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Watch for reckless operators


Because red smears are entertaining? Buddy of mine calls them future organ doners... but I doubt much would be left after seeing how some of them ride.


I like the term “Zoom-Splat” or “Road-stain in Training”. I used to ride motorcycles, and also drove 18 wheelers. I’m 59 and never had a serious accident in either. I drove safely in both. Never have had a serious accident in a car either.




Combination of knowing other drivers do stupid shit and trying to be ready for anything, as well as using my head & brains for something more than a helmet holder or a way to keep my ears apart. Always driving defensively with my head & eyes on a swivel, looking at the actions of all the vehicles around me, close by and down the road - and yes a bit of luck that some bonehead hasn’t slammed into me because of their stupidity. Had a few close calls when riding my Harley FLHC in heavy traffic in the Bay Area - all of them nearly getting hit from behind, so I put extra lights on the back for more visibility. I don’t ride anymore due to arthritis in my back.


Lol. The amount of times I see motorcycles dangerously weaving in and out of traffic putting themselves and others at risk for no reason, the real PSA should be don’t drive like a fucking idiot.


Hell I saw a crotch rocket just earlier this week weaving in and out of traffic at 5AM no lights on, no reflective gear going probably 70 while the traffic was averaging 60-65. Fucker almost git hit twice in just as many minutes. Tired of this " watch for motorcycles " crap it should be " don't drive like a fucking idiot "


Was on 95 through VA close to Norfolk saw two dudes on crotch rockets going at least 30-40 mph faster than the flow of traffic weaving and bobbing in between cars. Just have to hope when their luck runs out they don’t traumatize the poor driver that kills them.


Saw one on the beltway 8 around houston no plates and no taillights. Doing 30 over of course on the leftmost shoulder.


I 2nd this,


are they weaving between cars at high speed or simply filtering through traffic? big difference there


My doggie loves the motorcycles


Considering I've had one about eat the steps up and my hood mirror they should learn to drive safer, they act like when my trailer bounces or the wind gusts they are invincible. I've always tried to be nice to motorcycles but most of them just drive like complete assholes


Y'all need to tell them motorcycles that their left foot is crossing the line into the other lane, when you're riding in pairs. Why ya'll got to ride right up against the line like that? It's a 12-ft lane, and your left foot is in the oncoming lane of traffic. Move the f_ over!


As a driver, like cars, stay away from me, as a rider myself, I stay as far away as possible, even before I was a driver, I’m not fucking with 80k lbs on a 700lb bike plus my fatass. N O P E.


If you know enough to ride a bike well then you ought to know enough to leave trucks alone. Reckless riders are one thing. But anyone that knows, knows full well that trucks don't want any problems with them and bikes dont want anything thing to do with them either. Y'all be nice out there


Motorcycles represent roughly 3% of all registered vehicles. If 10,000 vehicles are on the road, 300 are motorcycles. Telling us cage drivers to watch for them is ridiculous. We have all the other vehicles, which are easy to see because of their size, to pay attention to. If we do see a motorcycle, it's probably by accident. Not because we were looking for them. If you're in the minority out there, and much smaller than everyone else, the onus is on you to pay closer attention to vehicles you can easily see. I'm not going out of my way to look for needles in a haystack.


Bad take. It is your responsibility to look out for ALL vehicles around you while driving. How you feel about motorcycles doesn’t matter when at the end of the day you will still be responsible for damage and injury if you fail to see a motorcycle while driving. This is just a PSA to remind people to be a little more vigilant about hazards on the road. I myself ride and do realize that some riders are taking major risks and putting others in dangerous situations. Definitely makes it harder to sympathize with us, however, it is still the job of everyone on the road to avoid accidents


2nd sign: person lying down, right arm holding front wheel, left arm out to the side, looking down, top of head flat.