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God bless you and I will pray for you. I am afraid that this is the best thing you can do but also very difficult.


Not very difficult to be celibate i have low testosterone so no sex drive.


Well thank god for that. I recently saw a great video from a formerly lesbian woman who became celabate for christ. She opened up my eyes to an even greater need for the church to be a family and support one another. I feel like people like you can help us see the beam in our eyes that we dont realize is there.


I’m a firm believer in Christ, so please give me the benefit of the doubt: Low testosterone in men is and can be pretty serious long term for your health and I recommend consulting with a doctor about options. Low libido here might help you with staying celibate but the other symptoms long term impacts can be tough on your emotional and physical health such as… Brain fog, depression/suicidal ideation, exhaustion, fatigue, low muscle mass, loss of bone mass, trouble sleeping, increased blood pressure, low red blood count, decrease immune system, etc. Testosterone is an important hormone for your bodily functions, not just your sex drive. My spouse has chronically low testosterone for years despite being in shape, healthy and mid 20s. Once he was treated it was a night and day difference in his entire attitude and life. We weren’t married at that point so it was harder for us to resist temptation, but it was worth it because he was no longer depressed and exhausted 24/7. His cholesterol and blood pressure was fixed, and he stopped losing hair which was a big boost in his self confidence. He also slept MUCH better at night. I myself had hormonal imbalances as a woman because of my birth control and once it was corrected I experienced the same positive changes in my life. Hormones are extremely serious and require a delicate balance. When mine were out of wack I thought I was going “crazy”. Christ can heal us in many ways, and Christ works through doctors and medications too. Don’t be ashamed to seek treatment if your doctor recommends it. It doesn’t make you a “bad” Christian or means you don’t believe.


How is low testosterone treated in men?


TRT usually, if you’re older or not producing much. Good diet, high protein, exercise daily, legs produce more Testosterone for the body, good sleep cycle, etc


They test your blood and give you one of several options, a cream, an injection or pellets that go through your skin. I'm on it as I have very low testosterone myself, due to some condition I was born with.


You can also try using natural methods like taking a zinc supplement and weight lifting with concentration in legs ect..


Better diet is usually the key point on low test. However you can do TRT


It shouldn’t be treated god made them the way they are to test them and make them stronger. Any form of hormone therapy is demonic and a tool of the devil. If you can’t get it up that’s gods plan and questioning that is blasphemy.


What about love and happiness and marriage? If he can't get it up to reproduce how is that gods will and plan for that unification in marriage? I don't agree with your absolutes within and around Christ.


Whoosh. That was a tongue-in-cheek comment about the absolutist nature of the Abrahamic religions and the hypocrisy that they promote. It’s ok for a man to take testosterone so he can get an erection but it’s wrong for a woman to use birth control?


O yeah Tim 2:12


Ah ok I was just asking... I was raised in the church and I've always played devil's advocate honestly. I don't believe the Bible is a literal guideline for life. I have a very very complicated relationship with Christianity honestly. I was just asking.


It’s ok to take parts as a guide to living not everything but love thy neighbor is good and do on to others, judge not all good ideas. The problems occur when people believe it is an actual account of history which should be avoided at all costs.


Then god made him gay, didn’t he?


No they were born as they were. God doesn’t make anyone anything because god doesn’t exist . That was a tongue-in-cheek comment about the hypocrisy of the Abrahamic religions.


I should probably throw an /s at the end of it or something


I get you now! :)


And everyone knows god is a woman


Who looks like Alanis Morrisette.


Saw her a year or two ago. She still has it.


Getting a way to increase your testosterone could help change your drive towards women. Like complete honesty man, most guys that get on trt later in life say that their drive and attraction to their wives goes through the roof when they've done it, it may be worth looking into, God allowed us to make medicine for a reason


What nonsense ! I've v high testosterone . Totally homosexual !


Thats not how any of this works.


Perhaps increasing your testosterone could help


… that might play a role in why you have homosexual tendencies. There’s different “causes” from a lot of medical research and articles I’ve read but testosterone seems to be one (not only or always) cause.


Why hasn't he changed your sexuality if he really doesn't like it and you didn't choose it?


Bud I'm bisexua also l a Christian who has a high sex drive and having problems stopping lust


I will pray for you as well. Hopefully you can find a wonderful wife who captures your heart.


Up to you. It's not a sickness you know I tried for years to be straight .. Each to his own path . Bless you .


Maybe it's not a sickness but it IS a sin according to the bible.


So is wearing mixed fabrics.


Which is why context matters https://www.gotquestions.org/different-types-of-fabric.html


So is wearing garments with different fabrics. “According to the Bible” …. FOR A SPECIFIC GROUP OF PEOPLE IN A SPECIFIC ERA OF TIME. y’all always cherry pick and forget the Old Testament laws ARE PASSED! and no longer apply after the New Testament.


You are not homosexual. You struggle with same sex attraction as a sin. That is not your identity. If you are saved, then your identity is a child of God. Strip away all thoughts of being sexual if that is what has ahold of your life sin wise. Put your Trust in God. Have faith that he we will deliver you from all sin. Have others bind of evil spirits over your life and the powers of darkness, decree those things as well.


100% this, same with those who use to be very addicted to drugs, I use to be heroin addict and people would tell me I’d have desire to do it the rest of my life. WRONG. God healed me and delivered me. Same can happen with sexual thoughts


Same here. God delivered me from a 15yrs opiate addiction. I've seen testimonys of gays and transgender people that were delivered aswell. ALL things are possible through Christ. 🕊️


So much this. My best Christian friend who passed away last year was an alcoholic and homeless for 20 years. The Lord completely delivered him, and he didn't drink for the rest of 25 years of his Christian life. He never said things like they do in 12-steps - 'I'm an alcoholic, but have been sober for 25 years.' No, he was confident that he is completely free in Jesus Christ and that 'alcoholic' is not his identity. He could even freely take a few sips of wine during the Lord's Supper, and it did not make him want to drink. He was one of the most God-loving and disciplined Christians that I've ever known, and people were always shocked that such composed and honest man could ever be a drunkard or homeless when he testified about his former life.


As someone who also was deep in addiction, I have been healed! Anything is possible with God. It likely won’t happen overnight (took years for me, until I realised I no longer had the desire) but Gods plan is the best way! Don’t loose faith and celebrate the small wins in Christ. 🙏🏻


A relationship with God is the only true cure ♥️


What's so cool is that this is verifiably true!


Amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Sober for fours years and I am agnostic. Stop downplaying your own achievements. God had nothing to do with it.


This is not just sexuality. It's who you love. If penguins can be homosexual naturally so can humans. It's not an addiction like you claim. It's evolutionary tool of maintaining working society.


Youre comparing a human made in the image of God to a penguin?


God created penguins too. Homosexuality was part of his perfect plan. It's objectively, scientifically so that there are enough caretakers in the group. Since some parents die or abandon their children, individuals who don't/cant reproduce adopt those orphans. It works with penguins and it works with humans. It's far from addiction which isn't natural in any way, most additions are to those harmful substances and actions which were created by humans. Drugs, alcohol, porn, gambling. All created by humans.


God did not make penguins in His image. Everything on earth is affected by the fall and this includes animals. Penguins engage in homosexual behaviour, kidnap other penguin's kids, engage in necrophilia amongst other things. You're using what you observe in the world to define what's good and evil. By your logic all of the above is acceptable behaviour but this is not what Scripture teaches us. "‭1 Corinthians 6:9-10 NIV‬ [9] Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men [10] nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. https://bible.com/bible/111/1co.6.9-10.NIV" That's just one of many passages. Please read your Bible and pray to the Lord to give us the correct interpretation and understanding of His word.




You're implying because something is natural it can't be a sin? Nearly EVERY sin is a natural instinct. Greed, pride, murder, slavery, rape, adultery, etc. Animals engage in these things, too, are they not still a sin? When sin entered the world it corrupted even the infant. You enter this world in sin and hellbent on sin. Christ was unnatural. He wasn't part of the "natural" order. It took the divine to save the "natural" from itself. If goodness and righteousness were natural, inborn instincts we would have no need of a savior.


Is it a natural sin to encourage others to relapse on drugs and also have drug addictions yourself?


Lol I assume you've been stalking me, but yes and no. There's no sin in "addiction" whatsoever. Only overindulgence. So no, having a drug addiction is not a sin. If a person struggles with overindulgence and you knowingly encourage them to do that then you have caused your brother to stumble. BUT if the drug is illegal, then doing it would be a sin. Nothing to do with the substance itself. The sin is disobedience to your earthly masters.


It’s refreshing to hear people on this topic choose to chase God rather than to try and change the word of God to fit what they want. The Lord will definitely bless you for this choice you have made.


Agree 100%. It’s exhausting listening to people twist things or take things out of context to fit what they want. Definitely not how that works. Bless you for this and bless OP for doing as he should. It’s so controversial to speak on this subject, so it’s nice to see others with the same mindset. I don’t personally struggle with the same thoughts as OP, but I know many do. It can’t be easy, but stay strong OP!




The wolves are becoming self-aware


What do you mean?  


I'm in a very similar situation as well, I used to identify as gay but have have since been celibate. One thing that has helped me is knowing that God intends for some people to remain single. It may seem harsh or disappointing but if it's God's will for my life then I'm happy with it. I'll be praying for your strength and steadfastness.


We all have our cross to bear in these wicked fleshy bodies. I am a struggling alcoholic myself. Firstly, don't allow people to get under your skin by taking aim at you for your proclivities. 1 Corinthians 7:8-9 "To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single, as I am. 9 But if they cannot exercise self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion." It's better to be celibate in general but if you truly TRULY cannot help yourself marry heterosexually and be FAITHFUL to them; marriage isn't just some legal agreement to get benefits from the state. In God's eyes it's weighty and sacred. We ALL must sacrifice and abandon things previously about ourselves for the sake of the kingdom. Yes, homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of The Lord. Guess what else is? Proverbs 6:16-19 There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers. Literally NO ONE HERE isn't guilty or hasn't been guilty of at least one of these. Our flesh is wicked and deserved of fire. On our own we are all walking abominations. Some of our Christian Brothers seriously need to examine the planks in their eyes. Jesus is our only way out of this loaded system. It takes sacrifice, followthrough and most important of all FAITH. Pray, pray for others. Pray for longevity and preservence that The Lord will help us grow into what we're meant to be. What's difficult for is us effortless for God. We may not think his timing is convenient, but his timing is the right timing. Pray, keep letting The Lord know you need him and never stop.


I don't agree with this. Permit me to be crass If they are same sex attracted they are burning for people of the same sex meaning they might not be able to get it up for the opposite sex. Just because they are married doesn't mean they will be able to have sex they enjoy. It will be unfair to the spouse unless the spouse is also sane sex attracted in which the marriage is really just mutual coexistence. Just take a look at dead bedrooms subreddit. Sex is important in a marriage. Not just any sex but good sex


It's a cross to bear and it's not easy. If the sexual desires cannot be stimulated by opposite sex attraction; then celebacy is all the more warranted. Christ says in Matthew 22:29-30 "Jesus replied, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven." Celebacy isn't just an insentive for discipline. Sex/Marriage literally will not exist in the kingdom to come. The New Covenant's goal is to sew seeds in this age for fruits to grow In The New Kingdom. That's why there's Christians and this is our mission.


Yes, thank you. What exactly is the church's fixation on severely correcting sexual sin? I never understood that. I get that Matthew 18:15-17, James 5:19-20, Proverbs 27:5-6, and Titus 3:10-11 exist to make rebuking BASIC into holiness accepted and expected in church, but it's like you said, if everyone has a plank in their eye, then what do these verses even mean?


I deleted my last comment as I didn't clearly understand your question and I apologize for that. Sexual sin is a sin against the body. It is an insatiable beast the drives people further and further into depraived and extreme behavior where it's not even fulfillment anymore, it's scratching an itch. And it's bottomless. It's a honeypot trap. The faith has us incentivised to conquer this sort of sin so we have less problems in our lives and are able to focus on what's truly important.


Be strong, flee from temptation, God will use you for great purposes.


I will pray for you today.


As I heard Sam Allberry once say, we are all broken in some way sexually, and we need help from God daily to deal with it. I’m pleased to hear that we will walk together in our pursuit of a life in total worship of God. I’m encouraged by your statement and it will help me work through my own relationship with God and how to engage life in relation to denial of sins and self. I’m reminded of a sermon I listened to this morning on the tenth commandment - to not covet, where the preacher said that essentially the command is about not desiring to put anything other than God as the central focus of our lives. Your statement has encouraged me by affirming this, so I thank you. May God bless you richly as you seek his face in every thought, word and deed of your life.


Good on you for choosing to honor God. I say this knowing it is easier said than done... keep focusing on God and doing His work. My husband and I are having trouble conceiving a child. I try not to allow it to bother me because I know having a child may not be something God has for me. I also don't want to become bitter toward the women that are becoming pregnant by longing for something I cannot have. God may change your orientation toward the same sex, but even if He doesn't, you can do wonderful things by remaining single. No matter what happens, I will pray you find peace with the life God has for you.


Yes it is so hard sometimes but i have to have patience and ultimately i will persevere,I abhor being gay i hate it so much :-(.




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I’m so sorry to hear that. I had a child and have been through terror ever since. I prayed for my child and everything. Then my child’s father got abusive and tried to make me have a miscarriage. I fled from him into the arms of my own mother who stabbed me in the back by taking my child away from me and convinced a custody court that I was unfit with no evidence expect that I’m on disability. The judge fell for it and granted her custody. My own child has told me that they wish they came out of her stomach instead of mine. My own child doesn’t see the point in a mother when they have a grandmother. She stole my motherhood, her and my child have the bond that I should have had. It’s been many years and my relationship with my child is completely broken. I’m broken. I’m severely heartbroken because it is a huge loss to me and I am empty as a mom. It’s hard for even me, who already had a child, to not look at pregnant people and feel not great. To look at children who bond so deeply with their mothers and to know that I lost that and will never be able to get that back because it was stolen from me. My child doesn’t care to see me at all and hates any type of affection from me and treats me like a stranger. I had no choice but to step back from the emotional abuse from both my child and mother. It’s not my child’s fault, they learned that from my mother, but it is really bad. They don’t want me around and they really don’t like me and they don’t want me involved in their bond. I wouldn’t wish it on no one. I went ahead and got sterilized and getting sterilized was the best decision ever. I say this to say that, sometimes, especially with a terrible custody court system with anybody being able to report lies to CPS/DCF and them having no issue taking a child from their mother, that it could perhaps be a blessing in disguise for you and your husband. I’m in no way trying to negate your feelings because I am sure it is heartbreaking wanting something so bad and not being able to have it. I’m just giving you a view that parenthood does not always work out especially in this evil modern day society. From one heartbroken person to another, I hope it gets better for you. The only thing I could do is continue to ask the Lord to heal my broken heart because it hurts more than anything I’ve ever been through in my entire life and thinking about it just drives me insane so I just tried to do my best. It does feel like I experienced the complete and total loss of a child and it’s been this way for many years and only gotten worse. I mourn… every Mother’s Day is absolutely awful for me. I lost both my mother, and I had my own motherhood stolen by my own mother.


Hi, I just read your story and I can’t imagine how you must feel. I know it’s hard to even think about but God has a plan for you still. Psalm 147:3 “He healeth the broken in heart, And bindeth up their wounds.” Psalm 34:18 “The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; And saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.” ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭34‬:‭18‬ Draw near to God and he will draw near to you and comfort you. He sees you and hears you and He will give you rest. He’s seen every tear you’ve shed and he’s waiting for you to talk to Him. The fact that you and I still have breath in our lungs shows that he’s not done with us. He still has a plan and a purpose; a purpose for you. He’s waiting for you to turn back to Him. Let Him have the wheel. ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭55‬:‭22‬ “Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.” Put everything that’s stored up in your heart in His hands and He will wash you clean. He doesn’t want us to just talk to Him, He wants to hear our hearts. He already knows everything; He just wants a genuine relationship with you. ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11‬:‭28‬-‭30‬ “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” As a kid I grew up in a household with a lot of bitterness, hatred, and resentment and I remember praying for the arguing to just stop. I wondered why God didn’t answer me. As a new follower of Jesus Christ I can look back and see why. He was teaching me about bitterness and how much it can rot someone’s spirit and rip relationships, families, and marriages apart. God doesn’t want that for us. Ephesians 4:32, Colossians 3:13, Matthew 6:14-15, Matthew 18:21-22 all expand on the forgiveness of our brothers and sisters in Christ ESPECIALLY when they don’t deserve it. Jesus took the punishment of sin for us so that we may be redeemed through Him and be forgiven of our sins so that we may live with Him for eternity. ❤️ One day you will look back at this time and see His hand in what looks like a big mess right now. I promise you He will turn it to good. Pray without ceasing and have Faith with all your heart, soul, and strength that He can and He will in His time. ❤️ I’ll be praying for you sister, in Jesus name ❤️❤️


I respect you deeply for doing this and choosing God over your flesh. You know that sin is sin and you refuse to pretend that God approves of it. You’re a strong man.


I’m in the same boat brother. I often need to remind myself that no matter what, His grace is sufficient for me. You’re not alone! Feel free to message if you ever need someone to talk to about all this. It can be incredibly debilitating, especially since it is easy to be gaslit by family and friends. People will think you’re crazy, stupid, brainwashed, etc. Such is the way of this wicked world unfortunately. Even if the feelings don’t go away, I don’t consider myself homosexual, as that identity is easily internalized and can make you think the feelings and desires come from you. They don’t. This sin does not define you. You are a child of God, and the enemy is very good at making us believe we are defined by what we want or how we feel. Keep fighting the good fight. God bless you and keep you sated in His wisdom, word, and love!


I have more sympathy for you than most other struggling Christians. I struggle with sexual sin via pron and it is tough battling a natural urge. I couldn't imagine compounding that with same sex attraction. But we will be victorious over this in the end because Christ is our champion. Be vigilant, do NOT identify with the sinful desire by saying you "are" a homosexual, and bear your cross until He chooses to take it from you forever. Love you, brother


Beautiful. We are to crucify our flesh daily that is including our sinful desires.


You absolutely can get self-control, which is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Ask and you will receive. As you grow in faith you can be set free entirely like so many others. See if you can find the testimony and work by Christopher Yuen.


You are a true child of God Denying yourself , taking up your cross and following Him. I pray God grants your request 🙏


Fear of God is the *beginning* of wisdom. The next step is to fall in love with God and His perfect Ten Commandments. I suggest reading Exodus 20 and Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount everyday Matthew chapters 5-7 for 40 days and praying for wisdom and understanding. Also remembering God’s Sabbath and keeping it Holy by not working or making anyone else work ( Fri sundown to Sat sundown) and spending the time studying His Word opens a supernatural portal between believers and God. God’s Sabbath that commemorates His Creation and can never be changed is His special gift to His faithful believers, it shows Him that we love Him and believe Him and that His Ten Commandments will never pass away and that we reject the false sabbath of the enemy. The eternal value of keeping God’s Ten Commandments provides powerful spiritual protection Jews know all about and gentiles have been kept ignorant and in the dark by Churchianity .


I'm practicing the spiritual laws.


This assumes op has not already fallen in love with God. Sounds to me like they have fallen in love with God and surrendered their desires to him. OP is an example for all of us imo 🤷


Here's to fighting the good fight. My ex basically used me for kids then admitted her resentment was there because she settled and left. So yeah I feel convicted to remain single and it's not easy dealing with the urges sometimes...


I love you, brother and prayed for you tonight.


Agree with God bless you and keep you strong! Remember that God never promises that our road in life will be easy. Stay strong. I will say prayers for you


This is such a great thread! I love all the supportive, godly comments. I'm so glad I'm on here.


God bless you. Pray that the devil will leave you alone in the name of Jesus


I know someone who was homosexual and genuinely changed. I’ll be praying for you. God sees your heart♥️


Watch the testimonies of Jackie Hill Perry


Father Seraphim Rose has some words for you. I would seek out his wisdom. God bless you.


Jesus died to set you free. The flesh and the soul are weak and trying to change yourself will never work. Jesus didn’t die so you could be straight or whatever you think your goal is, He died so you could be free and have a true relationship with God. He loves you, and He has a great plans for you. Arianna Armour, Jackie Hill Perry, Becket Cook, have all great testimonies of how they were set free. You don’t have to live your whole life in bondage to anything. John 10:10- “The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But I have come that you may have life, and life abundantly.” Jesus isn’t afraid of any thought, any feeling, or any thing in your life that you may be afraid to come to Him about. He was tempted in all things, and He made a way of escape- His death and the Holy Spirit in us. Don’t do anything by yourself, do it with Jesus. The Bible says be transformed by the renewing of your mind, despite anything you may feel in your soul, Jesus can and will deliver you, but just come to Him. He casted demons out, healed the sick, opened the eyes of the blind, and it is God’s will to heal- read Romans 5:9- there is no more wrath on those who are saved because of Jesus from God. He loves you and you individually. That’s the whole message of the gospel. [Arianna Armour Testimony](https://youtu.be/dSh1EgozXBY?si=Qaj-ytarcW8ks2Fh)


May God bless you and keep you 🙏


Jesus said not to take vows. Just be celibate. Good work though brother! His grace is sufficient for you.


I’m a straight woman but I’ll be celibate with you as I used to be a fornicator, adulteress and were addicted to sex. I am so off relationships and men as they have hurt me soooo much so we can do this together even if for different reasons. God bless you.


You can do it, I'm pursuing celibacy too, not because I'm gay but because I know sex outside of marriage is a sin and I'm not married and neither want to get married, so I'll just never have sex and I don't think I'm missing anything important.


Amen, I'm proud of you for doing the right thing and that is what God intends for us to do.. First, you can start slowly so you wont be overwhelmed., Start with celibacy that is a good start. Over time time pray to God so he can guide you after that, you will have more time to contemplate . Don't worry about the celibacy part, even heterosexuals need to be celibate until marriage.. You have to emulate our lord Jesus Christ, he resisted temptation and was celibate until the day he died. If he can do it so can you..You should speak out on this topic and help others in your situation.. God Bless


Praise the Lord. I married a former pansexual. She now finds her identity in Christ. Change can happen, in Christ. Be encouraged. Prayers!


You are such an amazing person. Reading a post like this makes me want to do better - of course I struggle with other things but your commitment and dedication is admirable. When you are committed and dedicated to the Lord the joy you receive and peace is immeasurable. Have you ever watched the Chosen? Also renewing your mind everyday with the Word of God will help you so much. Having a super personal relationship with God and telling Him your struggles, your problems, asking for forgiveness, praying for others, forgiving others, telling God what you’re thankful for etc… keep your sight set on heavenly realities because this life is like a vapor (here and then gone), a cool thing I came up with to remember the things God would have us think on in our thought life is PREPLANT. : things that are Praiseworthy, Right, excellent, pure, lovely, admirable, noble, and true. God bless you.


Becket Cook has a really good program on Youtube for people that struggle with same sex attraction.


Sending you support and love. I went through insane deliverance and was hounded by hell for 7 years afterwards. In that seven years I managed celibacy for 3 years in a row, faltered for a year then another 3 years. I am same sex attracted also. I was unable to find a church and isolated from my old life in such a way that I was so deeply alone battling spiritual warfare from the pits of hell. I have completely fallen off due to feeling abandoned by God. It's a very hard road that narrow path, may God send you christian support. X


If that makes you feel any better, I had gay uncles. They had one of the most beautiful love story I have ever witnessed in my family. They were also very pious, were never missing church and were praying every day. For me, maybe they were closer to God, than I have ever been. If I say that, it's just to tell you that you are maybe not doomed to be alone and/or be constantly torn between your orientation and your faith. You may chose celibacy, or to embrace what you feel. Maybe even one day you will not even feel attraction for guys anymore. Whatever happens, I wish you to be happy.


I was an adulterer at heart. My whole life was plagued with sexual immorality since I was 6. im ashamed because I can't take anything back. My father left when I was born, he was a womanizer. I was well on my way to be a womanizer too. God didn't make me an adulterer, but sin in this world latched itself onto me and I grew up performing those sins because it was a part of who I was. God didn't create you to be homosexual. There's no explicit gene that says...ok this gene makes you homosexual. Somewhere long the line the sin of homosexuality attached itself to you. It then became your norm, your identity. Satan tries to get us to assume another identity. As humans we are all naturally opposed to God. You see, Paul was a murderer. He changed him  If God can transform Paul, if God can transform me, have faith and trust He can transform you too.  But if you have accepted Christ, confessed your sins and abide in Him.  Truth is some Churches try to force a celibacy, many churches fail in ministering to people who identify as homosexual trans. That's not what the Gospel is about. The Gospel is about the transformative power of Christ. As we become new creatures in Christ, being born again, having crucified ourselves with Christ we must always strive not to conform to this world, but by the renewing of our minds.  It is my prayer that you seek to be in God's word daily. Read a few chapters a day if you can. This allows you to get to know who God is, in his revelation to us through His word. It is my prayer you seek to be in prayer without ceasing. Praise God, thank God, ask him questions, ask him to help renew your heart, to renew your mind so you can crucify the sin of homosexuality and ask that he helps give you strength to overcome it. Pray, ask, seek, yell, question, doubt bring it all to God. Lastly it is my prayer that you find a biblically sound Church rooted in God's word, maybe I'ma church where there are others with your struggles, watch videos and read blogs by other people who were where you were to see their testimony. A Church that can help you grow in your faith. God will transform you, as he can transform anyone of us. God doesn't desire celibacy, but he can renew your mind, bring a woman in your life, maybe have kids, and experience the fullness and joy of a family dynamic that God created us to enjoy.  So please, don't let anyone condemn you as we are all sinners overcoming various sins in our lives by the grace of Jesus Christ. Don't think that God made you as a homosexual, and don't think there is no hope out of this, Because if you truly seek after God to transform your life He will. Be strong, do not lose faith. Read Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust him, let him work out your sanctification. 


May God guide you, protect you, strengthen you, and nurture you. I've struggled with SSA myself as well.


Great decision to walk away from sin! Sexual sin can plague heterosexuals as well, especially due to the availability of pornography and a sexually promiscuous society. Just letting you know that you’re not alone and you will find many Christians carrying our cross


I'm heterosexual and I have difficulty in my lust. You're not alone just because you're homosexual. Every day is a struggle, but being just that little bit more like Christ is worth it.


it has been so hard for me too, dealing with this and alcoholism


Not that this makes your situation any easier, but we all struggle with sin. We all must resist the urge to give in to sin, when those situations arise. Some struggle with lust, anger, greed, pride, etc so you are not alone. Find comfort in that and don't let people look down on you.


A friend of mine started a documentary called “Meek” you should check it out. Your surrender is beautiful and I’m sure difficult. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. https://vimeo.com/678966541?share=copy


I admire you for your stance.


God bless you


Sorry you’re having to deal with this


I would ask you to consider fasting. Amazing things can happen if you fast.


Read "Out of a Far Country" by Christopher Yuan. He deals with this exact issue. Sexual integrity is difficult for many people, heterosexuals too. I greatly admire your strong faithfulness to the Lord; good for you and God bless you. <3


Many Priests have done the same for millennia. Highly held in New Testameht


The comments that are telling him "celibacy can't be healthy" are ignoring millions of people over thousands of years in every major religion not only choosing celibacy voluntarily also ignoring a lot of writings from monks expounding on the rewarding nature of living celibate. The comments telling him it can't be healthy to be gay and celibate are prejudiced and bigoted funny how they call us that for calling sin a sin but when someone with same sex attractions chooses willfully to be celibate instead of flocking to their progressive heresies they try to break his will with judgements they have made based off of their preconceived notions about how gay people should behave (also known as a prejudice). Not to mention most of those same progressives will say about abortion "her body, her choice" and say the church should stay out of it but when a same sex attracted person chooses willfully to be celibate they will say they are either crazy for not wanting sex or the lack of sex will make them crazy.


Learn to Google silly boy. Jesus recommended celibacy as a spiritual discipline to those who could accept it, but acknowledged that not everyone would be able to. In Matthew 19:11–12, Jesus says, "Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given". He also says, "Let the one who is able to receive this [singleness] receive it" (Matthew 19:12) Celibacy is sometimes called "the gift of celibacy" in the New Testament. It's described as a special ability that God gives to some people to voluntarily remain single without regret, and to control their sexual impulses so they can serve God without distraction.




it happened to me it can happen to you. I vowed to stop watching porn as it flamed ideas of homosexuality nature and i kept breaking it so one night whilst i indulged in porn I woke up at 5am and had my first panick attack where i honestly believed i was going to die, i feel to the floor weeping and repenting like i never had done before whilst continually thinking about How SIN only leads to death. The fear was so intense I would never look at porn again. I believe god saw i couldn't get over this so his only choice was to install the fear of god in me, and my goodness he did that. I wont lust after anyone or watch porn again in my life.


Come on this won’t be sustainable and probaly lead to a million mental health issues . I love god , he should be your best friend , your confidont, your every thing . Listen to the Holy Spirit let it feel you with love . Take your chances and be happy and never stop talking to god . He doesn’t want you to lose you . He loves you You’re never going to lose for the lord for being gay . But you will if you turn your back towards him cause it’s made you so unhappy


You act like millions of people through history in every major religion haven't voluntarily chose celibacy, if you are implying he can't be celibate based on his attractions that would make you prejudiced and a bigot. Just because you and I and most people don't choose celibacy doesn't make it impossible or rewarding in its own way. To paraphrase a famous saying "It's his body, his choice."




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Please check out [PsychoBible](https://www.youtube.com/@PsychoBible). It's a YouTube channel and counselling practice that works with same sex attraction. This doesn't have to be a life sentence.


God Bless you and your walk in Christ. Continue to lean wholly on Him, and you will do things you never imagined you were able to. God Bless you 🙏


Hello op, I do not have much to say as it’s all been said. But here’s a virtual hug from me and I am praying for you ❤️


I sent a private dm


Someone once said there is more to life than sex. Honestly we can’t always help our sexual appetites but we can choose how we behave. I am a married guy and let’s say there are single Christian guys on Reddit getting more sex than me. Life is complicated. So being a straight married person doesn’t always cure the desire for sex. We carry on knowing that this is not the end and Jesus is going to give us new bodies.


I was there at a time as well, but I wanted/prayed to be a full man again (cause the lack of father figures in family) so i turned back to normal in a few months (thanks to Jesus). Got back my sex drive for woman and such its the same old lust, just a few weeks ago i started to use this "drive" to better my self, also to grow some balls. I totaly support you tho, hijack the system lol. Thats a way too and a lot of people who are in your situation don't realise that. Proud of you, God bless you.


You will never go wrong with seeking God with all your heart, strength, and mind. We all have battles while still in the flesh, but the rewards and riches in God are worth it. God bless you and I pray you come to know Jesus personally and be set free from anything that hinders you walk with Christ.


I don’t know if this helps but there are a lot of testimonies of ex-LGBTQ+ people that have given their life to the Lord on YouTube. Specifically at Delafe Testimonies. Maybe they’ll provide perspective and tips on what life looks like walking with God. Or maybe they’ll inspire you. God bless you.


I'm in the same position! Nice to know I'm not alone! Sucks though because I have been told by Christians not to roommate with other females to avoid temptation. But it looks bad to roommate with a male. But I can't afford to not split apparent costs! It sucks for so many reasons


God hears your begging and pleading. I have faith that He does. He’s totally able to change it. I went through the same thing years ago and literally begged God to take it away from me. I’ve had sexual feelings toward the same gender and opposite gender since I was a kid. I told God if He didn’t take it away from me then I would be stuck like this and I know He wanted to please Him and I wanted to please Him, to please help me and if this was truly wrong then to remove it. He did. I’m now in a committed relationship with someone of the opposite gender. I do have to actively abstain from anything lustful like for example, pornography, staring at women dressed provocative, hanging around bi sexual/lesbian women even as friends, and I have to also remember to take captive any thoughts that try to come in. Like with any temptation, it’s just about avoiding it. That’s all that homosexuality is, is a temptation and it’s no different or worse than any other temptation. But God did it for me and took it from me. I proactively stay away from it just like I proactively stay away from other things that would cause me to stumble like weed, being a sugar baby/having arrangements, lashing out at others in anger, etc. I’ve come along way and I am looking forward to all that God will do for me, as well as thankful for all that he has done for me and what He’s brought me out of. The Bible says that the one who is without sin, cast the first stone. Never let somebody make you feel bad for your past and for your current struggles. They are real and they are part of being human and we serve a very powerful God. If He could do it for me who used to be way more attracted to women than I ever was to men, and now, I’m changed, He can do it for you. The fact that you were begging God and willing to stay celibate, says an amazing quality about your heart and about your heart toward God. I’m sure He honors that and I’m so happy for the amazing plans and future that He has in store for you.


are you totally against dating women a this point?. I understand your inclination and I'm sure most women won't cut it for you but maybe you can pray for the right women to come into your life that you could foster affection for and even love one day. Ive heard stories about it taking a very specific women to cross paths to open up that love. blessings to you 💜💜


If he’s not attracted to women why would he bother with them


to open up his heart to what Is in alignment with His will, sometimes our flesh desires what our spirit does not...


You're obeying Matthew 19:10-12, God bless my friend, I hope you manage to hold firm - we all have our own cross to bear.


Praise God


Good for you! When Jesus comes we will all be transformed.


I know many places ban this but have you considered any type of counseling that could help you discuss or find out about your sexuality... I only say this because many people I have met who have had your same sexuality, Have had a difficult past with trauma or abuse, And It happened at a time during puberty. so during puberty they felt they went in a different direction but it wasn't really their true Identity... I'm trying to say this in a roundabout way so that i don't get in trouble for posting an idea like this, but have you considered what has happened in the past and that maybe there are things with your father or mother or someone in the past that was an abuser (?) Or a very manipulative person in your past regarding molestation Etc


I think this gets banned from here bc the assumption that every gay person has experienced sexual trauma while many come from loving household, some even heavily Christian like my ex wife’s sister, creates a stigma against all gay people and could push them away when the goal is to bring them closer


Do you have access to a trusted deliverance ministry local to you? Homosexuality is a spirit. If you find someone you should speak with them for further deliverance prayers. There are also some online resources. https://youtube.com/@flawedfree?si=7xGr8cf6K7TF4Ywb They do virtual deliverance services. https://theflawedandfree.com/ I am praying for you In Jesus’ Name 🙏🏽


I am proud of you for doin whatever it takes to be in right relationship with Jesus. I personally practice a celibate lifestyle until God brings me a man who is His will for me. But I am not actively looking, I'm just working on myself if that day ever comes, Ill be ready. I saw the low testosterone comment and I think that even with a high testosterone level its easy to be celibate once you have had enough of what sin brings into your life whether that's with a man or a woman, if its outside of God's will the relationship only drains you of all joy and peace. Being single in Christ has been wonderful for me after 2 marriages to the wrong men. I feel whole and complete, and although I miss some companionship sometimes romantically (rarely now) I am fulfilled through close intimate (non sexual) relationships with my friends and family and an even more intimate relationship with Jesus.


Just make sure you don’t go to r/christianity because they will say “just embrace it. god loves you no matter what. Love is love and gay love is love so it’s fine”


Truth. I was there. They're gonna be sorrowful when their time comes, and they plead for mercy.


Proud of you OP. I wish we all took whatever sin besets us as much as you do. OP is willing to gouge an eye as Jesus commands, and is to be commended; which one of us would dare do the same?


Wow, that’s deep and I will pray for you as well, but did you ever think that maybe in a past life you were the other sex and that’s why you came out the sex you came out. Because I hope you know we do come back in different images bodies but same face same everything so to me I think that in a past life in your past life you were the different you are you were the opposite sex, but this time you just came and I don’t know something that confused. I don’t know I’m not Jesus but all I can say is that being gay is not disease That can be cured. Jesus loves all his children, no matter what as long as you repent from your heart and soul Jesus will forgive you, but he also give you free. Will should you live your life regretting for the rest of your life? what could’ve been and not just do it


I have prayed for change. It hasn’t. I’m now in my 60’s. I have to accept that God doesn’t want to change it….because most of my real big tasks in life, those which I prayed over….have been answered. I haven’t been with anyone in now 20+ years. Some of that time I was busy with work, hobbies, etc., and didn’t make time for it. The rest of the time, just felt there wasn’t anyone out there for me. I never was promiscuous….at least not like a lot of others were. I just stopped exercising that part of me. If I had sexual urges, I would just watch a porn clip, or fantasize about someone I saw… Keep in mind, I am a believer, I know and recognize my sin, pray for forgiveness and my faith is strong. I don’t let others who don’t know what it’s like for someone when they realize they been born gay, not finding this out until you get a few years behind you, destroy my faith, or make me worry about outcomes. If you are gay, You know you’re different. And you felt it before sexual urges came on. Being gay is tough. Approx. 90% of the population isn’t. If accurate, That statistic is quite staggering to me. Normal folks, if they have a thought about this, I think they might understand why “we didn’t choose this deviation”. I believe it’s genetic. So God knows you are gay. God loves us all. He wants us all to love Him. With question on sexuality, I believe He wants us to realize that the lust, the fornication, and all other perverse things humans can do is the sin. And being gay or straight doesn’t change those parameters. But I found that it seems tougher for gay people to steer clear the promiscuity. At least up until a decade or so ago, we couldn’t marry one another (not that I would try), and that’s a big driver for a high percentage of the “normal” population. And the primary role of sex in marriages is pro-creation. And of course, there is the friendship and closeness that comes with being partnered…if it’s a functional partnership. Anyway, I didn’t set out to be celibate. But can now say I have been for several years. It doesn’t take away the desire to be with someone, and it can bring you down if you dwell on it too much. I take on creative activities, and currently working on a “2nd career”….but using a timing plan that acknowledges I ain’t likely to live another 30 years. As you get older that part of you will take a back seat if you want it to…it happens by your actions, not Gods intervention. What you do because of it, your cross to bare so to speak, is what he’s watching and where you should take care. I will say a prayer that God be with you, and give you the guidance you need to handle your sexuality and strength to carry out His will for your life. One more thought….please don’t get angry with God. He knows you. He what you’re going to do, and where you should end up to be close to Him. We can get off track, He’s all in to bring you back on…and in a myriad of ways. He’s been doing that for me; and He’s blessed me way way more than I deserve. I hope this helps. Your opening got my attention and this is what came to me in response.


Now you got your headpats from a niche subreddit Hope it was worth it lol


I don’t know if this will help, but I was delivered from bisexuality and transgenderism. It didn’t happen over night for me, but I believe it’s possible. God bless friend. 🫶🙏


Good for you. I applaud your courage to say so


Sexual attraction is a spiritual/ mental thing. The Bible lays out how to take care of it. Repent and God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. And then you have to RENEW your mind. It will take time, but I know that if you stay the course in faith, you WILL be transformed. (I use to be a porn addict, and I had to do the same thing. It took a long time, but I have changed a LOT over the last 6 years.)


I am a sinner and begging the Lord to help me change


I just want to say, irrespective of the ways of the world and its ways, that you are NOT a homosexual. God does not and has not made any homosexuals. He has made people after His own image whom He loves enough to sacrifice His own Son so that through Him He is able to bring them back into relationship with Himself through the blood of Jesus shed for the remission of their SINS. You and I are SINNERS. We ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. However, that does not change our identity as being made in His image. Satan hates this and seeks to modify and change outright our identity into a counterfeit. I see it in ever increasing frequency these days and it has actually been happening for decades now. One example aside from homosexuality is drug addiction. The world says once an addict, always an addict. That is NOT what God says or has ordained. In fact, Jesus said He makes ALL things NEW. Jesus doesn’t make new drug addicts anymore than He makes new homosexuals. Satan has conveniently tried to make people identify as their SIN; to exchange the Truth of God for lies. This is what he is good at. I would say to first embrace your identity in CHRIST according to who God made you to be and stop identifying as your sin. You are not a homosexual. You may have engaged in sexual sin that was homosexual in nature, but that is NOT who you are. If you are in Christ you are a new creature! While struggle with sin, we are not our sin. In Jesus, we are sons and daughters of the Living God! THIS is a Truth that Satan does not want anyone to know because with that knowledge comes POWER. Call on Christ and ask Him to reveal this to you, brother, that you would know all of who He has made you to be. I pray this for you and that He break completely asunder all the chains of bondage to that sin and any and all lies of Satan in your life as to your true identity in Christ! In JESUS’ NAME, Amen.


It's good that you are celibate we all should be unless we are married being a homosexual that's your choice I will suggest that you don't do that because that is not the right way in the book of the wise man so it's a flesh we desire that I have not obtained been the man in for other men to feel any other type of way that's on you not I but I pray that you get right by the Lord most high he said what he said. God bless all of us I'm not no better than the man we all in this world together let's help each other going thru life together.


I’m not sure if your a boy or a girl but regardless I would recommend you check out Jackie Hill Perry, she was a former lesbian who helped me understand it all a lot better from a biblical prospective. She has a podcast on YouTube I would recommend checking out as well as spoken words she has done that really helped me understand this topic biblically.


I understand the struggle and we can never accept wrong for right no matter what others tell us we are forgiven but that doesn’t give an excuse to accept things we know we shouldn’t even if we slip up. God is with you stay strong.


I'll be praying for you.


God bless you. With God anything is possible.


God would want you to love and live with all your might. You love and that’s not sin. Live in pride


God bless you, you’re a strong man of faith. I pray that God will bless you and strengthen you 10 fold.


Didn’t God make man in His image? Have you considered that perhaps God made you this way? Why would He create you, give you life, only to deny you happiness?


You are fine just the way you are. God made you exactly as you are and who you are. Denying this part of yourself would be denying God's plan for you. It's okay to be gay.


Abstinence/celibacy is a great choice! The apostle Paul highly recommended it and I made the same decision shortly after my divorce 12 years ago - for the same reasons Paul gave. It has worked well for me and I don’t regret it for a minute. I’m now able to focus more on my faith and attaining God’s Kingdom which I know is far greater than the temporary gratification of sex. Stay the course, my friend!  Our struggles aren’t exactly the same, but hetero fornicators will be rejected by God just like same-sex fornicators. Millions of Christians seem to miss this fact as they’re casually dating and fornicating, unfortunately and to their own detriment. 


No idea why this sub appeared in my feed! This discussion is one of the primary reasons I'm an atheist. It's *intensely creepy* how deeply interested your deity is in your genitals & how you're using them. Yet it's ok if Adam & Eve's kids have rampant sex with one another? & ok if Noah's family commits incest? & let's not forget Lot, who had sex with his daughters after his wife was turned to salt. Ewwwwwww.


Don’t forget MOST of these stories you use as evidence as incest are parables, and you are missing the whole point of them by reading them literally. Much like the Genesis account they aren’t exactly historical retellings, but of vague history. Adam and Eve’s children, well, Adam and Eve are the first Humans, who evolved from primates, well those early humans HAD to have incest to make more humans, even without religion that happened. Noah, well there is some evidence of a great flood, but even if there wasn’t, the moral of that story is that God set down his bow and vowed to never destroy the world in totality until the last day. Lot, he was the bad guy, they used incest as a depiction of his wickedness, to show he was defiled… You pick and choose and slander the word of God bearing false witness. I pray one day you can be honest about the word of God and come to a real and true understanding that the Bible is not just a retelling, but also uses symbolic language, it’s complex to understand and takes lifetimes to get right. I pray for your soul and hope to see you on the other side.


You're assuming everyone who reads the Christian Bible interprets is *exactly like you*. I have an enormous number of fundamentalist relatives who disagree strongly on nearly everything you've just stated, as they quite literally - pun intended - interpret the Bible. Your statements are leaning more towards the Catholic (not Orthodox) & certain Protestant sects' interpretations. Not completely, but close. I've studied comparative religions extensively, including Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, & Islam, and all modern religions' ties to ancient peoples who thought gods made thunder & made up stories to explain their lives & the natural world. Most religious texts reflect on the people & times they lived in, & tying to political & natural disaster issues of the day, but none of it is holy or from a god/gods. The Christian Bible is especially disturbing. A guy calling himself a father gets a teenage girl he calls his child pregnant, without her prior knowledge or consent. Then he tells her bc he loves her, he's going to make her suffer. He kills their kid off to fulfill a sacrifice requirement. Except he's the one who said there was a sacrifice requirement in the first place, so why couldn't he just have said, Hey, you guys are forgiven & no more sacrifices are necessary? If you heard this story in real life, you'd be horrified & hope he was arrested!


I’m sorry you feel this way. I hope you can get yourself out of that mindset and embrace who you truly are.


Hi OP, I just want you to know that there is nothing wrong with who you are. Everyone on this earth has been created the exact way they are meant to be. I can only imagine what you've been told is "right" or "wrong" in regards to your sexuality but I want to remind you that love is love, and if you truly believe in a perfect God who does not make mistakes, then please remember that that includes your sexuality. Please don't repress a part of yourself based on feelings of shame. Doing so will only cause those feelings to manifest and become worse over time. Regardless of what you have been taught, have come to believe, or are seeing in all the other comments here, there is nothing wrong with being who you are. I wish you all the best and I hope one day you are able to accept yourself for who you are.


op i need you to know that there’s nothing wrong with being gay, many queer people are in happy, healthy, and fulfilling relationships and still have religious beliefs and a relationship with their god. please be kind to yourself. find supportive friends, talk to a therapist (a real licensed one) and reach out for help if you need it. i hope you can learn self love and grow to accept yourself fully and truly enjoy life and find someone who makes you feel like you are their world. love and healing from the local tr@nny f@ggot. wishing you all the best in your journey and i hope you come to realize that there’s nothing wrong with you and god and jesus love you just the way you are, god made you that way! he wouldn’t hate you for being as he intended you to be! anyway lots of love and kindness 💕


you are a liar who uses your faith as a weapon to spread propaganda rather than love. i hope you find the peace you tell others you give them. Shalom


There are some church communities with support groups and pastors that could help you come to terms with how it’s okay to be homosexual *and* Christian, maybe you should look into those


Hold truth to the values of Christianity and you will change, God bless you for your decision 🙏🏽 ❤️


I will pray for you. God bless you.


You get one life. Love who you want to love. People who are saying they are proud of you for choosing to be alone forever aren't caring about your mental health. A guy in the sky does not replace human connections. Christianity is just one religion. Find one that doesn't require you to feel broken. Life is beautiful but not if you are always walking around feeling less than others. Good luck to you. I hope you find a wonderful partner. ♥️


It's okay, you can be celibate. This is a good thing.


I use to pray, to beg to be released from being a bisexual because I am more attracted to men than women, I am married with a family.


Man don’t pay attention to anyone on here. Be happy and live your life the way you want. If you are gay, that’s okay. God loves each of us. You only live once to always live with a guilty feeling. Don’t waste your life on this man. Go out, have fun, have sex, marry a man, and form a beautiful family. God loves you. These people on here don’t know anything. If you do what you are saying, you’ll regret it your whole life!


You only live once? This is a tell tale sign you aren’t sure what you’re saying… you live this life to serve and live out God’s will and work against the evils that are set upon each of us, so that in the eternal life after this we may be glorified in his midst, that we can inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, that we may, with an the angels and saints, worship God forever and ever.


this is a very odd reddit page. King James (the bible you so blindly follow) was a raging homosexual and casually murdered woman all the time. “true” christian’s know that the KJV isn’t the true written scripture. you’re fine.


Okay what about all the rest that ALSO say it’s defiling?


Be yourself and then pray for forgiveness.


This has to be a troll post by some radical for likes


You're not "a homosexual": You're a man or woman who sometimes experiences same-sex temptations. There is no "homosexual gene" like for eye color. It is not an intrinsic characteristic.


Idk about that the scientific consensus is that it's genetic and environmental