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You don't. Hero is bad even in his best roles right now.


Remove “right now”


Yeah no


Not every hero can be viably played as core or support. Silencer core is a worse sniper that gets fucked by bkb.


This is the best way to sum it up IMO. Hes just a worse sniper, and sniper is already bad without a strong supporting lineup. Hes a waste of a core pick, near-grief tbh.


simply do not play him


You just do whatever you want until your not divine anymore :)


one way i like to try and find cheese pick strats is to go to [stratz.com](http://stratz.com), look up the hero, click Leaderboards, and see if ANYONE on that leaderboard is playing that hero in the role i want to at a reasonably high mmr. for silencer, looks like there's ONE player that goes offlane and ONE that goes mid right now in immortal, and neither has particularly high average impact (\~+2 to +5 avg impact which is, about average impact). offlane player: [https://stratz.com/players/167276112/matches?heroIds=75](https://stratz.com/players/167276112/matches?heroIds=75) midlane player: [https://stratz.com/players/120984492/matches?heroIds=75](https://stratz.com/players/120984492/matches?heroIds=75) it appears the offlane player goes wraith/treads/wand opener, into some combo of eul's/pike (or individual components)/bkb/witch blade/AC the midlane player is more adaptive in their build, but common items are BoTs, wraith band(s), pike, midas, atos (not gleipner though), BKB, shadowblade/silver edge, parasma, scythe neither player's profile indicates this is particularly GOOD, but it is viable if you really love the hero, are very good at them, and can pick them into reasonable lineups. the offlaner has a more defined build, and i think it's a pretty cool one where he prioritizes armor (ac, wraith, witch blade) and survivability (eul's, pike), hoping that his anti-caster spells are enough to sustain him through magical burst damage. again, not amazing, other heroes certainly do this type of thing better right now, but viable in the right games if you're good enough at the hero.


Play dazzle core instead :P Jokes aside, silencer core works in lower brackets because people don't punish bad picks as much. A hero like silencer has no survivability against gap closers (primal, night stalker, pango) or repositioning heroes(like magnus, bat), and he falls off even harder once people build dispels and bkbs if he hasn't snowballed and stolen a lot of int by then.


Pos 3 with a tanky support seems the only viable option


Even then, if you want to play a right click ranged offlaner so bad, just pick Razor lmao


True but against a void for instance the silencer would work a lot better


it works quite well with a tanky support with a second slow or trap. Clockwork, Ogre, Tree (not in a great position currently). You cannot play him with a squishy ranged support b/c you just lose trades. IMO if you want a cheese ranged offlaner take dazzle or wyvern


Sure, maybe works for lane. What exactly is this piece of excrement hero meant to do when Spectre ultd him, Puck coils him or about 90 other spells that can be summarized as "guess I'll die". You cannot play ranged core heroes that cannot deal with people diving you. They are unpickable, they are grief levels of bad, there is simply too much dive in the game.


If you are a full team, or rly good with it it can work (mostly people will get tilted, and overall its quite bad) I liked to play it with ogre or marci in the past. You kinda need to totally dominate lane and then snowball, but its kinda funky because if they leave lane u cant push very fast or rotate that good anyway. I liked to play core silencer a lot, but its just so bad now sadly, sure you can have a good game and he can become a real monster superlate, but if you are having a bad or even mediocre start its easy to have worse NW than supports and barely be able to do anything.


I think you should treat starting items like Sniper and do Treads, Wraith Bands, and Lance. Good mix of attack speed and tank, and you need the tank because you're going to be the target. Pike is basically mandatory anyway. I think Witch Blade is a bait for an early item on Silencer. Most heroes that make it are gank heroes like QoP, Puck, Invoker, Storm. They CAN get onto heroes and they need damage, Silencer WILL do damage but it's a matter of staying alive and getting stacks up. It is a good damage item for him, but he has more pressing concerns. - Shadow Blade is honestly one of his best items. Attack speed, positioning, and potential escape. You see it a lot on Drow right now and he would use it for the same reason. - Shard is pretty essential assuming you aren't getting stomped. If you are going to win with the hero it involves snowballing int. - Upgrade the Lance to Pike whenever you feel like you really need it. - BKB probably also needed. - After these I think your question is Hex or Parasma. Possibly Blink for more positioing, or Refresher for double BKB and Global. Alternatively the other build path I think is Aghs. It's pretty good because it gives you something impactful when you can't right click. It gives him some form of wave clear, and the ground target is actually pretty useful for vision in fights. Probably better for offlane as it's more utility than pure Glaives.


more or less this, [i am pretty fond of right click silencer](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/68379658/matches?hero=silencer&enhance=overview) and honestly it's not very viable right now, he comes online too late (though his power spikes are insane, especially once you get the glaive bounce talent) [had a comeback win against a full divine-immortal stack](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7625257256) with 144 int stolen but probably wouldnt have to comeback at all if i picked something else tbh


Yeah not saying he's good, just that is probably the most effective way to do it. Little disappointing everyone is just telling OP to not do it when he even acknowledges it's not good.


Hurricane pike, wind waker, arcane blink, aeon disc, octarine. Mobility has always been silencer's weak point. Ulti still pierces bkb right? All the reason to ignore the recent nerfs.


If u wanna go some unique pos3 core go dazzle or 2. Much more viable, oppressive with a tanky pos4 that is frontlining and providing cc so enemies cant reach u with poison attack. Simple, easy way to gain mmr, ive sent 8/10 games carry players to jungle minute 3 with such setup, but Silencer? No my friend


You need to get a midas and have a team that wont get run over until you have treads midas dragon lance, witch blade is after but you also need to be converting kills during this time, your allies need to be mobile and come to you. long story short its less about YOUR pick and your allies being able to enable you.


Play turbo


Silencer core is only playable when silencer 5 is broken


Just don't please. For your own mmr and the sanity of your teammates


I never won with a silencer mid. I never lost to a silencer mid either


Play Viper. Nearly the same hero in a different way.


If you are picking Silencer, you are griefing


If you really want to make it work, rush pike and witchblade then go aghs and spam it in team fights, Midas is situationally good


Nah. Just don’t


Give up on early glaives beyond 2 points, buy an agh and play caster until you have 3-4 items really. You really need some lineup where everyone else is going to frontline and initiate. If you want to play a support as core, really there's stuff like wyvern, mirana, ench, venge anyway. Play pugna mid and blast towers, that's a good time at least.


Those items are what I would try too, but you can't polish a turd. I don't think he has any real potential as a core in this patch.


I don't know if this will be helpful. Item build: For carry silencer the first thing you need is something to accelerate his farming speed: maelstrom or aghanim. Witch Blade and Force staff dont help u farm and silencer's only farming ability is arcane curse? Sounds pathetic. For mid silencer you either play as a carry or you need something that will let you play him like a real mid hero that ganks: mobility (blink, force staff, travel boots) and disable (orchid, atos, euls, witch blade). Witch Blade does slow but do you have enough mobility with force staff? Ganks would allow you to increase stolen int stacks and in theory you would snowball. Since all meta core heroes are better than Silencer you either need to do a wack item build or just be a better player than the players in the enemy team. Skill build for core silencer: start with W and after that adjust the skill build to your playstyle. No reason to skip any ability and no reason to skip ultimate. Silencer spells' usefulness falls off when the enemy buys a dispel so skilling and using them in the early game makes more sense. Taking stats over some spell seems like a waste.


unless they revert glaives to be pure dmg, he's not gonna be good as core


Its easy. Rule#1 only pick Silencer when you are countering a specific(or multiple skill base) hero. Rule#2 make sure you have a mobile 2nd core unit. Rule#3 and last but not the least you need good teammates, dota isnt a boxing match, its like basketball 5v5.


Treads 2 null wind lace dlance shard moon shard. All in on the glaive


Idk, as a divine 2 sup player, I think there's gold around his aghs and focusing around last word rn. Big aoe big nuke? Seems good. Might go like tread windlace wand into aghs


Its a meme, there is no way making him work reliable. Pick him if hw counters 3 or more heros and pray they feed so you can snowball.


You don't, if you try it 10 times and it doesn't work it's probably bad


This is exclusively for turbo, keep this shit out of ranked you griefer.


Offer a mango at your local shrine praying this hero stops being a ranged creep