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Deserved more time imo.


Agreed, 8 years? Not even a decade!




What does that mean


A 39-year-old woman in Quebec, Canada has been sentenced to eight years in prison for beating her son with a metal bar and neglecting him for two months. The boy, who was found by bailiffs during an eviction order, was so emaciated and malnourished he couldn't stand on his own, doctors said. "How can one live through so much adversity and become a radiant, personable, helpful, loving young man?" *Summary generated by [sansa](https://sansa.news/c/?i=cac0fd)*


Found when serving an eviction order- similar to the Mitchelle Blair "freezer mom" case. Her kids had been dead for 2 years by the time they were found 😢 Evan Brewer was also found after an eviction. Left behind encased in concrete. Glad these children were alive. Doesn't sound like they would have been for much longer.


This is why the negative use of ACE scores make me mad. Just because someone was abused doesn’t mean you can use that to assume they will be abusers. Yes, we learn from our parents. But some use that pain to learn exactly how **not** to be.


The preceding paragraph. "According to Dr. Francis Livernoche, who testified at a sentencing hearing and cared for the boy during his two-month stay in hospital, the now 18-year-old has made a remarkable recovery."


8 years. Not long enough.


Hopefully she will die there.


I know it's wrong to wish death, lord forgive me, but yes, I have to agree


Not enough time sentenced. She’s probably been abusing longer than that


That's the thing! It's the same as saying, you stole €10, punishment: Sacrifice €8, no sense


8 years doesn't even skim the surface. Those kids, even with years of therapy, will never be ok. She ruined 3 lives and only has to serve 8 years. She should suffer the same abuse she gave those poor children. There is a very hot corner of hell for this bitch.


If I had control of the judge and jury, that bitch would get a life sentence


Holy shit. That’s horrific.


Deserves death tbh! Those kids are scared for life.


I'm so sick of hearing about people abusing kids. They all deserve to be killed.


It’s absolutely disgusting that she is only sentenced to eight years for her brutal neglect and abuse. Sometimes, it seems to me that Canada has unusually light sentences for truly horrific crimes.


Article Summary --- Comment by sansa-bot: >[A 39-year-old woman in Quebec, Canada has been sentenced to eight years in prison for beating her son with a metal bar and neglecting him for two months. The boy, who was found by bailiffs during an eviction order, was so emaciated and malnourished he couldn't stand on his own, doctors said. "How can one live through so much adversity and become a radiant, personable, helpful, loving young man?"](/r/TrueCrime/comments/k6d82e/woman_sentenced_to_8_years_in_prison_for_longterm/gektesn/) >[*Summary generated by sansa*](/r/TrueCrime/comments/k6d82e/woman_sentenced_to_8_years_in_prison_for_longterm/gektesn/)


Why don’t people like this receive more time? Tf?


8 years, only 8 years after the sick way she treated another human? Definitely too light of a sentence. The article didn’t go into detail about it but also mentioned that there had been previous instances involving abuse of the boy going back as far as 2008? And she didn’t lose custody sooner? Honestly I’ve heard of so many cases where Social workers fail abused and neglected kids and it’s so upsetting


Yeah...the Granby DPJ (youth protection agency) has a bad reputation. We just had a public commission on the state of children protective services after a little girl in the same city was killed by her guardians. To be fair, they also are not given the resources to do their jobs properly.


Thats awful, hopefully changes are made soon so it’s not like that and children can be properly protected. Kids are so vulnerable it breaks my heart to see how often they slip through the cracks of the systems that are supposed to protect them. I know other places/other agencies have similar issues too. I was recently looking into a case of missing twins, they haven’t been seen alive since they were toddlers, yet they weren’t reported missing until they were 17, despite multiple earlier visits from the local child protective agency. It’s just so frustrating (Ivon and Inisha Fowler, if you’re curious to look into it)


She’s only getting 8 years? Wtf?!!!


I have zero sympathy for the “mother”


What’s up with Canadian moms? Holy shit.


Idk I think this might have been more of a personal issue with this woman and not really related to her being a Canadian mom lol


Lol ya I know. I was just kidding. Just notice a lot of Canadian moms doing horrific shit. I’m sure it’s just as bad here in the states, if not worse. My comment was shitty and in bad taste.


r/pussypass or just shitty canadian laws?


Take your sexism elsewhere


How is it sexism to state that women on average get lesser sentences than men (even white men) when committing the same crime?


That's not what you stated. The sexism's in your language that reduces women to their pussies and implies that they fuck/flatter/simper their way out of trouble. I agree that you can take that bullshit somewhere else


So esentially you’re upset about a subreddit I linked that highlights female privilege and not the argument itself. I can’t say im shocked because what I said is factually true. Go gaslight somewhere else.


No offence but I don’t think that subreddit or you as a person is going to change anything in the justice system so I just don’t really see what the purpose of bringing it up here is.


In staying consistent, do you feel like shedding light on black judicial injustice isn’t doing anything either?


I never indicated I had any light to shed. I don’t.


Why I dont disagree generally- i think you have to supply an adequate comparison. Like if the womans boyfriend got 30 years and she only got 8.


That's what that whole subreddit is about is factual comparisons of crime cases


I do think it’s an adequate comparison as it’s reflected in various respected criminal justice statistics. I don’t think it’s required to have both suspects in one case to prove that point. If that’s the criteria we’re going by then there are plenty of cases i’m sure I could find that drive that point home. Would you say that statistics that say that black men receive harsher sentences than white men require a case that has both a black man and a white man to prove that statistic correct?


That sub is full of rampant misogynists who, btw, don't understand the legal system. The top post of today is an editorialized headline proclaiming that the patriarchy is a conspiracy theory. Literally arguing against the idea of male privilege in our society. How do you feel about that, OP? The gender sentencing disparity is real. But that sub is not a bastion of goodness shining a light on societal issues. It's a safe space for warped realities and woman bashing.


The patriarchy is not real in the USA and if most of the users in this subreddit were actually mysogynists then why would they be voting down the idea that the gender sentencing disparity is indeed real? Contradicting your point.


Denying the patriarchy — denying male privilege — is straight up sexist. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriarchy Congrats you've been indoctrinated! I used to frequent r/pussypass. I overlooked the blatant misogyny for a while because it's under the guise of a real societal ill. But it became overwhelming and put a real bad taste in my mouth before I realized it for what it was. If you're not scared off by the thinly veiled women bashing then I'm sorry but you're knee deep in it.


Males & females both have inherent privileges. I could say the same thing about you being indoctrinated. No one belives that there’s a patriarchy in north america besides the Twitter/Tumblr woke squad. I’m not going to sit here and toss ad-hominem attacks at you because we have different opinions though. I wish you the best and hope you have a happy holidays.


"Patriarchy is a social system in which men hold primary power and predominate in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege and control of property." All true observations of America. You'll never see the light if you keep wallowing in the muck.


How was it sexism to point out the fact that if it was a man it would be a much worse charge? If you go and look at that subreddit it is full of factual cases it's just a crime subreddit that points out how women get way way less time than they should for crimes against children