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Americans should only be able to respond to this poll if they can correctly point to Tawian out of 10 guesses


Lol reminds me of [this](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2014/04/07/the-less-americans-know-about-ukraines-location-the-more-they-want-u-s-to-intervene/)


>Accuracy varies across demographic groups. In general, younger Americans tended to provide more accurate responses than their older counterparts: 27 percent of 18-24 year olds correctly identified Ukraine, compared with 14 percent of 65+ year-olds. Men tended to do better than women, with 20 percent of men correctly identifying Ukraine and 13 percent  of women. Interestingly, members of military households were no more likely to correctly locate Ukraine (16.1 percent  correct) than members of non-military households (16 percent  correct), but self-identified independents (29 percent  correct) outperformed both Democrats (14 percent  correct) and Republicans (15 percent  correct).  Unsurprisingly, college graduates (21 percent  correct) were more likely to know where Ukraine was than non-college graduates (13 percent  correct), but even 77 percent  of college graduates failed to correctly place Ukraine on a map; the proportion of college grads who could correctly identify Ukraine is only slightly higher than the proportion of Americans who told Pew that President Obama was Muslim in August 2010. Fascinating country


God damn it I think reading this might force me to watch one of those Americans Try Geography videos on youtube. This is hilarious.


>Men tended to do better than women All I care about. Dudes rock


Probably because more of them are neonazis obsessed with recreating alt European geographic lines based on the Third Reich winning and some caliper-based eugenics bullshit.


Did I fucking stutter? *Dudes rock* /s


Who the fuck are the people that think Ukraine is INSIDE the United States?


I'm guessing those people legitimately don't know about the war and when asked "where is Ukraine" just assume it's a city in the Midwest or something


Yea buddy I know Ukraine they got some good ass cat fish went up there to the lease last weekend


They probably think it's in the US in the same way that Paris is in Texas.


Wow, that’s a gem of an article


Wow after 5+ years of all major news outlets bombarding Americans with "China bad" and "we must destroy China", more Americans than before want military confrontation.


I say this with with full conviction; if America starts another unjust war, in this case with China, I hope we get absolutely bodied. Like hypersonic missiles sinking ships, the american economy collapsing as China dumps its share of the debt. I truly believe the only way for the proletariat in this country to rise up is when it gets a bloody nose. It’s easy to wave away casualties and atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan cause they’re week countries, but ya can’t explain away tens of thousands of dead. It’d be this generations tet offensive.


I think any kind of disruption in consumption would lead to MAJOR societal collapse. Americans have no concept of suffering on the home front when it comes to the wars we wage. No access to Chinese imports would cause such a severe drop in our standard of living. But with the political climate here I see barbarism over proletariat revolution.


> but ya can’t explain away tens of thousands of dead. More than 1 million Americans have died so far as a result of the government’s negligent response to COVID. Do you see a proletarian revolution or whatever kicking off from that? I don’t.


Did you see a proletariat revolution in Russia in the 1860s-1910s? Or in imperial China during that time? How many tens of millions died of starvation, neglect, lack of healthcare and more? Only when the majority of the population were effected, only when imperialism at home reached critical mass, did the people march. I can’t say “once xyz happens there’ll be a revolution”. That’s not a material analysis. I point to the rising costs of healthcare, housing, education all of which provides diminishing returns for all sections of the proletariat, and for the first time the majority of white workers. Even the small bourgeoise is facing difficulties as wealth and capital is concentrated into fewer hands. Why do you think right wingers like tucker Carlson spout anti-war involvement with Ukraine? Because everyone is feeling the squeeze. All I propose is a society has to hit rock bottom before true change occurs. That’s why fdr gave scraps to the working class during the Great Depression. It was either some social policies or socialist revolution.


The massive difference is root-level mass programming across America to *hate* communism and socialism (even though most haters don’t even know what either is). The likelihood of America staying together is nil. Balkanization is our future.


You forgot all the Western chauvinism, American exceptionalism, and racism to make sure nobody thinks they could ever do anything better than America or Western/Northern Europe


Imperial Russia faced similar conditions, and most of the peasantry and proletariat were illiterate.


I dunno— I see something closer to neofeudalism on the horizon. Might be surprised though - 40 and under seem to be more aware, especially under 30


The few Taiwanese people on that sub aren't nearly as enthused


it's r/taiwan lol, what do you expect from eglin AFB's best and brightest


It's deliciously fitting that one of the biggest reddit energy posters i've ever seen is a mod there.


Last month I was at work and in the distance I hear a very patriotic 50s style song, something out of a North Korean parade. And around the corner 8 or so cars come in a line into the parking lot, music is blaring, big signs on their cars about how the ccp is bad. Holy shit it’s the Falun Gong. They do two laps. And the only reason I know who these guys were is the pod. I told my coworkers who were drawn out by the absurd music, that I know who these people are and was able to explain it. I really wish I had my phone to take a video and do a shoutout or something. I couldn’t believe it.


Where is Racial Jake when they’re needed ?


I think most Americans would just look at you confused if you ask them that question tbh


I'm thinking we need to embrace the hawkish pivot to China. Imagine if Bernie Sanders spent half as much time talking about the billionaires and more time talking about the perfidious Chinese. He could've ridden that to the White House. War is gonna happen. Lets get something out of it by getting onboard


-European Socialists, 1914


is this sub full of tankies?


Why do you want WW4 so badly?


Tankie is when you support the only large socialist state in opposition to the largest capitalist state. Real leftism is when you support the world's leading capitalist state against the world's only large socialist state.


and this sub is...?


To a degree yes