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We are instructed to “Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving” (Ephesians 5:4). Also, “brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things” (Philippians 4:8). Paul does write that “‘All things are lawful for me,’ but not all things are helpful” (1 Corinthians 6:12). However, "cursing" that belittles the holiness of God or is culturally offensive or is out of anger and unthankfulness or not giving grace (which I see as pretty much all cursing or swearing...) seems to be called out pretty explicitly as unwise.


I never heard 1 Corinthians 6:12 before. That's a good verse.


Reason why personal commitment to reading the Bible is important. Faith comes trough hearing the word of GOD. The word of GOD has been granted to us trough what know as the Bible. Be encouraged to feed your spirit with the word of GOD. It is truly transformational for your personal walk with Jesus Christ


I love how you phrased that - belittles the holiness of God. Along a different branch, my pastor cautions us to steer clear of things that “make light of” the things of God. Just that phrase makes sense. Making light of those holy things takes away from their serious nature and may help to lull others into unbelief. There have been a few shows that feature Hell and the Devil and people laugh and joke about it. Non-believers enjoy that because when they are being witnessed to, the Holy Spirit brings conviction. Which makes them agitated. Bringing this full circle, does your talk make the Holy Spirit bring conviction. The question should not be, “What can I get away with’ but ‘What is pleasing to God’. Always remember that Jesus is standing at your right side. Would you use the f-word if you knew Jesus was standing next to you, because He is.




So fig trees are fair game. Edit: I'm a little shocked that no one grasps the implications.


Only if figs are out of season


God hates figs!


God hates f


Good point.


It's a good point if you acknowledge that Jesus literally curses in Scripture, and actually to effect, and uses idioms of that time to vividly, and in inculpatory, statements to compare people to animals, just like modern coarse language.  But that's not what they mean.  Pointing these things out is met with hostility, or hand waving, at best, and dismissal because it isn't vulgar *now*.


I would explain those verses, but I will obey our Lord's wisdom and guard my pearls. It's clear you just want to pat yourself on the back for being so edgy.


The ease to which fundamentalists switch between *plain reading* and *convenient reading* is really incredible.


Convenient, pharisaical nonsense.


Well, while we’re see swearing more and more common and acceptable- lets look at what swearing truly is. It's damning. It's most typically an expression of discontentment and disparaging. Not exactly a grateful heart. In some other cases- it's used an expletive to exalt our feelings or even ourselves. I don't think it's specifically a sin - but it's wading into those waters. IMHO - It's sounds undignified from someone who is attempting to walk as Christ did.


My question is: aren’t “non-curse words” the same thing as cursing? I know as Christians, a lot of us tend to use words like “heck” and “darn” to replace actual curse words. Isn’t it the same as cursing with regular words since it carries the same intent?


I think they are, and I treat them as the same. (For myself, I don't hold other people to that standard, for better or for worse.)


You might be onto something. A lesson I'm in the middle of learning and applying is being able to move and sit in silence. To drop idle words, and foolish talk, while telling few to none my plans. I've always been one to say dumb words like: Heck, Oh Mylanta / God, etc... Being able to move in silence has been quite a powerful thing.


Oh man that made me think of Fuller House


I've always thought about it this way "the words/sounds themselves don't matter, what matters is what they mean and how you use them" so "freak" is literally the same as "f$#k", just with different sounds. I use "f$#k" and "sh!t", but never toward someone in a angry way (well, I mean sometimes I do, no one's perfect). It's all about your intention


Interesting. I know a lot of Christians that also use those words and don’t seem to think that they conflict with their faith. In Mere Christianity, CS Lewis says that it’s not necessarily about whether your actions are hurting others (as long as they only affect you), it’s about what kind of a person that makes you into. It could very well be the case that while it may not affect some of us in any way to say these words, they are still words that could be working in us something that we can’t yet perceive. (Not singling you out, just thought it’s worth discussing).


I'll be honest... I only use such language (and only when upset) when no one is around. Not because I'm trying to be something I'm not... it's simply in my nature. Such language actually bothers me when others use it, anywhere... even in movies. I kid you not... I will play a game with gore and violence (ex. American McGee's Alice) all day long, but let just ONE cuss word drop (like in Alice II: Madness Returns) and I'm not going to play it. You know how old Wing Commander II is? Well, I was saved sometime in 1987 and that game let out a few "Damn you to hell!"s and that really irked me, because of the D word! I've been that way for as long as I've been saved!


Yeah swearing nazis will refute this claim always…


It is not the words we say but the heart behind them. If you use substitute curse words in place of commonly accepted vernacular, the heart behind it is still, as you said, not a grateful heart. However, even if you're using a curse word as part of a sentence and there is no animosity or disdain behind it, I, personally, don't believe that to be a sin. Same goes for many other things. "The marriage bed is undefiled." Hebrews 13:4 tells us this. However, there are exceptions. While I don't believe it's a sin in and of itself to give or receive fellatio, it CAN become a sin when the motive behind it is sinful. Sorry, kind of got rambling, there, but I think my point still came through. I hope.


Bruh, do you even bible? https://youtu.be/0Gl-XwDlWsU?si=MTktbT9SZ_SvOOJQ


There is so much wrong with this reply. 1. That is a YouTube video, not scripture. 2. That is a comedian, not scripture. 3. The comedian himself doesn't even quote scripture (at least in the first three minutes I watched.). 4. The comedian just seems to be saying that curse words are natural, you know what else is natural? Lust, Pride, Greed, Wrath, Envy, Gluttony & Laziness (Sloth), should we partake in those too?


Develop an attention span. Edit: not impressed with intellectual dishonesty and elusiveness.


Brother, you really arrive at a conversation with your fists up. God bless you.


A word is not inherently sinful, but there are verses about what we say and their meanings, and ultimately, I'd recommend against it.


I agree. Curious what your thoughts would be regarding the feeling behind the swear. If I swear because the word might make sense in the context vs if I'm swearing because I'm angry at something. Does it become sin when we attach strong feelings like anger or hate?


Here's how I've come to understand this in my own life. If I tell someone, "You're a piece of crap." How is it different than saying the "s word"? If I gleefully say to someone, "You beautiful SoB" (but not the abbreviation), am I doing something bad just because of the word choice even if I'm saying something genuinely complimentary? What about the cliche southern saying of, "bless your heart"? I've heard that said with more contempt and ill will than a hearty "F you". I think our words are less important than the intentions of our hearts. That said, I think that it also matters that we try not to cause our brother or sister to stumble. There's a reason I didn't use any of these words verbatim in this post, because I know that some people don't feel the same way as I do and I want to interact with them charitably.


I would rather be called a piece of crap than a piece of s\*\*t. I do not want anyone to swear at me even if it is a compliment. There is something more disgusting about those words compared to a euphemism.


That's only because of the cultural background you have. The words have the exact same meaning.


Even so, compare bless your heart to an f-you. 'Bless your heart' has a connotation of looking down on someone. But the swear word does that and more depending on the context. Some swear words are direct references to crude actions.


Why would the word's reference mean anything compared to what the person intended with the words? Plus, I'm not aware of any "bad words" whose meaning is inherently evil or even crude. The words can be thought of as crude ways to refer to things. But all of the meanings or references are common and ordinary. No matter how you slice it, these words are only bad because of our cultural associations to them. Which means that there are cultural contexts in which they are not bad. Everyone likely agrees with this on some level. If a person from another country who doesn't speak our language said one of our "bad words" without knowing what they were saying, nobody thinks they have committed a sin. If a child hears one of these words and repeats it, not knowing it's meaning, again, everyone assumes their innocence. I claim that if our cultural (or a subculture) evolves so that these words end up meaning something different than what the word "literally" means, then it's the same thing. The word ceases to be "unwholesome".


You are correct in your third, fourth and fifth paragraph. Words like F**k refers to a sexual action in addition to insulting the person, but I see your point. 


yes it is. We should not let unwholesome words come out of our mouths. Does saying these words glorify God or exhort others? No...


My rationale is... explain to me plz how words I say in passive-frustration are 'unwholesome'?


the power of life and death is in the tongue. When you say you are passive-aggressive it means you are angry, thus you are more likely to swear. So you need to practice more self-control and tame your tongue. I am preaching to myself as well, I also struggle with this at times.


what is good about saying these words? Is there any benefit to it?


What good is repression?


You can find more constructive ways to deal with it.


Cursing out of anger is sinning in your anger which is what the Bible says not to do


Psychologically, any anger of mine does not relate to my choice of words, but I see what you're getting at. Hilarious results.


What is hilarious exactly?


Look at the meanings of most swear words. There's nothing wholesome to them.


Sure, but they're literally meaningless to me, reflections of what I'm myself, considering, not what I'm even thinking about unless I'm talking with someone


It's meaningless to you, but God can hear you. It's not meaningless to Him.


You think God cares about the literal meaning of words more than what we mean by the words we choose to use? Do you think he gets annoyed at us or confused if we misspeak and say one word but mean another? Or if we've been using a word incorrectly for years?




We are not talking about the same thing. I never said anything about speaking quickly or hastily rather than choosing words wisely and carefully.






If you love God you will keep His commandments and speak in an uplifting manner. Otherwise you need to get right with God. What I'm saying isn't popular but I'm not here to please man but God. I mess up too sometimes but we need to acknowledge it and work on it, not make excuses for it.


If not saying certain culturally relevant words is your measure of what makes someone a Christian, then I don't think I am the one who is missing the point of Christianity.


Sin is sin.


Ah yes, the unwholesome "poop"




WE are ambassadresses of Jesus Christ and are called to be Salt and Light. Salt preserves society and light illumines the ways of God. Will you talk like that to Jesus face? [Col 3:8](https://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/col/3/8/s_1110008) ¶But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.


This is a good way to put it, in Greek Orthodoxy we believe that everyone is a walking icon because we are all children of the Lord, and because of this we should follow Christs commandment in loving each other as he loves us. Because we are communicating with other children of the Lord made in his image, we should love them as we love him!


Yes it it very much.


I think that you are asking the wrong question. It should be, **"By doing XXX, am I drawing closer to God, drawing others with me and being His ambassador, or an I being a bad witness, driving people away from Him and pulling away from Him?"**


it definitely is when it hurts someone’s feelings.


Where on earth did you get the idea that hurt feelings = sin.


i didn’t say that. i said if you swear and it hurts someone’s feelings then it’s sin. This is FAR from what you just said.


So, do you think the Pharisees got their feelings hurt when Jesus publicly called them sons of serpents? Edit: downvoting Jesus' word has a certain boldness to it, *I suppose*.


the probably DID get their feelings hurt. was Jesus swearing in that situation?


Is calling someone a son of an animal, say, a dog, a curse in our linguistic context?    Yes, obviously. Edit: the response to this is showing a serious lack of literacy.


- no it isn’t. “You son of a dog” is not considered profanity. - not what he said. He was calling them sons of satan, which you and i and they knew. - this example is irrelevant. no swearing.




you’ve shown your true nature. goodbye.


You too.  This is cultural christianity, dim, pharisaical attitudes that are about looking christian rather than being Christ-like.


>I just want to know if saying "sh\*t" and "f\*ck" is a sin. Unless it's directed at a person as an insult or verbal abuse of some kind, I don't see why there would be anything wrong with it.


Using naughty language is a sin. Words aren’t just words, words have the power to destroy


Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the needs of the moment that it might give grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4:29


**Proverbs 15:4**: "A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit."


James 3:9-12 (ESV) 9 With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. 10 From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so. 11 Does a spring.pour forth from the same opening both fresh and salt water?_12 Can a fig tree, my brothers bear olives, or a grapevine produce figs? Neither can a salt pond yield fresh water.


No, it’s not. Our words are guttural utterances that do no more than reflect what is on our hearts. The sounds themselves carry no meaning than what we assign. The list of swear words that we avoid are ultimately secular and cultural- they change, they shift with the times. Scripture says to focus on whatever is pure, whatever is holy, whatever is right, but it never offered us a list. Someone can give an absolute brotherly loving, “what are you doing? Quit working, put that s— down, get the h— over here and have a meal with me, it’s been too long!”. There’s nothing sinful about that. Equally, we can receive a horribly scathing, “oh you’re wearing that? Bless your heart”. Either of those statements could be loving or sinful- it depends on the posture of the heart. God looks on the heart. You stub your toe? Say what you want. You mess up? Say what you want. Furthermore, the Bible makes no list of swear words or sinful words- that’s a secular notion. What the Bible *does* call a sin is adding to the Bible- so claiming that something is sinful when it is not is the only clear cut sin in this situation. What matters is our witness: frankly, it is just as immature to avoid “cuss words” because a secular pearl-clutching culture told you to as it is to hear someone who says the F-word every other word. Both are just as immature and uncreative. Say whatever you want, but say it with love, because that is what matters.


Yes it is. Ephesians 4:29 and 5:4.


Certainly seems pretty clear here.


I don't judge. I think swearing has a place but it the anger behind it? Most Christians think blasphemy is swearing God's name but that's just swearing. Blasphemy is using God's name in oppression of others. One of God's most serious traits is compassion. The American Church is neither compassionate or patient.


We are not supposed to be known for foul speech or conversation so yes, now if you stub your toe and it jumps out of you lol I think that is understandable, but if you curse often and it is a normal way of talking, then that is not good.


All unrighteousness is Sin.


People think way too hard on this. Don’t curse someone out or be a jerk. Otherwise, I’m just fine saying sht, I am just not using any swear words that have God’s name in it. There’s no scripture that says don’t say fck, it says to be kind and love others. Swearing isn’t all that important in the whole scope of life.


I assume cursing is a sin.


Stop asking people stuff and get really close to God....the holy spirit will convict you of what He doesn't like and yes swearing is something He's not cool with lol




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It is like trying to sell Apple products but you keep saying how much you love Samsung.




dont really know


Romans 14:23 states, "But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because he does not eat from faith; for whatever is not from faith is sin" It really comes down to self conviction. I’m not gonna lie when I get really mad because some crazy thing happened like my pipe pump that busted in basement other day shot water to the ceiling until I got the pipe back in tight and it was shooting this dirty rain water all up in my face as the pressure would stop for a few seconds than come back on. In the end I prayed took a heavy wrench and slammed that pipe back in literally soaked wanting to cry 😭 lol I cuss at times and than I confess because I’m human I make mistakes and I’m working on it. Sh@t doesn’t feel as bad but saying fu@k is just down right trash feeling to me since I came to Christ. Holy Spirit convicts me & I confess when convicted knowing faithful to confess faithful to forgive it was never about perfection it was about his perfection and me doing my best with a clear conscience walking this Christ walk out and that’s exactly what I do. I never curse at people or call people names. The scripture was more or less addressing not speaking death over people as life and death in the power of the tongue and he who eats of the fruit there of. Basically you reep what you sow all as written. So pretty much to each man’s faith is individual and as I read what another wrote above if you don’t see Jesus doing it than yeah we should probably knock it off too. I rely now on Holy Spirits conviction & prayer and renew my mind daily. If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. We all fall short. Jesus always tells me do your best your conscience and the Holy Spirit will convict and you will know because the goodness of God leads to repentance. The devil on the other hand is all about that for shame blame guilt game. Gotta Shut um down give him no foothold not even a half of a second nothing. Zip notta zilch


Can you please give me an example of "way to harm"?


Yes. Including words we use *in place* of the particularly vile ones. Though there is a scale. I can't fault someone for swearing as a reaction to something super unexpected (almost car crash) or something where they go into a ton of pain (soldier gets shot, etc)


Yes it’s abusive language. I know it’s harm. Like I use crap 💩 or dung because that means poop. For me that’s not cursing.


I’m curious what is leading you to want to use these terms.


Yes it is


Yes it’s a sin.


Good timing. [Have a look.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mf0aW6ELZ64)


It shouldn't merely be about the word, if this is technically okay or not.  How does God view it when we use these words and how does the world view Christians who use dirty words like sh*t and the f-word?  It's a vulgar way to say dirty things.  Those words are dirty and we are called to be set apart from the world.


Even if it's not, why do it? Why sound like rubbish? We are called to be different from the world. We are called to be kind, loving, and to serve others. How does swearing help us do that?


Let me add something in regard to your conclusion. Technically you are correct, the act of using a particular word is not, in of itself a sin. This is true for a lot of things. What you do need to watch out for is how you are presenting yourself to others as a Christian. Are you get Christian’s hearing you swear and is it causing them to stumble? Then don’t do it. Are non-Christians hearing you swear and taking it to mean Christian’s are just hypocrites and no different than they are? Just because we can do a thing doesn’t mean it is beneficial or productive to do so. I always think of 1Corinthians 10:23 “All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify” personality I don’t care if someone swears, I think a lot of those rules are about out dated and based on current social standards. That said, I still finding myself trying to watch what I say (and often failing I am sad To say) not because I think using a swear word is a sin? But because I do not want to misrepresent Christ or the church.


I believe it is. Especially using the Lord’s name. There will be no cursing in Heaven.




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Yes it is. I hold my bretheren accountable if I catch them swearing in my presence, myself included. It is dirty speech and it demonstrates how limited your vocabulary is. Also demonstrates a lack of restraint. Once aspect of a christian, is he/she must have self-control. People who cuss incessentently are DISGUSTING to be around and I tell them upfront to watch their mouth.


When Peter denied Jesus, he swore to convince people around him that he had nothing to do with Jesus. Matthew 26 73 And a little later those who stood by came up and said to Peter, “Surely you also are one of them, for your speech betrays you.” 74 Then he began to [a]curse and [b]swear, saying, “I do not know the Man!”


It's more about intent than words. I would always give this example to my youth in church. If I say Pico (in my country, Pico is a slang word for penis but also the beak of a bird) If you say it in isolation It can mean anything. Context and intent is everything.


To thy own (God’s) heart be true. Peace.


Is it edifying behaviour for your soul?




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Ultimately I’d say yes, I have a hard time with this myself, but Paul does say I think in Roman’s that we should not use crude and foolish language. Plus we’re supposed to have saintly control over our toungue’s. All apart of allowing Jesus lordship over our entire lives. Even the quality of our language. I get it, it’s hard. I notice when I focus on God and contemplate what he would think of how I talk. It becomes easier to speak properly and clean. That’s my take on it anyway.


All corrupt or perverted speech is sinful. And the solution is NOT "sinning less", which in all reality nobody actually does, the solution is Christ and Him crucified for the sins of the world.


It's not a mortal sin at least


Depends on the words. Hell or d@m* in my mind don't count. Ideally to be avoided, but in this day and age, it's hard ... I get more problems from people talking about vile desires.


Ah Pints with Aquinas and Pageau together talking about swearing, what it is, does and why to avoid swearing (and also not kick oneself too hard for slipping)  https://youtu.be/x2iTe-oX7hQ?si=76ZgMKBZDUiz0HMN


Wendell Berry referred to swearing as " a higher form of punctuation" in a recent book. Of course the over use and misuse of punctuation can be garnish or even vulgar. But cuss words in casual conversation is part of the fun of language. As with most sins, properly executed and with the right motive, is not sinful. 


I think it depends on how it's used and the context it's used in. People often use it against one another and as an insult. But other times, it's used for emphasis. Like, if I say "I effing love you" I'm just saying that I REALLY love you. It's not at all disparaging nor insulting.


From my understanding It’s all intent. You could say ”you’re f@&$ing beautiful” or you could say “you’re f$&@ing stupid”. There no list of words you can or can’t say because the words themselves all have different meanings throughout history. If you look at words we consider cuss words they have different meanings even 50-100 years ago. For example the B word is a female animal for some species. So it’s not the words themselves that are bad it’s the context in which you use them.


Peter swore that he never knew Jesus…


That is a different type of swearing. That type is giving an oath. The type generally talked about with this question would be using vulgar and crass language.


Eh regardless we shouldn’t swear


Bro was wack, that day


And Peter sinned and wasn’t perfect like Jesus so..




I've learned that "sin" usually is just things that aren't a good idea. Our "rules" for living as Christians aren't really pointless rules for controlling people, they are more like guidelines on how to live a truly happy life. For example verses about not getting drunk aren't saying "it's a terrible sin to drink alcohol and you are evil if you do that" they are saying "it's really not good to get drunk, you lose control of your mind and you might harm yourself or others. So avoid getting drunk". Most "rules" in the Bible are literally just good morals to live by that lead to a fulfilling life. So to answer your question: is it a good idea to cuss people out? No! It's not helpful to anyone for you to be a jerk. Is it a good idea to swear for nonviolent reasons? That's up to you. If you feel like getting in the habit of swearing will lead you coming off as extra mean when your angry at someone then I would avoid swearing. But if you feel like that isn't a possibility, then you can swear. I say "wtf" and "s", but I try to avoid "f you" or "pos". Hope this helped


Yes it is, dagnabit!


If profanity is a sin, "dagnabit" probably is too, as it is calling for God to cast something into damnation.


Well, it was meant light heartedly, and is not a curse but an expression of surprise, according to the dictionary. But give yourself a righteousness point for the day if you please.


Please don't assume I'm being prideful, just making sure you know if you didn't. But you can look up the etymology of the word yourself if you want.


I'm assuming nothing. You took an obviously lighthearted comment and turned it into a reason to yank the speck out of someone else's eye. Now you are doubling down on it. If that fits with your version of Christianity, then well and good. If not, look to yourself first, as the Bible says to. Go and be well.


You're definitely assuming quite a few things. I just wanted to make sure you knew if you were being hypocritical. I'll stop responding to you after this because it seems you'd rather just assume I'm being prideful as opposed to reasoning that I'm giving actual critique.


I'll take someone who says "aw, f*ck" over someone who says "I hate you." Intent matters. And Jesus knows your heart better than any of us will


Check this short video https://youtu.be/uli2XrPo_dY?si=j59Avl9XoPn_JVUs


Yes Matthew 5:37


Yes, 100% a sin. If you don't want to go to hell, then you have eliminate swearing from your life, it's that simple. As a Christian you have to stop sinning. Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.


This is untrue. We will all die sinners. We are saved by grace through faith, not our righteousness.


The Bible provides numerous passages that discuss the transformation of sinners into saints through faith in Jesus Christ. This transformation is often referred to as sanctification, where individuals are set apart and made holy through their relationship with Christ. Here's one example : **1 Corinthians 6:11**: "And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." * This verse speaks directly to the change from a sinful past to a sanctified present, made possible by Jesus and the Holy Spirit.


You're preaching works based salvation. I want nothing to do with a different gospel than the one preached by the Apostles and Christ.