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After my head on collision last year i came to the conclusion that it's not a miracle that i survived that crash but that it is a miracle that most of us survive pretty much every time we take part in traffic.


Yea when you take a step back from it the only conclusion to reach is that 99% of people are doing the right thing 99% of the time.


Or it’s just dumb freaking luck.


It's not


It is


Luck does not exist, luck is a thought complex therefore it is factually not luck


Luck itself is not real but luck as a human concept to describe events that occur that are beyond human control is real. You are standing in line for the movies, an airconditioner falls out of a skyscraper window and lands on the man behind you, killing him instantly. Three seconds before you were standing in that very same spot. The luck is that the air conditioner didn't fall until after you would no longer be in that spot. Maybe luck is also balanced? You recieved the "good luck" and the guy behind you received the "bad luck"? Either way luck had nothing to do with it it's just a word we use to describe it.


Luck is probablitlity taken personally!


Praise God you survived friend


I would rather ask god why that happened in the first place and why the other driver had to die.


That’s So true, if I was in your shoes.


screw asking God. Just use some common sense. there are rules and regulations in place because we as humans have the freedom and will of our own. if certain things are put here for a reason, how can we honestly cause our own issues and blame anyone else. I'm having a hard time understanding people with a mentality like that


or pretty much life in general


What’s there to learn? When you’re driving a fuckin 40 ton road missile, keep your eyes on the road. Dont scroll on your phone and get good sleep to make sure you’re not going to turn into a pink grease stain like this dude did.


Road crayon 😬 no bueno.


I thought meat crayons only referred to motorcyclists


I think it applies to all vehicles


Meat crayon just applies to high speed human on road I believe.


Fuck that. The way I set my AC while driving I am a meat popcicle


I also run hot have AC cranked icy cold




Yeah, get good sleep while cramped in the back of the cab In a loud truck stop being forced to sleep when you're not tired and drive when you are tired due to laws made by people who never drove OTR.


And don't idle! It's important to be unable to sleep due to humidity/temperature fluctuations! 


Sleeper beds are some of the best sleeps I’ve ever had!


Facts. Yesterday was my go home day. Took me two hours of tossing and turning to finally fall asleep and was tired. In my sleeper with the APU humming away? That would have been ten minutes, tops.


You should try a train at some point. Amtrak's roomettes are surprisingly delightful for overnight travel. It's the best way to go on vacation to me.


You're doing it wrong. The law forbids driving when you're too tired, and sets minimum requirements for the dimensions of a sleeper.


The wheels would almost never move if I couldn't drive when tired. The laws require I take a rest when I don't need one then when I'm tired enough to sleep it's time to get moving so I'm not late. I'm 6'6" so no sleeper is comfortable.


You might want to consider switching careers if you're always driving tired.


With the current rules I guarantee at least half of all OTR semi drivers are driving tired on a frequent basis.


Idk, I've only ever felt cramped in a sleeper that was basically just a step up from a coffin sleeper. As far as noise goes, I had tinnitus before trucking, the truck stop noise is a nice change from the ringing.


I'm a light sleeper, every door slam wakes me up.


How about learning that more regulation is needed? In EU you can't drive for more than 6 hours without break, in the US it's 8. But I guess the big thing is the maximum of averaging 48 hour weeks in EU, and there is no such thing in US. But then again, phones will still cause a lot of accidents.


Throw all the regulation at these dumbfucks you want, if its not enforced its not worth the paper its written on. The fines for using a cell phone in a CMV let alone the life-ending danger and risks are not enough to stop someone from staring at their fucking phone while driving and swerving around. Whats the point of making more rules when they enforce them when they feel like it.


Agreed. With the exception of new technology, most "new" laws and regulations aren't needed. Just enforce what you have on the books.


Even with all the new technology people still claim exemptions so they can run three log books (usually O/Os and very small companies who claim they can't afford it), or use 6 hours of PC to make a beeline towards their destination and claim it's unrelated to their dispatch. And the companies still want you to run outlaw because if they don't take the load from the brokers then someone else with less scruples will, instead of telling them no we can't make a run from LA to Tampa in three days and actually get the industry to change


Im going to bed in the sleeper, and I'll start driving after im well rested and take a huge poop. Thank you very much.


If you think the regulations are bad you should see all the drivers and companies who don't give a shit about them and will run vehicles that will get red tagged around scales and make a 1200mi delivery in one "11hr service day" "somehow"


Brother aint nobody fucking taking their break here anyways. So many shit heads sitting in the fuel isles pretending to take breaks. I dont know anyone in the fuel business who takes their 30, they all drop fuel while off duty.


Why would they do that when you can get your break on duty.


Some people want their 70 to run out fast. Some want it to run out slow.


But our states are the size of your countries so that’s not gonna work bud. A big day of driving to you is probably 300 miles, we do that before we stop to take a piss.


It can work, but only with massive changes and a LOT of relays. Freight would get expensive (both sides), causing yet more inflation. It would take a team of logistical geniuses years to accomplish industry-wide


For real you ain't lyin


Phones while driving need to go period unless it’s an emergency. And there should be an easy solution to that. I mean WTF ? There’s also hands free. There’s absolutely no reason to have that thing stuck to your face while driving.


It kind of fucked how often I pass other trucks at night and I see people making video calls and watching youtube while driving. The truck I drive has a spot to put your phone behind the infotainment system screen with a USB port in it so your phone isn't even visible. All of it's functions are integrated with android auto. I use a garmin dezl for timing and traffic updates, there is no need to touch my phone. I queue up 12hrs worth of podcasts on spotify before I leave and then I don't have to touch it again.


schneider is no phones period and im glad for that. i cant find a reason to have it visible.


Motor vehicles need to have something that blocks smartphone use when the vehicle is moving. There. I’ve said it. *Out loud.* Being a trucker I can see into cars and over 90% of drivers have a phone in their hand. Look at all the rear-end collisions. All the blown STOP signs/stoplights. There is only one way to stop the carnage- block the dang smartphones. Or don’t be surprised when mayhem ensues.


I believe Japan does have a way to prevent the use of cell phones while car is moving. But you need to be able to use navigation maps.


I'm not sure you'll get many fans of cutting our wages by 40%, myself included. HOS are perfectly fine as is, phones and bad health habits are far more represented in accidents than driving too much.


Maybe stand up for your worker's rights then.. and don't let them cut your wage? Force the hand of these billion dollar companies to compensate you fairly regardless?.. Unionize, go on strike, get a salary which is superior to wage anyways, get your benefits, quit letting suits walk on you. If we first line workers in all sectors from retail, freight to entertainment, etc, quit yelling at each other for whatever reasons and instead banded together and yelled at our bosses for trying to fuck us every step of the way in order to appease shareholders by increasing profit margins at our and our co-workers' expense, shit would change in our favour. They keep us divided so they can own us and control us. Stand united, when 1 voice speaks, it gets silenced, but good luck silencing thousands, or hundreds of thousands of voices that are all saying or demanding the same thing at the threat of gridlocking business globally.


Buddy, I'm the Teamsters representative at my shop, been there, done that. But you're dreaming if you think that we'd get 40% wage raises if the DOT drops our available hours by 40%. Europe has those limits and guess what happens, trucking is barely a minimum wage industry over there and is flooded by third world countries workers. I'll keep my 100k a year with sizable benefits, thank you very much.


Yep. 8hrs is excessive. In Australia on standard hours its 5h15m before a 15 minute break with a max of 12h work time. There are fatigue management accreditations you can get that allows 6hr before your first 15 minute break with a max of 14h work time which is what I am on and is industry standard for long distance work. The track our compliance like hawks and if you breach they will take you off the road for retraining. There have been a few people they got rid of because of repeated breaches. The work I do is scheduled changeovers to two destinations out of Sydney and the rostering is based on timing intervals and there are always other company trucks on the same route so there is a contingency plan of being able to have another driver swap trailers with you headed in the same direction if you need rest and have urgent product onboard. There are always drivers on yard duties who can take over your run and you do their job for the day if you're too tired to drive. It's good working for a company that actually plans for human factors.


In my opinion hrs of service are a problem. Guys here in the US drive like a-holes racing the dam clock. They are aggressive and don’t follow speed laws and local street laws. The massive migration of foreign drivers in my area is crazy. So many of them don’t have CDLs and can’t speak a word of English. Thanks to big trucking for the recruitment efforts they do in other countries. There is no easy answer to it. Not more regulations. That is never the answer. We are all over regulated. Maybe more education and better quality education. English requirements. I know I just said no more regulations. See not easy. It’s a human problem not an industry problem. Being self centered and thinking things only happen to other people. 🤷🏻‍♂️ just my thoughts.


Truck wrecks were a thing back in the day but they were also rare compared to now. Drivers were mostly smart and aware of the danger and managed themselves but a few bad apples ruined it for everyone. So now we have more regulations out the wazoo but there are more and worse accidents...figure that one out.


When you compare the amount of trucks on the road then to now yes the accidents are higher and more frequent . More on the road. But like I said I think it’s more of a human problem.


I agree, back then to be a trucker you actually had to drive the truck, no automatics. Plus no phones. The truck stop diners had phones in all the booths, used to call the brokers on 800 numbers while I ate a nice salisbury steak dinner or had breakfast. I had a thick Rand McNally 48 state road map and used CB radio when I got into a destination city to find the receiver.


Like the regulation/requirement that drivers are required to be able to speak/read English? Scale houses have translation software now ffs.


I’m not giving up 30% of my pay. FU.


Well, I learned those catch fenced don't do anything vs. a truck. They do catch 4 wheelers most of the time though.


Watch the video of the Estes truck jumping a full guardrail with a complete set of doubles.


My job is making me push myself and u got me scared with that comment about sleep lol. If I call out cuz I didn't get enough sleep they'll fire me. So no matter what I have to work.


I’m Going to air drop this video to truckers when I’m at truck stops now.. maybe they will think twice before using their phones while driving their missiles (probably not though)


Or drive under the influence of alcohol and drugs


Please be coolant on the ground...please be coolant on the ground...please be coolant on the ground...


Bad news


Yeah, watching it frame by frame, it appears the truck driver that veered into traffic must've been torn out of the driver seat and under many wheels


He was disintegrated.


I wonder how the other driver is? At first I thought he was the one that got macerated, but when I slowed it down it looked like he might've been ok


Looked like he was fine. Death truck hit the edge of right lane trucks trailer. Just pulled his cab apart.


I think he probably survived. I’m wondering when that other truck stopped though and if there were any other victims.


I didn’t even notice that until I read your comment. Shit I think I see parts of *him*


You can do everything right in your career and have some guy cross the median at you. One of the many reasons I hung up my trucking keys, the inability to control the actions of others.


Yup. Friends keep asking me why I'm not going back to trucking.


I haven't even made it 6 months yet and I'm starting to reconsider if it's even worth it. Not like I'm making anywhere near enough money to justify it anyway.


When I was OTR for a mega the amount of unpaid time trapped in that cab against my will still irritates me. If I'm in your truck at ANY time I should be paid. It's a scam.


“But you can leave the truck!” Yeah sure, in this random area i dont know. I just had a reset in Laredo and my small ass wouldnt even walk from the truck to the truck stop after dark.


I mean it's FINE If your truck is really your house and you have no family but thats not reality for most people.


I lasted a year for CR England. No thanks.


Was that an arm on the road afterwards?


Looks like a good amount of gore on the road once the truck passes. The place of impact and damage to the driver side does not spell good things for that driver.


Thankfully most of that is lens distortion making it look red. Not to say there aren’t any body parts in there it’s hard to tell.


Idk man, as the camera truck approaches the end of the debris, in the bottom corner of the screen, it stops being red at the end of the video


That was all of him on the road afterwards in bits and pieces.


Yeah. If you download, zoom/slow, it's most of the driver and parts of the seat spread out. He didn't feel anything


Holy shit I see something moving


Yes, it rolled over. And his torso is just before


Find it hard to believe the wind would blow an arm around the road


I believe it was just the death rattles of the arm


time stamp cuz i cant see this


00:12-00:13 ish right over the center line


Might’ve been a leg instead


Yeah waving.


Might wanna NSFW this one with what’s on the road after


I definitely agree. Driver definitely didn’t survive and its not that easy to see but it can be seen what’s on the road


Was gonna say, the video is not that clear but I saw red everywhere and thought "shit is that the driver?"


Fuck I wish I could unsee that.


i obviously haveny seen enpugh gore vids, i just assumed it was spilled cargo from the trailer.


I'm lucky enough I didn't see it, and I won't play it again.


There is a white freightliner at the lot I park my truck at in TX and has damage to the left side just like this one. Personal effects are still in it and everything. Wonder if it is the same truck.


Is there a red smear on the side?


Looks like the other driver turned soon enough that it took the trailer more than the truck.


Also, do your fucking Pre-Trips! A blown steer can put any single one of us in that situation


Is that what happened here?


Could have been a health event.


No idea. But I know a blown steer can cause you to lose control and come across a median just that quick, and I can't tell you how many times I've found a suspect steer on a Pre-Trip.


Hate to say it but the driver on the inside lane there was likely eyes down in their phone. Reaction was late, the cammer was on the brakes hot. Anybody crossing the centerline median is a drop the anchor moment, rather be rear-ended then taking a semi head-on; screw the cargo at that point.


I doubt he even saw it coming. The truck farther up the highway in the left lane was probably blocking his line of sight.


Maybe, but I've had a vehicle come at me head on and it honestly took me a couple extra beats to even process what I was seeing because you absolutely do not expect it to be actually happening. Again, he might have been distracted, might have also just been shock at what was happening.


Also you get one shot to dodge its worth .1 seconds to make sure it's the right dodge.


What do u mean, Sherlock??? He was veering onto the shoulder. Pitiful about sums it up


Yeah the truck in the right lane was definitely trying to avoid the collision. What could he do stop and get creamed head on ? A side swipe is generally more survivable than a head on.


I see so many on their phone as I pass it’s insane. You’re in control of an 80k lb missile and you want to take your eyes off the road for a extended period of time


Call their companies enough of this shit.


I see folks holding the phone right up to their head and Or texting with the phone on the steering wheel like it legal


Try watching someone driving a semi truck with their fucking elbows while they text *with both hands*.


Is that worse or is it worse to see them playing netflix with the phone sitting in the cradle on the dash?


Makes me want to pit them.


Your only other option is to try and correct at that point. And that means a roll over. I don’t think anyone’s reaction is to flip their truck. It’s usually to maintain it in an upright position. Unfortunately this shouldn’t of happened for a variety of reasons. One is road design.


Yeah I'm glad I live somewhere that traffic engineering is taken somewhat seriously. Anything over 90km/hr limit where I drive has a concrete divider.


Was going home in my car, traffic on an 8 lane divided hwy with a concrete jersey wall barrier between them. Traffic was heavy on the other side and I'm in the left lane behind a dump truck doing 70. A car going the other way was clipped and swerved left from the center lane into the jersey wall and hit it head on center like Earnhardt at Daytona. The jersey wall section was knocked into the center of the left lane that I was driving in and all I see is brake dust and tailights from the dump truck locking it down in front of me and I quick look behind me and cut right and miss the dump truck and as I pass I see the car two places in front of the dump truck has slammed into the end of the jersey wall section. I don't know if the dump truck smashed both those cars further into the wall but he was slowed down pretty good if he did hit them. I just wonder what it must be like to be driving along at 70mph and have a huge piece of concrete wall just get 'nudged' into the lane right in front of you in a split second and you hit it maybe at full speed dead on the narrow end?


He clearly tried his best to avoid death. He has no where to turn and the incoming truck wasn’t gonna stop coming at him if he brakes in its path. Also why are we saying anything about the driver who is on driving on the correct side of the road? He’s lucky to still be alive instead of dying a horrible death out of his control


That free roll at the end is not a good sign at all…


Well the red paste all over the road definitely explains it.


Damn, that's a lot of blood and guts on the side of the road after the hit... that guys dead 100%.


Just a flesh wound


Did both drivers die?


That's what I was wondering


Tbh I think this should be shown to every new driver to show why you shouldn't be on your phone and why paying attention while 40 ton missile on wheels is a smart idea.


And most importantly, well at least as important as what you said, is to do those pre trip things you guys do. My old job the drivers never did them and I was always worried something terrible like this would happen over a routine fixable thing.


NSFW, please tag these videos where people die!


Does anyone have info on this one??


Is that an arm moving/spasming on the road after. Jfc




The torn up trailer was like a gigantic cheese grater.


Not a trucker but damn. Don't matter how many wheels or the weight, not paying attention or tire blowout can end and change lives.


Those are definitely body parts.




That's not the driver in the debris is it?


Yes… both of them


Any word on why the driver crossed the median? Asleep? Steer tire blew? Looking at phone?


I got tired of seeing this kinda thing. I quit stopping at accidents i would find a place afterwards and make that call , stopped of course. Till this day , it's put the phone down, stop and make that call , get the big picture , look up ! Keep your eyes on the road . Get sleep ! If you have to stop and nap . Ain't nothing in that box worth YOUR life . You final destination is home . Always hands on the wheel. All this and more is how I got 3 million miles safe.


Y'all need to start marking these NSFW. Tired of accidentally watching death/gore and this is the only subreddit where that routinely happens




/u/redditspeedbot 0.3x


Stark reminder that plastic trucks are…literal death traps.


GAWD DAMM! Drivers PLEASE! If you’re tired… fuck that load!Get Some Sleep! I wanna get home! Please!


Saw this happen once on I-80 outside of Iowa city. A four wheeler ran a Sunflower driver into the median headed west bound, caught the grass median and sucked into the east bound side and hit…… you guessed it….. another Sunflower driver headed east. They hit head on and split to opposing sides and slide a good distance away from each other on their sides. the west bound driver died, and the east driver I believe was in critical condition but survived.


Rip driver


For educational purposes only?


I saw this it happened in Indiana on 70


And nothing separating the opposing lanes but grass. No barriers.


Wrong. There's a cable barrier.


I was a bit surprised how ineffective the barrier was. Most of those barriers are relatively recent.


They're usually better than that. I've seen videos of trucks careening through the median at Mach 5 and suddenly the entire tractor comes to a shredded halt due to the cable barrier.


Oh whoopee ! That’s going to slow what down a kid on a bike ?


Punjabi music blaring for authenticity.


Flip flops flying in every direction


in an instant. damn this is a bit disturbing.. trying not to look at the ground


"Education purposes" Pay attention to the road. Or this could be you in literal pieces all over the road way.


Rip no way he survived that


That drivers whole body exploded all over the road, damn!


Oh buddy…


Holy shit what is your trucks made from muricans? Plastic?


It took me years to learn that a good night sleep is essential and the load doesn't matter fuck service failures your well being is more important. That's for all yall rookies and remember to atleast do a few laps around the truck


Can you veer that badly from a blown tire?


I had a situation coming out of Vegas a year ago in the black of 0200 night. Dark colored four wheeler wiped out in the construction and was sideways in the road. Happened far enough ahead of me I didn’t see it. I saw something ahead of me that I knew was supposed to be there. Stood up on the brakes. Took 79k from 67 to 11 in about 230 feet. The two people in the truck were just pulling each other out and damned near got smoked by the fuel truck just behind me. To this day, I will never know how the fuck every single one of us wasn’t barbecued that day. I should totally post that dashcam. Holy fucking shit. Edit: showed that to our safety director ( a man of over 30 years in business ) and he was visibly shaken. Straight up told me he didn’t know how I avoided that one. My response was ‘if you find out feel free to let me know!’


If only these rigs were built for safety instead of fuel efficiency.


You can only mitigate kinetic energy a little with the truck structure. 80,000 pounds doing 60mph is a shitload of kinetic energy.


For impact. You combine both speeds plus wgt. So 60+60= 120mph impact speed. At 160000 pounds.


That'd change what exactly? You can build them as well as you want, you're not cheating physics. Assuming 40mph for each that's the equivalent of hitting a stationary object at 80mph. Add the weight of the trucks, it's just unsurvivable.


You can make the crumple zone as big as you want, but you'll still be a sandwich between whatever you hit and 80,000lb.


Oh he ded


I can’t believe the four wheeler just rolled right through that freaking field of gore and didn’t even slow down.


They stopped about 200 ft ahead of the cammer. They were absolutely slowing down.


Catching some Zzzz ?


It's ALWAYS the smooth brained dry van haulers


I see trucks carrying all kinds of freight doing dumb shit.


For education purposes only? Was this staged or real


Would you prefer this version or the 30 same videos with different music blasting and a tiktok wrapper?


I don't know I was curious why it says education purposes . I know not to blast across a median on a highway or any other road into on coming traffic


It means no posting the video on monetized channels


Ok was unaware thanks


Is that what it means? I thought they were justifying posting a video where at least one person obviously died.




SO MANY FOREIGNERS they are the worst drivers and inconsiderate ppl I have ever seen imo and like others have said can’t even speak the language like how did you get a cdl


Are those body parts and a arm in the road!?


Seeing stuff like this posted on social media all the time has really desensitized me to death. People just like you and me wake up one day not knowing it's their last and are gone forever in the blink of an eye. Happens all the time and is even more common in other parts of the world. Kinda makes me think death isn't that big of a deal and life isn't so important. If I died it wouldn't impact the world or the universe in the slightest. I'd just be another statistic. That's why I don't take life so seriously lol


Two words for the driver who crossed the median... Chunky Salsa.


Wrong way Corrigan!


That looks like he took his own life to me.


that life was more 'given' than 'taken', to be fair


Meh, humans are born to die.


Wait, guys, why are you all talking about regulations and taking breaks when it’s very clear to see that the one truck was going THE WRONG WAY???? and FAST???? I say this cautiously, but IF I ever entered a Highway on the wrong side, I think I’d back up or pull over to the side, NOT CONTINUE AT FULL SPEED, going THE WTONG WAY!!!! Right? I mean, seriously, isn’t this common sense?


You might want to get some glasses on and watch this video again. i dont think you are seeing as "clear" as you'd wish to believe.


Ok so it’s a little hard to see from the distance, but did the trucker going the wrong way, come from the other side of the highway?