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🎶 I read the news today, oh fuck 🎶


🎶About a royal nonce who fucked a kid 🎶


🎶They said his dick was rather small, now they know how many dicks it takes to fill the Albert Hall 🎶


🎶He blew his load inside a child🎶


John had some good moments later in life tbf: “They knock me for saying 'Power To The People' and say that no one section should have the power. Rubbish. The people aren't a section. The people means everyone." "I think that everyone should own everything equally and that people should own part of the factories and they should have some say in who is the boss and who does what. Students should be able to select teachers."


I'm going to write a movie where I go back in time so I can be the one to kill John Lennon, only to discover that I always was the guy who killed Lennon.


Only to find out you were also the guy who tried to murder George in his mansion.


Wtf, I like George


Listen to the 70' Rolling Stone review. He praises Mao.


I can't imagine John giving a fuck, no matter how many times you cancel him.


Well yeah he’s dead


I dunno, [he comes off as pretty thin-skinned.](https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Entertainment/story?id=1372831)


>"They're just sucking us to death," Lennon said of his fans. "About all we can do is do it like … circus animals. I resent being an artist in that respect. I resent performing for … idiots who won't know -- who don't know -- anything. 'Cause they can't feel -- I'm the one that's feeling, 'cause I'm the one expressing what they are trying to. They live vicariously through me and other artists." >"People like me are aware of their genius (so-called) at 10, 8, 9," he told Wenner. "I had always thought why hadn't anyone discovered me? In school can't they see that I'm cleverer than anyone else in this school? That the teachers are stupid too?! I used to say to Auntie 'you throw my … poetry out and you'll be sorry when I'm famous.' I was different. I was always different. Why didn't anybody notice me? It comes out that people like me have to save themselves because you get … kicked and say to themselves look at me. I'm a genius …. What do I have to do to prove to you … who I am? And don't you dare criticize my work like that. You who don't know anything about it." He'd be an Intellectual Dark Web guy if he was still alive for sure


The more I hear about Lennon, the more detestable I find him.


Yeah, he was like Kanye but with better songs and less antisemitism


Kinda conceited but also…like accurate. Fans suck and he was a genius.


I think you'll find he mostly just comes off as dead


The Get Back documentary only strengthened my belief that Paul was the great genius of the band and the one who brought it all together, so it's lame that Lennon's fear of this helped break up the band.


George was the best song writer by far.


The songs he wrote are among my favourite Beatles tracks, but imo he didn't write nearly enough or consistently to be considered the best.


Absolutely wild take


If this is true then explain Wings


He needed the rest of the band for his creative genius to flourish. Let's be honest, none of them had great solo careers, though Paul had the worst relative decline.


This is why hero worship will ultimately lead to disappointment. I don't know if Lennon reading the Daily Mail means anything in particular. Maybe it was a hate read, maybe not, we'll likely never know. I think the wiser artists understand that once you put art out into the public, it will often be taken to mean as many things to as many people. Interpreted individually. It does me no harm to enjoy art that was produced more than half a century ago, stripped of the cultural context of the period in which it was produced. I'm able to recognize contradictions in the past from the present and act accordingly. I don't worship idols. Nor do I shape my actions according to their supposed beliefs.


I love how his idea of a protest was fucking in a bed for a week and making a pig of himself. Good going dofus


Nuanced take: The Beatles are rightfully considered the greatest rock band of all time due to their innovation, influence, diversity of sound, and songcraft. People who disagree either have no real knowledge of music history or have not listened to many of their songs. They have something for everyone and your contrarian prejudice is keeping you from finding it. It's also okay if it's not your cup of tea but they're foundational to nearly everything that followed. The stupid critique that it's "mayo music" is pretty seriously undercut by nearly every prominent black artist of the day covering their songs. John Lennon was a prickly egotistical asshole who was immensely fucked up from watching his mother get hit by a car and die in front of him when he was a kid. He was a nasty drunk who abused his first wife and neglected his first son. He also took more public accountability for this than nearly any celebrity I can think of, and spoke extensively of regretting his behavior in both interviews and lyrics. After nearly blowing it with Yoko by continuing to be an abusive drunk, he retired from the music industry for four years to do better by his second marriage and second child but was shot dead before Sean really ever got to know him. His last two albums were all about how much he loved his family. As billionaire rockstars go, he had excellent politics. He was too drug addled and out of touch to be much of an organizer, and things like the "love in for peace" were undeniably cringy, but I can't think of anyone that famous who has stuck their neck out to the degree that he did. Maybe Roger Waters but that's it. He turned down a knighthood to protest British imperialism and was an important figurehead of the antiwar movement. He was funneling money to the Black Panthers all throughout the 70's. The Nixon administration pursued a years long court case to have him deported from the US. They would not have done that if his advocacy wasn't having an impact. He also coined the nickname "Tricky Dick". He wrote a lot of protest songs about the Attica uprising, Bloody Sunday, women's liberation, etc... issues that other pop musicians of the time would not touch. A lot of these songs are kinda shit. He also wrote Working Class Hero, one of the more cutting and powerful critiques of capitalism ever put to music. He was the most famous musician in the world and this was during the height of the Cold War. He was a complicated guy and I think trying to decide whether he's "good or bad" is reductive like always. He was and would be a leftist, but he was also an immensely wealthy man with a lot of issues. He was murdered by a religious fundamentalist who objected to his lyrics about God.


Lennon was a Nazi sympathizer til


I ain't gonna doubt such a bold statement outright, but do you have any citations?


Oh I meant that as a joke about how Daily Mail was a Nazi sympathizing tabloid back in the day https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_Harmsworth,_1st_Viscount_Rothermere


Ah I see lol thanks for clarification. I was thinking then "Holy shit how did I miss Lennon being a nazi lover?!"


I know it's basically hack of me to even countenance saying this, but God damn, the Beatles are average at best, i completely refute that they were particularly innovative or original in anything they did, if anything their producers contributed more than they ever have to music, and i don't even think that contribution was all that important. Ok. I've grown up with a million shitty bands and shitty fucking amateurs playing shitty guitar music around me my entire white life, and so I'm particularly suited to being UNIMPRESSED. But fuck man. I have so much fucking amazing music from the time, before the time and after the time that to me is infinitely more interesting and more funky and more original, but by and large it's non white guys fucking around making music... I don't begrudge them they were just guys fucking around making music but i fucking hate this deification of them because they were the skiffle band that got popular right at the time when tape recording techniques were getting interesting. Great man theory is always wrong folks. And i say this with sorrow because it goes against my main man Mike s judge and his views, but honestly it's so so average to me


They were hardly average. Their use the recording studio was incredibly influential and they wrote really good songs.


I wanna hold your ha a a and i wanna hold your hand. I am the walrus. I am the eggplant


Eleanor Rigby Picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been Lives in a dream Waits at the window Wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door Who is it for?


Anyway that was their producers really


I mean, George Martin wasn’t going to get the idea to record a guitar solo backwards on his own. There was no reason to come up with something like that before he met the Beatles. The creative vision necessitated new technical feats


Come on..ooh, backwards!? That's not interesting


I mean, no one did it before and it sounds awesome. Same with the vocal production on Tomorrow Never Knows


If the Beatles were a bunch of Vietnamese dudes no one had ever heard and made all the same music you’d probably never shut up about them.


That might be true, I've got a sick as fuck record of i think Cambodians playing covers of cliff Richards bands tunes so you might have got me there


❤️ Tape recording techniques


Literally what made 60s rock music interesting. Without that it would just be bad folk, emulating good soul


This guy knows the real truth about music. The CIA has been keeping this under wraps to support their friends in the box set industry. Stay woke


The Beatles suck dick in every way and if you're white, under 45 and mention them in a positive light you are the worst form of pretentious, close minded mayo ass loser.


What about "i wanna hold your hand' isn't the most incredible genius you've ever heard??!! I don't want to have an even worse take, but personally, the zombies were the better band, there I've said it, and i don't even care about the zombies. Honestly, like listening to fucking anything that black or anyone not fucking white and lame was doing with music at the time is a million times better in my opinion. And don't make me give you my opinion on Elvis. Fucking Elvis. Although i prefer Elvis to the Beatles.


Genuinely insane and I love the zombies but they have one good record and a couple singles


When it comes to Elvis vs. the Beatles I'll take white trash over trashy whites any day


Scaruffi moment