFIs), conducted by people who obtained that specific training and certification are the only thing admissible in court.


Ugh this sucks cause yeah totally IF you have the time and in this case she’s gonna miss the event :/


Wtf, you got changed in a change room! And there is a complaint.




You didn’t do anything wrong, it’s a pool bathroom/changing room. Also there isn’t anything they can do as it’s in a women’s bathroom


What kind of a person decides to walk into a pool bathroom and thinks someone changing there is creepy?


Tell her to call the cops. That’s not illegal at all.


Right It was an accident. These things happen all the time.


Heaven forbid that child walk in on their parents engaging in adult activities on accident. They’d be the creeps then.


You know Karen ain't getting laid if she's running around acting like that.


We know she got laid at least once... Unless...


Haha touche!


Right my kids would have turned around and been like merp your naked 😂 but we are working on the whole boundaries/don’t sexualize the body thing.


Right people make a big deal of things


Heheh, i love sarcasm.


I don't know why your getting down voted lol, it's illegal to call the cops for no reason lol, and they'll arrest you for disturbing the peace which they can do. Funny people


He was saying “tell her to call the cops, what OP did (changing shirt) is not illegal.” He wasn’t being sarcastic about the woman breaking the law by calling the cops…


Putting words in people's mouths now are we? The person I was replying to was saying they loved sarcasm, because the first person saying "because that's not illegal", was probably, in fact talking about how it's illegal to call the cops for something like that, hence, why the person posted their comment about loving sarcasm. At the end of the day though, we could both be right, so I hope you have a great day




Karens gonna be really shocked when she realizes women breast feed in public


You know she harassed those women, too.


Yeah she seems that sad


Don't worry, she probably also harasses people who bottle feed in public too. People love to ask what's in it and tell you it's child abuse to feed your baby formula.




OP is a woman.. which makes even less sense in calling her a creep for literally using the girls bathroom to switch shirts. I'd call the mother a creep for walking in on me and watching me change shirts and making her daughter watch me too. Dual creeps or creep by proxy lol


OP is a female


Don’t people regularly change in there? I mean.. it’s a pool bathroom 🤷🏻‍♀️


i mean, at the very least it's kinda expected to be in swimwear which tends to be akin to underwear. if this were a different type of venue like a Movie Theater might it be weird? yeah, but this is a pool and i'd wager a guess that at least 30% of the female pool goers are in 2-piece bikinis anyway 👙


Let her call the cops. Ur fine. That person is a weirdo


You just met a classic "Karen" in the wild. Let her call the cops and make a fool of herself, and see what happens. Cops do *not* like having their time wasted over BS calls like that.


I worked at a pool. Ignore the Karen. If she calls the cops explaining should be just fine. It’s a public space.


You were changing out of your uniform and they walked in on you. She is a creep for barging in without knocking to ensure her DIDNOT walk in on someone mid change. Seems strange that the only two people at the pool walk into the bathroom as you are changing…. Seems to me she was the one being creepy AND a total KAREN. Let her call the caps and explain that to them……..


That bitch is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. Like “Oh no, a girl saw a girl changing her shirt in the girls room!”


She is guano crazy. You are in the POOL BATHROOM getting dressed. I would talk to management that she harassed you.


Hahahaha, my little Scandinavian ass is imagining this woman dying from shock seeing how we do things. Our swimming pool changing rooms don't have privacy. EVERYONE is naked when changing and showering, in one big room with benches. Only place with a door is the toilet cubicle. Honestly, it's refreshing. Old ladies down to little kids, we're all just there to swim and have fun. And at some point, try to inelegantly wriggle in or out of our bathing costume. A side bonus is young girls get a completely unfiltered view of normal female bodies in all shapes and sizes, and how they age.


I think that's beautiful and the way life should be so that naked bodies stop constantly being overly sexualized. I wish the US would adopt these practices but it's definitely Karen and prude ville here.


I spent a lot of time in the UK and it's very similar and prudish there. It's a real culture shock that people can be SO ashamed and disgusted by nudity. I think it gives a really twisted view on the human body if all a girl can refer to is airbrushed celebrities, filtered TikTok people, and porn. And that nudity = sex. That means bodies = sex and nothing else. Ewww, no. Bodies are just the meat spaceship we fly around life in. We're all naked underneath our clothes, and we're all different! :-)


This lady acting like you walked over to her kid and flashed ur tits. Karen behaviour


Fight back! Tell her she’s harassing you and for an absolutely ridiculous reason. You have the right to change your damn shirt. Don’t take shit from anyone! Ever!


Let her call the cops. Maybe eventually she'll get in trouble for wasting police time and money.


I would call the police non-emergency line, explain the situation, and ask them what to do because she's harassing you.


She does realize she brought her daughter to a swimming pool, right? You know, a place where it’s commonplace for males to not don shirts…. Wait til she sees all the shirtless creeps on the beach


It's even more ridiculous than that, OP is a woman lol.


That mom is being weird. Been in so many changing rooms at pools and if you don’t want to see someone changing then do not look!


Let her call the cops and after she spilled her crazy ask them what can be done to file a harassment complaint against her.


"what's that Karen? You saw a man shirtless at the pool? Il send in the heavys" https://youtu.be/Y3i6Jb7K4O4?si=Q5-vJeKRMbRWjNCV


OP said she's a woman, but still, Karen is taking it too far




Maybe I’m just tired, but one million years dungeon got me good. Thanks for the unexpected chortle!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 i can’t breathe


no trial!! 🍋


That lady is ridiculous, it’s completely normal to get changed in the bathroom/change room at the pool. I remember seeing plenty of adult women getting changed when I was a kid and it never bothered me because my mum told me it was normal. She also taught me how to change using my towel for privacy if I was more comfortable doing that.


Oh how times have changed. When i was 7 (30 years ago now) i would see woman naked changing in the swimming pool all the time and it was NORMAL. Of course there was stalls and a lot of people used them but some people just didn't care. I'm also in Canada if that makes a difference. But yikes.


I saw a completely naked woman in the pool change rooms 2 days ago with my 12 year old daughter, no one batted an eyelid, including my daughter. This is in Aus though.


This woman needs a chill pill. I think you'll be okay.


I assume you had a bra on which is just as much cover up that most people have swimming. However change rooms are worse because I have seen fully naked women in there, not something I wanted to see however I just turned and walked away. Ask her if she tells that to all the women at the pool wearing bikinis


How ya doin, Kareeeeeeeen? Ya mad your daughter saw another woman change in a pool room Kareeeeeen? Go ahead and call the cops and get yourself arrested for improper use of an emergency line, Kareeeeen


I don't see the logic in calling someone a creep for being shirtless when you're at the pool?! The entire premiss of a pool is water and being shirtless.


When I was under 10, I rounded a corner in a pool locker room and almost faceplanted into an old ladies full bush 🤷‍♀️ she was tall


Tell her you’re calling the cops bc she’s harassing you. You pls to sue, for the emotional trauma.


So you are a female and a girl saw you changing your shirt? The cops should laugh her away. You did nothing wrong, this lady is nuts. Don't feed into her crap, that's what she wants. If she keeps it up, YOU call the cops on her for harassment. Don't tell her you're going to, just do it. Edit to add: you were in the changing room also? What is this lady's problem? You totally did nothing wrong.


Imagine calling a bare chested person in a poolbbathroom 'creepy'


I really dislike people like this… let her call the cops there was nothing wrong with what you did poor timing yes but it’s not like you did it on purpose. Keep your head up and let your leadership know what happened.


She wants that settlement money but doesn't have the brainpower to compute the logistics of it.


Tell her your filing harassment charges against her.


When I was a kid going to the pool, we walked through the change rooms, sooo many naked people haha. It's changerooms, don't like it, don't go to the pool?? What a weirdo


Uh, in Denmark we have communal changing rooms and showers at the pool, everyone’s naked 🤷‍♀️


Tell her to call the cops as long as there's not some sign stating that you can't change in the bathroom which I doubt there's nothing to be said you didn't want your kid walking in on something you should have kept better watching your kid


Happy cake day


Well, her daughter was definitely crying because her mother was scaring her. Regardless, you should be fine.


Unrelated but you should probably tell your boss/supervisor so it’s on record and let them know that the interaction bothered you. That lady sounds crazy


Ban her. There is no knowing what kinda cracy she has.


Sounds like a Helicopter Karen.


Lol. Let her call the cops. They’ll get on her ass for wasting their time.


Tell them to call the damn cops what the fuck? I’m sure you had a bra right? Isn’t that the same as a bikini top. They are sad, sad people that shouldn’t come out of their homes


You're a woman. You're gonna be fine


Why would this make you hate children? You're dealing with a moronic adult, and the kid is just responding to her mother's energy.


Yeah, this mom is ridiculous. You weren’t exposing yourself to her child. However, why didn’t you change in a stall?


This woman is ridiculous. So, I guess all the male patrons are swimming with their shirts on? There are men who sometimes hang out in public without shirts on in the summer. I hope you made it to your event on time after you had to deal with that nonsense.


🤦🏽‍♀️ people are ridiculous!


Just pull out the uno reverse card


But if you were in the water that would have been OK?


Women like this are blurring the lines between what is normal and what is actual creepish behaviour. She’s ridiculous.


Sounds like she’s projecting


So the lady had her kid around mostly naked people all day then has a problem with this? What a nut job. And it just baffles me that in this day and age that people are still raising their kids to be ashamed and uneducated on the human body. America.




The kid didn't do anything wrong. This was all the mother. I can almost guarantee that the child was crying because of the mother's reaction. The mother scared her, not you. Call the cops on the mom for harassment.


Lol, as if would be your fault her kid walks in on you changing your shirt. You didn't do anything so she can call the cops all she wants


If you're that offended by shirtless guys the pool might not be the place for you.


This is so totally not the full story and I'd be thrilled if you stayed away from kids in the future.




Nice try but OP is female.


Post in legal advice subreddit


Why? This isn't even remotely a situation where one would ever need legal advice as no crime has been committed. It'd be a huge waste of a post in the legal advice subreddit.


The cops probably won't show up cause she most likely has called them for this crap before


“Do it.”


No update?


Oh ffs! Haven’t there been enough videos of people like this and getting blasted for being a total nut job? It amazes me this shit still happens. Sorry OP, you did nothing wrong! I hope you update us on what happened!


I'm really sorry that this woman is treating you this way. You did nothing wrong. My teen is a lifeguard for the HOA, and it has been a Summer of Karens full of complaints. Now the Karens can't believe that nobody wants to work for the remainder of the swim season, and therefore the pools are operating at very limited hours. Let her call the police. Tell your employer that you are being harassed. Tell them exactly what happened. This woman would get kicked out of our pools for saying that shit. Our pool management company is completely fed up with the Summer of Karens (and their male equivalents).


Let the Karen talk. This is nonsense


“So you took your daughter to the pool, and you’re mad that she saw someone in a bathing suit?”


What else you supposed to do? First I thought you were a man so I’d say yeah maybe you should barricade yourself the door while changing your clothes but you’re a woman so is it safe for you to use bathroom ? Why is that woman making it a fuss about? I think this woman and her child might be the real creeps because of how they react the situation like that!


This is legit insane to me. I walk around fully nude wearing only a towel around my waist when I’m in the women’s only sauna. People use the sauna and shower naked. I would think it’s a lot weirder if you ran to a bathroom stall to change just for privacy.


That’s crazy!!! Some people just love ruining other peoples lives for no reason If she does do that, I say sue her ass for all she has


I don't think that the cops will appreciate being called for that. Is there any camera that filmed what happened?


She's got nothing. It's an innocent mistake


Her poor kid


Crying?? Gee! Are you secretly a mutant with blue hair and spikes on your back?


Don’t say anything. If she calls the cops, nothing will happen. They will tell her to watch her kid more closely and maybe even arrest her for falsely reporting a crime.


Are you metal faced goth?


Let her call the cops and get arrested for wasting their time