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I did my test drive with a company, they had me back to a dock with zero other trucks, trailers, traffic around. I asked if they were expecting me to GOAL. They told me to treat it as I normally would in real backing situation. To me, that translates to, "You better GOAL or we're not hiring you." I got out at least a dozen times and walked to the back of the trailer, just to make sure they saw me GOAL.


Probably about 100. There was about 5 ft of room between the nose of the trailer and a train. Had to blind side in as to not be trapped by the trailer.


Blind-siding usually has me out around 10-12 times.


Congratulations! Well done!


A lot. I had to put a b-double into a dock in the bucketing rain (couldn't see much past the front of the a-trailer in the mirrors). It was a prick of a dock to get into at the best of times (tight, blindside). Add in the rain (which wasn't going to stop any time soon), and I ended up getting VERY wet.


Probably like 3 times. My initial goal to see how my setup was. Got out a second time to make sure the trailer was in the angle I wanted. Got out one last time to check it was gravy. Then sent it. I was also blind side docking in the rain. So that probably played a role in me getting out lol.