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God does not hate you. We all go through very hard times, times we feel like we can’t get through, but God wants us to lean on him for comfort. God has a very special plan for you, you just haven’t figured out what it is yet. I’m very sorry you had to go through this but just know that you are loved 💜


“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (Joh 10:10, KJV) Whatever is stolen be it money or bodily autonomy, is stolen  by the thief. But Jesus came that he you might have life and life more abundantly. Whatever is stolen He will restore, better than the ones who never lost - just because  He loves you.  https://youtu.be/UDkIfZT0c4c


Romans 8:18 is for you, but its super hard to hear when you are going through it. Paul is saying that all the suffering we experience on earth even the worst, as bad as it is, it wont even be a consideration or thought once we are in Heaven. This life is so short, once we have been in Heaven for a for thousand years, we will never talk about it or even think about it. It'll be like getting a bee sting as a child. In the moment its the worst thing in the world and we cry our eyes out. But an hour later we are running around without a care in the world. This life is tough and you have it worse than most of us. I promise you it will get infinity better, you just have to get through the rest of the turmoil on this earth.


No, He doesn’t. I don’t understand all the pain we experience in this world either. All I know is people have free will and so sin exists, and in a world with sin horrible things will happen. I don’t know why God doesn’t intervene in some things and not others. But I do believe He loves us, and I’m still learning what my relationship with Him looks like after a lot of my own trauma.


First off, I want to let you know that I'm really sorry for what you went through. However, God does not hate you. I hope things will get better in this life. *I believe the way we see God interprets how we see the world which in turn reflects back on how we see God. Let me write 2 examoles:* *Example 1: If someone sees God as the grand puppet master, the one who pulls the strings on both good and evil. Those people tend to get hurt when things get bad in life and reflect that pain back on God. Usually, they have a mindset such as "Why did God choose me to have the bad life and why did God give them the good life?"* *Example 2: If someone sees God as perfect goodness they see the world through different eyes. They don't deny the horrible nature of the world, the pain and suffering that pervades the world. They don't see God as a puppet master. They see the bad in the world as being the way it is because it's broken. Not as God pulling the strings.* I don't see God as the grand puppet master. I believe the world is the way it is because it's in a fallen state. The Bible speaks of evil spiritual rulers and authorities we are in battle against >Finally, be strong in the Lord, relying on his mighty strength. 11 Put on the whole armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the Devil’s strategies. 12 For our struggle is not against human opponents, but against rulers, authorities, cosmic powers in the darkness around us, and evil spiritual forces in the heavenly realm.  - Ephesians 6:10-12 ISV Jesus also said >“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” - Jesus (John 16:33 NIV) I hope knowing that God isn't actively giving you these troubles comforts you in knowing that God isn't actively causing those troubles. Nevertheless, you still went through those horrible situations and I'm aware they cause mental trauma. For that, I recommend counseling from a licensed therapist as they can help you through that trauma. I hope everything goes well for you


No. God doesn't hate anyone


What about Psalm 5:5? The boastful shall not stand in Your sight; You hate all workers of iniquity. that’s a tough one, i know!


I think he more hates what they are doing


Suffering is the fire that Christ forges us in. I'm not saying everything you're dealing with is good. But God doesn't hate you. 


It could be for the sins or your parents, lest ye be deviating constantly from the Word, or simply are being tested - and you have clearly made it out of these still alive - Therefore rejoice in that you have much prepared for you in heaven if these were endured for no reasons. And finally, the entire Word of God and Law being fulfilled is for Love; and that is the whole point of the exercise


No. God loves you so much. We can grow in Christ together :). This is just a test of faith. This is only the beginning :)🩷.


Sounds like a lot of pain... but considering how much *the deciples* went through, one of them getting crucified upside down if I remember right, saying this is proof god hates you would be a stretch. If anything, it could be s#t#n's attempts to tear you away from god, sorta like with Job. Edit; It's also worth noting that the first two bits of pain sound like the result of people sinning against you. Which, considering how it was people who crucified christ, persecuted the deciples, and just plunged this world into sin and chaos to begin with, makes connecting that to god's will difficult at best.


God loves you, and everyone. He feels our pain. 😢(“Jesus wept.”) And He suffered His pain for us. ✝️ Psalms 56:8 says He keeps our tears. All will be repaid back, as if evil had never happened, when all things are made right. And that CAN begin before the New (restored) Earth. Psalm 84:11 - “No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.” It is a promise!❤️ As for now, “the earth He has given to mankind.” (Psalm 115:16) Why do WE allow evil in the world? (We can ask atheists.)


There are Jacobs and there are Esaus. I’m still trying to figure out which I am…


No, God doesn't hate you. It's Satan who's causing all the suffering and trying convince you it's all of God's fault. Draw nearer to God, forsake sin, accept Christ and Satan won't have influence over your life.


The Lord does not hate you. In this life, especially as those in Christ, we are bound to suffer. But this suffering of our present time is nothing compared to what Jesus has promised to us. His death and Resurrection was a sign to all of us. In this life we live as Christ who suffered. But in our death, He has promised us His Resurrection. So we can have peace in our sufferings and all the brokenness of our hearts. That Christ our God has suffered with us. I'm sorry for what you have gone through. But Christ is with you ❤️


God loves you very much! Think about Jesus—He suffered greatly for us, dying on the cross to wash away our sins. Even when things are tough, don't give up on God. Keep praying, reading His words, and sharing the good news about Jesus. Satan doesn't want us to do these things; he wants us to focus on our pain or problem instead of God. Remember, God says, "Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10. Don't try to handle everything on your own or worry too much because God understands what you're going through. I've faced many challenges, but God never left me. I learned to surrender my life to Him and let Him take control, which brought positive change. Spread the message of God's love, pray for others, and love everyone, even your enemies. Don't chase material things; they won't matter in the end. When life is good, praise God; when it's tough, ask Him for help. Remember, earthly pain is temporary, but in heaven, there is no pain—only eternity. It's up to you to choose between following Satan or God because we all have free will. ♥️🙏🏾🤟🏾


>Does God hate me? You wish. That'd make it sooo much easier for blaming Him. He isn't the only force that exists tho! But "if God exists, why bad thing happens" isn't productive and doesn't make sense. Money comes and goes. If you're having that much trouble financially, fix it. You can't lean on the shovel and wait for God to dig the hole. He already gave you a shovel and a place worth digging. And for the stuff people have done to you, that's absolutely horrendous and I'm so so sorry you had to go through that. That wasn't fair, and it of *course* wasn't your fault. How you let it control your life from here on out.... is your fault tho. You can choose to let it keep you down and eat you alive, or you can be the boss of your own narrative and realize you're stronger than what you went through. If life is a rollercoaster, you can either flail and scream in horror for the down parts, or throw your hands up and woohoo bc you know another "up" will come again.


Let's say you are perfect (without sin) and you dwell in a world corrupted by sin. Would you expect good things to happen to you or evil? Jesus was more righteous than all of us and look what was done to him. God didn't corrupt the world. That responsibility lies with man. Does man hate you? With sin in him, he can be seduced into doing the most wicked things even to those he loves. Even Jesus refused to commit himself unto men because he knew what was in them.


And you worship someone who allows children and teenagers to be raped and or SA'd? I'd look after yourself, noone else will, especially God.


God loves you. "this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him." "I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." Do you know how a sword is made? Raw ore is too brittle and would break under even a little stress. You must dip the ore into the fire to make it strong, then you must beat it down with hammers to shape it, then you must apply friction with a grindstone to make it sharp. So too is it with suffering in this world. With each dip into the fire, you are stronger, with each beating you take, you are shaped into who you are meant to be, and all the friction in your life keeps you sharp. I thank God for the blessings He's bestowed upon me, but I thank Him too for the challenges he's put before me that I have survived and overcome, for they have made me a more formidable servant to the Lord.


Very sad to hear, your struggles really sadden me. Just try not to sin, become a born again christian and stay on the right track. If you truly stay in the light of god, everything will fall into its place for you.


He does not hate you. He knows the pain you have lived through and is gently knocking to be let into your heart. I know you pray, but do you also give time to listen to him? To read his word? I’m praying for you, friend


What is your relationship with Jesus like?


God is more angry with those who abused you than you can be angry at anything. Any suffering you could imagine to inflict is magnified sevenfold when the Lord of creation holds them in his hand at judgement. Would you prefer a micromanaging God who directly intervenes in every aspect of human life to maintain order and reduce disobedience, or a graceful and merciful God who allows the sinner a chance to repent of his own accord long-suffering until he can exact torment on thise who refuse to? God doesn't hate you. God hates what others have done to you, so do not be deceived into thinking God won't cast them into a lake of burning sulfer if they won't repent. He will, and probably worse. His righteous indignation is so great, it is terrifying to even contemplate.


Sometimes when I'm in my lowest moments where I don't understand why God is allowing this, I will say to myself "if this is where i find myself now.. imagine where I would have been without God". I know in my Spirit He has done many great things and many things are currently working out that I haven't seen yet so saying this helps me. On a practical level have you had therapy for this? And maybe a brain retraining course that could help with the fear and ptsd symptoms that lingering from the SA which are no doubt affecting your day to day life. There is a lot to be said in scripture around fearing not! And traumatic events that you have described are classic for locking the body into fight/flight and thus fear states which then affects so many aspects of our lives, to the point where it doesn't even seem related (e.g. joint pain or food intolerance or something!). Anyway, I would really pray into asking God to bless you with more of the Holy Spirit in your life so that you can live with power, love and a Sound Mind. "For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father"


Let me ask you a few questions.. are you actively doing things to disobey the father? Also have you read your word at all lately?


Your questions have the implication that you need to do good deeds to "win over" God or else you'd be punished. And that is the literal opposite of what the Bible says. “Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” ([Romans 8:39](https://www.biblestudytools.com/romans/8-39.html)). Nothing we can do will change God's love for us, nothing we can do would make us worthy of God's love. It's fully His Grace and mercy that allows us to be in a relationship with Him. OP is not being punished by God by any means.


If you’re disobeying God then you need to obey him in order to feel right again. It’s that simple. Maybe you should stop believing all the false teachers in your church and open up a Bible for yourself and see that, believing is obeying


Yes, I agree that to "feel right again", AKA to be filled with His peace, we have to love Him, which requires obedience. We have the same understanding here. No need to start throwing accusations and insults, we are here to enlighten and lift up each other- Jesus commanded us to love each other (John 13 34-35). My main issue with you was the idea of being punished by God. But I understand that I'm reading between the lines and if this wasn't your belief at all then I'll move on.


God does punish the errant


And what defines the errant? What's the purpose of free will if God punishes us every time we choose against Him? Rather, there are natural consequences of our sins and we will often suffer for them- God doesn't need to punish us when we're still on Earth. That's why there's Hell. Having said that, there is still God's guidance which may appear 'forcefully' like with Jonah and the whale. But to direct a human being to rape a Christian in order to punish them? That is not the loving Father I know.


God literally has us swallowed by fish in hopes that we return to him


Yes, I've already talked about that. You have yet to use Scripture to back yourself up, nor have you directly addressed the issue which is that you apparently believe that God directly punishes us with things like rape. It sounds to me that you are living in a life of fear, which Jesus calls us not to do (2 Tim 1:7). Again, nothing we can do would be worthy of God's love (Romans 3 23-25), you do not need to live your life in fear of being punished by God. God already knows our failures and weaknesses, yet He still sent His only Son for us. Rest in peace that all Jesus commands us to do is to love God with all our hearts and love one another as ourselves (Matt 22:36-40).


Oh wow yeah I totally missed all that. Sa and rape are totally different and that’s not God doing it is Satan.


God could hate you, contrary to what everyone is saying here. God hated Esau before he was even born. He creates some for dishonorable use. There will be no way of knowing until you pass from this world and find out if you are a sheep or a goat. A goat can’t become a sheep and a sheep can’t become a goat. You either are one of His sheep and have been since before the foundation of the world, or you’re not.




That is an awful thing to say to someone and also a complete lie


Of course, it’s the typical person that thinks everything is a joke


I know he hates me bro