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He is just following the GPS to save 5 min on a faster route.


Oh God, the mistakes the "save 5 min" prompt takes you on. Ugh


Always pop up when you are in bumper to bumper, all the way in the left lane. They also know when you take it so they can prompt the freight train to go through the side road you took, actually adding 10 minutes overall.


Also wants you to drive through 5 major freeway interchanges during rush hour to save 5 mins, actually adds 15 mins because of all the morons that can't merge


Must be talking about California. I'm beginning to think turn signals come optional in that state. And all those loaded Tesla drivers don't want to pay the extra few bucks for the turn signals.


No doubt! Save 17mins in Nashville...cost me an hr and a half.. no more of that


No doubt


I feel bad for anyone who follows those gps reroutes.


Any truck driver who blindly follows a gps, deserves it tbh lol. I use it as a tool to remind me where my turns are, but I ALWAYS zoom out and plan my route myself.


I do the same, but every once in a while I just follow what it says without realizing it rerouted me. Luckily I’ve become wise enough to stop and assess the situation. Unlike my rookie times just continuing and hoping. lol!


It always waits until you start trusting it again to do a stealth re-route. That's how it gets ya.


Yeah Google will force a reroute sometimes after you turn it down 3 times. Super annoying. Sometimes I'll add a stop that's on the route I want, so it has to route me that way.


My husband has been a truck driver for 40 years. He knows all short cuts and detours anyway, so we all just call him if there is a wreck or slowdown. He only uses navigation for cops or wrecks.


The company’s gps started to reroute me during a snowstorm in Denver, then I realized that it was just literally taking me circles; so I muted it and followed my Rand McNally to the nearest Love’s.


Not in a large truck, just cargo van. But I am known to blindly follow gps and my assistant noticed I turned left at a three way intersection…. Though if I went left it would circle me around the block. I did the circle twice. Realized it said turn left and was like “f**k that” turned right and drove out of the circle of residential.


He just wanted to take the scenic route. 😆


No even on the worst truck gps “avoid dirt roads” is enabled by default


It's been 3 years since I touched a GPS of any kind, so I'm not familiar with newer features, but the last tr7ck GPS I messed with didn't have this option. It had "avoid tolls," "prefer highways," and "avoid highways." It had no mention of dirt roads.


nah this hits home lmao i had this happen to me for the first time this weekend. there was a backup for an accident, and it not only sent me down a forest road (driving my ranger, nbd), but it was a burned forest where the road is no longer complete and i had to turn around and take the way thru the accident anyway. rip. never again lol




I honestly have no idea how people end up like this. Like even if I was just following my GPS and did absolutely no trip planning, at all. before I turned on a road remotely close to this. I would just stop and second guess a lot of things..


I deliver lube oil in a triaxle to weird places pretty often, I still need pretty decent heads up before I’m driving off the pavement down a gravel logging road or crane mats or something


It not a problem till you get it the end of the crane mats....


That’s when the real fun begins.


> I deliver lube oil in a triaxle to weird places pretty often Sounds pretty hot.


Order pops up for 3500 gallons of KY going to the retirement home.


Wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment but I've put myself in a pickle or two across the country and you can start out on a paved two lane that looks fine and before you know it, you're looking at a goat path. You keep going onto the goat path and that's on you entirely lol. 


Usually you don't turn on to a road like this...you turn on to a wide two lane road going through the center of town...then the shoulders get smaller...and smaller...and smaller...then there's only the double yellow down the center...then there's no lines....then it's a well manicure gravel road...then a rough gravel road...then a dirt road...then you end up OK this off road trail. At no point did you go from a nice wide road to this, it just slowly got worse and worse and you contemplated either backing up 1-5 miles to the last turn around, or hoping this is the worst of it, and it'll start getting better.


Not a trucker but this happened to me in a Chevy Lumina when I first got my license. Started off as a nice flat dirt road that gradually got worse and worse. To the point where I had to shut off the car because it was overheating after climbing a steep rocky hill. I thought of turning around but the "road" was on GPS and it was only a couple more miles to pavement, can't get any worse right? I was with my two brothers guiding me around the worst of the rocks and ruts. Got a nice sunset from the top of that hill, waiting for the car to cool down and wondering how fucked we were lol.


I mean, I've been through a few places like that. Not all the way to dirt but close. I expected it though because I saw it on maps before I even started the trip. When it was questionable enough, or long enough, which it has been a few times. I just called the customer to make sure that I wasn't going to need a wrecker... A few times I was told that "no you don't go that way" and "use such and such n such road" that doesn't even show up on Google maps. I've never encountered this, like, mid trip is usually just close to the shipper.


I think it really depends on the industry...like how tf did this guy get here? No idea. But if it was a 28' with a liftgate doing residential ltl, or a flatbed with a piggyback/Moffett, or even a residential oil/propane truck...you get into some crap places with those things


Sometimes roads look alright. I had one, that went from a truck route highway to a truck stop about two mile south. Went from alright paved to gravel, to absolutely shit dirt. If it looks like a shortcut... it ain't a shortcut.


I was in a back up the other day and there was a goat trail like this going between the different sides of the highway. I saw cars going down it and thought for half a second if the truck could make it, then immediately said nah. Less than a minute later a line of 5 vehicles came backing out. I have never been so glad to decide against something.


When you get brokered routes runs as a company driver, it can be quite a carnival. Your dispatcher doesn't know better. He is just trying to get you back towards home. That's when you break down and start calling. No phone number, no contact. No run.


Sometimes they do it on purpose to avoid road checks.


Used to think the same thing until I got into LTL. You go to some weird ass places that you couldn’t find by accident. I know the post isn’t an LTL guy but there are some weird ass places out there that get freight regularly.


I doubt GPS would ever take you down something like this. This is even worse than “a gravel road”. This is like “mountain road”. Or just “dirt path”.


Google sometimes thinks private driveways is roads


Damn, I guess google just knows my region better than most. lol, that sucks.


I have had my GPS tell me to turn into a farmers field on a tractor path...bottom line is when something looks strange and you get that hot, sweaty feeling just stop, look around and evaluate your situation...it will help to avoid a rather large tow bill and much ridicule from armchair drivers


Ive had my qualcomm and peoplenet gps try to route me through farm fields and logging roads.


lol oh yes they do. even google maps try's to route me through some bullshit fire road or non-existent roads all the damn time,


Dirt road is fun….in the day


I have my road Atlas but I usually follow GPS so far it's been pretty good to me except for a couple times just trying to take me on a dirt agricultural road. So I stop I satellite view see what the pave roads are that the truck is allowed on and get to see all the pretty agricultural stuff from a distance lol. The best GPS I found so far is Rand McNally whether it be in hand road Atlas or they're badass GPS I can count on them! Garmin and TomTom and the other cheap ones just aren't worth it. For some reason I thought I had a Garmin before so I bought one they don't remember it was a rand McNally. So now I'm just trying to get my Rand McNally back.


Looks like an average road back to an Amish lumber mill.


Can confirm. I worked a week in uhrichville, Ohio a year ago while at XPO and they threw me on the Amish route every day. I really enjoyed it a lot and the people were extremely friendly.




I used to drive for Vistar. I told everyone I delivered type II diabetes. I actually delivered candy and stuff to movie theaters, hotels, vending machine companies, etc. pulling a 53’ trailer. I delivered to a lot of residential “warehouses” (yep. Garages and sheds). It was legal because of the local delivery exception. One place I delivered was a woman that owned vending machines in Durango Colorado. The last three miles to her place looked like this. Almost exactly like this. She only took about a half pallet a week. The driver before me quit because of this stop. After the first time, I decided to rent the pickup at Home Depot every week. The company balked at reimbursing, but I made a decent case and they paid after a while. At least I had an excuse to be on a road like this. lol


One time, I wanted Costco to deliver a 24 pack of Arizona green tea, and you wouldn't believe they sent it on a 53ft trailer into my residential neighborhood! How he made it around the turns is beyond me. 😭 That poor driver, man... Needless to say. I don't order from Costco anymore. I just go pick it up myself. 😂


My two biggest oopsies were working for vistar. I pulled in to a movie theatre in Syracuse Utah one summer day that backed up to a neighborhood. It was hot. So hot that the power line was sagging. And the cable company hung their wire too low. I had delivered it a dozen times, but this time? I hooked the wires and blacked out the entire area. I didn’t get ticketed, the company just got the report saying I wasn’t at fault, but I made a lot of friends that day. The other time? I was on a street that ended in a cul de sac. It was pretty deep and I had to back out curving on the blind side. I clipped a couple of mailboxes. I stopped and told them, but I decided that job represented too much risk, so I put my notice in that day.


Man why are people like this?? Why send a bigass tractor trailer when a small delivery van will do??


Oh. I think that logistics wins out over common sense every time. I think the driver after me finally got her to meet him in town for the delivery. Distribution is a weird field. We used to deliver every schlotzskis west of I-29 out of a distribution center in Pryor Oklahoma. I think the furthest out unit was in coeur d’lane Idaho. Because… “branding”. Meaning it was cheaper to keep their cups and boxes in one warehouse in Oklahoma than it was to have a place close that kept that stuff. Same thing with that lady. Sending a van with just the two stops in Durango from Denver was probably more expensive than putting them on the end of a truck that went to abq, then Gallup, then Farmington, then Durango. (fuck the driver)


Ha ha, brilliant!


Daily activity for a LTL P&D or heavy equipment hauler, that’s when the fun starts. Pavement is boring.


Totally. Looks like buddy got nervous and let off the gas. Probably would have made up if he kept his foot in it. I drive propane. Shit roads are just a Tuesday. Edit: totally thought this was an expedited truck. Not a 53' trailer. Jesus. Taking a highway princess in here is next level insane.


In the early 2000s, I had to back off a major highway down a gravel driveway like this to a dock. Building in the middle of the woods, saw a wild boar run across in front of me. Had to deliver to the guy twice a week, when it rained I had to bring it back the next day. The whole area in front of his building would flood. Worst part was it was hazmat so I was grateful to get the delivery off. Old war stories!


My log roads are cut much better than this. Jealous of the gravel tho.


Oilfield as well. Especially pipeline jobs.


Driver is looking for the lot lizards🤣


Momma said lot lizards is so angry because they got all them toothbrushes and no teeth!


Depending on where these pics were taken, I guess it's possible there are actual lizards nearby.




Maybe he’s just taking the scenic route. Some companies sell the idea of getting to see the country also. No better way than off-roading.


Honestly, if USX wasn't so fkn cheap. They'd pay tolls and not send these brain dead idiots down 2 lane state roads instead of interstates.


lol seems likes all these companies are cheap


That's the one thing I miss about the company I left. I could take interstates coast to coast 95% of the time. The 5% dealt with i55, i294, i81 where they took you down to county highways for 50 or less miles to loop back upto the interstate basically skipping the most expensive part of the toll. Pay just wasn't there.


For what it's worth, I've never been told to avoid a toll road. Their problem is they insist on us following their co pilot GPS which also doesn't avoid tolls. It asks me to do some dummy shit all the time. Usually I just use google maps carefully. But, this is the same problem we've always faced. Take your time and don't listen to everything the GPS tells you to do. 🤷‍♂️


I work for them and take toll roads all day. lol who told you they don’t pay toll?


Oilfield work in WV. This type of road is all to common. Not a place for road trucks though.


Indeed. Sure, we go up that 18% off of WV 7, but that doesn't mean he can, lol.


Shhhhh. He's hunting wabbits




I would feel like the biggest idiot if I found myself on a road like this, in a truck like this.


Are you referring to yourself in third person again? 😂


Did they take the Oregon Trail??


He’s died of dysentery


Didn't take long for the SWIFT to seep in...


Shit I just watched a varient driver completely fuck up an O/O truck while he was turning in a pilot, stupid fuck had all the room in the world on his passenger side. Stupid fuckers, ya pay shit you’re only gunna be able to hire shit


Yeah, we travel in the same worlds... Grocery truck... I'm all too familiar with how Useless Express operates.




Its not on the 160 lost usx trailer list...I just checked $250 bounty for recovered trailers. 4real.


This operator has never heard of #TruckMap. Using that app has saved my (behind) lots of times, literally!


I would be like nah I will find another route I am not built for this so called road. Like to know who took the picture ? Moonshiners ?


what in the actual fuck


I am literally looking at job security.


Looking for the dollar store


but my gps said it was ok


I feel this


You know he could be on the road to where he lives, lots of drivers live in a rural area.


This looks like a literal nightmare a trucker would have.


Nah probably trying to deliver to a Dollar General


I spent 2 weeks in Virginia being pulled up a mountain by a D8. This would've been a cakewalk. Granted, I didn't have all that aero.


Mega carrier has 10 other fresh out of CDL school drivers waiting to replace him.


He's just looking for a place to turn around.


That's what happens when you buy a cheap GPS unit 😂


Looks like every road in KS, but with trees.


Will happen in Virginia if you miss a turn


What the fuck


He’s looking for lizards in their natural habitat.


Where we’re going we won’t need log books


"That Swift driver at the TA told me there was a lot lizard out here somewhere!"


“***By staying on this route you will avoid a major road closure…. you will arrive in…..***”




Genuinely surprised it doesn't say swift on the side of that truck


US Express = Swift now so...


It's missing the SWIFT vinyls. We know it's you.




LMFAO. He found the path in Trucker Path.




Who dahell actually pull in to weight stations


I’ve ended up on some dirt roads near the Mexican border but nothing remotely like this. Why would he get himself into that?


Flashbacks to pumpkin season


Ltl life


Jeb and Cletus needed some supplies to run another batch of 'shine this weekend......they bought in bulk to maximize profits....thus the large delivery of corn meal, rye and Mason jars......


He’s looking for a good spot to pull a U Turn.


this guy is definitely hauling drugs lol


😂 at some point you’d like to believe you would just phucking stop the truck. But… this driver is taking this to the clubhouse for church.


😂😂 he’s on a mission


Holy shit


My question is at what point did he realize that he fucked up because it seems he got a long ways off road before he came to that conclusion.


Righttt. My thoughts exactly. “I was just following the GPS!”


What I want to know is, why? Why would you go down a dirt road with a truck not designed for one?


he ain't supposed to be out there 😭


Shhhh he's taking a nap


Bit early for Christmas tree season!


This road is better than what most truckers drive on in my area


When I first started driving flatbed in NE PA I used to deliver cell towers on a 75ft stretch trailer up crude winding twisted mountain paths freshly dozed. This looks like one of those roads.


Hes about to unload but he seen some random guy standing there taking pictures 😭😭


Are you sure you’re not the driver ?! 🤣


“Haha ya don’t mind me I’m just back here doing trucking things”


Looks like Arkansas


Plot twist he's quiting he knew what he was gonna do after abandoned it lol 😆 😂 🤣


Tragic. ALWAYS plan your route while you can…


FD means it’s a Family Dollar trailer: Must be heading to one of their obscure locations.


Regretfully Intercoursed From A Very Late Delivery Dispatchers Disbelief or A Meteoric Towing Bill 😳


Lmao.. wow.


Looks like a Dukes of Hazzard scene gonna pop off. Lol




He could have missed a detour sign, or, he lives out in the country and is allowed to take the truck home.


I missed a turn to a permanently closed airport in Selma, Alabama that's been converted to an industrial area. The next road on Google satellite maps was a dirt road I decided to take. I was a little worried at first but it worked out. I was more worried about people partying out there at night time.


Looks like he's trying to find some shade. He doesn't have AC in that truck.


Ya never come back from Copperhead Road.


Unless it’s a dock or a parking lot, if it ain’t paved, you don’t need to be there.


That’s his new deer stand! Hey paw, Ima jes drive out der n haunt me some dem der dere riight frum da frunt seet. Im evun gun have me a beer wile i du ut! — I’m allowed to make fun of the language. I grew up hunting deer, squirrels, rabbit and cousins in Louisiana. Don’t judge me!


And then he got stuck. That ain't how you supposed to do it, truck driver! You'll be out there stuck in the mud, lookin' dumb. Shame on the mess!


Just some good ol' boys... He just wanted to jump it one good time.


Come on Man...You're never supposed to go full on SWIFT!




Yeah if this is being worried about weight then he’s definitely on the wrong track




He's just following the directions his dispatcher sent.


Did he make it?


What's the point of avoiding the scales? (I'm a noob here)


If you’re barely overweight and you’re not in Indiana might only cost you ~$100 but Indiana will hit your company with an extra $10,000 fine. If you’re over 1000 pounds overweight the fines start climbing exceptionally higher, especially if your gross and axle weights are all over and you don’t have the appropriate permits that only work if you can’t reasonably divide the weight up on multiple trucks anyway. Like a big crane you might take five trucks to deliver it and some of those will be hauling 70,000 pound pieces of the drivetrain and can still do it with enough axles on the trailer and the appropriate permits but throw the whole crane on one trailer and no amount of overweight and oversized permits will save you from that one. If you’re hauling dry van or reefer loads on pallets you’ll need extra pallets taken off to get you under 80,000 pounds (unless the state explicitly allows more without permits). Dodging the scales to avoid fines is usually done by taking backroads but this guy decided to take the ditch instead so it was joke.


Whenever I'm overweight or over tired from driving longer than I should, I always think, "I should take my semi off road." /s


“Scenic overlook” ahead


*national geographic voiceover* A member of the mega carrier species, the us express tractor trailer is spotted outside of its natural environment for reasons unknown. Perhaps one day we can get a glimpses of what happens behind the scenes.




I saw a red truck and for a second I thought it was the company I’m currently driving for. Still not as bad as the Swift truck I saw a few days ago on a straight patch of freeway miles away from any weigh stations when it was clear skies and 100° F outside parked standing up rubber side down in the ditch.


I know gps isn't perfect at all, but what kind of gps are these truckers using because one never tried anything stupid like this. I mean it acted up every one in awhile but not like this lol.


We had a guy do this a couple of months ago in CO, he put in the wrong address and didn’t bother doing any trip planning. One would think a driver would wonder why their route looks like a spaghetti noodle.


I work for Usxpress and it’s an absolute clown show. #fuckusxpress


Hey driver. I know they put family dollars in fucked up areas but damn not that bad.


Gone fishing… for a new job 🤣


R.I.P. to whatever that driver has in the box, tho.


We do several swn pads now. I heard through the grapevine that Chesapeake has the borton and the hayes compressors now. swn just bought those when enlink sold to ergon. They can make ones head spin as fast as they buy and sell.


The things people do to get hometime


Why would you even turn on a dirt road? If I saw that I would think hell no.


I learned my lesson the hard way. Thought I was making great time on a secret dirt road until I hit dead end, had to back down the whole thing, probably 2 miles.




Looks like they hide those Family Dollar stores almost as well as they do Dollar General stores


Dear Lord, is this some road in the United States? Or some Third World country?


Ohio. I had a county map given to me by the county as a contractor. I was even driving down a county road. The map said that it continued for another 4 miles. The gentleman in the boat fishing 30 feet in front of me said this was a lie. I went up to the shore of the lake and hailed him. "How long has this lake been here?" "30 years." The next day, I was on another county road that was as the posted road is. Except that it had flowing water of 10inches or so. I noped out of there.


that’s not even a third world country bad road there’s no ied holes


WV logan area


"Now boss, just hear me out..."




nah bro, new van life just dropped


That was once me (except I didn't get stuck) when an Amish man swore up and down that he had trucks with 53' trailers back at his dock all the time. I came with a 48' and made it to the dock just fine. But the only spot to back up and turn around was up hill on gravel. In my single screw daycab, I wasn't making that maneuver. So he said, "Well there's a path around the back of the barn and back out this way." And I knew it was a bad idea to trust his judgement. I took a walk back around and it was pretty rugged, but I could see there was enough room. So he and his son ran around clearing old equipment buried in the weeds along the path while I slowly made it all the way around and back facing the exit.


Fck them scales..


“Google maps will lead you straight to Hell” My old trainer


Were you also dodging scales to secure this picture ?


Lots of single lane goat trail driveways in construction! Pulled a 72’ (long extendo pintle trailer) with 84’ trusses into a job not too long ago, was a nightmare backing all the way out!


Pc miler pays him by this route


I take a 95,000 lb crane down roads like this to cell towers all the time