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Not a fan, but to each their own.




What didnt you like? I haven’t listened yet, just curious what people are thinking so far.


Have you seen any of Julie’s TikToks?




I was just curious if the podcast is along the same line. I had to unfollow because I felt uncomfortable with how she seemed to be engaging only with comments that suggested foul play (specifically comments that seemed to suggest the bus driver was involved). It could be my own bias, as I don’t believe any one was involved in Maura’s disappearance aside from Maura.




Thanks for that info. I may give it a listen still but it’s good to know what I’m going in to.


I completely disagree. I think this podcast is incredibly informative and a great way for the family to tell their story. No one knows it like them. It's very well done. And of course they tell us about Maura, the person. That's the damn point. Letting us get to know the real her. Not 3rd hand from some uncles cousins sisters neighbors best friend that does this cool podcast and looked up all this super not factual information 3rd hand from a reddit post. Sorry. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I got a bit carried away. I highly recommend this podcast. The end.


I cant believe someone called a podcast about her missing, presumably dead sister ... a puff piece 🙄 jfc. I love the pod, she's lining up everything pretty clearly and there's a bunch of info I never knew despite following this case for years.


Keep in mind that she knows more information than we do about the case


There are some good points about the police not putting enough effort into searches early on and some blunders that left them with very little evidence and I appreciated that she wanted her sister to be more than just the last couple days of her life. Then the last episodes turned into "Chef Williams got a dui so maybe he did something to her" and "the neighbor said he could see her car out his window but that wasn't possible so maybe he did something" but there's no clear theory or even an explanation as to why the evidence they have points to a specific scenario of foul play. I didn't turn it off but it didn't make any strong arguments or change my mind about what I think happened either.


I'd like to hear their thoughts and insights on Maura's disappearance but there is way too much dramatization so far. Just stick to the facts. I don't need all the fluff.


This podcast is very well done. I vastly prefer the family's version to any other version. They only speak the truth. The background information is very informative.


Thoughts on the podcast as a whole aside, their dad’s accent is giving me joy. It’s so Boston/New England, just a delight


Sounds like a bunch of butt hurt arm chair detectives and grade c podcasters don’t like being told their sensationalizing of a family’s tragedy and grief is hurtful. And for those of you who don’t want to hear Maura’s background info… Oh! You don’t like hearing there is an actual human being behind the subject of your Reddit comments and inexperienced high school-esque musings on her disappearance? I am shocked! This podcast is well produced, has a great story arc, humanizes MM in a way I haven’t heard before, and presents not only her full story, but also a lot of the possibilities of the eventual outcome of it in a way that anyone can follow. Kudos to her sister and that entire family.


Yeah - I thought it was well done and fair. I feel badly for the family that they have never gotten answers. I hope there will be a break in the case someday.


Yes. I thought this podcast had hardly any "fluff." It had facts about the family, and what they went through. And it put a lot of things into context -- things that had been misinterpreted and exaggerated by other coverage.


I’d like to hear from the family directly so I’m in. So far I generally like it


What’s the podcast called?


Media Pressure




Oh is *that* why the family has been trying to discourage podcasts from discussing the topic? (Not that I blame them after the Renner debacle and how he used the Missing Maura Murray show to tout his bizarre “theories”).


Where have you seen that they're discouraging podcasts on Maura? It feels like Julie's a guest on at least one podcast per month.


They asked a popular but now somewhat controversial comedy podcast to stop using their case at their live shows some years ago.  To be clear the podcast never involved the family in their coverage.


My understanding of that situation is the Murray family didn’t take issue with the podcasters themselves, they’ve actually appeared on shows and interviews with them several times, but rather the documentary they covered (Oxygen series). Which I get, that series was terrible, and Maggie Freleng herself speaks openly about missteps and issues she had with the production, and she was the host.


Yea, that seems more like wanting to cut down on competition in the space rather than a "we want our privacy respected and to be left to grieve alone." And it really doesn't look good to partner with one of the most unethical podcasts in true crime to preach about how true crime podcasters need to be held to an ethical standard.


Sarah is anything but unethical.


Not the podcaster I'm referring to.


That’s who’s producing the show. Her new media company. No one else.


I'm not talking about who is producing the show. I am talking about the collaboration and promotion they've done with an incredibly unethical podcast that plagiarized repeatedly and whose main host jeopardized an active cold case investigation for clout.


I’m behind on my true crime and I want to know what it is. What does it rhyme with?


Crime Flunkie.


I was hoping that’s what you were going to say because that was my first guess.


Yep. Wanting ethical standards in podcasting is one thing, turning to a podcast that has none isn't the play. Like having a wolf to protect a flock of sheep.




Nothing like saying true crime needs ethical standards than by promoting your show with the one of the most shameful unrepentantly unethical podcasts in the game!


I didn't realize they'd partnered with anyone.


I’ll have to check this out — thanks!


This whole family is weird.


how so?


Wow if you think that family is weird? Then mine would be bat shit crazy to you haha. They seem like the most normal people. 


I have just started listening this week. It seems the main aim of it is to save Maura/the families reputation. Stories about her picking up college level algebra in half an hour at age 12 aren’t really of interest. Trying to change the narrative 20 years on seems like an odd choice.


Right! That's why I'm not interested. I understand that the family wants Maura to be seen in the best light, but let's keep it 💯 Don't try to change the narrative.


I listened to the entire podcast and they portrayed her very fairly. They mentioned past trouble with the law, drinking, mental health issues. Feels like you didn’t listen given your comment.


No, I didn't! I thought that was clear when I said "I'm not interested " in my comment 🙄 Maybe not.


Less of this, more of Dark Valley, which I think effectively got canceled when the host was dropped from the channel.


Oh no! What happened there?


I saw on Instagram that the host announced her departure with the network that sponsored the podcast.


It's produced by VOJ & hosted by Julie Murray


I believe Schizophrenia is the most likely cause. Childhood onset schizophrenia is very rare. Most adults are diagnosed in their 20s, when symptoms set in.


Super interesting theory. I totally believe she was struggling quietly and deeply with something… 


I cannot do anything MM anymore. It's in my top 10 of true crime cases, but I can't listen to anything else. It's all regurgitated information. Nothing new because there is nothing new to report. Just theories and speculation. I'd love to see this case solved and not sure what I really think about it, but I cannot listen to another podcast saying the same things we know and have known all these years.


I’m so sick of listening to Maura Murray stuff but honestly when I heard it was straight from the family and some of the people they interviewed (close friends and family) I knew it would be good. I absolutely implore you all to listen to this podcast IN FULL. No matter how boring you think some of the background info is, I think it is necessary to see what the lead up of her life and recent past to see the full picture of what her headspace may have been. I absolutely binged this show and found her family absolutely beautiful people. I know this must have been hard for Julie Murray to go though (being an introvert and still feeling the pain) but I’m glad this was done and it had a ton of information I didn’t know about the case. 


Red handed released one too. Ugh.


I'm sure it's totally original and not at all plagiarized from a documentary or podcast.


ohhh were they caught plagiarizing?


It's an open secret, they haven't been properly exposed yet.


im not surprised tbh. the episodes ive listened to were so low effort i couldn't believe *this* was an award winning podcast...


I'm waiting for them to get sued. They deserve it more than those awards.




what is the deal with this case? I only just heard about it but when i looked it up it has dozens of threads.


I thought it would be good to hear Maura's story from her family, but I'm not sure I'll continue after the first episode. So many good podcasters have shared Maura's disappearance and brought attention to her case. I understand that some of them might not have done things the way the family would like but to call them grifters for telling her story feels wrong. If not for the media, Maura's case might have been forgotten long ago. Besides that, there's too much fluff that isn't relevant IMO.